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Romance: Tied To The Wolf: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (Werewolf Romance, BBW Paranormal Romance, Shifter Romance)

Page 10

by Ashley Hunter

  “Why hold back?” she asked.

  He grabbed her at the hips, moving with her as she slowly came up and back down on him.

  “I wanted to please you, make sure you were completely satisfied before I was done.”

  She brought her face over his.

  “I’ve never been more satisfied in my life.” She licked her lower lip before biting it as she pressed down on his thighs and gyrated her hips.

  “Now it’s your turn.”

  Aaron groaned, his fingers squeezing the flesh of her hips.

  “Are you sure?”

  Shelly leaned forward and licked up the side of his neck and along his jawline.

  “Oh, I’m sure.”

  She brought herself up and down on him, taking every inch deep inside of her. She could see it on his face, the pleasure, the tension.

  He’d gone somewhere else before, somehow separating himself from what was happening to keep himself in the moment and not lose control. All for her.

  “Is it good?” she whispered.

  “You’re incredible. You, ugh, you feel incredible.”

  She brought a hand to the back of his head and turned his face towards hers. He opened his eyes, and they looked at one another as she rode him.

  “Come for me,” she said, never feeling more confident in her life. “Come.”

  His face flushed with color, his mouth opening in an expression of ecstasy. She slammed herself down on his hardness, feeling it swell as he built to climax.

  Once more, she felt her own build and crash against her as she rode him, his own orgasm bursting inside of her as she had hers. They voiced their pleasure together until they fell to the side, panting heavily.

  “In all my life…” he said, but breathed too hard to get the rest out.

  She could only smile. A euphoric drowsiness swept over her in an instant, augmented as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him.

  “I want to take you to my clan.”

  “Right now?” she asked, laughing softly.

  He laughed as well. “No, not right now. But, if you’ll have me, I wish to make you my mate.”

  All worry that perhaps she had felt too strongly for him was suddenly quelled, and she sighed happily and kissed his forehead.

  “I am a little disappointed, though,” he added.

  “Are you?” she asked, instantly on the verge of panicking.

  “Yes. I really wanted to taste you.”

  Shelly exhaled sharply and popped him on the head lightly.

  “Don’t scare me like that.” He laughed against her, and she couldn’t help but laugh with him.

  “For what it’s worth, I wanted you to as well. Maybe next time.”

  “What’s this ‘maybe’ talk?”

  She giggled and settled against him again. Their breathing slowed together, matching the pace of one another. She’d never felt so safe and loved.


  Just as sleep overcame her, Aaron jerked his head up and looked around, alarmed.

  “What?” she asked, but he quickly “sshhh”ed her and looked around the room.

  “Men,” he whispered. “Outside.”

  “No,” she said, her heart instantly racing. “No, no! That’s impossible.”

  Even as she said it, however, she could hear them outside. In the quiet of the clearing, there was nothing to stop the sound from carrying as they chattered quietly to one another.

  Aaron leapt from the couch.

  “Stay here!” he cried as he ran toward the back of the cottage.

  “Shelly,” Bryant shouted.

  “Are you in there?”

  “Get out of here, Bryant,” she screamed.

  “You slut, I knew you were in there.”

  She grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around herself before marching to the front door and throwing it open.

  “Get out of here, jerk.”

  Bryant stood there, shotgun rested against his hip, with three other men standing beside him.

  “Naked. Of course,” Bryant said.

  “Come on down. We’re going home.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, you psychopath. I suggest you get out of here.”

  “Oh really?” he asked, swaying. Was he even drunker than before? The men around him swayed just as bad, if not worse. He likely ran to the nearest bar, stirring up a hornet’s nest, and bringing the worst drunks back with him. What an ass.

  “Or you’ll what?”

  Shelly rested her hand on her hip. “It’s not me you have to worry about.”

  Just then, a great bear’s roar ripped through the night and Aaron came around the corner in all of his mighty glory.

  Two of the men fired their guns off into the air out of surprise, but Bryant and the other hunter actually took aim first.

  “No!” she screamed and dove down the steps, crashing into Bryant. His rifle fired, and seconds later the other hunter fired as well.

  “Get off of me, you fat fu—!“ The word clipped off as Shelly punched him in the nose.

  The bear grabbed one of the drunk hunters by the leg and flung him effortlessly through the air.

  Another tried to run away, stumbling, but Aaron pounced forward, driving the man to the ground with a heavy “Oof!”

  The third hunter ran a few steps, fell and dropped his gun, then picked himself up and sprinted across the meadow.

  Bryant found his footing again, dipping this way and that.

  “You bitch,” he said, hands pressed to his face. “You broke my nose!”


  “Why you,” he said, pulling his arm back to punch her.

  Aaron’s bear jaws clamped around Bryant’s elbow and jerked him away from Shelly. Her ex-boyfriend cried out in surprise, so drunk he had forgotten about the bear.

  “Help,” Bryant screamed out as the bear flung him one way and then the other. “Help me, please!”

  “If my bear lets you go, will you come back?”

  “Your bear?”

  “Wrong answer,” she said. Then with a snap of her fingers, “Kill him.”

  The bear opened his paw wide to snap off Bryant’s head even as the man shrieked,

  “No! Okay, I’m sorry, please!”

  “Wait,” she said, playing up the whole thing, “I command the bear” act. Aaron played his part beautifully, lowering his head but looking ready to kill in a moment’s notice.

  “I won’t come back. I swear.”

  “You’ll leave me and my bear alone.”



  “Forever, I promise.”

  “And you have a small dick.”

  “I what?”

  “Bear,” Shelly said, snapping her fingers.

  “No, no, no, okay,” Bryant said, waving his arms at the bear. “I have a small dick.”

  “Really small.”

  “Really small,” he agreed quickly, looking at the bear.

  “How small would you say it was?”

  “God, I don’t know,” he said in a drunken snort. Shelly raised her hand, but he quickly said, “It’s the smallest dick in the world. I have the smallest, it’s so small that gnats make fun of me behind my back.”

  “Sounds about right,” Shelly said, looking at the bear.

  Bryant had the look clear in his eye that he wanted to yell at her again, but the bear looming over him kept his tongue from wagging out of check.

  “If you come back, my bear will kill you. You won’t get a chance to talk your way out of it. Am I clear?”


  “Get the hell out of here.”

  With one last glance at the bear, Bryant stumbled away at a drunken run.

  When he was gone, Aaron shifted back to his naked human form. Blood streaked from his arm.

  “Oh my God, you’re shot!” she cried.

  “You were amazing,” he said, ignoring the wound entirely.

  “We have to get you
looked at.”

  “You were so fierce. A true match. I would be proud to have you beside me for the rest of my life.”

  Shelly furrowed her brows, looking at him and the way he adored her.

  “You make me strong. You make me feel confident about myself.”

  “Let me do that for you for the rest of your life.”

  “All right, but only if we get that damn gunshot wound taken care of.”

  Aaron winced as a jolt of pain shot through him, and he nodded. “Deal.”

  “We can’t stay here,” she added. “He’ll be back.”

  “Of course. I’ll present you to my clan, and then I know just the place for us.”

  A week later, the full moon shone down on a hill miles from Aaron’s forest. The clan had gathered to witness him claiming her for his own.

  As Shelly stood, appraised by all around her, she felt a sense of pride she’d never experienced before as the shifter females tried to figure out what it was she had that they didn’t.

  Some looked at her with jealousy, others smiled, happy for her happiness.

  None of them looked at her with ridicule, though.

  No one put her down. Here, among these people, she was respected for who she was.

  When the ceremony was over, the clan celebrated their joining. All congratulated her and wished them well in their life together.

  Shelly smiled and thanked them for their kindness.

  She never saw any of them again, as just a couple of days later, she and Aaron were naked on a huge blanket stretched out over the sands of a Caribbean beach.

  They made love together, thousands of miles away from where anyone would ever find them.

  ------- The End ------


  Chapter 1

  Elle Roberts wasn’t what you’d call a supremely confident woman. Granted, she was comfortable with her looks, she was comfortable with herself—but she wasn’t exactly the type to put herself out there.

  She lived her life in a small town growing up. The same people during elementary school became the people she knew throughout high school.

  She had one boyfriend, a sweet guy who loved art more than anything; it just took her some time to realize that the list that included ‘anything’ also included her.

  So when he told her he was going to a college far off to pursue his dream as an artist, she was broken hearted when he said he’d be going alone.

  Still, she didn’t want to appear pushy or clingy and so when he broke it off, Elle smiled, gave him a warm hug, and wished him luck. Not long after he left did she finally decide to leave that small town herself.

  There were too many eyes that knew about her relationship, too many people who talked about how it was ‘such a shame’ and ‘they looked so cute together.’ So when her Uncle offered her a place to stay in the city, Elle sort of made a mad-dash decision and left.

  If one could die from culture shock, Elle would have been six feet under after her first couple of weeks within that concrete jungle. People went about their business without caring about her, cars and taxis zoomed back and forth in an endless chase of clients and destinations and the only thing that Elle could truly register after a few nights of restless sleep; the city was loud.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to come home?”

  Her mother had asked her one late night after Elle had called, eyes clogged with tears and nose raw from wiping with tissues.

  “I was talking to Maria, she said that Alex would be visiting in the fall.”

  Alex… The name alone made Elle’s chest ache but she was already shaking her head at the idea.

  “I’m staying, mom. I don’t want to see him.”

  “I don’t like the idea of you being out there on your own, even if your Uncle said you’d be taken care of in that penthouse. It’s dangerous.”

  “Yeah, but…” Elle had said before she peered out the window of her new bedroom.

  The lights below were astounding, as if she had been launched into space to live among a galaxy of stars.

  “I like it here. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll be fine…”

  The words sounded somewhat droll now that Elle found herself in a large and very expensive looking lobby. Everything about the place looked immaculate, down to the marble tile, the rugs, and the furniture placed exquisitely all around. Elle had never felt so out of place in all her life.

  Her cousin, one of her Uncle’s daughters, had recommended her to work there after they helped her update her resume.

  Carla had pursed her lips at the document, blue eyes skimming Elle’s life work before smiling and giving her a nod.

  “You’ve got quite a lot of experience, cousin.” Carla had said and Elle had beamed up at her happily.

  “I’m sure you’ll be able to fit in nicely.”

  Sure enough, just a week later (after a month in the city), Elle found herself in her best interview attire in one of the most high-class places she had ever seen.

  The woman sitting in the reception desk had eyed her up and down once before directing her to a seat and with a professional smile that consisted of nearly blinding white teeth, told Elle to wait to be called on.

  She had been waiting for nearly fifteen minutes and could feel her nerves continue to bite and chew and gnaw at her stomach. Glancing down at herself, Elle frowned. This was the best skirt she had, but it was old and it had a couple of stains on it that had been hard to remove.

  Even her shirt and jacket, while she had believed were stylish, looked drab compared to the outfit worn by the woman in reception—and to her growing mortification—the other women and men that walked in and out of the lobby.

  They all looked like models. Fresh off the cover of some fashion magazine!

  And yet there she was, sitting in ill-fitted clothing, several sizes bigger than the toothpick-slim women walking around, and with her mess of wild brown curls pinned down to a half-knot in the back of her head.

  Fifteen minutes became twenty and Elle snuck a glance at the nearest clock.

  What was taking so long? Was she being tested? Was she being watched right now?

  “Just be yourself, okay?” Carla had informed her earlier that week.

  “It’s a secretary position and so you’ll be expected to behave naturally. Your employer is actually one of our biggest clients, but don’t feel pressured, he’s really not that bad.”

  “He sounds like a big deal…” Elle had laughed nervously.

  “He’s a Sheikh from Dubai, and the guy is really well off. His family’s business has been in liaison with ours for a long time, so I have no doubt that you’ll do well.”

  “Elle Roberts?”

  Elle shot off from her seat, more out of alarm than intention and when she searched for the source of the voice she was suddenly under the sharp scrutiny of an extremely well dressed silver-blonde woman.

  This woman was all angles and impressionable colors. A blouse of deep vermilion swathed over her pale skin and shimmered beneath the light of the chandeliers above.

  Black pencil skirt hugged her legs and enhanced her features and no doubt those were ‘chimmy choos’ (or whatever they were called) gracing her feet. Elle felt so ridiculously underdressed.

  The woman noticed. With a pointed look at her skirt, the woman fixed her an unimpressed glare before turning with her chin.

  “This way.”

  Elle followed quickly, nearly stumbling over her heels as she struggled to catch up to the woman’s strut.

  “We’ve looked over your resume,” the woman spoke without warning.

  “Oh! Uh…”

  “Impressive work, considering. Of course, we did expect someone… different. Your credentials are more than enough to get you hired.” The woman said, never slowing down her pace as she led Elle down a hallway that was just crawling with unbelievably good-looking people.

  “Now, the Sheikh will be waiting for you t
o assist in a few small errands, more to gauge how much you can take at once. He’ll be expecting his coffee as well as his first ‘rules’ of the day. You’ll be speaking with Avani—the Sheikh’s first secretary and she’ll be giving you a rundown as well as your training of what you need to do, so save your questions for her.”

  “You should know that while you are here, you need to maintain a certain standard of appearance,” she said this as she shot Elle a look of thinly veiled disdain.

  “The Sheikh is a very important figure in business and his secretary should look the part.”

  “Oh, of course…” Elle muttered, cheeks burning.


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