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Billionaire's Holiday Bride: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance

Page 32

by Serena Vale

  The room itself was possessed of the usual features; a countertop that was covered with small folders details various medical practices, cabinets and drawers filled with medical tools and medicines, and a small stool on which she supposed she could have sat if she liked. And directly behind the god was the L.A. landscape through a floor-to-ceiling window that made her think once again that the man before her was a god looking out over a world that he had created.

  She felt her gut flutter with a new sensation.

  “D-Damian Crowe?” she asked, almost excitedly.

  The god smiled at her. “I like it when you use my first name.”

  His voice seemed more hypnotic than before and as she stood in the doorway of the examination room she felt her legs trembling lightly. Some part of her mind was reeling from this whole experience… her thoughts… her small fantasies… they all seemed to be overbearing on her now and she could make no sense of them at all. The part of her brain that had been trained to put logic before emotion warred with itself for control.

  “But… how…?” she tried to speak, fumbling the words in her mouth.

  “How did I find you?” He asked with an amused arch of an eyebrow. “I G.P.S. tracked your phone,” he explained simply. He got up off of the examination table and she saw that he stood a little more than an inch or two taller than she. “It’s amazing what you can do with today’s technology. Sorry for not calling you sooner…but I had to see about you.” He took a step towards her.

  “W-what?” she asked, feeling her heart accelerate.

  “I have to be very careful whom I associate with,” he said, taking another slow and tentative step closer to her. “I tracked my phone while you had it yesterday. I saw that it was here for almost nine hours; that’s how I knew to find you here. After that, it was a simple matter of looking you up in the hospital directory on line. Then I tracked the phone back to your apartment.” His smile was alluring, almost commanding her to focus upon it. “I see I was right about you being a doctor.”

  I would have expected a god to know that, she thought excitedly.

  He took another step towards her, coming into arms’ length. “After that, it wasn’t hard to figure out the rest. A good doctor… no ties to any, shall we saw, law enforcement agencies.” He paused. “I was actually very pleased about that.”

  She saw through to the subtext of his statement and realized at once what it meant. “Y-you’re some kind of criminal.” It wasn’t a question. And he didn’t seem bothered by it. Oddly, neither was she.

  “That’s why I have to be careful,” he said, taking another step closer. “I’m sure you noticed that by the way you looked through my phone… yeah, I was able to tell every time you opened it up.” His tone was pleased, intrigued, even a little excited.

  She licked her lips. “So… you waited until today to see me?”

  He took a final step until he was standing so close to her that their bodies were very nearly touching. She could almost smell his breath and it wasn’t the hot and muggy thing that she would have expected from a biker. There was something sweet about it… something alluring… something that was begging to be tasted.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, Carlie,” he said. That he used her name so familiarly – and in so profound a statement – made her shudder. Her hands began to tremble. A thing that he seemed to pick up on and slowly he reached up and put one hand over hers, steadying her shaking extremities. His touch was reassuring, powerful, even commanding somehow.

  Her eyes wandered down to where his hand had come to rest against hers. The clash of his pale skin against the chocolate tint of hers was oddly exciting. His fingers gently closed around hers, she could feel the power that he commanded within. It felt as if he were somehow bestowing some kind of strength upon her, making her unafraid. She knew – somewhere – in the back of her mind that she should be afraid.

  But she wasn’t. She liked it.

  This man was a criminal. She had said it and he had not denied it. The strange phone he’d given her… his calmness at the bar… the manner in which he had tracked her down… all of it was simply screaming something terrible about him. Yet she was unafraid. She felt quite the opposite in fact. She wanted to be closer to him.

  Much closer.

  As if he were using his omnipotent powers he leaned in closer until his body was pressing lightly against hers. He moved so slowly that she could have counted the very short hairs on his chin from his depleted beard. And when his lips met hers she felt a warm sensation overcome her that would have made hot cocoa on a cold day seem only as warm and filling as a pop tart.

  She could taste him… the honey scent was indeed present though she could not divine how it could have come to be there. His lips were just as warm as the rest of him felt and if she had thought that his words were hypnotic then his kiss was downright spellbinding.

  The simple exchange of their lips lasted only a moment, though she felt it had lasted for an eternity. As he pulled away her body felt lessened for it. She could have gone on forever in such an embrace, simple as it was. That it had to be cut short was disheartening.

  “Close the door,” he whispered, “and take your clothes off.”

  That’s better.

  She dropped the manila folder onto the floor, the papers within scattering across the soft carpeted floor and she closed the door absentmindedly behind her. The god took a step back and immediately her desire was to be closer to him again. But he had not given her the command to do so. And with the door closed now, assuring their privacy, she felt like a privileged mortal drawn into the temple of a god. In such circumstances all she could do was obey.

  She shrugged her way out of her lab coat and let it fall carelessly upon the floor. Her blue scrubs came next. She pulled off her shirt, revealing her large bosom in her black bra. Her private god seemed to feast upon the sight of so much flesh and he shifted on his feet with anticipation. She was pleased that she could have such an effect on so perfect a man.

  She slipped her thumbs into the hem of her scrub trousers and gently wiggled her way out of those, revealing her black panties. Her god’s smile increased. She kicked aside her shoes and stood before him, clad only in her underwear and as though he indeed had cast a spell upon her – maybe he had – she began to wiggle her way out of her panties.

  His eyes dropped down to the small patch of pubic hair and his smile became a full grin. Then they returned up to her as her fingers found the clasp of her bra, unfastening it she shrugged out of the hindering garment before dropping that aside.

  She stood before him as bare as the day she was born. Her fingers lightly traced the edges of her hips and breasts. She took her darkened nipples between the tips of her index fingers and thumbs, lightly pinching them, making them hard. Her god looked on, as if he were memorizing every curve of her body. No man that she had ever had before now had ever looked at her like that. It was as if he were looking at more than just the shape of her body… it was like he was looking at her.

  He began to remove his clothes.

  My turn, she thought excitedly.

  He pulled off his leather vest slowly, reminding her of a stripper that she had once seen at a friend’s bachelorette party. But this show was entirely for her. She alone could see what he possessed and unlike that show, she knew that she would be free to touch him as much as she wanted. And she had every intention of doing so.

  Next came his white t-shirt. He pulled it off slowly, revealing his body inch by delectable inch and she was tickled by the sight of so much muscle. He was better sculpted than she remembered or imagined. His abs looked so firm she could have graded cheese on them. His pecs were full and firm, his shoulders broad, his arms thick and veins protruded from them showing how well he kept his body.

  His hands fell to the belt buckle of his pants and as he unfastened it she felt herself growing damp between her legs once more and her legs trembled anew. As he pulled down his leather riding pants
she saw that everything south of his waist was just as well built as the rest of him.

  His cock was already hard, the veins upon it throbbing with power just like the rest of his body. His legs were thick as tree trunks, his calves and thighs looked like they could have been shaped by nothing less than granite. As he stood before her, naked under the fluorescent lights of the examination room, she thought that there was indeed something godlike about him. The way the light itself seemed to dance on his skin was mesmerizing… like the light itself was afraid to touch him.

  He held out a hand, palm up, waiting for her.

  She felt her body trembling once again and recalling the image of Adam reaching out to God on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel she reached out for him. Her dark fingers closed around his paler ones and she felt his power within him. Whether he was a god or not became irrelevant. All that mattered now was the connection between them. This room was her church and she wanted nothing more than to worship the god that possessed it.

  He guided her across the room and much to her excitement he pressed her against the window overlooking the city. The glass was cold as her body flattened against it but she soon forgot the sensation as he pulled her hair aside and began to kiss her neck.

  Her hands shot up to the glass, looking for something to grab hold of but her fingers could not find purchase along the sleek surface. Somewhere in the back of her mind she began to question if this was actually happening or not… that perhaps she was still in the throes of a dream… or maybe she had gone mad… but the light and warm touch of his lips and tongue were reassurance enough that neither was true. This was as real a thing as any science class could have taught her. She could see it… she could touch it… she could taste it… she could smell… and most importantly, she could feel it. And in this one moment she felt certain that she had indeed found a means to prove that there was a god.

  And he was all hers.

  He snaked his hands between the glass and cupped her breasts. He wasn’t gentle in his touch… his hands seemed as hungry as his mouth as she turned her neck and allowed his mouth to claim hers. His grip was firm… fierce… like he had never had a woman before in his life. He held her and kneaded her breasts like she was almost being punished for something. There was pain… but it was fleeting… replaced by pleasure. She had never had a man do such a thing for her before in the whole of her life.

  His left hand slipped down, finding her crotch and his fingers slipped inside of her. She moaned as he entered her, his fingers just as powerful and thick as his arms and legs. His fingers seemed to hold tremendous power and she wondered what the rest of him would do once he got inside of her with his cock.

  The power that his fingers seemed to hold made her legs quiver and she nearly collapsed under her own weight. But with one of his hands still clenched firmly upon her breast and the other inside of her pussy she felt as though she had been mounted upon some kind of a harness that would not allow gravity to claim her.

  Gravity, she thought with an inward chuckle. Gravity – science itself – had no dominion here. This place was ruled by the god in whose embrace she was now locked. Nothing happened here without the leave of the one whom she now worshipped and that was completely fine with her.

  Her god was the one that had claimed her and nothing else could bear control over her. Her body was his to mold and use as he saw fit.

  And he saw fit to spin her around, pulling his fingers out from inside of her and putting her back against the glass. He kissed her so fiercely that it hurt, taking hold of her hands at the wrist he pressed her hands up above her head on the glass. Her fingers wriggled, trying to find something to grab a hold of and finding nothing but air. She tried to struggle against his grip, wanting to run her fingers through his hair, but his power was overwhelming, making her helpless and her simple efforts to touch him futile. She began to understand how a worm on a hook must have felt.

  He dropped to his knees, freeing her wrists, and cradled his face between her breasts. Once more his hands took hold of her bosom and massaged them with the kind of fervor that she might have expected to find in a teenage boy with his first girl.

  Her hands, finally freed, massaged his scalp. His short brown hair tickled her fingers as his lips and tongue explored her tits. He took as much of her left breast into his mouth as he could, suckling it. The sensations sent tsunamis of electric shock up and down her body. She moaned under the use of his tongue and lips, wanting more, so much more.

  Again, as if he heard her silently praying, he obliged.

  He hooked his arms under her legs and lifted her from off the floor. Her body remained pressed against the window as she was lifted above the floor until her hands were able to rest flatly on the ceiling.

  He nestled his face in her crotch and slipped his tongue inside of her. A ravenous grunt left his lips as he dove in and all she could do to keep from screaming with the pleasure of it was to form a fist and shove it as far as she could into her mouth. Her cry was muffled, but she felt certain that if someone just happened to be passing in the hall outside that they might have heard her. But if anyone did hear her, there was no sign of it. She felt assured recalling that this was a privacy ward after all.

  His depleted beard tickled her on the outside while his tongue expertly probed her within. He could have been a doctor himself, he knew all of the right places to touch and tease her, knowing what results they would produce. Her labia… her mons… her clit… he touched at them all reducing her to jelly at every turn.

  She felt halfway to Heaven already.

  It was not lost on her that their combined body weight, pressed against the glass as it was, could shatter the simple pane of transparent material and it would be a ten story fall to their deaths. But it didn’t matter… she would die a fulfilled woman if it came to that. She would die in the embrace of a god and in the throes of a more deeply rich experience than any religion could have taught her.

  Without warning, the god freed his mouth and dropped her. She almost yelped as she fell freely downward though he caught her in his muscular arms as though she weighed very little at all. His power was impressive, even in that.

  She chuckled that the feeling of the small taste of gravity had left in her belly, but the sound was replaced by a second moan as he thrust her upon the floor. The carpet was soft and accommodating as he put her back flatly upon the floor and spread her legs.

  Wordlessly he put his cock inside of her and his delighted moan matched hers. Her fingers found his chest as he braced himself upright on the floor as if he were doing pushups. Her fingers lightly combed over his body, barely touching him, plowing invisible rows up and down his torso as he began to thrust inside of her.

  She felt his power rising. The heat in the room had magnified a hundred fold and she felt beads of sweat already beginning to form on her body. She shut her eyes, feeling downed in the swirl of emotion that was coursing over her.

  The power he had between his legs was greater than the simple energies she had sampled already. His warmth threatened to cook her both inside and out but she could not bear the thought of being away from him. Not now… not ever. This warmth was like a furnace that every stroke of his cock within her seemed to be stoking to higher and higher levels. The furnace was enough to melt her so that he could make her into whatever he wanted.

  She welcomed the metamorphosis. Her body was turned to molten metal, and he was free to reshape her as he wanted. And every plunge of his body against hers was like a hammer stroke that was making her into something better and silently she begged him not to stop. She wanted every part of his body touching every part of hers. She wanted this mutual fire that they were building to consume them both.

  Together their bodies formed a mutual rhythm. His grunts matched her moans. He took her hands in his own, pressing her against the floor. Her fingers clenched so tightly around his that it hurt. He bent in and kissed her. She hooked her legs over the backs of his knees. The smell of their mut
ual musk permeated the air, filling her up like strong liquor.

  “Are you close?” he whispered amidst their passions.

  She didn’t have the courage to tell him that she had already come several times. His power was truly remarkable. But all she could do to savor the moment was nod wordlessly. She was ready again… she wanted it again… and she wanted it badly.

  His body tensed. His grip on her fingers tightened. She firmed the grip of her legs against his more tightly than before, preparing for the final hammer strokes of his body.

  His thrusts increased in power. She could feel him plunging to new depths inside of her. She arched her back and the sensation increased, sending short waves of madness up her body until they swirled like a tidal pool in her mind. She lost all sense of reason, her higher brain function became lost, and all she could consciously perceive was the feelings below her belt.

  It felt as if there was indeed some furnace lying atop her. Like it was glowing red hot from so much heat contained within. But she had the protection of a god and the heat and the searing metal could not harm her. Simply by laying there she felt as if she were daring that overheated metal to try and do her bodily harm. But the flaming metal could not come within a sight of damaging her, for she was beyond such things. Transported to a place where nothing, save for the grandest powers of pleasure, could reach her.

  The heat began to build.

  She moaned softly.

  His grunts intensified.

  She moaned slightly louder.

  His thrusts quickened.

  She gripped her fingers around his as tightly as she could.

  He thrust his tongue into her mouth and with their bodies pressed against each other so firmly, she could feel every last muscle within him tightening. The heat had reached its apex… the furnace was about to explode.

  It did.

  The rush of warmth that raced through her felt as if she had been filled with honest molten metal. She could feel that warmth coursing through her, spreading through her veins, permeating her organs, seeping into her flesh, and finally flooding her mind.


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