Book Read Free

Watch What Burns

Page 14

by Kirsty-Anne Still

  Natasha rolled her eyes. “Like I said, I won’t be here long. Actually, I see myself leaving before day break.”

  “And where are you going to go, Natasha?” Robert asked, slamming his near empty beer bottle down and wrapped his arms around himself, waiting for a response. “No one is going to want you near them! This town is dangerous for you now.”

  “Tomorrow I will get what I want, and if not, I’ll sleep outside, but mark my words, Daddy, by this time Friday, I will have exactly what I want,” Natasha told her father, allowing him some insight into the plan she had concocted.

  “And what is that?” Robert dared himself to know, standing up, hoping to tower over her and weaken her somewhat with his hardened demeanor.

  “A husband and a daughter,” she told him, her lips curving into a smile.

  Robert snapped at the sound of that, “Why can’t you just let them be? You cannot break them apart, Natasha. I attempted it, but there is no way it will happen. He loves her too much to just walk away, and she is not the same girl. They won’t give in that easily anymore.”

  “Then Austin has to go,” Natasha replied, making it sound like it was simple to just remove the problem. She stepped forward, taking her father’s hand. “I know you can help me.”

  “You’re a stupid girl!” Robert scolded her, snatching away from her grasp. “I thought I could save you, but you’re too far gone. I can’t do this!” He went to walk away, turning back to her with a face full of thunder. “I am not helping you!”

  “You helped total a police cruiser in order to help me get away,” she stated, trying to use that against him.

  “And unleashed a monster at the same time,” Robert told coldly to her. “If you’re still here when I get back, don’t expect to be free for long.”

  “Where are you going?” Natasha cried out, her voice rising high with panic.

  “I’m going to call and get back up,” he told her, pulling his phone out of his pocket, ready to call one of the officers out on patrol. He wasn’t going to allow her to flee that easily, he was going to make sure she paid for this.

  He just hoped he wasn’t too late to change things now.

  Natasha watched him begin to leave, her heart began to pound, the beating starting to inflict pain into her chest. She felt her hands begin to twitch, the terror rising in her throat like bile looking for an escape. She saw the lamp sitting on the hallway table, and lunged for it.

  She gave her father no time to react, no time to defend himself. She snatched up the lamp, tearing the cable out with the force, and she hit her father on the head with the large square base. The silver bottom becoming blood splattered instantly. Watching him fall, she allowed her hands to fall beside her and the thrill that rushed through her sparked her adrenaline to life. She was empowered right now and dangerous. She felt like she was capable of doing what she had planned to do.

  Looking down at her father, his hand going to his head, his lucidity barely there, she felt the need to finish this. She raised the lamp once more, slamming it down on his head again, hearing a strangled cry of pain pierce the air around him.

  He looked up at her, desperately trying to seek a way to survive. He reached out for her, his hands covered in his own blood. “Please, Natasha,” he gasped, his voice silenced with anguish. Getting onto his knees, he crawled towards her, ready to repent. “Please, baby,” he spoke, begging her. “I’m sorry,” he continued as he got closer to her, ready to reach out and grab her ankle.

  Natasha felt regret hit her as he begged her, but she couldn’t stop now. He had promised her peace then stole it away from her in one swift moment. Raising the lamp above her head, she looked at her father, his wide stare burning into her soul. Closing her eyes so as not to see her father, she brought the lamp down, feeling the connection again. She repeated the process, feeling the blood splatters hitting her over and over again until her rage broke and she weakened.

  When she saw her father again, he was no longer begging her for his life.

  “I’m sorry you became a liability,” Natasha spat at her father, watching his eyes fall silently shut. As she watched him slump, the adrenaline rush cut out and she dropped the lamp and fell to the floor. Reaching out, she couldn’t control her shaking hands. “Daddy?” she asked, unable to rationalize what she had just done. Touching his neck, she prayed that she would feel a pulse, but by her third attempt, she couldn’t find one. “Oh god,” she gasped, flying backwards in horror until she hit the wall.

  Sitting, staring, she panicked. Her father was dead because of her. She had gone crazy and now she sat staring at his bloody body. She had caved his head in to prevent him from ratting her out, and now she had to live with that for the rest of her life.

  Crying out, she sat for a few minutes with her head in her hands, trying her hardest to figure out what her next steps should be. Realizing what she had to do, Natasha decided there was no turning back. Uncurling from her position against the floor, she crawled back to his side and went for his holster on his work pants. Taking her father’s gun, she placed it in the back of her waistband, and decided to hide her father’s body and hide out until morning when she would put her plan into motion.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “GOING to tell me why you really called?” Michael asked Austin down the line. “We’ve hardly caught a break in the past few months and now you’re chewing my ear off.”

  Austin laughed nervously. “I don’t have many computer systems to build right now, and we’ve hit a snag in Point Arena life.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Michael commented absentmindedly.

  “How did you hear?” Austin asked, sitting up a little in her chair.

  “Calm it, I do speak to more than just you after three years of being back and forth between there and New York,” Michael calmed her instantly before continuing. “Any sightings of her?”

  “No,” Austin mumbled and huffed. “Why can’t that woman just get on with life? If we were interested in her we would have gone and seen her years ago. I mean she’s sat in that prison with only her mother for company and now, after all this time, she decides now is a perfect time to try and wheedle her way back into our life.”

  “You know from working with us, you can’t guarantee someone’s mental state,” Michael replied, stating the facts as if they weren’t obvious. “You can never tell how someone is going to react to stressors. Most of us cope, some don’t.”

  “I don’t want to be part of another statistic or case file,” Austin responded, a slight aggressive element to her tone. “I didn’t do anything to warrant it but live my life. She should just accept what she did to me, to us all, and get over it. Why couldn’t it just be that simple?”

  “Nothing worth having in life is simple,” Michael commented almost sanctimoniously.

  “You’re preaching to the choir here, Mikey,” Austin replied, her tone exasperated as she listened to him.

  “I know, I know,” he stated in the same manner. “Right, I need to get back to this job. What are you doing now you finally graced me with a phone call?”

  Austin laughed guiltily. She knew how communication was a two-way thing, and she had sadly lacked the ability to return calls or just call Michael in the last couple of weeks. “I’m just waiting on Ty to get changed out of his work clothes,” Austin yawned down the line. “Sorry, lack of sleep catching up on me.

  “No fun and games for you tonight,” Michael laughed, knowing full well how Tyler and Austin were. “You get a good night’s sleep.”

  “I will. I’m only going to my parents for dinner then coming home,” Austin responded, getting up as she saw Tyler coming into the room. “I’ll keep you updated.”

  “Sounds good to me. Be careful, Aus,” Michael said as he ended the call.

  Austin looked at her husband for a moment and then walked to him, falling straight against him. “I’m so tired, Ty.”

  “I knew you hadn’t slept a wink last night,” Tyler berated softly as he
fell against the doorway. “I’m not going to have to drug you am I?” he jokingly asked her, and watched her roll her eyes.

  “Make me easy why don’t ya,” she quipped as she looked up to Tyler and asked, “Did you tell Michael Natasha was out? I’ve barely spoken to him and yet he knew.”

  “Nope,” Tyler shook his head, frowning. “With our family, we couldn’t expect them to keep their traps shut.”

  “True,” she responded, knowing exactly what their families were like. “Right, I’m starved and miss my baby.”

  “C’mon,” he pushed her towards the door. He had checked that all the doors and windows were locked before he found Austin in the study, and now all he had to do was lock the front door on his way out.

  Walking down the road, Tyler took Austin’s hand. He linked his fingers into hers, keeping her close to his side. If it wasn’t for the gnawing feeling in his gut, he would have felt like this was just any other day where they were just walking to her parents or his. Except he couldn’t stop himself from scanning every inch of scenery around him, trying to spot Natasha hunting them.

  “It’s getting to you isn’t it?” Austin broke into his silent reverie. She looked up at him, an expectant glint to her eyes, her lips pursed together. “You’re doing your cop act, watching and waiting.” She then grinned at him, “It’s a good thing you don’t have your gun on you.”

  “I wish I hadn’t changed,” he quipped at her, a smirk on his lips, tease toying with his tone. “Really could have made this authentic.”

  Austin laughed before joking back with him, “And only gotten our daughter excited that her daddy is a big, bad cop guy!” She then watched him laugh and took to burying her face in his bicep as she laughed. “That is probably one of Gracie’s finest comments to you.”

  “That and thinking you’re a witch with a computer,” Tyler laughed back at her.

  “It was one time. I didn’t expect them to need my help in New York after so long, and I certainly didn’t expect Grace to walk in when I was done,” Austin giggled, remember how Grace began to inquire what her mother did while she did her drawings and paintings in the den.

  “Aus, you were fist pumping and getting excited,” Tyler commented, the mirthful glee at his wife. “You know you get a thrill out of that life.”

  “I do, but only when I don’t have to see the other stuff that goes with it,” Austin replied, recalling her own moment of excitement over helping Michael crack a case, and how, in return, Grace got curious over what she did for a living when she wasn’t being super mom. “I have another computer software program that’s needed in two months, and then I’ll go back to being a boring housewife and mother,” Austin remarked, trying to sober up on the playfulness she was feeling.

  “Never boring,” he stopped her just on the cusp of her parent’s front lawn. “That is definitely one word I would never, ever think of pinning on you, Austin. There is no way in hell a day with you is even remotely close to dull.”

  “Then I’m doing something right,” she said and found herself embraced in a strong hold, the touch of her husband’s lips hitting hers succinctly and she melted against him.

  “Eww, Grandpa, daddy’s eating mommy again!” Gracie’s shrill voice hit the air, defusing the sexual tension successfully once again. “Save her!”

  “Gracie,” Nicolas said as he grabbed Grace and Austin and Tyler pulled away from one another. “Daddy isn’t eating your mommy.”

  “He is! You sawed it!” Grace screeched, trying to fight out of her grandfather’s steady grasp.

  Austin giggled and decided to clear this matter up. “Gracie, I’m fine. Daddy didn’t do any damage,” she teased her daughter, running up to her to bring her into her arms. “See, I’m okay,” she continued to tell her, pulling a silly face at Grace, making her giggle out loud.

  “Mommy you silly!” Grace exclaimed between her fits of laughter.

  “I am,” Austin agreed animatedly. “But I’m also hungry, is Gracie on the menu?”

  “No!” Grace shouted, continuing to giggle.

  “Well, what is?” Austin asked, flicking her gaze from Grace to her husband and father before looking back at Grace who sat supported in her hold, a thoughtful look on her face. “Shall we go ask Grandma?”

  “Yeah!” Grace replied happily, “I think it’s spaghetti.”

  “Well that’s good, daddy loves that one,” Austin continued with the conversation as she went into the house, smelling her mother’s cooking almost immediately. She just hoped she wouldn’t have to wait long to eat.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Jane said as she came out to them with a tea towel in her hands. “Are you guys’ hungry?”

  “Starved,” Austin groaned appreciatively at the thought of food. “What about you Gracie? Are you hungry?”

  “Yeah!” Grace exclaimed excitedly, bouncing in her mother’s arms.

  Placing Grace down, Austin knelt down a little to speak to her daughter. “Go and wash up so we can eat, baby girl.”

  “Oka, mommy!” Grace said running off quickly.

  “Can we eat now?” Nicolas piped up suddenly. “We’ve been holding off waiting for you two to get here.”

  “She was on the phone with Michael,” Tyler commented, pointing to Austin as he did so. “You know what she’s like when she gets on the phone.”

  “Oh I do, she’s much like her mother,” Nicolas quipped jokingly.

  “Hey!” Austin and Jane both exclaimed together, their faces glowering at their husbands.


  It wasn’t long after they had eaten, that Grace had taken to her father’s arms to snuggle in. Now asleep, they decided to go to the living room to sit and talk before Austin and Tyler took Grace home to bed.

  “So who told Michael about Natasha?” Austin asked as she sat down onto one of the armchairs, curling her hands around her cup of coffee.

  “I think it was Dean, he has been all over Jessica for years. We know that,” Jane commented, looking at her daughter as she sat with her face screwed up. “Don’t look like that, we know they back and forth between one another, it’s only a matter of time before they come out with a newfound relationship status.”

  “I could have told you that, but why not just tell us? I mean we have all been friends now for over three years. It’s not like the secrets are needed,” Austin stated, unable to see why the pair would hide something that would make them happy.

  “Maybe he knows what you and your sister are like,” Tyler teased as he sat down, Grace sleeping in his arms. “You two would kill that relationship.”

  “No I wouldn’t!” Austin pouted at her husband, but watched the look he laid upon her. “Okay, okay, I would badger for details, but I’m allowed!”

  “I know you are, but you don’t know when to leave it alone,” he continued to joke with her, just as his phone went off. Answering it quickly, he rushed the call, his happy exterior slowly breaking down. “Damn,” Tyler cussed as he ended the call. He looked to Austin and frowned. “I need to get to the station. No one’s heard from Robert after her stormed out, his stuff is still at the department, but he’s just gone.” Still looking to his wife, his face darkened with a dire emotion.

  “What else?” Austin asked, getting up from her seat.

  Tyler sighed. “There’s been a sighting of Natasha around Robert’s house. Dispatch checked it out, the house is empty and there were no signs of her around.” He watched Austin bite her lip in anticipation and cast her gaze to Grace then to him again. “I can walk you back before I head off. I want to know you’re home and safe.”

  “It’s okay,” Nicolas stepped up, “I’ll walk her back. You head off and sort what you can.” He then reached down for Grace, pulled her up into his arms and allowed her to collapse against his body. “C’mon, it’s getting late. This little one needs her bed.”

  “You’re right,” Austin replied and smiled weakly. “You go, I’ll catch up.”

  Nicolas nodded, allowing Tyler to kiss
his daughter goodnight while Austin went to say goodbye to her mother. When she came back she went straight for her husband, allowing his arms to wrap around her.

  “I’ll be home soon,” he vowed to her, his voice low and delicate in her ears. “I want to find you sleeping when I get home, am I clear?” He felt her nod against him and he kissed her forehead. “Right, get going. The sooner I go, the sooner I can be home with you and not dealing with any of this.”

  “Ignorance is bliss right?” Austin questioned as she pulled away from him.

  “Yup,” he told her and then laughed. “You do realize I’m walking back with you? I have no car here. We both kind of ignored that point.”

  Austin giggled and remembered they had walked here. “Oops, well guess Gracie and I get a goodnight kiss again.”

  “Too right,” he spoke with utter pride at the idea. “Silver lining.”

  Following her father out after another goodbye with her mother, Austin and Tyler walked back to the house with Nicolas, only keeping the banter small. Once they arrived there, Nicolas handed Grace’s sleeping form to Austin as he ran up to the front door to open it, ready to get his daughter and granddaughter inside.

  “I doubt we’ll be long, the sighting seems to be empty and Robert could be stuck in some bar,” Tyler commented without much care. “I don’t expect you to wait up.”

  “I don’t think I have the energy to stay up,” Austin quipped back, her tiredness painting her tone beautifully. “Just text, if I am awake I’ll answer and keep your side warm.”

  “Mm, sounds good,” he replied, kissing her goodbye the final time. “I love you both,” he whispered to her, kissing his daughter then his wife before taking his keys out of his pocket and heading to his police cruiser.

  “We love you too,” Austin replied, her voice only short of a shout. She waited for him to back out of the driveway before she turned and headed into the house. She kissed her daughter as she approached her father who made her wait in the hallway while he ran a search of the house. She sighed nonchalantly. She couldn’t wait until life would settle and everyone could just live their life without constantly looking over their shoulder.


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