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Billionaire's Holiday Bride: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance

Page 56

by Serena Vale

  Never imagined it like this though, did you?

  She couldn’t bring herself to stifle the question posed by her inner voice. No… this… unreal as it was… had been like nothing that she had ever imagined. The weight of it all fell squarely upon her shoulders and she was able to sum it up in one small and simple statement.

  “You want me to literally be the mother of the next guardian of the world?”

  Ian gave her hands a second squeeze. She knew she had hit the issue squarely on the head. “I realize it’s a big decision, Lanie,” Ian replied, “but time is short. I could not simply tell you what I was or what I truly do here over the dinner table. You never would have believed me. You had to see it to believe it… and I can only show you this once. Your physiology would not tolerate my true form a second time and I can only pass the genetic material necessary to you while in this form. I’m sorry for that, Lanie, truly and deeply I am. But I’m afraid that I do need your answer.”

  The weight of the issue seemed to grow heavier upon her shoulders. She hated making rushed decisions, and she always had.

  Then her eyes fell upon her wrist watch. The pressure of the decision seemed to fade away like smoke in the wind.

  Dad… she thought, looking at her device. The watch… it had been through all kinds of shit… and while wearing it, she was invincible. The watch had adorned the wrists of every man in her family that had served in the military… worn by proud defenders of their country. And now here she was, in a position to outdo them all by being the mother of the next defender of the planet. Just as Ian’s position… his mission… had been passed to him by his ancestors, so had this watch been passed to her.

  A smile touched her face.

  “Yes…” she said, almost inaudibly.


  She looked at Ian’s faceless features and somehow was able to still perceive the handsome features that she had witnessed there when first she had met him. She squeezed his hands enthusiastically.

  “Yes… I will,” she said, feeling as though she had just confirmed some manner of a marriage contract. Sudden though it was, she felt comfortable and safe in doing so. Who better to provide for her and the next generation than the wealthiest man in the world? And who better to protect her than the man responsible for protecting the whole world? There was a beautiful symmetry in that.

  Ian gave a great sigh of relief. “Lanie… you don’t know what this means to me.”

  She put a finger on his face, right about where a mouth would have been if he’d had one. “I get it,” she replied softly. “Really I do… and you’re right. If I hadn’t seen this for myself, I never would have believed it.”

  She released his hands and took two small steps back. Though she felt a little silly at doing so, she slowly began to unzip her dress. The zipper stretched up the entire left side of her body and for every inch that she parted the fastener, more and more of her chocolate skin became exposed. Her dress unzipped, she slid out of it and the finely crafted dress fell into a pool around her feet.

  She stood before Ian, unable to discern if he was grinning or staring wide-eyed at her for his lack of a face, though she did notice that he was swaying gently on his feet. She could feel his gaze upon her, though he had no eyes. She began to feel the privilege of seeing him like this… of being with him like this.

  Princesses… movie stars… daughters of the rich and powerful… she began to understand why Ian Madison had refused all of their advances. They were incompatible, both intellectually and physically. And out of nine billion people on the planet, she was a match for him.

  She stepped out of her shoes, leaving them in the ring of her dress on the floor and took one step closer to him. She unfastened her bra and dropped it aside, her large and swelling breasts hanging freely.

  She slipped her thumbs inside the hem of panties and slowly wiggled her way from out of them, revealing the small patch of darkened pubic hair that she wore.

  Ian again swayed on his feet and she had the distinct feeling that he would have been grinning like a teenager at seeing his first naked woman, if he had been wearing a mouth.

  A sudden thought struck her and the impending feeling of sexual liberty fled from her as the whole of the conundrum overcame her.

  Ian wore no clothing… he was as good as naked. But as she had observed he had no mouth. No mouth with which to kiss her… and he was also lacking the most important part on a man when it came to making a baby.

  “It’s alright,” Ian said, again making her think that he could see into her very thoughts.

  “But… how…?” she asked.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, stepping forward and taking her hands. “It will only happen this way once.”

  She bit her lower lip. “What if I want to do it again… in the future?”

  He chuckled softly. “Well… in that case, I’m afraid you’ll have to settle for my mere human shell. You’ll never see me again as I am now.”

  Oddly enough, she found that she could live with that. There were some experiences in life that were better had only the once. If they were had more than once, the effect was dulled and not as thrilling as they should have been.

  She took his hands, the light of his flesh – flesh? – stood in stark contrast to her own. Gently she pressed his hands over her full breasts. Her bosom was larger than his hands could grasp and his fingers and palms explored the fullness of her body. Something that sounded much like a delighted gasp left him.

  “Prepare yourself,” he said, reluctantly freeing his hands from her body. “This is going to be like nothing that you’ve ever experienced before.”

  Lanie had had men in her bed plenty of times before now. The first had been in high school, the next few had been in college, and more came during her post-grad years. She considered herself well-versed in the sexual arts. But somehow, she had the distinct feeling that he wasn’t talking about sex, at least not as how she thought of it.

  She stood where he left her and he took several two short steps back. He stretched his arms out as he had done before and widened his stance. Slowly, small arcs of electricity began to dance across his body, looking like miniature hairs that flapped lightly in a breeze.

  She stared and watched as the sight seemed as dazzling as he was. The arcs shot across the room, but seemed to be avoiding her entirely. The hairs on her body did not seem to react to the light show, not like it should have been. Somehow this seemed to make her feel certain that what was happening here was not threatening in any way. There was even something beautiful about it all.

  Then she felt it.

  The heat that Ian usually gave off seemed to fill the large room. It overcame her bare flesh as if she had been doused with a bucket of warm water. Her reaction was much the same. Her hands shot to her skin where the sensation was most prominent. Her skin tingled through and through, beginning in the tips of her toes and shooting all the way up to the roots of her scalp.

  One small arc of electricity surged from Ian’s body and made contact with her body, just below her left shoulder. The feeling was hard to describe, save to say that it was a mixture of pain and pleasure. The tingling that resulted danced across her body, giving her goose pimples.

  Another arc stretched across the distance between them, this one striking her just beneath her hip. A different part of her body danced now and somehow, though she was uncertain as to how she knew it, she could feel Ian inside of her. It felt just like it did when she heard him speak. She wasn’t only listening… she was feeling him.

  A third arc reached out and touched her, this one on her left hand. Another came and brushed against her knee. Another took her at the belly and another took her by the toes. Slowly, more and more of the blazing arcs of white light bridged the gap between Ian and her until at last it looked as though he were some kind of spider, having caught her in a web from which she did not want to escape.

  “Oh!” she lightly gasped as suddenly it felt like she had Ian, co
ursing through every pore on her body. But it was more than that… it was as if she was some kind of battery and Ian was the charge that would give her life.

  The tingle of electricity as it passed from him to her seemed to alter her perceptions. No lover she had ever had had done this to her. She arched her back and feared that she might fall over, being unable to stand on her feet. This felt true in its entirety as she felt gravity beginning to win her over and slowly she fell over backwards.

  But gravity did not take hold of her… she felt something new surround her. It was not energy… it was physical… flesh and blood. Her eyes though blurred from light and sensation began to clear. Standing over her, holding her in his arms as if he had just dipped her on the dance floor, was Ian in his human form.

  But the light still lingered, shining from around him as if he were possessed by some kind of unnatural bioluminescence. And holding her there, with strength that no human should possess, it felt as if he had claimed her entire body with his own and she loved it.

  He gently lowered her to the ground, burying his face in her breasts. The strange light may have been dimmed but his body was still as electric as a tropical thunderstorm. Her back arched and her very skin seemed to be singing to the song that Ian played. Every touch place his skin touched her sent a fresh arc of electricity through her. Every stroke of a hand… a finger… even a tongue… upon her skin could light up whole cities for days, it was so powerful.

  Everything was warm as he pressed the length of his body against her own. It felt as if his skin could have burned both through her and within her like fire but she felt nothing harmful. Her very skin craved his touched, like a drug that she could not get enough of. He kissed her up and down her breasts, her neck, her lips… but more than his mouth was at work. Everywhere his fingers, his legs, and his body touched her; an electric feeling stroked her inside and out. Everywhere she could imagine, reaching her in places where no human man’s hand had ever gone. She could feel him, though. Not just his flesh pressed against hers, but everywhere, simultaneously, as if she had been wrapped up in the warmest blanket ever made.

  Part of her was inclined to wonder if he had ever done this before. But the thoughts were quickly lost as he began to demonstrate that he knew the procedure well enough as any other man.

  She felt him enter her and the sensation was more intense than any other experience she had felt in her life. He plunged himself inside of her with more fire… more raw energy… than she felt capable of storing. Her mind felt as if it were about to be wiped blank the feeling was so intense. Jolts of electricity danced between the folds of her labia, her mons, even around her clit. Those same bolts shot their way up her spine, bouncing between her lungs until she felt as though might lose the ability to breathe.

  The old sensation of her heart accelerating in Ian’s presence returned a hundred fold. Steam locomotives didn’t pound their gears this rapidly and harsh. If he had plugged her into a city generator she could have fueled the city’s lights for a millennia, so much energy was pushing its way through her.

  The feelings changed again, developing a rhythm. He slid in… then slid out. In, out, in, out, in, out, just as any normal man would… but better. The touch was so delicate it was as if he weren’t even touching her, but so intense that it felt better than anything that any other man had ever provided for her.

  His fingers locked around hers, pinning her to the ground. He pushed himself up as he pushed himself in. His thrusts were aggressive, but somehow still gentle. She hooked her legs over his hips, allowing his cock to plunge to whatever depths he wanted.

  She freed her hands from his fingers; he did not try and stop her from doing so. Her fingers caressed the bare skin of his chest and her skin tickled as she was touching static electricity. She almost tried to grasp that feeling her with hands as she turned her palms upon her breasts, cupping them. The power dancing across her skin seemed to transfer through her palms, electrifying her bosom. Her fingers pinched her darkened nipples, turning them as hard as granite. Her palms were warm upon her own body as she gently massaged her nipples… her fingers lightly tracing her areolas… her palms cupping as much of her overlarge breasts as they could. And all the while it still felt as if it was Ian’s hands upon her and not her own.

  Ian lowered himself, kissing her. There was a familiar sensation there, as if he had just pried her lips apart with his tongue. There was a sudden refreshing feeling that burst inside of her mouth, making her tongue feel as though it were swelling.

  Her eyes rolled back into their sockets, that mind-wiping feeling rushing back into her brain. She could literally taste the power that Ian exuded as it rolled around the inside of her mouth with his tongue, exploring every possible crevice and probing down her throat.

  Ian broke their kiss and slowly kissed and crawled his way down, resituating himself between her legs. Every gentle dab of his lips carried that same intense energy over her body.

  That same feeling seemed to linger, rolling around the edges of her lips… over the edge of her chin… down her throat… through the valley of her breasts… to her belly… and finally it crept into the folds of her pussy.

  “Oh, yes!” she said, her legs trembling as his electric tongue did its work there.

  It was better than any flesh-and-blood lover could have provided for her. She could still feel those tiniest of arcs of power that he shared with her as they tickled her in places were a genuine tongue had never thought to try. And once more, even the tiniest of those sensations bounced off of the walls of her womanhood like rubber balls in a speedball court. And every bounce felt like the clap of thunder inside of her.

  “More… more…” she gasped.

  Her perceptions of the world once again began to change. Her mind felt as if it had suddenly taken leave of her body. She felt as if she had suddenly been suspended in the air, the inside of her mind began to turn like the needle on a compass as her legs began to tremble under Ian’s gentle but overpowering tongue.

  She used her eyes, searching the holographic projections above her, looking for a fixed point to try and anchor her senses to. The many lingering images of the distant and unseen solar systems floated about in her range of vision, but there was nothing solid for her to glance upon. She tried holding them in her eyes and she felt as if she truly were flying freely through space. If travel to the nearest world took a century she wouldn’t have minded the journey one bit if this was the means by which she traveled.

  Something shifted within her mind. She noticed that she didn’t feel the dizzying effect upon her that she knew she should have been feeling. This wasn’t the first time that a man had done this before, but the effect it had had had fallen well short of this. But Ian was reaching the right point. The light… the energy… the warmth… Ian’s very presence seemed to have created some kind of impenetrable barrier around her in which nothing could harm her.

  It was as if she were safe in his embrace, held by invisible but powerful arms that would shield her from everything. No man had ever been able to lift her from the ground, but Ian was certainly proving that he had the power and the desire to transport her across worlds.

  She hoped that there was a planet… a plain… an alternate reality somewhere in the cosmos unseen by human eyes that were given over entirely to ecstasy. Because she had discovered the means by which to reach it and she didn’t mind in the slightest that she alone carried that key. It felt as though she was in flight and the energy lent to her through Ian carried her body to greater heights yet, though she did not move.

  He pulled his tongue out and crawled back up the length of her body. She welcomed him as he slid back inside of her, she could feel his flesh, warm and hard, full of the promise of life. And no sooner had he slipped back inside of her that she began to feel something… more. It felt as if a fuse had been lit within her and her entire body, every last molecule of it, was packed with nuclear materials and ready to explode.

  The feeling was warm,
but not how she had expected it to feel. It started in her pussy, and then traveled up until it hit her belly… her heart… her lungs… it traveled up her throat… danced across her vocal chords… and plunged into her mind like she had just been clobbered over the head with a sledgehammer.

  And then it happened.

  Within her, she saw the blinding light behind her eyes. Her mouth opened in a silent scream and her whole body trembled. She lost her senses and could not feel her limbs, but the lingering dance of electricity through her flesh remained. She focused with all of her might to hang onto that sensation, recalling – however vaguely – that Ian had said it would never happen like this again. And she wanted to savor the feeling for as long as was possible.

  Slowly, the spinning sensation in her mind began to fade away. Her eyes, though slightly blurred for the overcharge of energy, began to clear. She closed them, trying to realign her senses as every part of her body seemed to be trembling with power. The light generated by Ian’s body, by the strange and beautiful bond that they had shared began to dwindle.

  Slowly she became aware of other feelings. She felt the floor under her bare feet… then her legs stretched out, her warm skin touching the cool glass-like floor… her back felt sweaty and the glass kissed at her skin there.

  She felt Ian disengage himself from her and even behind her closed eyelids she saw the bright brilliant light of his alter form. She felt a pang of regret, thinking that she would never so intense a feeling… so deep an experience… ever again.

  When she opened her eyes she rolled onto her side. The floor was cool, or maybe it was just her senses returning to normal after being exposed to so much heat, like something fresh out of a microwave. Her breathing felt shallow but with every breath her lungs seemed to return to their conventional rhythm.

  The light of Ian’s presence, as dazzling as it had been when first she had seen it, seemed to pale compared to what she had just witnessed. It was like looking at a candle after staring at a spot light. Still, there was something utterly beautiful in it all.


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