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Billionaire's Holiday Bride: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance

Page 86

by Serena Vale

  He beamed at her. “The baby’s going to be a fish himself, isn’t he?”

  “She is going to be a marine engineer, like her mother,” she said. They’d had this debate before, if their child was going to be a boy or a girl, but she always found it cute the way he brought it up and was stubbornly determined to have a son.

  “You think listening to the real thing will help the baby pick up on something that you’ve missed?” he asked.

  She gave a short nod. “You know how they say if you start speaking a second language around a child at a young age that they pick it up easier? Well, I’m hoping that she’ll develop an ear for whale song and well…”

  She didn’t need to explain anymore. He understood her point.

  “You’ll crack it someday, you know. The baby will help.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Always the optimist, aren’t you?”

  “I have to be. I believe in giving things a chance.”

  She kissed him for that.

  “Don’t be up here too long,” he said, giving her hand a final squeeze.

  She nodded and watched him as he disappeared back below deck. She smiled again, having the weather deck to herself once again. It was just her and the sea, and the unborn child in her belly.

  She closed her eyes and went back to listening to the sounds of the water.

  Touch Down For Love

  Chapter 1


  Tate Henderson was developing quite the reputation these days, which wasn’t a surprise really. He’d gone from regular guy to superhero after winning the biggest match of the season and soon everyone knew his name.

  “You’re like the Justin Bieber of sports.” One of his friends had said to him. Which he, of course, had taken as a compliment and used as yet another reason to become as wild as possible. It didn’t harm that he had the looks as well as the talent. He was twenty nine years old, with dark brown hair that swept over his face, bright blue eyes, the physique of an athlete and the whole world at his feet. The moment he had scored that final goal his social media had gone crazy, with girls practically throwing themselves at him. And really, who was he to deny their advances.

  At the start, he’d taken it in his stride, but when one party got particularly out of hand he found that he could not say no any longer. He said yes to every party and every girl that came his way. “I’m having the time of my life,” he told Bobby, his oldest friend, “and I never want it to stop.”

  That day was just a day like any other; he’d spent the night at a party, gotten horribly drunk and spent the morning nursing a hangover with countless cups of coffee. He had a meeting with his PR manager and by the time he was due to meet her he was still feeling rough. Nevertheless, he put on his sunglasses and sauntered inside, not daring to take them off. He looked around for Sally and found her sitting in the corner of the coffee shop, her hands folded. She looked upset. Sally Ann Truder had been his manager from the start. She’d been the one that had seen potential in him and she’d been the one that had taken a chance on him when nobody else would. From the very beginning she had promised him great things, and it was her guidance that had given him the confidence to play bigger and better each time. She’d been so proud of him the day he had scored that winning goal and the two of them had popped open a bottle of champagne the moment he was off the field. He knew that he needed her as much as she needed him. He liked Sally. She was demure in stature, and yet overbearing in nature. She reminded him a lot like one of those small yappy dogs who were convinced they were really an Alsatian. There was something about her sternness and her ability to say things as they were that made her a force to be reckoned with. He liked her non-nonsense style right from the start and so far they’d maintained a good relationship throughout his career. It was customary for them to meet once a week at a coffee shop to talk business and to keep his focus on the game. More and more he had noticed her become frustrated at him because each time he’d arrive with stories of parties rather than ideas for his game. Today was no different.

  “Take off your glasses,” she said without saying hello or standing up to greet him. Tate sighed and did as he was told, well aware that his eyes were the same red colour as his shirt. He looked at her and smiled, hoping to gain back her confidence with a bit of flirtation.

  “I’m sorry I’m late Sally. But you look gorgeous today. New hairstyle?”

  “Seriously Tate? You’re going to flirt with me? Me? Firstly, you’re not my type. Secondly, why the hell are your eyes so red? Wait, don’t answer that. I actually really don’t want to hear another one of your stories. But listen, I have something serious to ask you. Can you explain this?” And with that she held out a newspaper.

  Tate had no idea why she was handing him the newspaper but he knew it couldn’t be good news. He glanced at the page and immediately saw the words, “WOMAN CLAIMS THAT TATE ‘THE GREAT’ HENDERSON BROKE UP WITH HER OVER A TEXT MESSAGE. PERHAPS HE’S NOT SO GREAT AFTER ALL.”

  Tate could barely look at Sally’s face but he noticed that her hands were shaking as she held out the paper to him. ‘Tate the Great’ had been something that she had spread through the media and was pleased when it had spread like wild fire. Now, it was being thrown back in her face, and he knew that it was because of him that it had happened. “Uh… well… I can explain. This chick was crazy Sally. Seriously. If I had to break up with her in person I probably would’ve been left with bruises. It really was the only way to go about it. Also, it really was not a serious relationship. It could barely be called a relationship at all.”

  “Well if you’re not careful you’re going to be getting bruises from me anyway. Tate, you can’t keep doing this. I know you think you’re big stuff and all that, but can’t you see that you’re acting like an idiot. Do you really enjoy this type of lifestyle anyway? You’re turning thirty next week and most of the people you hang out with look like they’ve just finished high school. Do you really want to be seen as the pathetic old guy?”

  Straight talking Sally has appeared. Tate sat back in his chair and waited while Sally ordered for the two of them. The waitress had come over just as Sally had finished her speech and Tate was grateful for the intrusion and the brief moment to catch his breath. He wanted to be upset with Sally, he wanted to tell her that her life must be boring and that she had no idea what he was going through. But the truth was that he understood why she was upset. And he knew that he was turning into the type of guy that he had always hated. Just the night before, at yet another party that had turned into an all-nighter, he had looked around and noticed how out of place he really was. If it wasn’t for his career there was no ways that people like this would be hanging out with him. They were all young and gorgeous and it was suddenly obvious to him why they hung out with him. It had nothing to do with his personality and everything to do with his money and his fame. Of course, he liked being richer than he ever thought possible – he’d be lying if he said he didn’t – but the thought that he was almost buying his friends didn’t sit well with him. When the waitress left he looked Sally in the eye.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Sally sighed, a small smile playing on her lips. “I know you are. And look Tate, I don’t blame you. Well, I do, a little. But what I mean is that I know how easy it is for fame to get to someone’s head. But you’re going to be out of this game in no time if you carry on like this. Not only is this lifestyle affecting your game, but you’re also starting to be hated by the public. And you’re a good guy. Well at least I know you’re a good guy, even if you pretend to be otherwise.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” Tate said and then laughed. “But what am I going to do Sally? I mean, I’ve done this to myself and now I have to get myself out of it. But even if I stop going to parties and stop messing around with girls, well how long will it take for them to believe me? A bad reputation is way harder to get rid of then a good one.”

  “Well…” Sally wouldn’t look at Tate in the eye.
br />   “What’s on your mind? You look like you have a plan.”

  “Well, yes, I do have a plan. But I’m not quite sure how you’re going to feel about it.”

  “Oh go on, try me. I’m up for anything at the moment. You’re right; I need to start focusing on my career.”

  “Okay then, but hear me out okay! There’s one way that you can put your reputation back to where it should be. You need to move from bad boy to good guy and you need to do it quickly. The right type of woman would do that perfectly.”

  “What do you –

  “Stop interrupting. Just hear me out. The right type of woman. Someone with a good reputation. Someone that people can’t help but love. We need a girl that even the girls can’t be upset about because they like her as much as they like you. You’ll be the couple that everyone wants to be.”

  “Okay, but –

  “Tate. Just listen. So I know that you can’t just find a girl like that all of a sudden. So what I propose is this. We pay someone to be your wife. Wait! Don’t say anything. And stop giving me that look. It’s not unheard of. People meet their life partners online all the time. So what we do is we look for a personal assistant. And then when they come in for the job we choose the one that we like the most and propose the ‘wife’ situation. Okay, so they don’t have to become your wife. But you guys can pretend you’ve known each other for longer, or we can pretend it was love at first sight, and then you propose. Just until your reputation gets better again. And then, once it has, she can break up with you and you’ll suddenly be the guy that everyone wants to see happy again.”

  “Whoa! Sally, that’s kind of a big deal. You’re asking me to pay someone to be my fiancé. To pretend to fall in love. I don’t know, hey. And how do we know that this girl is even going to agree?”

  Sally smiled, “The fact that you’re asking me that question means that you’re actually considering it, which is great news. It means you KNOW that I’m right. But come on Tate, you know I’m always right.” Sally started laughing, seemingly delighted at herself and her plan.

  “Oh what the hell. I’m probably going to regret this tomorrow. Right now I’m still half asleep. But only if I agree on the woman. Deal?”

  “Deal!” What have I just gotten myself into?

  Chapter 2


  “Well don’t you look smart. And where are you off to looking like that?”

  “I have a job interview.”

  “A JOB INTEVIEW! Well why didn’t you say anything? Tell me more!”

  “Ah mom, I just didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. And I didn’t want anyone to know because I’m sure the chances of me actually getting it are very slim.”

  “Don’t be silly now, just tell me. And of course you’ll get it.”

  Alexis sighed, “It’s to be Tate Henderson’s personal assistant. You know, the football player.”

  Her mother screamed and then quickly put her hand over her mouth, “Sorry, sorry. Yes, of COURSE I know who Tate is. Everyone knows who he is. Tate the Great. Wow, Alexis, that’s amazing. I just know you’re going to get it. He’s quite the ladies’ man after all, and you’re so pretty!”

  “Ah mom, stop it. I’m probably not going to get it. I bet you there are thousands going for the same job. Okay, I better go before I’m late.”

  Alexis rushed off and groaned. She had recently lost her job and had moved back in with her parents. Her dad had recently fallen ill and she knew that her mother was battling to pay the bills alone. She’d planned to move in and help out where possible. The last thing she had expected was to lose her job so suddenly. She wasn’t used to living so close to her parents again and while she loved them dearly she couldn’t help but feel suffocated by them. Especially her mother who was adamant on becoming her ‘bestie’ all of a sudden. Alexis had planned on sneaking out for the interview but it came as no surprise that her mother had caught her. Nevertheless, the brief encounter had stopped her from thinking about her nerves for a little while. She wondered if the interview would be with Tate himself but hoped that it wouldn’t be. She knew that the job would be to work for him but she wasn’t sure if she’d get through the interview well if he was staring at her with those eyes. In a way she hoped that he wouldn’t be quite so good looking in person. Just in case though she’d made sure that she looked her best and had spent the last two hours getting ready. In the end she chose a simple tailored outfit that covered her up nicely while still accentuating the parts that mattered. And also hides the parts that I don’t want on show, she thought. Her suit was black but she had chosen a crisp white shirt underneath which she knew looked good on her dark skin. She hoped that the color of her skin wouldn’t prevent her from getting the job, after all she’d only seen white women hanging on to his arm. But then again she wasn’t there to be his girlfriend so it shouldn’t really matter at all. Her hair, unfortunately, was something she couldn’t seem to tame. She’d thought of straightening it but she could never quite do it right, so in the end she left it as it was – a mop of curls that framed her face wildly.

  When Alexis walked into the office she was greeted by a short and stern woman who introduced herself as Sally. Alexis immediately knew that this was Tate’s PR Manager, simply because she spent the last few days gathering as much information on him as possible. The more she found out about him though, the more she disliked him. Before his fame, he actually seemed like a very nice man, but lately the only photos she could find of him were of him at party after party. But she needed the money and she knew that a job like this would pay well.

  “Hello, you must be Alexis. I’m Sally, come on in.”

  Alexis walked into the office and sat down as Sally closed the door behind her.

  “Well aren’t you pretty.” She said and Alexis looked up in surprise - that was not something that someone normally said at an interview. But Sally seemed nonplussed and Alexis quickly mumbled a thank you.

  “You are the tenth person to walk through these doors. It seems the prospect of working for Mr. Henderson is very appealing. Tell me, why are you here.”

  “Well firstly thank you for having me. I’m going to be completely honest with you here. I recently lost my job, not by anything that I had done, but simply because the company closed down, and it left me in a bit of a predicament. My father is very ill and I’m helping my mother out by paying some of their bills. I’ve recently moved back in with them and I know they appreciate all the extra help they can get. I’m not saying I want this job purely for the money, but I certainly do need some job security to help my family. That being said, I am a hard worker, I have no qualms at telling a celebrity what to do and what not to do, and I know that I can get the job done.”

  Alexis hadn’t planned on being so forthright in the interview but the words had just flown out of her without her control. She hoped she hadn’t overstepped the mark but Sally was looking at her with interest and what seemed to be the start of a smile was forming on her lips.

  “I like you Alexis.”

  After that the two of them sat for over an hour just talking. Sally was quite intrusive about her personal life but Alexis supposed that she needed to know as much about her as possible. Things were certainly looking positive and Alexis wondered if the other nine candidates before her had sat in the interview for so long. Finally, Sally sat back and looked at her.

  “Alexis. You were very honest with me, so I need to be honest with you.” And just like that Sally went on to explain to Alexis what the interview was really all about and what type of plan she had for Tate. Alexis was too shocked to speak – every time she opened her mouth the words would not come. Sally was looking at her kindly.

  “I know this is a surprise. But I can assure you that you are the only woman that I have told about this. You really are the tenth person to come through this door for the interview, but the others I let go without telling them the truth. Quite frankly, you’re the best person I’ve interviewed. To be honest I don’
t even want to see anyone else. As far as I am concerned you are the perfect person for the job.”

  “But it’s not really a job. You’re asking me to marry him.” She said, finally finding her voice.

  “Not marry. I’m asking you to be his girlfriend. To eventually be his fiancé. I mean, what’s the big deal really. You don’t have to do anything with him. You don’t have to actually marry him. It’s all pretend. You can go out with him as his friend. Nobody needs to know that it’s nothing more than that.”

  “I guess you’re right. But it’s weird. I don’t know. I’m not sure I can.”

  “Look Alexis, I understand why you are concerned. I really do. But it’s not like I’m asking you to sleep with him. Or to marry him. I’m asking you to just pretend to be his girlfriend. I’m asking you to be his friend. And Alexis, it’s good money. Really good money. If you don’t want to do this for yourself, then maybe you should do it for your father. He needs you right now. And yes, I’m trying to manipulate you into doing it. I have no problem admitting that. I’m a straight talker as you can see, but so are you. Just think of it as a very well-paying job that won’t last forever.”

  Alexis sighed. “Can I at least meet him first?”

  Sally smiled, a wide grin taking over her face, “Yes, of course you can. You can meet him right now in fact.” They both knew that the deal was already made.

  Sally led Alexis to another room not far from the one they had just been in. Inside, Tate Henderson sat facing her, his eyes as soulful as they were on TV. She cringed thinking that Tate had been sitting there the whole time while she was interviewed. She felt herself immediately regretting the decision. Sally had explained that Tate knew what the plan was and assured her that he had been sceptical about the plan too. So when she walked into the room and faced him she knew that he was assessing her in the same way that Sally had been. Only this was so much worse. She was grateful when he smiled and invited her to sit down.


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