Book Read Free

From Heel to Heart

Page 16

by Amy DeMeritt

  Elli’s voice cracks and she looks down as she takes a deep breath and clears her throat. She drinks a couple of sips of coffee, and as she looks up and sees the worry on Lana’s face, her stomach churns with nausea. She doesn’t want to rush the story, rush the beauty that she shared with Isabell, but it’s not fair to Lana to allow her to feel insecure.

  “Well, I suppose I don’t need to give every detail of the past.” Elli takes another deep breath. “She was a wonderful woman. She was only meant to be in London for a short while, but we hit it off and after a few months of traveling back and forth, she moved to Wembley. She still traveled when needed for work, but she primarily lived with me. Then, when it was time for me to move back to the states to take over the shop for Mum and Dad, she came with me. We were together for ten years and planned to be together for the rest of our lives.”

  Elli pauses to take another drink of coffee, then clears the emotion growing in her throat. “Two years after coming home, Isabell was killed in a boating accident. A speed boat crashed into the side of a yacht she was on for a wine tasting event she was working for her family’s business.” Elli clears her throat again and swallows a sob before it can croak past her lips. “The impact threw her into a handrail and,” Elli takes a deep breath, “her neck broke and she died instantly. When I got the call, I was completely devastated. I felt like my heart and soul died with her. I think I would have died of a broken heart if it hadn’t been for Mum. The shock and pain left me bedridden for weeks and threw my body into menopause. So, not only did I lose the love of my life, I lost all of my future children.”

  Elli pauses to wipe her eyes, and when she sees that Lana also has tears in her eyes, it gives her a bit of comfort and strength to continue. “It took me three years before I could even attempt to date. Even then, it just never felt right. I had a couple of relationships, but I didn’t love any of them, not like I loved Isabell. I had a one-year long relationship over a year ago, but neither of us loved each other. She went back to her ex and I… Well, I tried on occasion to spark a connection, but nothing ever stuck. I figured we must only get one true soulmate and I had mine taken from me. But then, quite unexpectedly, you stormed into my life and changed that.”

  Lana releases a small crying laugh and wipes her eyes dry. She bites her bottom lip nervously and just waits, waits for Elli to relieve her of the fear eating her stomach and causing her heart to beat out of her chest.

  “I need to ask your forgiveness for saving this till the end, but it has been quite a long time since I’ve said it. And I felt the words may not mean as much had I not first told you the heartbreaking reason why these words have gone unspoken for so long, at least unspoken to a partner. There in the kitchen, I realized that I honestly and truly love you, Lana. The realization took me suddenly by surprise, even though it shouldn’t have, for I could tell it was developing. I’m sorry if I worried you, but now you have it – the painful story I haven’t been able to share yet, and my love. I love you, Lana. You don’t have to say it back. I know it’s quite early in the relationship, but…”

  Lana plants her lips on Elli’s and immediately thrusts her tongue forward, breaking her lips open and tugging Elli into a fervent wet kiss for several moments.

  “I love you too. I wanted to tell you last night, but I was afraid it was too soon and I didn’t want to scare you off. Thank you for telling me about Isabell. I’m so sorry you lost someone so wonderful and important to you, and I’m so sorry for the loss of… well, the menopause. It’s such a heartbreaking, tragic story. I can’t even imagine going through something like that. Elli…”

  Lana looks down, looking nervous to say what she wants to. Elli lifts her chin, and Lana gives her a small sad smile, but she remains silent for a few moments.

  “What is it, Sunshine?”

  “Well, I just… I have never connected with someone so easily like I do with you. I have never been with someone that I knew in my heart I wanted to have children with, but I want to have children with you. I know we’ve only been dating for a week and it probably sounds crazy, but, well… Don’t you think it’s possible to just know right away that something is just right – that, all social norms aside, it’s possible that we’re meant to be together? Even if you remove the unusual predestined circumstances under which we met, everything just seems to fit so perfectly. Well, as perfect as it can be, I mean, aside from what you lost. I’m sorry. That was probably very insensitive. I didn’t mean to suggest…”

  Elli places a hand on Lana’s cheek and layers her thumb over Lana’s lips, silencing her stuttering apology.

  “I understand what you meant, Lana. It has taken me a long time to accept that what I shared with Isabell was in a different time and that relationship can no longer be a factor in my present. Also, if I did not believe you were the right woman to give my heart to and to have children with, I would not have been able to tell you I love you. I have never been able to hand those words out easily, even before I met Isabell.”

  “So, what happens now?”

  “We live. We’ll cook breakfast together, eat together, clean up together, then I think we should go out and enjoy this beautiful day together.”


  With their hands clasped and fingers entwined, Lana and Elli walk through a pop-up farmers market in a parking lot only a couple of blocks from Elli’s place. There are about a dozen vendors selling local fruits, vegetables, cheeses, honey, meats, and eggs.

  “I had no idea there was a semi-permanent farmers market so close by.”

  Elli nods as she leans forward to inspect an overflowing table with a variety of bundles of greens and pint-sized containers of different pole beans.

  “During the spring and summer, this market is here every Sunday. I like to get as much of my produce from the local farmers as possible. There’s a nearby shopping market that carries local, but when I buy directly from the farmers, they get to keep a larger portion of their profits.”

  “I like to do the same. Plus, it’s also more intimate than walking through a store with people rushing around and pushing their way through other people.”

  “Aye, I agree. Is there anything particular you would like for lunch and dinner? Or, sorry, I guess I shouldn’t presume…”

  Lana squeezes Elli’s hand as she leans in and kisses her cheek. “I would love to spend the day and night with you. We should pop over to my apartment and get some clothes though.”

  “Okay, Sunshine, we can do that after we finish here.”

  After they finished cleaning up from breakfast, Elli suggested they go to Lana’s so she can get a change of clothes so she wouldn’t have to wear her nice suit and heels to the farmers market. But Lana had to bashfully admit to packing an overnight bag, just in case, which she had left in her car. She had an outfit for today as well as her toiletries, but she’ll need fresh clothes if she stays with Elli again tonight.

  “So, uh…”

  Elli looks up at Lana, who blushes as she bites her bottom lip, looking as if she’s afraid to say something.

  “What is it, Sunshine?”

  “Well, do you love your apartment, like is that the only place you want to live?”

  “I do love my apartment, but it’s not very practical for a family.”

  “Neither is mine.”

  “No worries, we’ll sort it out when the time comes.”

  Lana smiles as she leans in and kisses Elli on the lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Sunshine.”


  Traffic is heavy, as it always is, but the further they get from the heart of the city and move out towards the areas heavily concentrated with residential properties, the traffic lessens. Lana’s apartment building has a parking lot behind it with a strip of on-street parking in the front. Even though the parking lot is closer to her unit, she tends to opt for the on-street parking because the cars on the street are broken into less often than the ones in the parking lot. But when she reaches her str
eet, there aren’t any available spaces along the curb. Silently cursing her luck, she pulls into the parking lot and chooses a spot as close to the building as possible.

  The building on the outside is nothing grand – just a flat faced brick wall on all sides with bare windows – no shutters on a single one. The hallways are cream white with faded emerald green carpets and black doors with gold toned apartment numbers under the peepholes. They take a simple brushed stainless-steel elevator up two stories, walk down another hall, then Lana unlocks her apartment to Elli.

  The inside of the apartment is a whole different world from the trip inside. The floors are solid ashen gray wood throughout, the walls are white on the sides with the windows and battleship gray on the opposite wall. The floorplan is open with the kitchen and dining room area overlooking the living room. The kitchen has black cabinets and steal appliances. The furniture and décor are classy with a modern edge.

  “You have a lovely apartment. You have very good taste in style.”

  Lana smiles brightly. “Thank you.”

  She takes Elli’s hand and leads her through the living room, past her bathroom, and into her bedroom. The bed is a queen made up with bright white sheets and comforter with a black cushioned headboard and a long black cushioned bench at the foot of the bed. The dressers are black wood with steel square handles and their tops are pretty clean with just a jewelry box and an assortment of perfumes neatly organized in the corners.

  “Would you be more comfortable sleeping here tonight? I wouldn’t mind if…”

  “I like it at your place, Elli. I’m very comfortable there.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m very sure.”

  “Okay, but I don’t expect you to always stay with me. I mean, if you want me to stay here some nights, I’m okay with that.”

  “I know. Do we plan on going out tonight? Do I need anything fancier than jeans?”

  “Would you like to go out tonight?”

  “I think I would like to get lunch out and stay in tonight.”

  “Then you don’t need anything fancy.”

  Lana laughs a little and playfully pinches Elli’s side before walking over to her dresser. “You can sit on the bed if you want.”

  Elli takes her shoes off and climbs up onto the bed that is about three feet off of the floor. She stretches her legs out in front of herself with her ankles crossed and leans back to rest her head on the supportive cushion of the headboard.


  “Aye, this is a good headboard for reading.”

  “And for working in bed.”

  “That does not sound like a fun activity to do in bed.”

  Lana laughs as her cheeks blush from the grin Elli is giving her. “No, it’s not, but sometimes work gets so hectic I have to bring it home with me or I’d never leave the office. I hope Asia doesn’t end up hating me after my sabbatical. She knows what she’s doing, but the volume of work can be completely unrealistic and overwhelming at times.”

  “From what I’ve heard of her, I doubt she’ll take out those frustrations on you. She seems like a very good friend to you.”

  Lana smiles and nods as she walks over to the foot of the bed with a stack of clothes to pack in her brown leather suitcase. “She’s a great friend – the best. Would you be up for dinner one night soon to meet her?”

  “Aye, that would be lovely.”

  “Good. I’ll text her later to ask her when she’s available.”

  Lana zips the bag, then climbs onto the bed. With a grin curling her lips and an excited twinkle in her eyes, she crawls on hands and knees to Elli. She straddles Elli’s lap and sits up with her hands loosely clasped around the back of Elli’s neck.

  “Hello, Sunshine.”


  “Are you going to kiss me now?”

  Lana giggles as she bends down to kiss Elli. As they part their lips and their tongues clash together, Lana inhales deeply through her nose and presses her body down. Elli smiles against Lana’s mouth and runs her hands up Lana’s thighs and over her ass. With a swift movement, Elli sit ups and rolls over, getting Lana onto her back, making Lana release a surprised laughing yelp.

  Laughing with excitement and happiness between fast and sloppy kisses, they begin shedding each other’s clothes. Once they’re naked, they fall onto the bed on their sides with their hands pulling each other in close and their mouths unite in fervor.

  They press and grind, caress and squeeze, feeling every inch they can get their hands on, increasing their arousal and breathing till they’re panting and breaking out in a light sweat. At the same time, they slip their hands between each other’s thighs and rock their hips forwards to take in the full power of the sensations born from their passion.

  Lana climaxes first, then Elli quickly follows with her body trembling and her head tilted back with a long gasping breath. Lana kisses her neck and shoulders, and after Elli’s body relaxes, Lana pulls her over to lay on her chest.

  “I love you, Elli.”

  “I love you too. What would you like to do for lunch?”

  “This isn’t an option?”

  Elli laughs and kisses Lana’s chest. “Aye, I can stay right here all day.”

  Lana’s chest expands with a deep breath. Logic and reason tell her it’s foolish to have so much hope and expectation so early in a relationship, but she can’t help how she feels. She knows without a doubt that she loves Elli and she has no desire to be with any other woman ever again. She knows they still have so much to learn about each other, but there is just something in her gut that tells her this is going to last – this is just the start of the best days of their lives.

  A moment of guilt and doubt pinches her brow as she remembers Isabell. She was the love of Elli’s life. Losing her nearly killed Elli. Could she match or exceed what they shared? Is it necessary to compete? No, she shouldn’t try to compete; she should try to understand and respect what they had together. She needs to support Elli and accept that she will probably always love Isabell. But that doesn’t mean Elli can’t love her as well and as deeply.

  Lana runs a hand over Elli’s head and kisses the top of it. Elli kisses her chest in response and caresses the side of Lana’s neck, making her smile. Yes, Elli can love her separately from her experience with Isabell. They can have a beautiful and complete life together.

  Chapter Seventeen

  After pushing up the pull-down security gate and turning the open sign, Lana turns to face Elli with a huge smile, making Elli laugh. Lana giggles as she hops forward and kisses Elli on the lips as she wraps her arms around Elli’s waist.

  “Okay, boss, what do we do first?”

  “You’re adorable. First, we check to see if we have any pick-ups scheduled for tomorrow, then we make sure all of those projects are completed and ready to go.”

  “Don’t you mean for today?”

  “Nope. All pick-ups are checked and made ready the business day before they’re meant to be picked up. A customer can show up at any time. If it’s not ready to go the morning of, we would risk not being able to deliver it on time.”

  “That makes sense.”

  Elli gives her a kiss on the lips, then takes her hand and leads her behind the counter. She pulls a thick hardback day planner book out from under the counter and opens it to today’s date.

  “Before we look at what we have tomorrow, let me show you today’s list. We have six pick-ups scheduled for today. When each of them picks up, we just check this box and record the receipt number in this box. If they don’t pick up today, we leave it empty till they return. The work order ticket that is with each item has the original date of pick-up on it so we can easily find and complete the record keeping when they finally do arrive. Now, this is tomorrow’s list – a much busier day. We have twenty pick-ups tomorrow. A few of these projects still need some final touches, so we’ll need to work on those before anything else today.”

  As if the universe wants
to prove it has a sense of humor, the door chimes with a customer walking in, throwing off Elli’s flow and preventing her from being able to show Lana what they need to work on today. Without allowing the interruption to damper her good mood, Elli turns to face the woman with a kind smile.

  “Good morning. What can I do for you?”

  “Hi. You fix luggage, right?” The woman plops a camel tone leather duffle style bag onto the counter and unzips it. “The lining is stained and torn and the handles are falling off.”

  Elli steps forward to inspect the damages to the bag. She runs her fingers over the inside edges, trying to determine if she could easily replace the lining. Then she inspects the damage from the handles.

  “The lining is doable without changing the structure of the bag. However, the handles are a different story. You see here, the exterior leather is actually torn. These sections would need to be cut and patched. The structure and design will change significantly. I could cut this portion off and create a nice two-tone look, or I could try to match the original color. If you choose a similar color, they will wear differently, so the colors eventually won’t match anymore. I also recommend replacing the handles. The leather is stretched and cracked and likely will break with any significant weight in the bag.”

  “How much would this cost?”

  “Honestly, unless the bag holds some sentimental value, it would probably be cheaper or at least the same to just buy a new bag.”

  “My grandmother was a world news journalist and this is the bag she used for every trip. She was basically one of the first women to pioneer the field and help make women respected installations in journalism. She gave it to me when I received my first overseas assignment a few years ago. It wasn’t in much better shape then, but the bag is almost twice my age, so it’s not really holding up well. Anyway, yes it holds a lot of sentimental value. If it’s possible, I would like to fix it.”


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