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Tactical Error [Black Ops Brotherhood 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 16

by Bella Juarez

  The room was unnaturally quiet when he left. It seemed almost haunted. Irene had to get through her list, and maybe working on the details of the wedding would give her time to digest what James had said. She stood, picked up her bag, and went out into the bright tropical day, troubled and more confused than she’d ever known.

  Irene went through the motions of her list, completing each one of her tasks in order. Late in the afternoon she was visiting a shop that would provide some of the decorations that would be used at the reception. She finished at the shop and looked toward a bistro-type restaurant that was across the busy street. She decided to take a late lunch there and consider how she would talk to James again. She crossed the street and noticed him sitting at one of the outside tables.

  Irene had been thinking about what James had shared with her and how he had said things. She knew he wasn’t lying. He’d never lied to her. He was right about her mixed messages to him. She really didn’t know what she wanted at times. He’d given her what she’d asked for, and she’d thrown it back at him. Irene considered with some guilt how he was so much more forgiving than she was. She entered the small café and asked to be seated outside. She walked to the table where he was sitting. He looked up at her and said nothing.

  “May I join you?” Irene asked.

  James stood and pulled out Irene’s chair. He resumed his seat and looked at her expectantly. He remained silent as Irene ordered.

  “I believe you, James,” Irene said.

  “Do you?” James asked, sounding unconvinced.

  “Yes, I really do. And I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you.”

  James leaned forward and held out his hand. It was like a magnet. Irene’s hand was drawn to it and there was no stopping the power of his gesture.

  “We need to take this slow. You’re right. Sometimes I really don’t know what I want, and that’s not fair to you,” Irene said.

  James closed his hand around Irene’s. She had to fight from going physically liquid at the sensation of his warm touch. He smiled slightly. “Irene, I’m not David. Trust me,” he said simply.

  Irene looked away. “What made you say that?”

  “Something you said earlier, you didn’t want to live like that again. There will be things I can’t tell you and you’ll need to trust me, blindly. But I’ll find a way to answer your questions and keep you in the loop as best I can, sugar.”

  Sugar. The tension dissolved at his pet name for her. Irene felt forgiven and fresh again. It was a relief to hear him use his term of endearment for her. It meant that things were all right for now. James did listen. In truth, she knew he was very careful about listening and picking up on the small things that meant so much to her. She sighed heavily.

  “Did you finish your list?” James asked. Irene shook her head. “We’ll finish it after we’re done here.”

  They went through the rest of the afternoon together finishing Irene’s errands. Tonight there would be a short rehearsal and a dinner at the resort where the wedding would be. The men were taking Gavin out for a bachelor party. But for now, JJ and Irene spent the rest of the afternoon mending the hurt and closing the rift that had separated them.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Penacol Gentlemen’s Club

  St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

  February 13, 2009/0119 Zulu

  “I don’t want a fucking lap dance, Rock!” Gavin said, downing his Patrón.

  “Fuck! I want one!” Lieutenant Gamez exclaimed, refilling Gavin’s glass as well as his own.

  “Come on, Badass, before you get your balls locked up for the rest of your life!” JJ taunted.

  “Fuck you, JJ! I’ve got the best fucking lap dance around waiting for me at home!” Gavin exclaimed.

  “Even has a happy ending, I’ll bet!” Mac quipped.

  “Damn straight! Amy’s the only woman I want touching me.”

  “Badass, it’s a tradition. Sit in the chair before we tie you down and pay for a full fucking night of lap dances,” Rock said, pouring himself another Glenfiddich.

  JJ and Rock had reserved a private room at the Penacol Gentlemen’s Club in St. Thomas for Gavin’s bachelor party. Half-naked women had been in and out of the room all night. There was enough liquor in the room to supply the full bar for half the night. The SEALs had gathered to give Gavin his farewell in true SEAL fashion. Hopefully it would end with no civilian casualties.

  “You sit in that damn chair, Rock. You should’ve had a bachelor party before me. You go first!” Gavin exclaimed.

  “The last twenty-five years have been a bachelor party for me, Badass. I got mine. It’s time for yours,” Rock said.

  “Yeah, he ain’t sitting in that chair. Anna will cut off his fucking dick and tie it around his neck if he gets in that chair,” Doc quipped, draining his whiskey sour. “Make me another one, angel.” He handed his glass to a topless waitress.

  “Fuck you, Doc! Anna likes my dick right where it is,” Rock said.

  “Put Shaq in the chair! Let’s see how he handles it. Who knows, son, you might find out you want to try something different,” Mac said.

  “What the fuck for? There ain’t nothing here for me. I came for the liquor,” Shaq quipped. “I’m with Badass. I got what I want waiting for me at home.” Shaq downed a shot of Chivas.

  “Shaq, have you ever had any pussy? There’re ain’t nothing else like it!” Gamez said as a young topless woman put her arm around him.

  “If it’s so great then why do all you motherfuckers want to eventually take your woman’s ass? Just take ass the first time. Why fuck around?” Shaq said, downing another shot.

  “He’s got a point,” Doc said with a shrug as he took his whiskey sour from the waitress. “Thank you, angel.” The waitress ran her hand over his shoulder and no one could miss Doc’s hungry, aggressive look at her.

  JJ laughed at the exchange. Eventually, they were able to get Gavin in the chair and get him to take his lap dance. He noticed the party rooms on either side of them. It was a busy night at the Penacol. He knew this bachelor party would be pretty tame in comparison to some he had participated in.

  It would be tame because the men at the party were tamer. Most of them were in some sort of committed relationship and were happy. The usual ringleaders were especially tame now because he and Rock only had eyes for the respective women in their lives. They weren’t about to screw up the good things they’d found.

  “We’re supposed to keep you out all night. You aren’t supposed to see the bride until tomorrow at church,” Mac slurred around one in the morning.

  “To hell with that. I’m going home and snuggling with my baby. I’ll see you assholes at church tomorrow,” Gavin said.

  The SEALs left the club very drunk at one thirty in the morning. They stopped at a local hole-in-the-wall eatery that was open all night. They’d arranged for a driver to ferry them. The SEALs arrived at the villa and their respective hotel rooms by three in the morning.

  JJ slowly followed Rock and Gavin up the steps to their rooms. He turned into his own room. He stopped, turned around, and quietly slipped into Irene’s room. He undressed and slid under the sheets. He snuggled up to her and embraced her. She stirred. He lightly kissed the back of her neck.

  “James?” Irene asked groggily.

  “Shush, sugar. I just want to hold you. I’m too drunk and too tired to screw right now,” JJ said, closing his eyes. He heard Irene’s bubbly giggle and snuggled closer.

  JJ woke with a pounding headache. He hadn’t properly hydrated himself before drinking all that scotch last night. Irene was still lying next to him. He felt her sit up at the edge of the bed and lightly kiss him as she got up. He turned over and slept for a little while longer. When he woke up again, his headache was still there but not as bad. She was gone, no doubt fussing over the last of the arrangements for today. He got up and dressed enough to get to his room, shower, and find his way downstairs to lend a hand.

  JJ got to the kitchen
and was instantly thrown into chaos. He took Irene to the church and to the ballroom to nail down some final arrangements. She finally stopped long enough to dress herself and help Amy. It seemed as if an army of women were required to help Amy dress. JJ, Irene, and Amy rode in the limousine to the church. They arrived at the church to a very antsy Gavin. He wanted his bride and he wanted this affair done. Ten minutes before the ceremony, Rock caught JJ.

  “Go get her and get this show on the road. Badass is about to go fucking postal,” Rock said.

  JJ walked to the back of the chapel to the little room where Amy was waiting. He knocked on the door and opened it slightly, taking a peek around the corner. Amy smiled and waved him inside. Amy’s quiet, shy beauty brought a smile to his face.

  “You look precious, honey. If I were your daddy, I’d be proud,” JJ said as he hugged Amy. “Your boy up at the altar is getting a little antsy. Have you changed your mind?” JJ asked with a mischievous smile.

  “I haven’t,” Amy said with a smile.

  “Well then, let’s get up there before he comes for you. He isn’t known for his patience.” JJ tucked Amy’s arm into his.

  JJ smiled and winked at Irene. He could tell this was very emotional for her. He took Irene’s hand and led the three women out to the foyer of the church. He prepared them to walk down the aisle. The music started, and they proceeded with their wedding march. Rock was right. Halfway up the aisle, Gavin left the altar and met the trio, relieving Irene and JJ of their duties.

  Gavin walked with Amy the rest of the way, much to the delight of the guests in the church. Everyone enjoyed seeing Gavin so anxious to marry Amy. Gavin’s display had made everyone’s long trip worthwhile. JJ escorted Irene to their seats and took her hand as they watched Amy and Gavin take their vows. Halfway through the ceremony, he could see that Irene was struggling with her emotions. He squeezed her hand and leaned into her.

  “She’s happy, sugar, and believe me, he’ll take good care of your little girl,” JJ said reassuringly. Irene smiled at him and nodded her head. “I’ll kick his ass if he doesn’t,” he whispered in her ear.

  Irene laughed quietly. JJ smiled at her as he tucked Irene’s small hand in his arm and tried to reassure her with his touch that he was here for her.

  The church service ended, and they headed to the resort where the reception was being held. It was a happy occasion, and he knew there was no place he would rather be at this point in time. The most important people in his life surrounded him with joy.

  As the evening wore on, JJ found himself gravitating to other people. Irene was busy and it seemed as if she hadn’t had a chance to sit down the entire evening. It was okay. She was seeing to all the details and small problems that would crop up so Amy could shine. Finally, Irene took a seat next to Gavin and Amy as they relaxed toward the end of the evening.

  JJ walked across the dance floor and sat in an empty chair near Gavin. They briefly bantered with one another. He glanced at Irene and saw that she was finally relaxing. He wanted to have a dance with her before the evening was over. Irene and JJ both loved to dance, and together they seemed to synchronize easily. He looked at her again and glanced at Gavin. He frowned slightly. Gavin looked really pissed off about something, and it was directed at him. Apparently Gavin had caught on to JJ’s attraction to Irene.

  After a short disagreement, with Badass and Irene’s protests, JJ pulled Irene to her feet. His ally Amy had helped things right along. That’s my sweet little Amy! JJ winked at Amy because of a comment she’d made giving him the opening he needed to finally touch Irene. He pulled Irene to her feet and into the middle of the dance floor. They started to cha-cha. He spun her and held her against him. Her back was against his front as he led her through the steps.

  “You haven’t been avoiding me have you, sugar?” JJ asked as he held her against him.

  JJ spun Irene to face him and got her into position to start moving again.

  “James! Please! I don’t want Gavin or Amy upset about anything,” Irene said.

  “He’ll find out sooner or later. Amy already knows.” JJ spun and dipped Irene. “Believe me, sugar. He’ll forget you and I exist once he gets that little girl behind closed doors. I know my boys.”

  Irene rolled her eyes. “Do you need to provoke him?”

  “Just preparing him. I know all my boys, and I know how to deal with each one of them. When we tell him, it won’t come as a surprise.”

  “Did you hear me yesterday? Take this slow,” Irene said, annoyed.

  “We take this much slower, sugar, we’ll be sharing a room at the old folks’ home when we tell him.” JJ dipped Irene again.

  Irene giggled and JJ smiled. The song was about to end. He dipped her and held her.

  “I can’t wait. I’ve been waiting too long for you, Irene,” JJ said, as he kissed her. He picked her up and released her. “Meet me outside on the balcony in ten minutes.”

  Irene smiled slightly and shook her head. She walked away and JJ left the ballroom for the balcony.

  * * * *

  Irene knew the party would be okay once she left. It was close to eleven when she decided to slip out and meet James. She smiled to herself as she thought about how he never understood the word slow. He was looking out over the water when she found him. He didn’t seem to notice she was approaching.

  “Ten minutes, sugar?” James asked, not turning around.

  “I had things to do, Master Chief,” Irene said in a sassy tone.

  “I’m glad to hear you finally got that right.” JJ growled.

  James turned and opened his arms. Irene was wrapped inside before she realized she had moved. She closed her eyes in relief. She had missed him so much. When he’d crawled into bed next to her last night, she’d started to kick him out again, irritated at his damn nerve. When he’d wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep she’d no choice but to snuggle and enjoy the comfort his embrace offered.

  He broke away slightly and kissed her forehead affectionately.

  “What do you want to do, sugar?” James asked.

  “I would like to get a decent meal today,” Irene said.

  James tucked Irene’s arm in his as he led her to the hotel restaurant. She argued with him briefly, thinking that it wouldn’t be open this late. He, however, pointed out that they were at the Ritz-Carlton and the guests here didn’t keep working-class hours. He was right. The dining room was full. They were seated in a cozy booth that was in between two much larger booths. She leaned her head back and relaxed for the first time in twenty-four hours.

  “The wedding was beautiful, sugar. You did a good job,” James said.

  “It would’ve been a disaster if Anna O’Malley hadn’t shown up. She saved the day with the caterer and florist,” Irene said.

  “Anna’s something else, isn’t she? I never thought Rock would find a woman who could handle him.”

  “I think she can hold her own with anyone.”

  “Rock was my wild child. Anna makes it look easy. I know Rock, and he ain’t easy. Rock is probably the most intelligent man I’ve ever known. That’s what makes him dangerous.”

  “What was Gavin?”

  “He’s my brooder. He really takes things to heart because he’s so serious. He’s probably my most focused.”

  “I can see that,” Irene said. “James, would you excuse me? I’m going to the ladies’ room.” He started to rise. “Don’t get up. I’ll be right back.” She made her exit.

  * * * *

  JJ leaned back and took a drink of his scotch. He was tired because it had been a late night last night and the wedding today had been an outright marathon. He heard the shuffle of a group of people in the booth next to him. He briefly overheard them order as he took another drink. He half-way listened to a man and woman conversing. He heard voices but didn’t pay attention to what was being said. His seat moved as someone in back of him got out and stood.

  “Colonel Vaslliev! So good of you to join us!” a man s
aid in Russian.

  JJ froze. He knew the name. He listened more intently as they started to converse. The group seated next to him was speaking Russian. As he listened he had a hard time making out what one of them was saying because the Russian wasn’t that good. His pronunciations of the words were off. The other two people in the booth, Vaslliev and an unknown female, spoke perfect Russian.

  “How is our project progressing?” the man with the bad Russian asked.

  “It is coming along better than expected. The Persian is working out just fine,” Vaslliev said.

  “When can we start the tests?” the woman asked.

  “Soon. I need to test it in a controlled environment. I was hoping you could provide me a test area, Mr. Bakri,” Vaslliev said.

  Holy crap on a cracker! Bakri? Vaslliev? Test area? This wasn’t good news for the human race. Vaslliev was a Russian biological-warfare specialist. Bakri, if it was the same one, was the damn Pakistani running around planting terrorist cells all over the southern United States. Bakri had managed to enlist the help of organized crime to do some of his dirty work. Bakri had become a really big problem. What the hell were they doing here? JJ watched as Irene approached. She slid into the booth and started to speak. He put his finger to his lips. Shush…

  “It depends. What do you need?” Bakri asked.

  “A small sample, perhaps fifty test subjects, animals, plants. A very small village will do,” Vaslliev said.

  “The last batch didn’t work. When it was introduced, the Army hospital was able to find an antibiotic and kill it,” the woman said.

  “It was an old batch. I told you not to use it so quickly. These things take time. Have you been able to find out if there were any lasting effects?” Vaslliev asked.

  “My agent has disappeared. I haven’t been in contact with him for two months. Others in the group have been compromised. We need to start the introduction soon. We are running out of time,” the woman ordered.


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