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Love, Laughter and Happily Ever After: A Short Story Collection

Page 19

by Daisy Prescott

  “I am. Nevertheless, the value of the Pink Pearl is a price far above rubies.”

  “You speak in riddles, Fair Robert. I have not given you a ransom of pieces of eight only to be told tall tales.”

  “To summarize what I’ve told you so far, since you insist on being a block of wood, the pearl you seek is not a gem. Nor is it to be found on land. Ask yourself what the admiral treasures above all things and you will have your answer.”

  A silence lingered over the table.

  “I believe you are a liar as well as a scoundrel. Dare you infer that the admiral is seeking not a gem, but his niece Fiona? The beloved daughter of his only sister who was lost to sea while returning to school in England from Jamaica over ten years ago?”

  “I do, and I am. Long has there been rumors of a fair pirate on these seas. One whose beauty is matched by her ruthlessness and sexual prowess. This may be the gem your admiral has you hunting.”

  “Blasphemy! That maiden went down with the ship. The tragedy killed her parents as well as devastated her uncle. He never recovered from their loss.”

  “Believe what you will, but should you discover you agree with my words, meet me back at this tavern in a month’s time. Bring a larger pouch and I may be able to be of further assistance.”

  Robert drained the dregs of the amber liquid from his tankard and stood. He nodded to his companion, but made no move to leave first. He suspected he’d be followed the moment his boot crossed the threshold.

  “One month’s time. I’ll hold you to it or be seeing you on the scaffolds.” The sailor stood, donned his hat, and with a nod, departed through the door he entered the tavern.

  Robert patted his vest and walked into the kitchen. After looking down both directions of the alley, he walked toward the busier street and down the hill in the direction of the awaiting skiff and crew.

  Drunken laughter, barrels being hauled aboard ships, and the sound slapping of water against wood greeted him as he turned the corner onto the quay, but the noise of a scuffle behind him distracted him. Turning and drawing his knife, he discovered Sebastien standing over the body of a man in dark clothing.

  “Do you know this man?” Sebastien asked. “He’s been trailing you since the tavern.” He kicked the unconscious man in the back with his rough boot.

  Upon closer inspection, Robert recognized him as the cook from the tavern. “Aye, he is the cook at that rat infested tavern. I knew I’d be followed. Let’s bring him back with us. He can be the captain’s new pet.”

  With a whistle, Sebastien called over Jack. The two of them lifted the cook and dragged him to their skiff hidden between the larger ships at the main pier.

  Chapter 3


  The rocking of the ship while she sailed away from Port de Neuf and the danger of the British Royal Navy soothed Fiona as she gazed down at the handsome face of the man in her bed. The man from the docks was lying across her bed, stripped from the waist up, and if it weren’t for the shackles around his wrists and ankles, he could be her lover. Even shackled, he could be my lover, she thought and smiled.

  The beating of the waves against the hull created a rhythm that echoed her heartbeat. A warm, tropical breeze blew in through the portholes of her cabin and reminded her there was no place she’d rather be than at sea on her beloved ship. Any sort of bounty or treasure was secured below deck or hidden in one of the many caves in secluded coves known only to a trusted few. Looking around the cabin, her eyes landed on the few trinkets and treasures she kept for sentimental reasons. A silver candelabrum, a strand of pearls, and a silver hand mirror with broken glass were scattered across the marble of her dresser. Another candelabrum, brass spyglass, and nautical charts littered her desk. At night, crystal-hung candle sconces bathed the cabin in a soft light, but last night’s candles had burned out hours ago.

  The man looked peaceful as he slept. At least she thought he was asleep. The bump on his head from Sebastian last night was bruised and swollen.

  Fiona reached out to stroke his dark locks where they fell across his face. His profile reminded her of an English illustration from her childhood books. Images of rosy cheeked boys marching in their uniforms flitted through her memory, and she struggled to squelch the longing they stirred within her for a life lost fathoms deep in the unforgiving waters of the Atlantic a very long time ago.

  Her guest’s moans brought her back to the present and she quickly removed her hand from his forehead before she was caught being affectionate to him. The Captain of the Mi’Lady was never affectionate. With anyone.

  Another moan and the man struggled to lift his hand from the bed only to be met with the resistance from his ropes.

  She stared at his face, willing him to open his eyes so she could delve into the mystery of his appearance on her ship. After a few moments of aggravated waiting, she flicked his pectoral with the cat o’nine tails before returning it to her lap.

  As his skin began to pink where the leather strips made impact, the man opened his eyes.

  “It would appear the Adonis has deemed this mere human worthy of his attention. Finally,” she said, flicking the braided leather tendrils lightly against her own leg.

  “Forgive me for keeping you waiting, mistress …” He faded into silence.

  “You may call me Captain. You find yourself aboard my ship, Mister …” Her own words left room for him to answer. She doubted if his name would be his own.

  “Boarder. William Boarder, Captain.”

  “Ah, Mr. Boarder. The pleasure is all mine.” Her gaze moved from his deep brown eyes, over his strong jaw, before lingering on his skin just above his unlaced, but still closed, breeches.

  “I doubt that with every breath I take.”

  She smiled. “Have you just declared that every breath belongs to me? A very bold, and perhaps foolish, declaration. Which are you, William Boarder? Bold or foolish?

  “A bit of both, I believe, Captain.” He tugged at his bonds, demonstrating he was completely under her control. “For I seem to already be at your mercy.”

  “I’m not known for my mercy. It is the least of my traits.” To emphasize this, she flicked his chest again with the flogger, only this time she left a welt. “Tell me this, Mr. Boarder, how did you come to be in this situation? I am most curious.”

  He blanched and then blinked a few times before composing his answer. “I’m not exactly certain how I came to discover myself here. I’m uncertain as to where here is other than in the captain’s quarters of a ship that is at sea. My last memory is of being on the quay of Port de Neuf. Forgive me if the rest is a blank, but from the ache in my head, I suspect I bear the mark of one of your men upon my skull.” He squinted his eyes as if in pain.

  “Aye, you do indeed. My crew does not take lightly to being followed and spied upon. Spies are a dangerous lot. More foolish than bold.”

  “My apologies, mistress. I will not insult your intelligence with lies. Tis true that I left the tavern to follow your man to the quay. I was concerned with his safety after his meeting. There are ears and eyes of far less honorable men in both the tavern and darkened alleys. I was not aware he was traveling with companions. Overhearing a bit of his conversation led me to believe he would be in danger.”

  She remained silent for a moment, trying to sift the lies from the truth of his words. He followed Fair Robert that she knew was true, but upon what motivation? Robert was not a meek man who would appear to need protection. However, it appeared he did need to be watched. Fiona was unaware he met with anyone alone in Port de Neuf.

  “Very strange of you to feel protective of a man such as the one you saw in the tavern. Perhaps you overheard something that piqued your curiosity?”

  He gazed sheepishly into her eyes before answering. “Aye, mi’ lady. I heard mentioned something about the legendary Pink Pearl. I’m only a lowly tavern cook. The promise of riches lured me to leave my senses and I acted foolishly.”

  Fiona swallowed her shock and
quelled her rising emotions, lest her face gave anything away.

  “The Pink Pearl? Bullocks. That is pure legend. And you thought you would follow my man and discover what men far more bold and stupid than a tavern cook have sought and failed to find for many a year? You, a landlubber who has probably never ventured further a sea than the harbor wall? Oh, dear. I had such high hopes for you. Pity.”

  His panicked eyes gave away his inner turmoil. He stretched his bindings, as if he could escape or break from his trussings. Her melodious laughter filled the room.

  “Oh, sweet William. You cannot escape. As I see it, we have only two options. In most situations such as this there would only be one: marooning. I know a lovely little sandbar with a single palm for a bit of shade.”

  “Dare I be bold and ask what the second option may be?”

  “If I am feeling generous, you’ll meet the rope’s end and take your chances on pleasing me.” Fiona licked her lips and stroked the handle of her flogger. “If you please me, I may spare you the fate of the sandbar and make you part of my crew. That is if I am feeling generous. Or bored.”

  He squirmed on the bed. His cotton breeches left nothing to be imagined as his choice of punishments became clearly evident by the growing bulge drawing Fiona’s eyes to his middle.

  “I see you’ve chosen the second punishment, then?”

  He nodded.

  “Are you feeling bold?” she asked, standing up and swinging the cat slowly through the air next to her side.

  “No, mi’lady. Nonetheless, I’d be foolish to turn down the opportunity to please a beautiful woman.”

  “I favor the bold and rarely suffer fools aboard the Mi’Lady. Remember, dead men tell no tales, William. So whatever shall occur here must not leave the cabin, let alone the ship.”

  “You have my word, mistress.”

  “The value of your word must be earned. Let’s see how you deal with my favorite cat.” With those words, she swung the flogger high above her head. The descent of the leather straps stirred the air of the cabin. The first contact caused him to close his eyes and cry out.

  “Shhh. Silence. For each time you cry out, I shall add another stroke.”

  Her next few strikes moved across his chest, occasionally landing on his upper thighs, but she was always careful to avoid the prominent ridge at the top of his pants.

  “Me thinks the gentleman is enjoying the pussy.”

  He had his eyes clenched tight and his hands fisted the ropes binding him to the bed, but did not respond.

  “Wonderful. Your obedience is better than your word. You may speak, William.”

  “Thank you, mistress. While my chest is afire, my body feels awakened. Alive.”

  “I think we’re off to a beautiful beginning,” she said as she gently stroked the welts on his chest. Gliding her hand lower, she grasped him in her hand over the linen of his pants. Neither his length nor his girth was contained by her hand. “Oh, yes. We’re off to a most beautiful beginning.” With those words, she undid the laces of his pants and revealed his cock. Her mouth soon replaced her hand, laving him with her tongue before tasting the saltiness at the tip. She stretched her mouth around him, dragging her teeth along the underside of his cock before taking him fully in her mouth.

  He bucked his hips but did not speak.

  Standing upright, she commanded him, “Lift your hips,” before pulling down the obstructive fabric of his pants. His legs were still splayed and tethered to the posts at the corners of her bed while his arms remained above his head.

  Removing her own clothing, she mused over the man before her and in which position she would ride him. While his eyes were deep and soulful, she rarely faced her new conquests. Eye contact was to be earned for it was far too intimate. She toyed with herself, rubbing her clit and pushing a single finger inside. Using the flogger always aroused her beyond anything except a talented mouth.

  Assuring herself he was still restrained, she stroked his length, spreading the moisture from the tip to create a slickness. She mounted him, facing away from the headboard. He stretched her far more than Robert. She rocked and moaned when her ass slowly settled against his hips.

  “Do I please you, mi’ lady?” he whispered.

  “So far you do. I must say that you conceal the length of your sword very well. I had my suspicions, but am more than pleasantly surprised. Now, enough of this chatter. Let me see what you can do with your blade.”

  Her rocking alternated with bouncing as she rode him hard. Reaching up, she tweaked and pulled at her nipples. She stifled a moan by biting the inside of her cheek. Close to coming undone, she paused until she regained her control. No man had ever brought her to the edge so quickly. She would definitely be keeping him around.

  Reaching the edge, she let herself fall. Her body spasmed as she continued rocking. When the last of the waves of pleasure ceased, she realized that he was still stiff inside her. His own pleasure not yet achieved. She looked at him over her shoulder.

  “Have you held off your own release?”

  With a strained, husky voice, he answered, “I have, mi’ lady. My life depended on pleasing you, not seeking my own glory.”

  “Your life will be spared. At least for another day. You have more than pleased me.” She leaned over him to release his legs, rubbing his ankles where the bindings made pink marks.

  “Now that I’ve spared you from marooning, you must swear your loyalty to me and my ship to remain. Do you do so?” she asked as she rose from the bed to loosen the remaining bindings.

  “I do, mi’ lady. You have my word and my body as proof of my loyalty.”

  “You are a foolish man, William. You must realize you are in the company of a pirate captain.” She released his arms. He stretched out his arms and rolled his neck.

  With his shackles gone, he sat up before responding, “Aye, Captain Fiona.”

  Chapter 4


  Only the cries of gulls and the waves could be heard as William watched shock cross Fiona’s face. Awaiting her answer, he gazed up at long tendrils of raven colored hair, eyes the color of the Sargasso Sea, and lips the color of a hibiscus bloom. Her skin was flushed from their encounter and her bosom heaved with her shocked breath.

  He recalled how stunned he was to awake and see her sitting in only her white chemise and bloomers. The cat o’nine tails looked out of place in her delicate hand. Or perhaps it was the innocent white of her ensemble that was incongruous with the woman and her surroundings. He found himself spellbound by her beauty. She was indeed a rare gem.

  His attention distracted by Fiona’s beauty, he failed to notice her shift above him. When he felt his legs squeezed in a vice of her thighs, it was too late. Once again, he found himself on his back and at her mercy.

  “Tsk, tsk, Mr. Boarder,” she chided him. “If you plan to make a play to escape, you must keep your focus.” To emphasize her point, she ground her hips on his torso, her heat seeping into his skin. His body responded. She laughed when she felt him begin to harden beneath her.

  “I had no plans to escape, mi’ lady. ” He blinked innocently at her and rolled his hips.

  “You called me Fiona, yet I do not have the memory of introducing myself other than as Captain.”

  “I must have heard one of your crew use the name, mi’ lady.”

  Her stare told him she didn’t believe his lie.

  “No one calls me anything but captain outside of this cabin. No, that cannot be it.”

  He looked frantically around the dark wood paneled cabin for something to cover his error. Spying a small handkerchief on the dresser amongst the silver candelabra and assorted jewels, he sighed with relief. “Your handkerchief, Captain, is monogrammed with an F.” He gestured to the scrap of embroidered linen. “I guessed. My second guess was Frances.”

  Fiona frowned at his explanation, glancing at the dresser. “I suspect you are lying. I don’t know how you know my name, but you do. You are a liar and a snoop.
Therefore, it is best to keep my eye on you. You’re lucky you pleased me in bed, or I’d be tempted to keelhaul you and find out the truth. I’m sure the keel is covered with barnacles sharp enough to draw out both blood and the truth. Despite my suspicions about you, your timing is impeccable as I’ve grown bored of Fair Robert. And if your words are truth and not more lies, then I shouldn’t be sharing my affections with him anymore, nor my trust. I shall keep you onboard the ship, but you will be my personal cabin boy.”

  With that she gave his torso a final squeeze with her thighs and dismounted. She eyed his erection and recalled that he hadn’t yet come.

  “I am pleased to be at your service, mi’ lady. I shall not forget your kindness, and it will be my duty to please you at your command.” He made no move to get off the bed, awaiting her instructions.

  “Very well then, you may fetch my bath and my breakfast,” she said, donning a robe of red silk. The red against her dark hair and pale skin made her appear much more the buccaneer of legend.

  He gathered his clothes from the floor and made his exit. Once in the alleyway outside the captain’s quarters, he paused to catch his breath. He couldn’t let himself slip again if he was to complete his quest for the truth about the Pink Pearl. Based upon what he overheard in the Golden Parrot, his new lover could be the missing piece in solving the mystery that had haunted him since childhood.

  Following the narrow passage that led to stairs going further below deck, he let his nose guide him to the galley. The sound of boisterous men’s voices confirmed he had found the galley and mess when he pushed through the door.

  “Ah, I see the captain has indeed found herself a new pet,” a man with blonde hair and an arrogant expression said upon seeing William standing in the doorway. “I didn’t think you had it in you. Figured we’d be making a detour to her favorite sandbar.”

  The other men gathered around the long, battered wood table laughed. An old man with a glass eye laughed with them, but then offered William a hello. “Never you mind Robert sitting there.” The man gestured at the arrogant blond. William recognized him as the man he’d followed from the tavern. “What is your name, young man?”


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