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Billionaire's Holiday Bride: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance

Page 44

by Serena Vale

  She felt a sudden heat in her heart that had nothing to do with fire set before her eyes. It was the kind of emotion she would expect to see at seeing something – anything – being slaughtered. It was outrage.

  A new scene was set before her eyes. This one was of a woman, dressed in an elegant blue gown. She stood face to face with one the animals. It stood upright on its hind legs, its body scarred with wounds that looked inflicted from arrows or wire traps. The woman was clearly not frightened… in fact, she seemed almost… saddened at the sight of the poor creature. She took hold of the creature as if she were embracing a giant teddy bear, weeping into its soft belly.

  “I’ll not let them slay you… I’ll not! I couldn’t bear the thought of your death!” She stepped back away from the creature and tears rolled freely down her cheeks. “You’re the last of your kind… I swear on the graves of those that came before me, I shall protect you!”

  The woman began to weave her hands in circular motions and she began to mutter in some language that Tris could not understand. Her eyes could not leave the sight as small flickers of blue flame began to dance in the air, fluttering upon the air as gently as butterflies. The small wisps of fire began to circle the creature, which stood firmly upon its ground, not moving, unafraid of what was happening to the air around it.

  Tris felt her eyes widen at the sight. The monster… the creature… the animal… it understood her words. It somehow knew what she was doing and accepted it. It trusted her to do what she was doing. That was not the mark of an animal… or a monster. It was intelligent… and more than that, she could somehow feel the creature’s fear of the alternative and knew that this path was the better one.

  Slowly, the beasts’ stubby arms grew into humanlike arms and legs. Its tail retracted into its body, its head and torso became that of a man’s. Its beardlike appendages extended into a black and bushy beard, its head spikes extended into a long and thick mane of hair. The glassy look of its skin became pale and human, and with the last rays of the setting sun that she had not noticed, she saw fractal patterns on this new man’s skin. Patterns that Tris knew she had seen before… and recently.

  The strange form of the creature was gone. In its place stood a man, naked and shivering, but a man. And from the look of him, she saw features that were familiar. The man looked almost like…

  The image imploded.

  Tris jolted and opened her eyes, her fingers still clutched around the tiny metal flask and Jacob and Jon were still standing just where they had been when first she’d taken the proffered container.

  Tris found that she felt calm. Panic had gone from her mind as had fear of insanity. Somehow, she understood what had happened here. She wasn’t sure how, but she did. She was able to comprehend… well, everything… that had had happened. It wasn’t just the story of Luke… it was the story of his ancestors. His words, and that of his son’s… hell everything that they’d said before, she understood it all now.

  “My god,” she whispered, lowering the flask from her lips. “How long was I out?”

  “You weren’t,” Jacob said, taking the flask back and capping it. “It happens instantaneously. The rapid progression of the memories makes it easier for you to understand.” He smirked, “We told you there was a way to help you understand. Though I must apologize, it was a little unpleasant to witness, wasn’t it?”

  Tris rolled it all around in her mind, trying to make sense of it. “So… dragons then?” she asked, looking over to the two men in her room. Interestingly enough, she was no longer afraid of either of them. She knew that it wasn’t in their nature to hurt her… or anyone.

  As if the question were benediction enough, both men smiled at her.

  “Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to call us ‘Dragons’. Dragons by all accounts and from every culture in the world that had such stories, breathe fire or fly… we can’t do either of those. And neither could any of our ancestors. If I had to guess I would say we were a cousin to the dragons,” Jacob said.

  “And… the woman?” she asked curiously, though she knew that the two brothers would know whom she was speaking of.

  “Luke’s great-great-great-something grandmother,” Jon replied. “People of the world tend to think that magic is something from ancient stories. I used to think so too. Back then, in the ancient days, it was a rule and not simply a flight of fancy like we think of it today. It’s become something for children to believe in, something that people grow out of as they mature. We’re happy to keep it that way. It keeps us from having to endure the same fears and fates as those that you witnessed.”

  She thought it out and rose up to stand before the semi-naked men. “So… those things that I saw? The chases… the fire in the cave…?”

  “Memories,” Jon confirmed. “Or at least, I assume that’s what they are, as seen through the eyes of those who survived them. That last was a bit wasn’t a memory exactly. It was a part of the original magic and it has endured through the generations so that we would never forget where we came from or why it’s so important that we hide as we do.”

  Tris was able to put the rest of the mystery together for herself. “So… Luke… since he was able to look human he amassed enough wealth to buy this island where he and all of you could hide from the rest of the world. That much I get… but… the cleaning staff… the guards?”

  “They all know what we are. That’s why you don’t see any armed guards here after you screamed today. Some of them might someday want us to share our gift with them if they ask for it. Some of them stay human, however. Their ancestors also served our father. They’ve formed their own family of sorts. They’re our protectors… our guardians… much like the sorceress in the vision was. And here, on this island, we’re safe.”

  It felt as if her hold on reality had been reaffirmed and anchored by unbreakable chains, though she had no measureable means of explaining how they’d gotten there. For a few heartbeats it felt as if she could have laughed at herself for thinking that there was no such thing as monsters. In a way, monsters had always been here. It was simply that no one else had had the ability to see it.

  “So…” she asked, looking at the two men. “You can become one… and then what? You can live forever?”

  “Well, not forever,” Jacob admitted. “From what we’ve learned the species is hardy… but even Luke won’t live forever. Luke and Simone simply age slowly, very slowly. Jon and I… well, we’ll age pretty slowly too, but our blood is kind of watered down since we were once human, so we won’t live as long. But Luke told us that his mother and father lived to be nearly eight hundred before they passed on.”

  “But… the government?” Tris said, sensing a weak spot in this grand plan of seclusion. “Eventually they’ll see that you’re still alive and they’ll wonder how…?”

  “To the government, all we are is names on a check that pays taxes every year,” Jon explained. “Money buys privacy. And as the years go on… well… maybe we’ll damage our sense of honesty a little and pretend to be my our owns sons… or grandsons… whatever it takes to ensure that we’re safe here. Nobody much cares to check in on us as long as we pay the taxes.”

  She felt awed. There were no words to describe how her life had changed in the last twenty-four hours. Sea Snags… lost at sea… washed ashore on a rich man’s island… finding that he had two sons that were more than a little appealing to behold… and that they were some kind of dragon people living on an island that was reserved strictly for their own paradise.

  More than simple understanding overcame Tris once she realized the power of the secrecy that she had now been entrusted with. It wasn’t cruelty that Luke had been intent on inflicting upon her, it was mercy and kindness. And his sons had come here to reinforce that point.

  Then something else overcame her.

  Disregarding the fact that these two men were brothers, in bond if not by blood, she took full measure of the fact that Jon and Jacob were standing in her room very near to b
eing naked. And her bed was a mere two feet away.

  She understood what it was that was coming over her, though she wasn’t sure why it had chosen now. Buts he knew it for what it was: lust.

  Jon was the nearer of the two. She reached out and kissed him.

  Chapter 6

  When she pulled away she felt her eyes lightly flutter and she saw that there was a pleased look on his face. Her eyes turned towards Jacob, who stood close at hand as well, a smile on his face.

  “Uh...” Tris said, feeling her embarrassment rise a little.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Jacob said with a small chuckle. “It’s not your fault,” he added as he turned and closed the bedroom door, sealing the three of them in the room. He turned back to face them and untied the simple knot that held his towel at his waist. “It’s a side-effect of the drink. Part of its purpose is to help you understand survival. And every species survives through… well… reproduction. And in a human… it’s pretty potent.” He dropped his towel down to his ankles, along with the flask. Tris was delighted to see that his cock was already hard and ready. “That’s the third thing we came up here to help you with.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. We? She looked to Jon and a pleased smile washed over his face as well.

  Tris could not remove her eyes from the figure of the man before her. She had imagined having a man so handsomely built several times before. But that she would get to have two such perfect specimens at the same time? Her wildest imaginings had never conjured such a possibility before.

  Jon, his hands lightly drifting downward, undid his towel as well. It slipped from off his body, revealing that he too was hard and ready. Even from here she could taste his breath. She almost laughed, expecting that his lungs would be expelling foul-smelling reptilian breath… but there was nothing of the kind there. All that did exist was something sweet.

  Something that she badly wanted to taste.

  “It was my turn last time, brother,” Jacob said, coming closer to the pair of them. “Why don’t you take over on this one?”

  “Gladly,” Jon said with a wink to her.

  Tris could not take her eyes away from the sight of so much flesh on the gorgeous man. Any lingering fear that she might have had for the creatures contained in both men seemed to evaporate like ice on a hot plate, and all she felt in its stead was a pulsing excitement in her heart.

  But her thoughts were lost when Jon leaned in and began to lightly peck at her neck with kisses. Her eyes fluttered again, like a lightbulb struggling to maintain power, as she watched Jacob step closer towards them, watching his brother work with delight.

  Tris was no virgin. There had been times in her life when she’d met men who had been more than willing to satisfy her sexually. Once or twice she had done things that she had considered to be wild and well out of character for her. Once before had been in the back of a lover’s pickup truck. Another time had been in an elevator. But something such as this had never even entered her list of wild dreams. She’d especially not done anything such as this under these circumstances or much less with people of this nature.

  Jacob rounded her, his fingers lightly tracing across the back of her neck as he stepped behind her as Jon continued to kiss and gently lick at the underside of her neck. Tris felt her legs tremble as Jacob’s lips began to gently caress her shoulders where her dress did not cover her. Ten minutes ago she would have feared for her life, knowing that two unnatural creatures were easily within biting range of her jugular vein. Yet somehow, that fear was gone. Trust that she couldn’t explain was held in its place.

  They were no threat to her, she knew. If anything, it was more the other way around. Tris carried a massive secret now, one that could destroy Luke and his wife Simone, and these two men here and possibly even all of the other souls on this island who were simply content to survive and be ignored by the rest of the world.

  There was nothing wrong with that.

  Nothing wrong with this either, she thought as she felt Jacob’s fingers close around the zipper at the back of her dress.

  Slowly, gently, Jacob began to pull the zipper down. Tris’s body began to tingle with anticipation as air began to kiss at her skin where the dress was parted. Jon’s mouth traveled up her neck until his lips covered her own. She felt his tongue in her mouth, which felt fully human, as it probed the inside of her mouth. His breath tasted sweet, just as she’d thought. It was almost like brandy, and potently so. She felt in that moment she could happily become drunk on his kisses to the point of needing to attend a weekly AA meeting should it come to that.

  She felt Jacob’s hands gently stroke her shoulders as they spread outward, pulling the shoulder straps of her dress off. Inch by inch the dress came free from her body, Jacob’s tongue danced on her skin where it could, as if hungry for the exposed flesh.

  Little by little, her shoulders became bare and with only a slight assist from Jacob, her dress succumbed to gravity and formed a red and flowery pool around her ankles. A tiny breeze – or maybe it was just the thrill of anticipation – made the tiny hairs on her entire body stand up with excitement.

  Jon’s hands found her breasts, closing around them through her bra. She lightly stirred at the feeling. His hands were strong, but his touch was gentle. Her delight doubled when she felt Jacob’s smaller hands encircle her at the waist, gently caressing her waist line, teasing her with the prospect of going further down. She had never had that experience before in her life, nor had she ever dreamed she would feel it. To have one man touching her tits while another man’s hands explored her nether regions. It was an incredible feeling that only grew more intense as she felt Jacob’s larger fingers finally slip inside her panties, dipping inside of her. Her legs simultaneously tensed and weakened, unsure if she wanted to continue standing or give in to gravity.

  She received a momentary reprieve as Jacob’s hands left their perch inside her panties and found the clasp of her bra. She moaned with delight as her bra came unclasped and Jacob’s stocky hands pulled her bra straps aside before that too joined her dress on the floor.

  Jon’s hands, momentarily freed from her breasts reached out and reclaimed them. His fingers danced over the tips of her nipples, making them hard.

  Her kiss with Jon, unbroken, Tris felt her heart begin to accelerate with new speed feeling Jacob’s hands on her body and his lips upon her neck. Slowly, Jacob began to kiss his way down until he reached the small of her back. His hands gently stroked up and down her legs before dipping back inside her panties, his fingers plunging in and out of her, making her wet.

  Jon, momentarily breaking their kiss began to kiss and lick his way down. First he lightly began pecking at her chin, her throat, her chest, her left breast and then her right. She could lightly feel a small stubble of a closely shaven beard on his chin that tickled her all the way down to her belly until finally he was on his knees before her.

  Tris’s eyes could not leave the sight of Jon as he slowly dropped down to his knees before her. He looked like a man about to pray to the idle of some ancient goddess and she was ready to welcome his praise, however he should choose to deliver it.

  Together, Jacob and Jon both hooked their fingers in the elastic band of her panties and pulled them downward. Once free, he gently patted her legs, spreading them apart. And like the dragon she had earlier envisioned him to be he did as she had thought all dragons would do. He used his mouth on her, if not in the way she would have expected a dragon to do so.

  His mouth electrified her and once more her legs threatened to turn into jelly. His tongue went wild as it passed inside of her, expertly probing her mons… her clitoris… her labia… He was like a blind explorer, mapping what he could not see with instruments that no one had ever thought to use.

  She began to moan and her body reflexively began to rock against his mouth, craving more of the same from him. Jacob abandoned his kneeling position and rose up, giving his hands over to the caressing of her breasts before takin
g hold of her chin and turning her mouth towards him. Jacob’s lips engaged hers and she felt the moistness of his mouth as their tongues wrestled with one another. Jacob’s kiss was not as sweet or as inviting as Jon’s, but she found it delightful nonetheless.

  Jacob’s hands lightly brushed at the flanks of her chin, tickling her, sending miniature bolts of lightning through her fingertips. Somewhere in the back of her mind Tris still managed to think that this was madness… this was insane… that things like this didn’t happen. But it was happening and she relished the feeling that it gave her.

  Her thoughts were pulled away when she felt Jon slip his arms between her thighs and hooking them over his shoulders. With surprising strength considering their relative sizes he lifted her from off the floor as if she weighed nothing at all. It was to her a confirmation that he did have some preternatural strength within him.

  An excited yelp issued from her lips as she left the ground, breaking her kiss with Jacob. Jon’s tongue still working wildly within her he stood upright. It didn’t matter now that her legs were less solid than water as her back arched. Her view of the room becoming inverted, she found Jacob standing just behind her. Her arched back provided her a perfect angle from which to work.

  She stretched out her arms, cupping the other man’s buttocks and drawing him in closer. With her head inverted she brought Jacob’s to her waiting lips and she put his throbbing cock into her mouth. Jacob rested her weight on Tris’s diaphragm as she used her mouth on him, his body lightly rocking, plunging in and out of her mouth as if he were fucking her properly.

  Oh, yes!

  It seemed mere moments of delight before she felt herself being pulled away from Jacob’s tender spot unwillingly. That she felt this amorous was a new sensation to her and she wondered what it had been in that flask she’d drunk from. Magic potion? Whatever it was, part of her wondered what would happen if she had drank more.

  The room seemed almost to spin as Jon brought her to the bed, laying her down softly upon the expensive comforter, her head resting on the pillows.


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