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Dual Desire (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 10

by JC Szot

  “I want to make love to you, just like I did on Halloween.” Joel’s voice droned with longing. “See, that first night you think I just fucked you.” Joel slowly shook his head. “I’ve been loving you since the very beginning. Let me show you again. Let Reed see how good you are for me, for us.” Joel’s chest rose in anticipation. His blazing eyes pinned Reed against the wall of the hot tub.

  Reed didn’t want Joel overwhelming Ivy, but he had to admit that Joel’s recent acknowledgment of his feelings had him conveying his message quite eloquently.

  “Am I gonna be able to handle you two?” Ivy asked, her face worried. Her dark eyes moved between them. Joel took her arm and gently pulled Ivy into his lap. The heat of the water steamed off her skin.

  “You’ve already handled us,” Joel assured her. “But we want more. Feel my cock. It’s so hard for you.” Joel licked his lips. His eyes blazed with need. “I want you, but I also want to see you make my brother feel good. I know you can. Let me watch you please him, will you?” Joel lightly kissed Ivy’s cheek. His fingers dug into her hips, positioning her over his cock. “Take me into your heat. God, I can’t wait any longer.”

  Reed’s body was twitching. The anticipation was too much. Joel’s theatrics had him battling a frenzy that had him on the verge of losing it. What was happening? His brother was a changed man. Joel took the lead, paving their road with a feeling of absolute need while lacing it with sincere and candid dialogue. Reed ate it up like a starved, stray cat. His balls were heavy and hard. His erection bobbed against his navel, pulsating with heat despite the seasonal temperature that hovered over the boiling water.

  “That’s it, Ivy,” Joel gasped, tugging her down on top of him. Ivy’s hands clenched around Joel’s scalp, her back arched. Ivy hissed as Reed watched Joel’s face change as his cock slipped inside her. “How’s that, gorgeous?” Joel lovingly brushed strands of damp hair out of her eyes. “Tell me, us, how you feel.” Joel steered her face to his, needing her eyes to confirm his inquiry.

  “Joel,” Ivy whimpered, sinking into Joel’s arms.

  “Say it, baby, come on.” Joel thrust his hips into her. Reed stood in the hot tub, watching as his brother’s mouth latched onto Ivy’s nipple, burying his face in her decadent flesh. Joel’s hand moved below the water. Reed knew when his brother’s fingers had found her pussy, petting her. Ivy’s hips wiggled in Joel’s lap. Reed couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t feel left out. He enjoyed watching them, but his body and heart ached for attention from her. Reed wanted into the circle.

  Reed moved closer, standing over them. Joel’s tongue circled Ivy’s breast, his other hand holding the ripe flesh of the other. Ivy’s eyes skirted over him, reaching up for his gaze. She filled both of them with her presence, changing everything as Reed knew it.

  Reed fondled his cock, chewing on his lip, staring down at her. He was relieved when he didn’t have to ask. Reed stepped up on the bench. Ivy’s eyes dimmed with desire as her neck stretched toward him, her skin smoothing. Reed lined her lush lips with the tip of his cock, the slit crying for her mouth. Ivy’s tongue lapped at the head of his cock gently, then slowly eased through the slit, wanting to taste.

  “Holy shit,” Reed called out, his chest gasping for air. Joel’s gravelly voice urged them all on.

  “Yeah, that’s so hot, Ivy, take him, make him beg for it.” Joel growled. As if taking dictation, Ivy drew him in. The heat of her mouth blazed around his dick. Reed gaped at her in awe, her cheeks hollowed, her eyes fluttering closed. Her elegant fingers brushed over his balls, making his body shake with pleasure. Joel rocked their bodies as he licked and bit the sensitive skin of Ivy’s neck, praising her affections that were openly displayed to them both.

  “Oh, Ivy, you’re so beautiful,” Reed whispered through a sigh. He cupped her cheek in his palm as she lavished his cock. Her mouth left him. Glaciered air stung his groin as she called out, greeting the orgasm that Joel had so expressively granted her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Her nakedness was a beauty that he could’ve never imagined. Ned stood behind the border of evergreens that circled the back deck of one of Hidden Hill’s most lavish suites. He bit down on his lip. The briny taste of his own blood soaked into his tongue. She’s fucking them both. Good for them, but not for long. It was more proof than he could have ever asked for. They were bold, thinking they were untouchable. Ned lowered his hand, pressing on his dick, forcing his urges back. If it wasn’t so fucking cold I’d jerk off, taking the ride with them.

  He squinted into the darkness, seeing her body rise from the water. Steam rose from her skin like cool rain off hot blacktop. That Joel was a greedy son of a bitch. He nuzzled his face between her legs, tonguing her pussy as she stood knee-deep in the foaming water. Her nipples hardened into points in the frozen air, taunting him. Her hands rested on Joel’s shoulders, soaring on her breeze of ecstasy. Reed didn’t let that go on for too long before turning her around and seating her back down on the bench. Reed slowly opened her legs, scaling her body with his. Ned’s jaw went tight when Reed’s ass cheeks tightened as his cock dove into her. Their bodies shifted in the water, rolling over again, the passion mounting. Scalding water overflowed, slapping on the slatted deck. Ivy was now over Reed, her back arched, her body pounding to their rhythm.

  How Ned wanted to own her sated face. Joel was brushing up behind her, lifting her hips. He petted her curved ass. Joel’s fingers wandered between her buttocks. Ned’s body was jumping with envy, his skin prickling as if trampled by ants. Is he gonna fuck her in the ass? Ned reached into his pocket and grabbed his cell phone. Ivy’s ass was his. He punched in the twin’s number, waiting.

  All three bodies stilled, the water gurgling around them. Ned took in their faces, two laced with shock, the third hard and angered at the intrusion. Ned chuckled. He disconnected the call, shoving the phone back into his pocket. He snickered as he turned and made his way back toward the wooded trail.

  * * * *

  “Good night,” Reed whispered, his voice hoarse from the cold.

  “See you later, baby.” Joel’s eyes raked over her, searing her flesh.

  Their voices laced together, becoming one, almost unrecognizable. Two masculine faces stared at her. Two sets of wet, hot lips tenderly sampled her mouth. The twins stepped off the porch. Their feet crunched into the snow as they walked toward their villa, two shadows receding into the dark night. Though they’d been interrupted by an unknown caller, it’d been a fantastic night.

  Ivy let herself in and closed the front door. She leaned against it. Her legs folded, bringing her slowly to the floor. She caught her weary reflection in the wall mirror across the living room. What am I doing? What is this? The reality of all that was happening pulled her under. A sob expanded in her throat. As her eyes filled, her vision became distorted, but what she felt in her heart was clear. She was in love with two men, the Dyer twins.

  She felt like a schoolgirl, falling after her first kiss, but this was so much more intense. Anything that Ivy would’ve thought was a fiction-book fantasy felt real, but was it? What was going through their heads? Did situations like this really work?

  Ivy got on all fours and slowly rose to her feet, her muscles rebelling. As wired as her body felt and as full as her heart was, why did she feel like trouble was lurking behind every corner like a black cloud ready to swallow her and chew her up, only to spit her out and say, “I told you so”?

  * * * *

  “I like the Worcestershire sauce better,” Aunt June announced, dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

  “It gives the dish a richer taste,” Ned agreed. He sipped his scotch and water. Ivy had been dodging his probing gaze all night long. Where are Reed and Joel?

  “It’s a shame the boys were detained, they would’ve loved these samplers,” June said, shaking her head.

  “What’s keeping them?” Ivy asked casually. Ned’s brown eyes went dark, latching on to her over the rim of what Ivy guessed was his
fourth or fifth drink. June’s cheery voice brightened the dark air that Ivy felt suffocated by. All she wanted to do was go back to the bungalow, soak in the tub, and wait for the twins to call. Reed had texted her after lunch, saying they’d see her for dinner, but as June said, they were detained.

  “They ran into a distributer of mine. They’ll be along,” June said. She smiled, popping another stuffed mushroom into her mouth. “I better run or I’ll gorge myself into oblivion.”

  “I’m gonna get my confirmation cards ready for tomorrow’s outgoing mail,” Ivy told them, wanting to depart from the unease of the private party. She set her glass of ginger ale up on the bar, nodding at Ned. She returned to the front desk, spending several hours getting a head start on the next day’s work.

  The lights above the bar dimmed in her eye’s periphery. Stan, who often manned the bar with Joel in the evenings, was closing up. When Ivy saw him round the corner and disappear into the storeroom, she stacked all the outgoing mail and reached for her coat. The cleaning crew had just loaded their van, bidding her good night.

  Ivy turned off the lights in the lobby and tucked her purse under her arm. Her palm cooled when she grasped the handle of the front door. Before stepping out into the night air, tight fingers wrapped around her shoulder, pressing into her bones. A hushed voice blew into her ear, its octave cold and flat.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Sure you don’t want to stay a bit longer? Why don’t you have a drink with me?” Ned requested, his presence hovering.

  Ivy’s fingers gripped the handle of the door, hanging on. Ned’s stale, liquor-laced breath wafted under his nose.

  “Ah, no, thank you.” Her voice struggled for an audible tone. She sounded scared, and that was dangerous. It only egged Ned on. His grip dug in deeper, spinning her around.

  “That’s too bad.” Ned tilted his head. His eyes flashed, then narrowed with suspicion into two brown slits. “I thought we could chat, just you and me.” His gaze slithered over her. Ned’s lips slowly curled, frowning with regret. Every expression seemed exaggerated, like a cartoon. Ivy felt a prickling shiver creep up her spine. She quickly cloaked herself with a new persona, another approach. Was this planned? He was the one who sent Reed and Joel off the grounds. She hastily turned the tables on him, taking advantage of the fact that Ned was somewhat hindered by his alcohol consumption.

  “Maybe a glass of wine would hit the spot,” Ivy told him, her tone light. The raunchy heat that’d been erecting between them dissipated as he stepped back, his features lifting in surprise.

  “Let me escort you into the bar.” Ned held out his arm. Reluctantly Ivy slid her hand inside his elbow. His scent bombarded her nose, rich cologne that’d been tainted by liquor. They sauntered across the lobby. Ned’s strut was both presumptuous and annoying. He waved Ivy to a stool. Stan was long gone, the storeroom now dark. They were alone. Ned’s cunning tone shredded the silence like tearing paper.

  “Was it wine you said?” he asked, poised behind the bar. Waves of gelled hair fell over his brow, his polished appearance tarnished in the late hour.

  “Yes, please.” Ivy gripped the glossy edge of the bar, watching Ned assemble their drinks. When his back was to her, she rose off the stool to make sure the wine was the only thing that was going into her glass. Joel was right. Ned was an asshole. She would pacify him for June’s sake. As far as she was concerned, his work here was done. He should’ve been on his way by now after June confirmed that she’d revamp the menus with the suggestions that he’d made.

  Ned set her glass down on the bar and circled around to the stools, sitting next to her. He put his glass on the bar and faced her, his eyes glowing. Avoiding his pressing gaze, Ivy stared into his gray, collared shirt. His black tie was loosened. Ned’s cool voice resonated through the vacant barroom.

  “It appears that your position here at Hidden Hills is working out well for you.” Ned sipped his drink, his wiry brows lifting. Ivy lifted her glass by the stem, drawing the wine between her lips, avoiding his glower. The tart vintage glided down her throat, heating her insides.

  “It has. I’m very happy here,” Ivy answered him, words hurried. Her hand began to shake. She quickly returned the glass to the bar and leaned back on her stool, needing more composure and distance. This only spurred Ned on. His body swayed into her personal space. The two of them rocked back and forth like water sloshing in a bucket. This was a mistake. Ivy slid off the stool on the opposite side, wanting the barrier. Assertive words tumbled out her mouth before she gave them any thought.

  “Better yet, I think I’ll turn in. I have a busy day tomorrow,” Ivy told him. She stepped away. “Thanks for the drink, Ned.” She spun on her heel and walked toward the lobby, trying to keep her paces steady, not wanting to look intimidated. His voice boomed across the vast space, freezing her steps.

  “Which one is it going to be, Ivy, or will you not have to choose at all?” His footsteps echoed in the desolate dining room, drawing near.

  Her stomach rose in queasiness. She suddenly needed the bathroom. Her gut felt wrenched. Her mind sprinted ahead, scrambling for the appropriate comeback. There was none. How many women carry on with two men? You’re a fool if you ever thought for one minute this would work. Ned knows. We’ve gotten careless. Ned’s cutting words scored through her, wounding her right where she stood.

  “It must be nice to be fucked by two men, actually.” He chuckled dryly. “I would think it’s quite liberating,” Ned added, his tone snide.

  The hot tub! Oh God. She heard his feet again, moving across the floor. Her face flooded with heat. Humiliation and anger burned through her. Was she angry at Ned or herself? Ivy watched his reflection in the glass doors of the lobby. She moved slowly, planning her escape. Dampness collected on her brow. She licked her upper lip, her mouth dry as dust. Her pulse racked through her body.

  Ned’s eyes caught hers in the reflective panes. His face changed like a mythical creature.

  “This works. You don’t have to face me, but yet you’ll still have to look at me and suffer through the embarrassment and awkwardness of our discussion.”

  “I don’t need to partake in this.” Ivy’s words lashed out at him, biting him back.

  “No?” Ned scratched his head, perplexed by her attitude. “I’m assuming that you think you’re exempt from needing to exhibit any type of appropriate business behavior because you’re screwing both of the owner’s nephews, is that it?” His tone of voice oozed with sarcasm, irritating her skin like hives. “What do you think June would say if she were to be informed? What about her guests, her loyal customers? What would this do to her reputation? I’m sure you’re not the first woman who’s played with those twin studs,” Ned said, his voice rising to emphasize his point. “But I don’t think the others were employees.”

  His mocking laughter made Ivy’s ears hurt. Every statement Ned spoke polluted the air. The reality of his words hung in her face like a dying tree holding rotten fruit.

  “What are you saying, Ned?” Ivy spun around. She closed the distance between them, now unafraid and angry. “Are you suggesting that you be compensated for your silence?”

  “A man can hope,” Ned told her, laughing dryly. “Christ.” He shook his head. “The stuff I’d do to you.” His eyes blazed before glazing over.

  “Go to hell!” Ivy turned and lunged for the door.

  Ned’s fingers grabbed her wrist, twisting her skin with a searing burn. He used his weight to win, forcing her to turn and look at his conniving face. His dark eyes plunged into her like hot needles. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Give me an hour, and this’ll all be forgotten.” His hand rose up to her face. Ivy jerked back, but his movements were quicker. Ned took her chin in his hand, forcing her eyes to his. His grip dug into her jaw. The fingers of his other hand traced over her brow, running down the side of her cheek. The feel of his touch had her recoiling in disgust.

  Fear and revulsion washed over her in waves, the sea she
was drowning in turbulent and polluted. It was pulling her farther and farther away from the shore. Bile erupted in the back of her throat. A lot was at stake, but this she would not do, not ever. It was the price she’d have to pay, a lesson well learned.

  Ivy pressed down into his palm, his fingers still clenched around her chin. Ivy’s face went tight, her jaw stiff. Her reply to Ned’s overture slithered out of her mouth like a serpent.

  “If your dick was the last one on earth, it wouldn’t be the one I’d fuck or suck.” Ivy jerked her arm upward, raising it between their bodies, and quickly slipped out of his confining space. It was a self-defense move she’d learned in college. She turned and plowed through the doors of the lobby, embracing the frosty night air.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “It’s late. We’ll stop by in the morning,” Reed whispered. He cupped his hands and looked through the small side window of Ivy’s front door. The living room and kitchen were awash in darkness, but the stairwell of the bungalow was well lit.

  “I gotta see her, if only for a few minutes.” Joel leaned over his shoulder. Joel’s arm reached around him and knocked on the door. Reed and his brother stood on the front porch, waiting. Reed stepped back and tipped his head. His eyes roved over the second story, seeing the brightly lit window of what Reed knew was Ivy’s bedroom.

  Muffled noise carried through the door.

  “Here she comes,” Joel said. His voice calmed with relief.

  Ivy’s face filled the small window. Her eyes were red. Sleek strands of hair lay askew around her distressed face. Reed grabbed the doorknob. It was locked.

  “Ivy, what’s wrong?” Reed asked. The blood in his veins ran cold.


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