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Love's Betrayals (The Extraordinary Life of Amy Winston Book 2)

Page 25

by Liza O'Connor

  She snuggled against him. “Yes, I think it will,” she assured him and closed her eyes.

  Her eyes popped open, the moment he attempted to slip from the bed. “Don’t go,” she pleaded.

  “I have to take care of my own needs before I can dare sleep with you in my bed.”

  She noticed his manhood was red and stiff as if angry for being ignored. “Can I not take care of it?”

  “If you do not mind.”

  She smiled. “It would please me immensely to do so.” She pushed his legs apart and settled down between them. She captured his rod in her hands and examined it with intense interest. “What parts are most sensitive?”

  He laughed. “It’s pretty much all sensitive, but the tip seems most so.”

  She looked at the tip and leaned down and kissed it.

  By Antonio’s groan, she knew he had liked that, so she kissed it again. Sensing she could do no wrong with such a sensitive audience, she showered kisses over every part and then remembering the pleasure of Antonio’s tongue upon her, she tried licking him and was richly rewarded with sweet curses as pleasure coursed through his body.

  She had just discovered the combination of kissing and licking his tip with stroking the hot rod seemed to bring him the greatest of pleasure, when he pushed her back and his manhood erupted with white lava. She placed her hand upon his manhood but could feel no wrongness as her stroking brought even more lava to the surface.

  “Is this normal?”

  “Yes, the liquid contains my seed needed to make a child.” He rose and retrieved a towel to clean the mess. He then pulled her into his arms.

  “We can safely sleep now.”

  Amy wanted to point out that she was once again in need, but she didn’t have the heart. However, she saw a serious problem with this method of lovemaking. One partner remained aroused but unsatisfied at the end.

  In the morning, after another exchanging of pleasure, and a hearty breakfast in which she learned that Catherine’s marriage was not in any sort of danger, she retrieved her medical book and climbed into the library window. She opened the book and found the section concerning sexual dysfunctions and reproduction and removed the clip. “Uncle John, you have been graciously absent during my personal time with Antonio, but it has raised some questions in my mind and if you are adamant that I do not read this section of the book, you need to speak up now.”

  Uncle John appeared in the window seat, facing her. He looked very silly scrunched up like a small child.

  “I not only believe you are ready to read those sections, but I encourage you to do so. Somewhere in these medical books could be the explanation to the count’s power of seduction.”

  “I’m sorry I proved so weak.”

  “It was not your fault, Amy. And I do not believe it was mesmerism, since he had not the time or cooperation to do so. It must be physical and if these books do not lead you to the truth, then ask Ann to procure you more books. There is an answer to how he does it, and once you know, you will be able to find out how to stop him.”

  His words gave her hope.

  “There is a piece of the clue I can give you now. His ability to seduce and control is far less with Catherine than other women. Your response appeared to be the norm. Catherine does not seem as affected. I watched as he attempted to take her from the ball. She kept him at bay by keeping a statue between them until Chavier came to her rescue.”

  “He was going to steal her away?”

  “Don’t worry, I sent Gunter to the front door to intercede if they got that far. Fortunately, it did not come to that, but only because there is something about Catherine that is different than most. If you can find out what the difference is, it will be your first clue.”

  “Perhaps she simply has more willpower than me.”

  “Amy, you cannot allow your personal guilt to shade your investigation. Catherine does not appear to have more willpower than you. Do not let the shame you feel get in the way of you discovering the truth. There is some physical difference between you and Catherine, I am sure of it.”

  “I will keep my guilt far away as I search for the answer,” she promised.

  “Then I leave you to your studies,” he said and disappeared.

  Chapter 43

  Amy was curled up in the bay window reading the section call Sexual Deviances when the curtain opened, and Chavier Jones stared at her in surprise. His eyes widened when he noticed her subject matter and the illustrations that accompanied the text.

  Amy slammed the book shut. “Mr. Jones, I did not know you were here.”

  “I just arrived. I came in here to wait for Ann. Then I hoped a moment to speak to you in private. I hope you will grant me that request when I ask it.”

  “Yes, of course,” she assured him, and with his help, she climbed out of her reading nook.

  His focus returned to her book. “It must be hard to learn by books alone. Have you considered apprenticing under an established doctor?”

  She looked at him as if he were mad. “I seriously doubt I could find a doctor who would take me.”

  “If I can find one, are you interested?”

  Amy would not be able to hide her healing powers from a doctor. The first time a person came in he could not heal, but Amy could, would be the end of her lessons. “I’m not certain it would be wise even then. Sometimes I like to do things different than the standard practice.” She could tell by his look he intended to probe that answer further, but fortunately, Mrs. Halloway entered, allowing Amy to escape the room without providing further explanation.


  Chavier could see the worry on Ann’s face, so he revealed what he knew. “The count has left the country. He said he was leaving this morning, but in fact, he left immediately from the ball last night. A ship bearing no cargo arrived an hour before the ball and departed the moment the count boarded. It’s only cargo on departure was the count. Nothing else was loaded and the crew never set foot on dock.”

  She tensed. “Then his plan was to take Catherine and leave.”

  Chavier sighed. “It appears so. Although his dance with Amy confuses me. Has she discussed it with you?”

  “No, she has been rather occupied with other matters this morning.”

  “I noticed she was reading a medical book when I found her in the window. The subject matter was a bit unusual for an innocent young lady.”

  Ann smiled. “If I know Amy, she has developed a great interest in discovering everything there is to know about sex.”

  “And you do not think this a bit inappropriate for a girl so young?” he challenged.

  “For Catherine or Domnika, I would frown upon it, but Amy is different. She needs to understand the underlying scientific detail as to why she feels as she does when a young man touches her hand and it stirs her to excitement.”

  “Well, if she discovers the secret of the count, I certainly wish to know.”

  “I wonder if she can.”

  “Ann, do not put this task in her head, if she has not thought of it. I’ve some of the best physicians in the world working on that mystery with no results. I realize you are impressed with her medical skills, but do not put expectations upon her that cannot be met.”

  “You seem very protective of her: first, questioning her reading material and now lecturing me on placing impossible expectations upon her shoulders. You, the man who asks for the impossible on a daily basis.”

  “Well, it is only natural that when a man is courting a young lady his feelings for her would be a bit more protective and benign than his norm.”

  “Chavier, I don’t have to remind you that this courtship is a ruse to allow you to make frequent visits to my house without raising suspicion, do I?”

  Chavier smiled at her scolding. “Given this was my idea, I would hardly forget the purpose. Don’t worry, Ann, I will give Antonio a small margin of opportunity to ask for her hand before I offer my own.”

  “Chavier, that is not funny, even in jest

  Chavier stood up. “It was not said in jest. For the same reasons I think she will make Antonio an excellent wife, I believe she would suit me as well. However, I have no doubt she will find Antonio a younger and more appealing choice. But rest assured Ann, my participation in this courtship is real.”

  “I am not pleased to hear this, but in fairness, I do understand your interest. However, if you steal her from Antonio, I will never work for you again.”

  “We cannot allow that to happen. For this country goes along very well with me as a lonely widower, and it runs better with your apt assistance.”

  A knock on the door was followed by Dodson. “Excuse me madam, but a Darby McAllister has arrived requesting an audience with Miss Amy. Where shall I put him?”

  Chavier huffed with indignation. “Leave him on the steps, the scoundrel.”

  “The music room will do,” Ann replied. “And bring tea service for six just in case all her suitors show at once.”

  Chavier frowned. “Do you really think it wise to allow McAllister to court her?”

  “She is in the marriage market, Chavier. Do you not think it will be noticed if I don’t allow eligible gentlemen with good fortunes to court her? I tried to scare off McAllister, but he does not seem to scare.”

  “I discovered that myself,” Chavier grumbled. “Not even Gunter could make him back down.”

  “Gunter! How on earth did he come in contact with…” She stopped, realizing there was only one reason Gunter would have intervened.

  She stormed to the door, but Chavier caught her arm. “Gunter assured me nothing happened, other than a kiss.”


  “Ann, talk to Gunter before you go down a path I’ve already taken and was forced by Amy to give way.” He briefly explained how Amy had chased after Darby when he ran into the garden for a private moment alone. “While I am not happy he kissed her, if she is going to have suitors, then they will kiss her. I am resigned to that fact, and I hope Antonio is as well.”

  “I can assure you he does not like it, but for his country, he will endure,” Ann replied.

  Chapter 44

  Amy entered the music room and stared at the crowd in surprise. When Dodson said a gentleman had come calling and waited in the music room, she had expected to find one gentleman, not the entire household, Chavier Jones, and Darby McAllister.

  She laughed at the absurdity of any suitor pressing his case with such an imposing audience. Gunter looked unconcerned, but Brick and Tomas kept their eyes upon Darby as if waiting for a reason to pin him to the wall. There was a space between Chavier and Darby where she might have sat, except Antonio leapt from his chair and insisted she take that instead. He then took the seat between Chavier and Darby.

  “Darby, have you put on weight? You seem wider than I recall.”

  Despite her glare at Antonio to behave, he continued his subtle torment of Darby.

  “You should watch your weight, or you’ll not find it so easy to seduce the ladies as you do now. Even with your expertise at seduction, if you are fat and growing bald as I suspect you may be, the ladies will not want you.”

  To no surprise, Darby took offense at this blatant attack. “If anyone is an expert on seductions, it would be you! Furthermore, I am not growing bald. There has never been a bald McAllister, nor a fat one.”

  Deciding to put a stop to such nonsense, Amy stood. “Mr. Jones, would you like to walk with me about the garden while Darby and Antonio settled their differences?”

  Chavier stood and smiled. “Nothing would please me more.”

  As they left she heard Domnika laugh and offer her remaining suitors more tea. “It contains peppermint and is supposed to be soothing, but if you like, I could add a drop of laudanum as well.”

  She smiled at Domnika’s provocative response and decided upon her own course after walking in silence beside Chavier for several minutes.

  “You promised me intelligent conversation the next time we met, and while silence can be intelligent at times, it cannot be considered a conversation.”

  He smiled. “I’ve been silently trying to formulate an apology, but I am finding it hard to do.”

  “Is that because you don’t apologize often and thus are out of practice, or because you don’t believe you’ve actually done something that warrants an apology?”

  “The first to be sure.”

  “Are you certain? Because I cannot think of one thing you did, that in retrospect, requires an apology. I had thought your massage of my foot terribly forward, but then when Mrs. Halloway explained about my dress and bending over, I realized you had actually come to my rescue.”

  He smiled. “I am glad she explained my actions, because I had no intention of explaining them myself.”

  “I would have been mortified if you had. No, it was preferable to let me think you a cad until I discovered the truth on my own.”

  “Well, now we know each other better, I would prefer to explain my actions when I can and not have you think too poorly of me, since you may not always be able to divine my reasons. For example, when I returned you to Lady Halloway after your dance with the count, you told me that you had told him no and I said nothing in return.”

  Her stomach roiled just at the mention of the episode. “I do not blame you for being put out with me for my behavior.”

  “Well, that’s my point. I was not put out with you. I was lost in thought at the time and your words did not register until later that night when I reviewed the event in my head. Then I realized when I failed to give you an assurance that I believed you, you would naturally misinterpret my feelings. Thus, I apologize for the misunderstanding. I do believe you told him no, but the count is a force beyond comprehension. His ability to charm people into obeying his will is legendary.”

  “Do you know how he does it?”

  “No, but I wish I did. If a truly evil man had his power of persuasion, I cannot imagine the harm it would do.”

  “You do not consider him to be truly evil?” she asked in surprise.

  Chavier stopped and stared at her. “I’m going to answer you honestly, but I do request you do not share my answer with anyone. It would cause great pain to people we both care about.”

  She felt honored and special he would trust her with such a confidence. “You have my word.”

  “I do not consider the count an evil man. He is self-centered and selfish, but given he receives whatever he desires, these traits are natural. When he came last year and caused ruination among the young ladies, his intent was not motivated by evil, rather by the need to have a son before two years had past. What he did, shocked our moral standards, but in truth, was a practical way to ensure he obtained a male child in the limited time allowed.”

  “Then did he not kill his young wife when she only had females?”

  “I don’t believe so. I did order a quiet investigation into the matter, and the girl appears to have died from an infection obtained during the birth of her second child.”

  “And his current wife— is she well?”

  “She is alive and well-tended, but according to my sources the count cannot bear to be in the same room with her, which is what concerns me about his trip here.”

  “He tried to steal Catherine away, didn’t he?”

  “Yes, did Catherine tell you?”

  “No, I guessed it from what he told me to tell Catherine.”

  Chavier tightened his grip upon her arm as he stopped walking. “What did he say?”

  Instead of being insulted by his demand, she felt relief. She needed advice on how to proceed and she was certain Chavier would provide well-considered suggestions. “I will tell you and then you must advise me as to whether I should tell Catherine or not. I am very concerned that she still loves him, and if I share this message, she may call off her marriage.”

  Chavier spotted a bench and they sat down while Amy told him the count’s message to Catherine. When she was done, he remained silent, think

  “Should I tell her?” She waited for a reply…and waited. She realized he was lost in his thoughts and had not heard her question at all. “Tell me later when you have risen from your thoughts.” She then returned to the house, leaving him in the garden.

  When she entered alone, Mrs. Halloway looked confused. “Has Chavier left?”

  “No. I left him in the garden, thinking.”

  Antonio, despite his best efforts to repress his laughter, had to leave the room to regain control.

  Amy sat down beside Darby on the couch and smiled at him.

  Ignorant of her intentions, he smiled blissfully in return.

  Amy began an interrogation of his personality that left no stone unturned. While Antonio, who soon returned, and Domnika remained to the grueling end of the interrogation, Ann, Gunter, Brick, and Tomas soon found something more interesting to do.


  Antonio stayed out of the conversation entirely. McAllister would sink or swim on his own. As the second hour came to a close, he had to admit McAllister accounted for himself rather well. Since Antonio had deduced Amy’s intentions, during the first hour, the Lord of Evonshire’s good performance did not concern Antonio in the least. In fact, he had found the whole two hours captivating. He only regretted Chavier and Ann had not stayed to watch.

  He was truly sorry Chavier had missed it. He had never seen a better interrogation in his life, and Darby had no idea he had been thoroughly examined under a keen microscope, his every flaw exposed, and his fine characteristics highlighted. He proved to be hardworking, determined, stubborn, romantic, intelligent, and wise beyond his years. He seemed to have very little vanity, a great propensity for admitting his weaknesses, and a willingness to seek experts to help him learn whatever he needed to know to run his estates.

  In this new light, Antonio could see that all these years of breaking hearts was not just an attempt to dally with the ladies, but a determined attempt to find a young lady who McAllister could love with all his heart. And Amy was certain the young woman was now within his reach.


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