Book Read Free

From Heel to Heart

Page 22

by Amy DeMeritt

  “I knew the restaurant choice was a test, darling.” Lana blushes beet red and she meets Elli’s eyes with shame sitting heavy in her chest. Elli gives her an encouraging smile and kisses her lips. “There is nothing wrong with enjoying a bit of luxury now and again. I know you don’t look down on the family business. You are nothing like Mrs. Flagstone or this Niki character you mentioned. Tell me, my love, are you happy here, or does a part of you wonder what better offer Mrs. Flagstone may have up her sleeve?”

  “Yes, I’m very happy here. I’m enjoying the challenge of learning so many new things and I’m loving spending so much time with you. There’s nothing she can offer me that can top what I have here with you. Remember when I told you how it felt like I was getting to design roller coasters or something equally fun and exciting when I first started at Bit-Cube Tech?”

  “Aye, I remember. Math was like brain candy for you.”

  Lana bashfully smiles from the loving affection glowing in Elli’s attentive eyes. “I haven’t felt like that, there, for a long time. But since that first night of you showing me how to make my own boots, I have that again and I just don’t see an end to that feeling if I stay here with you.”

  Elli’s eyes tear up as she kisses Lana’s lips and coaxes her into a soft full mouth kiss. After a few moments, Lana pulls away, taking a deep steadying breath.

  “I think I need to go speak with Mrs. Flagstone.”

  “Aye, it’s probably a good idea.”

  Lana nods while she takes a deep breath with her eyes closed. When she opens her eyes, she gives Elli a kiss on the lips, then takes her hand to lead her out of the apartment.

  Mrs. Flagstone anxiously gets off of her cellphone and walks over to stand in front of Lana and Elli, saying, “I’m glad you came back. I have great news.”

  “Mrs. Flagstone, with all due respect, I have made my decision. I would have preferred to let my manager know first, but given the circumstances, I’ll just have to tell you. I will not be returning to Bit-Cube Tech.”

  “Lana, like I said, I will not be allowing you to leave the company without a fight. I would like to offer you the position of Financial Planning and Analysis Director with a starting salary of one-eighty annually. You’ll oversee human resources, accounting, and the sales teams, reporting directly to the vice president, Mitch Hamburg. You’ll also act as a financial advisor to the board of directors. I want to see you prosper in the company, and in doing so, you’ll help the company prosper better than you have thus far.”

  In shock and feeling overwhelmed by the impressive offer and opportunity, she takes a seat in a nearby chair. Mrs. Flagstone is smiling with victory gleaming in her eyes, while Elli’s stomach is clenched tight with nausea and her heart is racing from a sudden wave of uncertainty. Lana leans forward with her elbows on her knees and places her hands over her mouth as she inhales sharply through her fingers, trying to make sense of the offer she just received.

  Before they came back downstairs, she was so sure of herself. But the offer to almost double her salary and make her an executive is very enticing. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s an opportunity that’s almost never given to someone as young as Lana, especially without the right connections.

  “I know you have an obligation to help with the debutante ball, and since Vivian is a dear friend, I don’t want to do anything to ruin the evening. I will extend your sabbatical till after the ball, then you’ll return to work in your new position, where you belong.”

  Lana suddenly snaps into focus, as if she’s just had a bucket of ice water dumped over her. She stands up and slips her hand in Elli’s.

  “This is where I belong. I know it won’t make any sense to you for me to reject such an incredible offer, but I know this is where I will be happiest. I cannot accept your offer. But to show my gratitude, I will give you two weeks after the ball to continue training my replacement, Asia Kelana, to make my exit from the company as smooth as possible.”

  Mrs. Flagstone steps forward, coming within a couple of feet of Lana, and flatly says, “Take some time to think about it.” Lana starts to say she doesn’t need time, but Mrs. Flagstone cuts her off. “I’m not accepting your rejection till you have given it thorough consideration. I’ll give you a full month; that’s more than a week after your initial return date. I’m also going to have materials sent over this week with more details on the position, including your job responsibilities, benefits, and pay.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  As Elli sits down next to Lana at the dining room table, she rubs a hand over her upper back in a soothing way. Lana lowers her hands from her face and looks up at Elli and her parents.

  With trepidation in her voice and on her face, Maggie asks, “How are you doing, dear?”

  “I’m in shock. There is something magical about this shop.”

  Maggie smiles as she tilts her head in a curious way, and asks, “What do you mean?”

  Lana smiles as she takes Elli’s hand and kisses the top of it. “I met Elli after breaking a heel right outside of the shop, which just seemed way too coincidental. Then today, someone from the board of directors from my company comes in here, not knowing beforehand who I am or why I’m here. Then I’m offered the job of a lifetime.”

  All of their smiles wipe off and they wait with bated breath and anxiety settling in their nerves.

  While looking in Elli’s ocean blue eyes, and with conviction in her voice, Lana says, “I still prefer the path the leprechaun in the sewer drain set me on by breaking my heel.”

  Elli releases a surprised happy laugh and leaps forward, throwing her arms around Lana. She gives her firm nipping kisses on her neck on her way to Lana’s lips. They share a full mouth kiss, completely unconcerned about Maggie and Hudson being in the room. After a few moments, they pull apart with tears in their eyes and relieved smiles curling their tingling tender lips.

  “I love you, Sunshine. I cannot tell you how happy I am that you have decided to continue working in the shop.”

  “I love you too. Thank you for all of your patience and help in teaching me the ropes.”

  “Pardon me, dear, but what is this about a leprechaun in the sewer drain?”

  Elli and Lana laugh a little, and Lana says, “On our first date, I told Elli I’m looking for a serious relationship. I didn’t want to just casually date. I wanted someone to fall in love with, get married, and have children. She then asked me where she could buy a gold coin as an offering to the leprechaun in the sewer drain that broke the heel on my shoe and caused us to meet.”

  Maggie and Hudson share a look of relief and happiness before looking between Elli and Lana. Maggie reaches out across the table, so Lana accepts her aged hand.

  “None of us have wanted to say anything to sway your decision to leave your company and continue working here in the family shop. We wanted you to fall in love with the work we do all on your own. It warms our hearts to know you have reached that decision and to know how much you love our daughter. The decision wasn’t as difficult for me as it was for you because I didn’t have a career like you do. But if you ever doubt you made the right choice, or if you just want to talk to someone, I hope you know I’m here for you, sweetie. Choosing to build a life with Elli and staying here in the shop makes you family.”

  Lana wipes her eyes and clears her throat. “Thank you. I do love Elli and being here in the shop and getting to know the two of you better. I honestly do feel like I am finally where I belong.”

  Maggie squeezes her hand with a loving smile, and asks, “Have you told your parents yet?”

  “Well…” Lana bites her bottom lip with a bit of shame lightly blushing her cheeks and shakes her head. “I told them I’m dating Elli and she’s teaching me how to make and repair shoes and how to do clothing alterations. But I haven’t told them I’m on a sabbatical. I knew if I did, they would expect me to hang out and do things almost daily, as if I’m on a very long vacation. I actually had thought Elli and I might
be able to take a vacation together, but then Ms. Whitmore came in and locked her down for two months for the debutante ball. I knew Elli needed me here, and I wanted to be here for her. I just didn’t want to get into an argument with my family about it if I had to blow them off. They might have understood, but I just didn’t want to risk it. I’ll tell them after the ball though.”

  “Well, I do hope it goes over well. Just know you have our support.” Maggie releases Lana’s hand, gives it a light pat, then leans back to open her food container. “I think we ought to tuck into these sandwiches so we can get back to work.”


  Elli watches her parents drive down the alley to head home, then after they turn off into traffic onto the main road, she walks back inside and locks the door. She takes a seat next to Lana, who is bent over a gown she is meticulously hand stitching to pull the waist in a quarter of an inch to fit the debutante better.

  “What would you like for dinner tonight, darling?”

  Lana pauses to look at her watch and her eyes widen in shock. It’s after seven o’clock. She didn’t realize how long they had continued working after they closed the shop at 4:30pm. She blinks hard a few times, feeling the strain in her eyes from staring at her sewing task for so long, then looks at Elli, who looks completely exhausted and ready to crawl into bed.

  “How about we order in tonight? It’s late and we’re both drained.”

  “Aye, I think that’s a splendid idea.”

  “Why don’t you go up and get comfortable? I just want to finish this line of stitches then I’ll be up.”

  “Okay, darling.”

  Elli gives her a kiss on the lips then stands up. Her chest warms with happiness as Lana immediately bends back over the dress and continues working. She loves seeing Lana work in the shop and she loves seeing the confidence she has gained.

  Elli goes straight to the kitchen and begins preparing a snack of fresh berries, sliced cheese, and crackers. She fills two wineglasses with red wine, then loads a tray to bring to the coffee table. After lighting some candles, she turns on some quiet music (a collection of classical favorites).

  When Lana walks into the apartment, the quiet classical music and soft glow of the candles lure her into the living room. Seeing the spread Elli laid out on the coffee table and the atmosphere she created causes a tingling sensation to burst in her chest and trickle down her body and out to her limbs, making her feel weightless and mystified.

  “Fancy a dance with me, darling?”

  Lana’s cheeks blush as her smile widens and she accepts Elli’s outstretched hand. She places her hand on Elli’s shoulder while Elli grabs her hip and begins leading her in a slow waltz. Lana’s heart flutters as she gazes into Elli’s twinkling ocean blue eyes. She wraps her arm around Elli’s back, pulling their bodies in flush together.

  “This is so romantic. I thought I would come up here and find you falling asleep on the couch.”

  “The thought crossed my mind, but it was fleeting. Today was a big day. Though I’m quite exhausted, I couldn’t allow the night to pass without a bit of celebration. It’s hard to believe it has only been just around two months since we met. It feels like so much longer. But at the same time, it doesn’t feel like it’s been long enough. After Isabell died, I thought I’d never have this again. The past six years have been so very difficult and lonely. I want you to know, I love you truly and completely. This relationship is not just a convenience or something to lessen the pain of the loss of Isabell.” Elli places a hand on her heart as she stops dancing, then places it on Lana’s. “You have won my heart, Lana Scott, by making me fall unequivocally in love with yours. I’m excited about the life we’re building together and quite anxious to experience the wonderful things we’ll do and see together.”

  “God, I love how you talk.”

  Lana pulls Elli into a passionate kiss and runs her hands up into Elli’s short hair. It has grown in a bit, so she has more length to comb through and grip, which causes a pulse of arousal in both of them. Elli palms her hands over Lana’s slender back and digs her fingertips into her shoulders, massaging Lana’s muscles and eliciting a sweet whimpering moan of relief from Lana’s parted lips, which hums in Elli’s mouth. Elli smiles as she pulls away from the kiss and continues to massage Lana’s shoulders and back.

  “Oh, god, that feels so good.”

  “Come, my darling, have a seat and let me pamper you a bit.”

  They sit down on the couch, and Elli picks up the glasses of wine, offering one to Lana. They take a few sips, then Elli sets hers down and taps Lana’s hip as she sits sideways.

  “Turn for me, darling.”

  Lana turns her back to Elli, scooting her bottom between Elli’s thighs, causing another spark of pleasure in her groin. She smiles as she wraps her arms around Lana and kisses the side of her neck and her shoulder. She slides her hands across Lana’s stomach, and Lana inhales deeply as she leans back into Elli’s embrace.


  With her lips brushing against her ear and her hands firmly gliding around to Lana’s lower back, she quietly asks, “Yes, darling?”

  Elli’s hands feel like heaven on her tired lower back, and Elli’s soft warm lips and breath on her ear and neck are sending sparks through her limbs and between her thighs.

  “I want you to meet my family. I know we’re too busy right now while we’re getting ready for the ball, but after the ball is over, do you think we can arrange something?”

  “I would love to meet your family and we don’t have to wait till after the ball. They only live an hour’s drive away. We can easily arrange a dinner or two to see all of them.”

  Lana sets her wineglass down on the coffee table, then quickly turns in Elli’s arms and peppers her face and neck with kisses, making Elli laugh. She falls back with Lana laying on top of her, both women smiling brightly with happiness lighting them up inside.

  “I’ll call tomorrow to see when everyone is available.” Lana combs through Elli’s hair and measures the length between her fingers. “Your hair is getting so long. Are you going to let it grow out?”

  “Is that your way of telling me I’m looking raggedy and need a haircut?”

  Lana snickers as she playfully flicks the tip of Elli’s nose. “No, you are beautiful. I am curious to know what you look like with long hair though.” Elli’s smile twitches down in a pained way for a moment, which Lana notices. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, not at all. Let’s order dinner, then I think it’s time to share something with you.”

  Lana bends down to give Elli a kiss on the lips, and as she begins to sit up, Elli reaches up and pulls her back down, making Lana smile against her lips. They share a full mouth kiss for several moments, then Elli pulls away with a sucking nip of Lana’s bottom lip.

  “I love you, Sunshine.”

  “I love you too. What do you want to order for dinner? I’m in the mood for pasta.”

  “Pasta sounds great.”

  They sit up and walk to the kitchen together to pull a few take-out menus out of a drawer to look at together. After they have decided on the items they want and placed their order, they go back to the living room. Lana sits on the couch, but Elli hesitates to join her.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Feeling like she’s wearing concrete boots, Elli makes her way to her bedroom. With every step she takes, her heart rate quickens. As she pulls the photo album from the shelf with a shaking hand, her chest tightens. She pulls the album to her chest and closes her eyes while taking long, deep breaths.

  Elli hasn’t been able to bring herself to share these pictures with any of her partners since Isabell died, not even Cassandra, whom she was with for about a year. Cassandra knew about Isabell, but she never asked to see any pictures, much to Elli’s relief. But Elli knows in her heart it’s time – she has grown to love and trust Lana to the point that she feels like she can trust this part of herself and her past with Lana.

nbsp; As she sits down, Elli picks up her wineglass and takes a few hearty sips for courage, then settles back with her shoulder pressed against Lana’s.

  She places a hand over the top of the album, and after taking a deep breath, she says, “This is one of several albums I have from my ten years with Isabell. I actually only just cut my hair to the pixie cut a little over a year ago, but when you asked about my hair, it made me realize that perhaps it’s time to share this with you. Only if you want to see it, of course.”

  “Yes, I would love to see it. But are you really sure you want me to look at this?”

  Elli nods, and with a loving smile, she places the album on Lana’s lap. “Aye, I want to share my life with you, Lana, and that means all of my life. You are the first person I’ve felt like I could share this with and you’ll be the first person, or rather my first partner, that I will share this with. Before you open this album, I want you to know what I had with Isabell was wonderful; I will never deny that. But I firmly believe with every fiber of my being that you and I will have something magnificent as well, as we already do.”

  Lana leans in, placing a hand on Elli’s warm cheek, and engages her in a kiss, a kiss that speaks of love and of compassion with every tender caress of her lips and tongue. When she pulls away, she kisses the tip of Elli’s nose, making her smile.

  “Thank you for trusting me enough to share this with me. I just want you to know, I don’t view Isabell as competition or a threat. I respect what you shared with her, and I never want you to feel like you have to hide how you feel about her. I know you still love her and it doesn’t bother me.”

  Elli’s eyes tear up as her throat constricts. She nods, and as she kisses Lana’s lips, she whispers, “Thank you.”

  Lana refills Elli’s glass of wine and hands it to her before she leans back. She clasps Elli’s other hand to hold on her lap, and with her heart beating a bit faster in anticipation, she lifts the cover to the first page.


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