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Politically Incorrect

Page 14

by Jeanne McDonald

  I wandered to the bed and sat down. “It’s nothing to worry about, Harper. We simply had a misunderstanding. These things happen.” I dropped my tablet beside me, this time checking to make sure my screen was locked.

  Harper crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head. “Not to you, Bet. You’re always in control. But right now you’re not, and I want to know why.”

  Liam Baxter might get me rattled, but I knew how to handle Guy Harper. I rose from the mattress, leaving my tablet, and approached Harper, slow and steady. “I assure you, I’m very much in control.”

  “Are you fucking him?” The tone of his voice was soulless, lifeless, so much that at first the question didn’t register in my mind. When it did, I took a step back, shocked, but maintained my composure.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Harper lifted his hat, running his fingers through his graying hair. “Fucked. As in had sex. Engaged in coitus.” Still, no modulation in his voice. His stance, his mannerisms screamed defensive to me, but the forced way he managed his emotions felt wrong. I was missing something, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was.

  “Why would you even ask me such a thing?”

  “Answer the question, Bet.”

  I was stunned. This wasn’t the Harper I knew. It was like someone had replaced my friend and left me to face off against a madman. We’d had confrontations before, but never had I seen him so callous. So disconnected.

  My breathing accelerated. Fury burned through me. “How dare you question my ethics. Of course I’m not sleeping with the kid. I thought you knew me better than that.”

  Just saying those things left me feeling nauseous. If I’d had the opportunity the other night I would’ve slept with Liam. I would’ve crossed that line. Now it was evident to everyone, including Harper, that I harbored feelings for Liam, all because I lost control of my emotions.

  That was bad business.

  Damn Liam and his stupid kiss.

  Harper’s shoulders slumped in relief. The old Harper I knew seemed to reappear almost instantly. The ever southern gentleman emerged ─ smile, swagger, and all. He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’m sorry, Bet. You’re right. It was a stupid question.”

  I waved him off, chuckling. “It’s okay. You were right in questioning. You have a lot of money invested in him. No harm done.”

  Harper gave me a quick wink and produced an endearing grin. “I see this man going places. I really do. I think with your help he can go all the way.”

  “I think he can, too. He’s green, but smart.”

  Harper opened his arms to me. A little hesitant, I accepted his embrace. “Not smart enough if he’s ruffling your feathers.”

  I patted his back and tried to pull away from the hug. “I can handle him. He’s no match for me.”

  Harper tightened his grip around me, mussing my hair with his knuckles. “Now that I believe.”

  I smacked his hand away, squirming free. “Dammit, Harper!”

  Harper belted out a hearty laugh, seemingly proud of himself. I reached around him for the door handle. “I need to get back out there. The interview should be nearing a close.”

  Harper smirked. “Are you really going to make him change his tie?”

  I opened the door. “Nah, but it was fun busting his balls.”

  “That’s my girl.” Harper attempted to wrap his arm around my waist. I dodged his move, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror adjacent from the bedroom. My hair was a mess and my blouse was rumpled from my encounter with Harper. I brushed my fingers through my hair and flattened my shirt as I rounded the corner, only to stop dead in my tracks at the sight of Liam nearing the door.

  “Baxter,” Harper marked.

  “Liam.” I grimaced, unable to take my eyes off him.

  Liam cocked his head. His expression turned from dejected to irritated. “Elizabeth.”

  “Um. Is everything all right?” I questioned, locked in a motionless dance with Liam and Harper.

  Scout shrugged. “The interview was perfect.”

  “Great. Wonderful,” I blathered.

  “I knew our boy could do it,” Harper claimed, moving in closer behind me.

  Liam tugged at his tie, loosening it around his neck. His chest puffed out and his focus burned on Harper and me. “Are you finished with my room?” It was rhetorical question, one he never intended on us to answer. “Good. I need to get ready,” he rushed. “Apparently I need to change my tie to something more suitable.”

  Liam brushed past me, then clipped Harper’s shoulder on his way to the room.

  I pivoted around to catch the sight of Liam slamming the door behind him.

  “What the hell’s his problem?” Harper growled.

  “I better go talk to him.” My body lurched forward, ready to follow Liam, but Aaron’s large hand reached out, grabbing my arm. I looked up, meeting his big green eyes. He shook his head, but said nothing. I nodded to his silent heeding.

  It was my turn to feel like a caged lion. I had to escape. “On second thought, it’s probably best to give him a chance to recoup from his interview. We need him on point today.” I walked over and grabbed my briefcase, extracting my phone from the pocket. “You know, I need to make a few calls. I’ll be down in the car whenever Liam’s ready,” I announced, making my way to the door.

  Son of a bitch! I left my tablet on Liam’s bed.

  It irked me to leave it behind, but I really didn’t need it at the moment, and since I knew the screen was locked this time, my secrets were safe. I’d grab it later.

  As I opened the front door, I called out over my shoulder, “Oh, and Kristin, I changed my mind. It’s probably best you don’t appear on stage with Liam since you’ve already been absent for most of the trip.”

  “Thanks, Elizabeth,” Kristin mumbled.

  I nodded and slinked out of the room. This was supposed to be our day. The big one. Interviews, local coverage in his district, filming footage for his new campaign ads, and a major rally. I lived for days like this, but there I was, lost and confused. Things were messy, and I hated messy. I wanted to clear the air. To fix things.

  Instead, I walked away ─ all in the name of politics.

  Even with all the bullshit going on between us, never had I felt as proud of Liam as I did during the rally. He stood behind the podium, so tall and assertive, keeping his wit about him. Bold, honest, and on point, Liam inspired the crowd. He was the politician I’d waited my whole life to find. A true political unicorn. I watched, with a prideful grin, as he discussed the issues.

  Since we’d left the hotel, the tension between us had mounted to unimaginable heights. We spoke, but it was clipped, calculated, and not once did he attempt to touch me. I never thought I’d fall apart over a man, and I wasn’t about to do it now. However, if I allowed myself to linger on the divide between us, I might’ve found I could indeed lose my head over the situation at hand.

  Good thing I had work to focus on. My job, his campaign was all that mattered.

  Liam lifted his hand to adjust the tie at his neck. I cringed at the sight. I thought the purple tie was bad. In comparison to the one he wore now, the purple tie was a royal treasure. I wasn’t a fish girl to begin with, but this tie made me detest fish. It was blood red with the face of what could only be described as a salmon at the tip. I was furious when he got into the limo wearing that hideous thing, but I refused to verbalize my complaints. He was goading me.

  But I wouldn’t fall into his trap. With his jacket closed and standing behind the podium, no one could see the ugly thing. From a camera angle, it appeared as if he were wearing a plain red tie.

  Somewhat of a win for me.

  Not really, but I’d take what I could get.

  He leaned forward and rested his hands on the sides of the podium. “There is no denying we’ve disagreed on all aspects of these issues,” he started. “Both parties have fought tooth and nail over this, but it goes deeper than mere politic
s. What it boils down to here is whether or not we, as a country, are willing to stand up and meet the challenge the next generation has presented us.”

  A roar of excitement rippled across the crowd. Banners reading “Vote Baxter” and “A Fresh Start” rose above the audience.

  Oh, if only it wasn’t considered bad sportsmanship to throw a fist in the air and whoop and holler, because I would’ve over that one. My boy just blew that shit up! He had them eating out of the palm of his hand.

  My boy.

  A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth, but was gone before it started. He wasn’t mine and he wasn’t going to be. The more I thought about things, the more determined I became. I needed to step back and not let my attraction to Liam get in the way of what was important. He was meant for great things and I’d be fooling myself if I thought I could fit into that picture as anything more than his consultant. I, who slung mud for a living, didn’t deserve to bask in the light of a man like William Baxter.

  “He’s killin’ it,” Aaron whispered to me.

  “He’s on fire tonight.” Pride exuded from my pores.

  “Maybe you should rip his heart to shreds before every rally.”

  My head wrenched up to find Aaron’s profile locked on Liam. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Aaron dropped his gaze to mine, his brows raised and a twisted smile warped his mouth. “The tie. You really pissed him off about the tie.”

  I swallowed and clutched my tablet to my chest. Liam had been kind enough to return it to me when they’d joined me in the motorcade. “I wish I hadn’t mentioned it. I can only imagine what Stephen Colbert is going to say about this one.” The talk show host had been on a rampage regarding Liam’s ties from day one. So much for watching the Late Show tonight.

  Aaron gave a hushed laugh. “Oh, he’s going to have a field day with this one.”

  “Where does Liam find those things?”

  “You’ll have to ask him that.”

  Off in the distance, I heard my name. I turned my head to see who was calling me. It was one of Liam’s recent contributors. A rich, old Texas oil man Harper had put in touch with me.

  “Go,” Aaron pushed. “I’ll keep an eye on our boy.”

  I nodded and trotted off to make nice with big money. All for the win, I told myself.

  All for Liam.

  An hour later the rally ended, but that didn’t mean my job was over. In fact, mine was only beginning. I was fielding calls, talking to constituents, and pretty much selling the shit out of my client. After this, he had secured himself as a major contender for the Senate seat.

  Once the rally ended, I congratulated him, and walked away. That single handshake was more than my heart or mind could bear.

  I didn’t have time to deal with muddled emotions. So I compartmentalized.

  Those feelings for Liam were put on the backburner, which meant avoiding him like a plague.

  And that’s what I did.

  But it wasn’t easy. I fluttered about the university auditorium, mingling with people but all the while I felt those intense, molten chocolate eyes on me. I’d catch a glimpse of his plump, smooth lips, or the way his dark hair fell across his forehead and my heart would tighten. His delicious skin, those long fingers, sculpted arms ─ everything about him beckoned me. But I wouldn’t give into the temptation. Our little scuffle today proved my point. The professional boundary was imperative, no matter how much I wanted to throw caution to the wind.

  Outside the auditorium, surrounded by college classrooms with their doors closed and locked, I shook hands with a straggler who was now on board with Team Baxter. Farewells and smiles bade, I watched as they exited the building. In need of numbers, I pivoted around to begin my search for Aaron or Scout.

  There, at the end of the hall, standing outside the auditorium, stood Liam. I froze, locked under his spell. My heart jetted into overdrive. My breath hitched at the simple way his tongue darted over his lips.

  The hall was empty. Not a single soul in sight.


  That wasn’t good. It left me vulnerable.

  I had one of two choices. I could woman up, which meant ignoring his intense stare and acting as if this were any other day with any other client.

  Easy enough, right?


  That look in his eyes was lethal. At least to my ovaries.

  Or I could make a run for it and pray no one noticed me being a chicken-shit.

  My ovaries chose the latter.

  I tucked my hands in my pockets, and as casual as possible, I turned my back on him and dashed around the corner. With no one in the halls, the clacking of my shoes seemed louder than normal, reverberating off the walls. I cringed with each step. It seemed the lighter I attempted to walk, the louder my steps got, but I kept moving.

  I glanced over my shoulder to make sure I wasn’t followed. When I was certain the coast was clear, I slammed my back against the lockers and covered my face with my hands. I fought back the burning ache in my chest. I was being silly, sure, I knew that, but I was allowed a moment of temporary insanity. And it was justified by my desire to save our careers from total annihilation.

  I flattened my hands against the cool metal of the lockers. With my eyes closed, I breathed in deep through my nose.

  Control. That’s what I needed. Liam had been in control since the night of our kiss, and I hated him for it. I hated that I’d allowed myself to get caught up in the rush of the moment and given up a piece of myself in the process. Order. Precision. Power. Control. These were the things I understood. I must have them back.

  Determined to regain my level footing in this relationship, I shook my hands at my side, and bounced a little at the knees. Calmed, I shoved off the lockers and tiptoed to the corner. A quick glance confirmed he wasn’t there.

  All clear.

  Relief, and a little agony, panged inside me at his absence, but it was for the best.

  “Looking for someone?” His deep voice rumbled from behind me.

  I tried hard not to show any reaction, but he’d startled me. The man had stealth moves. He came out of nowhere!

  Grr. All that military training of his was biting me in the ass.

  I didn’t even have to turn around to know he was in my personal space. The smell of his cologne enveloped me. I twisted around and just as I expected, he towered over me.

  I lifted my face, faking poise. “Liam,” I managed, sickened by the whimper in my tone. That wasn’t my voice! Where was the fight? I pushed myself up, squaring my shoulders. So what if he caught me. I could handle this.

  At least, that’s what I thought until I felt the sweet caress of his breath on my face and basked in the aroma of peppermint and eucalyptus.

  “Yes?” he rumbled, deep and throaty, causing me to tremble all over.

  I pushed air out of my nose, forcing the girlish whims back. I would not fall prey to his charms, no matter how those eyes of his burned into my soul.

  I tried to position myself so I seemed unfazed by his sudden appearance. He reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear. His touch was slow, deliberate, and lingering. I jutted my chin, fighting the desire to lean into his gentle caress.

  “You wouldn’t happen to be looking for me, would you?” he murmured.

  “I, ah, um…” My jaw juddered with each grunt of my incoherent assembly of words. I dropped my gaze from his, shaking my head. “Ah, no. No.” I tried to sound confident.

  I failed.

  “Look at me, Elizabeth.” The command dominated me, and like the fool I was, I obeyed. I tilted my head, lifting my eyes to his. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. I couldn’t speak. I could barely breathe. All I could do was stare into the eyes of the man lofting over me.

  “So I guess that means you’re avoiding me then? After all, you’re the one ducking around corners.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I sounded off, but at least I held my

  He took another step toward me. “You’ve been avoiding me all night, Elizabeth.”

  My brain was on overload. His close proximity was killing my resolve. I pushed back against the very thing I wanted the most – to simply give into my desires. The pragmatic side of me took over, scratching and clawing to regain control.

  “Congressman, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve been busy doing what you hired me to do.”

  “I did hire you for a job. And I’ve been satisfied with you, until today.”

  “I beg your pardon?” I gasped. “I’ve just spent the last several hours selling you like you’re God himself. Not to mention all the hours I’ve invested in this campaign.”

  “All of that’s true, and I thank you, but at this moment I don’t really care about the campaign. I want to know what happened today.”

  “I’m not sure I follow.”

  “You know exactly what I mean,” he growled, his face dropping another inch closer to mine.

  I did, but if he had to explain it to me, I took control of the situation. “I’m afraid I don’t.”

  He chuckled, taking a step forward, forcing my back against the lockers.

  I hit the metal with an oomph. My hands flattened against the cold steel. My eyes darted to the left and then to the right. This was bad. So bad. I began to freak over what our little standoff might look like to the media.

  “Liam, we can’t do this here. What about the media?” I tried to push him back, but his large form wouldn’t budge.

  “I don’t care,” he stated intensely.

  “But I do. After tonight’s rally...”

  The corner of Liam’s mouth quirked upward. “Forget the rally or the media. I want to know what happened.”

  An escape plan whirled inside my head. I had to get out of the cage he created around me. If not for me, then for him. He might not think about it now, but he would later when this was posted on every blog and television station across the nation.

  “You were jealous of Kristin this morning,” he thrummed deep in his chest.

  I cocked my head to the side. “And what makes you think that?” I spouted off.


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