Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
Page 3
“So how about Alexis? What’s her story?” Abbi asked as she sipped her water.
“I haven’t talked to her in years. I don’t know how the hell she got our address. I assume she probably saw something in the tabloids or gossip magazines. She has always been nosey as hell.” Judy watched as a group of young women entered into the bakery laughing and knocking into each other as they walked. “I love Alexis. I do. We went through so much when we were younger. She stood by me through every fight with my family, but it feels like we aren’t on the same page anymore. I have tried to grow up, where as she… she is still the same outspoken, slightly inappropriate, Alexis.” A look of guilt washed over Judy’s face.
Alexis had been one of her closest, and only, friends throughout high school. But they weren’t in high school anymore and Judy didn’t want to be worried to bring Alexis around her friends because she’d say something inappropriate. However being ashamed of someone who had once been such a huge part in her life made her feel like a dirt bag.
“It’s ok Judy. That’s a part of life. You get older, you start having mature relationships with people, you start talking about marriage, and kids. Some people don’t want that though. They still want a few more years of the good life and not answering to anyone.” Abbi paused placing her hand on her stomach before continuing. “To be honest Judy, this wasn’t exactly the life I had expected.”
“What do you mean? Are you not happy with Ryan?” Concern filled Judy’s voice.
“Oh no! That’s not it at all. I love Ryan, but looking back at everything that has happened, when I moved from Georgia I wanted to be independent and make my own decisions. I never wanted to settle down because that meant I had someone to answer to, and let’s be honest… I have never had to do that in my life. But when Ryan came into my life and I met you and Ashley, suddenly everything kind of came into perspective. I have never had a family and I have had very few friends along the way. But suddenly I had all of you in my life and a reason to be happy for probably the first time. Ever.” Abbi smiled. “I didn’t want kids or to be married. That wasn’t the plan but now that I have that, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I think Alexis just needs a little more time. I mean look at you, we have almost refined you back to being a civilized member of society.” Abbi teased.
“Miracles do happen I guess!” Judy said stuffing the last of her cinnamon roll into her mouth and smiling.
“Apparently we have a little ways left to go.” Abbi and Judy both laughed.
“Ms. Hastings you have a call.” A tall dark man in a black suit said handing Abbi her cell phone.
“Thank you Josh.” Abbi said taking the phone from her new security detail before turning to Judy and rolling her eyes and mouthing “Ms.Hastings…”
As Abbi became immersed into her conversation with the interior decorator Ryan had insisted they hire to help alleviate some of the stress. Judy reached for her own cell and pulled it out of her bag noticing a missed text message.
Unknown: I see you bitch.
Judy dropped her phone on the table startling Abbi and almost knocking over her cup of half drank iced coffee.
“Judy, is everything ok?” Abbi covered the mouthpiece of her cell asking.
“Um. Yeah. Sorry, I just have slippery hands.” Judy said shooting her a fake smile.
As Abbi resumed her conversation, Judy scanned the other patrons sitting on the outdoor patio. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, just a few customers enjoying their coffees or working on their laptops. She grabbed her phone as anger shot through her.
Judy: Who is this?
Her hands shook as she hit send. A flush of anger sped up her heart and flashed across her skin. She scanned the crowd inside as she heard her phone chime again from the incoming message.
Unknown: You will find out soon enough.
A sickening feeling rushed into Judy’s stomach. She suddenly felt as though she might be sick. She tried her best to keep her cool but she didn’t know what was happening. Panic began setting in as she stumbled up from her seat.
“Judy, are you ok? What’s wrong?” Abbi said standing from her own seat and looking at Judy with concern. “Jules can I call you back later?” Abbi said into the phone before thanking her and hanging up. “Judy what the hell?”
“Nothing. Um, nothing I’m fine. Can we go?” Judy stuttered as she grabbed her items off the table.
“Mrs. Adams?” Josh, Abbi’s new bodyguard, gave her a questioning look. “Is there anything I need to take care of for you?”
“No, Josh. Thank you. I just remembered I have to take Jace lunch at the office. I completely forgot. We should go so I am not late.” Judy took a deep steadying breath and plastered the fake smile back on.
“Oh, ok. We can go together, I would like to stop by and see Ryan for a bit.” Abbi stood as she continued. “I think they will be working late tonight. Let me go grab them some snacks before we leave.” Abbi said walking back into the bakery.
Judy nervously fidgeted with the zipper on her leather jacket. She glanced around the courtyard, nothing seemed out of place. What the fuck are those messages all about? She thought about the possibilities that someone could be following them. Maybe it was Trent or members of the gang that he’d been working with. How else would someone know where they were? As she sat thinking, staring off into a day dream she was suddenly snatched back into the real world.
“Damn girl, you don’t look too hot.” Alexis came strolling into the courtyard in front of the bakery sarcastically laughing as she came up to the table. “You look like you just talked to a ghost.”
Judy just stared at her. “Hey Alexis.” Looking at her questioningly. “How did you know I was up here?”
“Ehh, well, I was out cruising the neighborhood when I saw your car out front. Of course from there I just followed the smell of the baked goods.” Alexis leaned back in the chair and laughed. “Figured I’d find you here.”
Why the hell was it that every time she turned around Alexis was right there? It was like she was following her. No. There was no way that Alexis could have anything to do with any of this. She might be childish at times, but this was a low blow even for her.
“Dude, why are you looking at me like that?” Alexis chuckled again sending shivers up Judy’s spine.
“What are you playing at Alexis? Do you think that shit is funny?” Judy tried containing her anger. What the hell was Alexis doing here? Not just the bakery but LA in general. Ok, maybe the first time could have been coincidence, to be honest Judy didn’t really know what brought Alexis to LA, but this seemed a little too planned.
“Judy, what the hell are you talking about?” Alexis sat up in her chair.
“You know what I am talking about. Do you think it’s funny to fuck with me? Playing your stupid childish games and sending me those text messages? Then you just happen to show up out of nowhere, exactly where I am at. You know what, stay the hell away from me Alexis.” Judy stood knocking her chair back and walking towards Abbi who was exiting the bakery with two large brown bags.
“Oh hey, Alexis.” Abbi said before being interrupted by Judy taking one of the bags and pulling her along.
“We are leaving.” Judy drug Abbi off in the direction of the car as Josh came up behind them.
“Judy slow down. I gotta get my purse.” Abbi said as they made it out onto the sidewalk. “What was that back there? Did you and Alexis get into a fight?”
“It was nothing. Don’t worry about it. Let’s just go please.” Judy said walking towards the direction of the parking lot. “Give me a sec and I will get my keys out.”
“Uh, Judy. I’m driving, remember?” Abbi smiled as she hit the unlock button causing the headlights of her Range Rover to flash.
“Holy shit Abbi! If you’re driving why did Alexis say she saw my truck out front?” Judy stopped.
A confused look crossed Abbi’s face, “Maybe she saw someone else’s and thought it was yours.” She tried to explain before head
ing towards her vehicle.
Chapter Four
As Jace walked past the conference room the smell of sugar and cinnamon floated past his nose. Hell yeah! Someone brought in Bun Ladies donuts. He made his way back towards his office, once he dropped these folders off he could use both hands to steal a few. After all, he needed to refuel before the meeting this evening. Jace walked into his office in a rush looking up only once he’d passed the door frame. He froze noticing the small petite frame sitting in his desk chair. He pulled the door to behind him and turned the lock before he made his way into the room.
“Well hello, Mr. Alexander.”
Jace couldn’t contain his grin as Judy swung the chair around and propped her feet up onto his desk; her thigh high black leather boots shining in the light. Her black leather jacket was draped across the back of the couch that sat against the wall. Even for being a petite woman, she had perfect curves in all the right places. Her low cut white tank top displayed her cleavage enough to allow her necklace to dip down between. With a smile to drive any man wild she looked up at him.
“Well. Ms. Adams. I will have to check my schedule I didn’t realize you had an appointment.” He grinned as he crossed the remainder of the room towards her.
“Well, you will just have to fire that tramp receptionist you have. I definitely called and made an appointment to discuss a certain… proposal.”
Jace made his way over to his desk sitting on the edge in front of her, propping her feet on each side of him, running his hands down the soft leather of her boots.
“What proposal would that be?”
She removed her legs from the desk as she stood in front of him. Leaning in and grabbing the hair at the back of his neck she whispered into his ear, “The one where you bend me over this desk and…Fuck. Me. Senseless.” Her words broken between her kisses down his neck.
Her words sent electricity through his stomach. The sound of her lips and the touch of her hands against his skin caused a longing for her to fuel inside of him. He wanted this woman. Every. Damn. Part. He wanted to be inside of her while he traveled every inch of her smooth skin with his hands. Before his mind could think, his hands reacted. Pulling her to him and kissing her with a passion that she radiated back. He pulled her shirt over her head and threw it across the room. His hands cupped her breast as he kissed the skin showing from the top of her lace bra.
Pulling back, she took his hand standing him up before pushing him down into his office chair. Taking a few steps back she grinned down at his pants. She didn’t need to speak, he knew what she wanted. Kicking off his shoes and socks then taking off his pants and boxers off he sat back down in the chair. He was so hard for her it almost hurt.
“Play with yourself as I strip for you.” She said releasing the clasp of her bra and sliding it off.
He grabbed his length and slowly ran his hand over his head and back down. He was mesmerized as she slowly unzipped her boots and pulled each one off. He would have to take this slow or he’d be exploding before he ever got inside of her. Painfully slow she stripped her pants down standing in front of him in just her lace panties.
“Baby, you are so beautiful.” He looked at every inch of her body as she made her way over to him and kneeled in front of the chair.
She took his length into her hand and slowly wrapped her lips around him. Holy. Fucking. Shit. He could feel the electricity coursing through his body. He closed his eyes trying to think of anything to keep from coming. Baseball, golf, the fucking Kentucky Derby. Just as he got his mind on track he opened his eyes to find hers staring up at him as she took every inch of his length into her mouth.
“Fuck baby. You better stop before this ends quicker than we would both like.”
“Oh you’re not getting off that easily.” She smiled as she stood.
Jace stood taking her by her hair and bending her over the edge of his desk. “So you want me to fuck you senseless huh?”
“Yes, Mr. Alexander.” She grinned as he gently pulled her head back taking her lips.
He positioned himself behind her as his erection pressed against her ass. “Spread your legs baby.” As she did he found her entrance and thrust hard inside of her. He could hear the soft gasp escape her lips, fueling his fire for her.
“Fuck me hard, Mr. Alexander.” She moaned out.
“Let me hear you beg for it baby.” He eased his cock back out of her.
“Please. Please fuck me.” Her voice ragged as she sucked in a breath.
He thrust into her hard, continuing his assault over and over. He could feel her tighten around him. He knew she was close and he was about to send her into the heavens. He took hold of her leg and propped it onto his desk, his fingers traveled to her clit and rubbed circles around it as his hips slammed against her ass. With every muscle in her body shaking, she moaned out against his desk. He could feel the sensation starting in his stomach as it flowed down into his cock. He was close. One last thrust and they were both spiraling off. Her body hitched against the desk as a growl escaped his mouth. She was so fucking tight.
He slowly eased himself back out of her as he leaned down and trailed kisses along her spine. Stumbling back he took a seat in his chair, reaching out he grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto his lap.
A weary grin spread across her face. “I have to say, you have outdone yourself.” She nuzzled into his chest.
“Well, you’re hired. Especially if you keep calling me Mr. Alexander.” He laughed before planting a light kiss onto the top of her black hair.
“I’d replace that tramp you have for an assistant any day.” She planted a kiss onto his lips before standing and grabbing her clothes.
“You’re not really worried about her are you?” Jace looked up at her.
“No. Should I be?” Judy shot back at him.
“Not at all. You know I would never do that to you. Besides Tina is dumber than a box of snails.” He chuckled to himself as he grabbed his boxers.
“You know, this isn’t really a conversation I want to have after having office sex with my boyfriend.” She shot him a snarky look. “But I will end it by letting you know I don’t like the way that bitch looks at you. It’s like she is waiting for any opportunity to jump your bones.”
Yeah, that was definitely something that he would have to confront Tina about. Judy made regular visits to the office and the last thing he wanted was for her to assume something was going on between him and the assistant.
“Ok. Conversation over. Sorry.” He paused for a moment. “But for the record, I would never go there.”
“Yeah, that’s what they all say.” She huffed.
He looked over at her taking in the stressed look on her face. “Babe, is everything ok?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Well for someone who just came all over my desk, you seem a little tense.” He walked over taking her into an embrace before she could put her shirt back on. He could feel her release a long breath. “You know you are my world right? If something is going on you can tell me.”
“I know, Babe. It’s nothing really. It has just been a long day that’s all.” She smiled weakly back up at him.
“Ok. I just want you to know you can tell me anything. Good or bad. I will always take care of you.”
“Thank you Jace.” She wrapped her arms around him tightly. “For always being there and having my back.”
“See, I am more than just a good looking lay.” Jace chuckled as she leaned back and swatted at his arm.
“Where the hell is Ashley?” Judy heard Abbi ask from the other side of the curtain.
“I don’t know, dear. She was supposed to be here an hour ago.” Judy said stepping out in the coral colored chiffon dress Abbi had picked from the bridesmaid section. “Ok, what do you think of this one?”
Judy spun a full circle watching the weightless chiffon material flow around her. One hour in to trying on dresses and she finally felt like they had a winner. That was
if Abbi wouldn’t change her color scheme all over again.
“I like it. Do you?” Abbi asked.
“I like it too. Definitely my favorite so far but I still have the navy blue one to try on.” As Judy turned to go back into the dressing room Ashley came rushing into the room almost knocking over the magazine stand next to the door.
“I am so sorry! I got caught up in traffic and then there was an accident on the freeway.” She stopped at the end of the couch panting. “Did I miss anything?” She said plopping down next to Abbi on the couch.
“Not really, other than the appointment Abbi made us to try on dresses.” Judy looked at her sternly. Ashley looked disheveled, no make-up, her hair was a wild mess, and her eyes blood shot. “Ashley, you look like a hot damn mess.”
“I said I was sorry, Judy. I didn’t mean to be late.” Ashley stood unsteadily with an apologetic look.
“Hey, Judy it’s ok. Traffic sucks around here. I should have picked a boutique closer to us.” Abbi stood apologizing.
“Ashley, come here.” Judy shot off.
“What Judy?”
“Let me smell your breath.” Judy looked her square in the eyes.
“What? You have got to be kidding me!” Ashley protested as her body swayed in place.
“Scared, Ashley? Worried I will smell liquor?”
“You know what. Screw this. I don’t have to deal with this.” Ashley turned stumbling and catching herself on the end of the couch. “Abbi, I will call you and we can schedule something for just the two of us.” Ashley made her way to the door.
“Ashley. The last time you walked away from us like this I found you lifeless on your bathroom floor.” Judy said causing Ashley to turn back towards them, tears glistening in her eyes before turning and heading out the door.
“Ashley! Wait!” Abbi called after her.
Judy tried to hold back the tears. It had been weeks that she had been trying to talk to Ashley. Every time she’d answer it was one excuse or another as to why she couldn’t meet up with them. She made her way over to the couch and slumped down catching her head in her hands.