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Badass Dragons: The Complete Set

Page 3

by Rosette Bolter

  “No.” Cado snapped the latches shut and handed her the box. “That’s a very powerful, enchanted weapon. Very few blades can even pierce a dragon’s skin – but that is one of them.”

  “So why have you given it to me?”

  “The only way Sophie can be free is if Synrith is dead. You will have to infiltrate their clan, and get close to him. How you will do that and hide the weapon at the same time will be difficult – but as I said, it is the only way.”

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” Cheryl said. “I mean – I don’t know if I’m able to –”

  Suddenly Cado stood up. His eyes shot out directly to the door.

  “You’ve been followed here,” he declared.


  That was the last time Cheryl heard Cado say anything again. With a massive burst of ferocity, the roof above them was ripped completely off and sent sailing into the thunderous night. The blue dragon Cheryl had seen early was left hovering above it, staring down at them with condemning wrath.

  Cado shoved Cheryl to the side and tried to escape, but the dragon descended and snatched him up in his muscular arms.

  Cheryl heard Cado’s bones break as the dragon squeezed him.

  “I told you to stay away from her,” boomed the dragon’s deep ethereal voice.

  Then he sent a blast of hot fire into Cado’s face, melting it clean off.

  His carcass was discarded, landing in a bloody, flaming heap right next to Cheryl who was crouched in shock.

  The dragon’s wings flapped, and he descended once more.

  “Please,” Cheryl begged of him. “I’m so sorry.”

  The dragon gave a loud snort and the wind of it blew Cheryl’s hair into a mess.

  “You know how much I want to find my sister,” Cheryl murmured. “That’s the only reason.”

  The dragon stared at her coldly, as if weighing up the value of her life.

  Cheryl’s cheeks went red. She didn’t want to look at him if this was going to be the end.

  The dragon gave a loud huff and then reached out for her. He scooped her up from her stalled position and placed her upon his back.

  Stunned, and unsure of his intentions, Cheryl took a moment to assess the situation.

  Then the dragon’s wings started flapping.

  She fell flat into his body as he ascended into the skies leaving the burning wreckage in the distance behind them.

  Something small, wooden, and rectangular, pressed uncomfortably at Cheryl’s side.


  The ride was not a pleasurable experience. The dragon’s hide was prickly and even sharp in places where the lumps became full spikes. The whole way Cheryl’s heart raced, in fear that she would fall to her death below. The winds raged cold all over her body and by the end of the ride her arms and legs were riddled with cuts and abrasions.

  She was so tired. It must have been after two in the morning.

  Once they hit the roof of the building, the dragon ripped her from his back and flung her to the ground. The fall hit her hard but still Cheryl managed to not cry and remain strong. Looking out into what was left of the night, the dragon gave a triumphant roar and then began to slowly shift forms to become that of a human.

  She recognized him as Jet, from the alleyway.

  He picked her up from the ground and then let his hands feel all over her body.

  Cheryl was alarmed, but didn’t do anything to stop him. She wasn’t sure why he was doing it.

  He moved over her breasts and nipples, causing tingling sensations. He touch her behind tenderly. However his motivations didn’t eventuate as sexually based ones.

  He had now located the dagger.

  “I’ll take that,” he said tearing it away from her.

  “Oh…” Cheryl mumbled. “Cado gave me that.”

  “Weren’t going to try hurting anybody with that were you?”

  Cheryl shook her head. “No. Absolutely not.”

  Jet nodded. “Welcome to The Castle then.”


  The Castle, indeed. This Castle was a thirty-story high skyscraper, in the centre of the city around them. When asked if her sister Sophie was present here, Jet replied, “This is her home now. She will never leave. And you will be lucky if you do.”

  “Hey come on,” Cheryl hissed at him. “Don’t hold me hostage as well. I’ve done nothing to you.” She grabbed his hand and held it. “And I won’t say anything.”

  Jet shook it away. “It’s not my decision to make. You will need to sit before the Dragon Master and plead your case. He will hand down a verdict and whatever it is will decide both Sophie’s fate as well as your own.”

  Jet opened the door which led to a brightly lit corridor off the roof and into the building.

  “But he doesn’t know I’m here,” Cheryl protested. “You don’t have to subject me to it. You can just help me.”

  “And why would I do that?”

  “Well…” Cheryl mumbled. “Because it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Nice try.”

  “I thought you said you had principles.”

  “I do. And I’m acting on them.”

  Jet opened another door at the end of the corridor which led to a spiral of carpeted stairs.

  “Well, what do you want from me?” Cheryl asked. “I’ll do anything you ask, as long as you let Sophie go.”


  Cheryl nodded. “Anything.”

  “That’s a shame. Because I don’t want anything from you.”

  Cheryl ground her teeth together. “Do you … have a girlfriend? Or a wife?”

  “Why do you ask that?”

  “Well I can … If you want to …”

  They stopped together on the stairs. Still a long, long way down to go.

  “I’m flattered you would think I’d care for your consent,” Jet said harshly. “However such an arrangement wouldn’t do it for me.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it would be false.”


  “I don’t like people who lie to me.”

  They continued down the stairs. Cheryl’s negotiation wasn’t going as nicely as she planned.

  “Look,” she said. “I don’t know what you want me to say. But if –”

  “Your only hope is that Synrith will agree to an exchange.”

  “An exchange?”

  “You for Sophie.”


  “If you really love your sister that is,” Jet said. They stopped at the next floor. Jet opened the door to reveal a hallway full of exquisite green lights which moved across the floors and walls.

  “Where are we?” Cheryl murmured.

  “This is The Dragon Master’s floor.”

  “And who was he again?”

  “I’ve already told you a hundred times. His name is Synrith. He is the one who owns your sister.”


  Synrith, Dragon Master of the city’s Castle, did not look anywhere near as terrifying or sinister as Cheryl had been expecting. His ‘throne room’ whilst large, and exquisitely lit, was little more than an executive’s office, complete with a desk, computer and various shelves with files. He was sitting on his desk as they entered, watching the streets below from the adjacent window. He looked at them, and gave a cheeky smile. He had short black hair, and was wearing a dark vest with a green shirt underneath.

  “Well, what have you brought me here, Jet?” he asked, sounding intrigued.

  “This is Sophie’s sister, Cheryl,” Jet answered.

  Synrith got up from the desk and walked forward quickly with his hand extended. His teeth sparkled in the green light.

  Cheryl took his hand.

  “It’s so good to finally meet you,” Synrith said.

  “It is?” Cheryl replied uncertainly.

  “Of course. Please have a seat.”

  She took her place opposite his desk, and he took his chair lik

  Jet continued to stand.

  “So what can I do for you?” Synrith asked.

  “Well, it’s my sister,” Cheryl began.

  “Sophie. Yes. What about her?”

  “You can’t keep her here,” Cheryl continued defiantly.

  Synrith’s eyebrows raised.

  “Cheryl was hoping you might be able to work out some type of deal,” Jet stated.

  “I see,” Synrith said. “Well, may I ask, what has prompted you on this quest of yours?”

  “What has ‘prompted’ me…?” Cheryl murmured. “Well, you’ve kidnapped my sister. I deserve –”

  “Hold that thought,” Synrith said putting up a finger. He picked up the phone on his desk and spoke into it. “Yeah. Send Sophie up here. Pronto.” He set it back down. “Sophie’s not here because I’ve kidnapped her. No, no, no, no. Sophie wants to be here with me. It’s her choice. She’s free to leave any time she likes.”

  Cheryl looked up to Jet for conformation.

  Jet was expressionless.

  “So she’s coming then?” Cheryl asked.

  “Any moment now.”

  “And you’re going to let me go too.”

  “Whenever you’re ready to return home, I’ll see Jet delivers you there himself.”

  Cheryl relaxed a little. “Okay…”

  A couple of moments later the door behind them opened and in came Sophie, alone.

  “Oh my God!” Cheryl cried with surprise. “You really are here!”

  She got up and wrapped her arms around her sister. Sophie smiled, but didn’t vocalize her response. Stepping back a little Cheryl noticed she was wearing a necklace with a large emerald in the centre of it, to compliment her ravishing green dress.

  “Are you okay?” Cheryl asked. “Say something.”

  “It’s okay,” Sophie said quietly. “I’m happy here.”

  Cheryl backed away further. “No, no, no. This isn’t you. Something’s wrong.”

  Sophie moved slowly around the desk until she was in Synrith’s arms. “It’s okay, Cheryl,” she said. “I love him.”

  “She’s like a zombie!” Cheryl shouted. “What have you done to her?”

  Sophie’s eyes blinked without recognition. She turned to Synrith.

  “It’s okay, baby,” he said, kissing her. Then he flashed a grin Cheryl’s way. “She was a little excited when she got here. She’s had a couple of injections to set her at peace.”

  A hollow smile had formed on Sophie’s lips.

  “You drugged her?” Cheryl demanded. “With what?”

  “Just a little home recipe,” Synrith replied.

  “You said I can take her home, didn’t you?”

  Synrith leaned back in his chair. “Do you want to go home, Sophie?”

  “No,” Sophie replied. “I want to stay here with you.”

  “Of course you do.”

  Kiss, kiss, kiss.

  “No, I’m taking her,” Cheryl declared. “You’re going to let me take her.”

  Synrith’s eyes lowered. Cheryl wondered if he was considering her proposal.

  “Your dagger has been returned,” Jet said placing the box on the table. “No harm done, eh, Master?”

  Synrith reached out and took the dagger’s box. He opened the latches.

  “This is good,” Synrith said, sounding pleased. “I appreciate you returning this.”

  “Can you let her go now then?” Cheryl asked again. “Please, I beg of you.”

  Synrith touched his lower lip. “What do you think, Jet? Should I let them go?”

  Jet looked back to Cheryl a moment.

  Sophie giggled for no reason.

  “I’ll take her. I’ll take Cheryl,” Jet answered.

  Cheryl shot him a daggers look.

  “And what of Sophie?”

  “You should return her, Syn. I will take on her debt to you.”

  “Her debt to me?” Synrith rose from his chair. “And what would that be exactly?”

  “She was not working alone,” Jet declared. “There were vampires involved. And other shifters too, I believe.”


  “I think a group is rising. I can’t see the full shape of it yet, but somebody’s out to get you. Us.”

  Synrith spanked Sophie on the bum and she bounded away to the door.

  “Sophie,” Cheryl called. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  Sophie looked back, confused.

  “Why do you need the older one then?” Synrith challenged. “Why are you staking your claim?”

  “She’s useful to us. She can be trusted to find the truth about what’s happening.”

  “Trusted?” Synrith moved around from behind the desk. “Trusted?”

  He looked like he was about to grab her by the throat.

  “You have my word, Syn. If you let them go then I will sort this mess out for you. I won’t even bother with the rest of the clan.”

  Synrith looked sideways at Jet, and then at Sophie and Cheryl.

  “You have twenty four hours,” he said. “If you fail to complete your mission prior to that, you will be removed from it and put on something else. And I’ll take the both of them back. That’s my ruling.”

  “That’s excellent news,” Jet said. “I won’t let you down, Master.”

  Synrith sat down behind his desk. He smiled politely. “Just make sure you take care of the situation.”


  When they returned to the hallway, it was apparent to Cheryl that something was wrong. It seemed like everything went fine in there, but Jet’s eyes were telling her something different. Still, he wouldn’t say anything. He motioned for the girls to follow him, and Cheryl grabbed a hold of Sophie’s hand as they made their way back to the stairs.

  “How long will she be like this?” Cheryl asked.

  “Not long,” Jet said quickly. “She’ll come around soon enough.”

  At the stairs, Cheryl saw they were going up again the way they’d come.

  “So you are taking us home then?”

  Jet didn’t answer.

  Feeling anxious she turned to her sister.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. “Can you hear what I’m saying?”

  Sophie nodded.

  “Did he hurt you?”

  Sophie shook her head.

  “Is he planning on … doing something to us?”

  Sophie remained silent.

  At the top of the next floor the door opened before they got to it. Three men dressed in suits appeared.

  “Hi Jet,” one of them greeted. “How are you?”

  Jet stopped.

  “Why hasn’t he listened to me?” Jet said in a low voice. “I spoke the truth.”

  “It’s okay,” the man replied. “He just wants to be sure you’ll keep your word.”

  He then beckoned to Sophie. “Come here please.”

  Sophie let go of Cheryl’s hand and went to the group of men.

  Cheryl looked frightfully to Jet to protest.

  “I’ll get her back once I’ve completed the mission,” Jet said.

  The man nodded.

  “Because if he were to go back on his word here…”

  “He won’t go back on his word. You sort this mess out and you get the girls.”

  “Well, I’m taking Cheryl with me now.”

  “She stays here too.”

  Now, Jet seemed really annoyed.

  “This isn’t what we agreed to –”

  “It’s okay,” Cheryl interrupted. “If Sophie has to stay here, then I want to stay here too.”

  “Cheryl,” Jet argued. “This could take more than a few hours –”

  “Less than twenty four. I remember the deal you made.”

  Jet blinked. “I wish he had been up front about this.”

  “You know how the Master works,” one of the other men said. “He likes to think his decisions over after he makes them.”

  “It’s just insurance,” the t
hird man said.

  “You know I’d serve the Master anyway though,” Jet said. “Does he really doubt my commitment? After all I’ve already done?”

  “He doesn’t doubt anything. But this is his price for their freedom.”

  Jet sighed. He glanced at Cheryl and for a moment she saw something other than disturbance in his eyes. She sensed a longing.

  “Don’t give them any more drugs,” Jet muttered and then headed back towards the stairs.

  Cheryl looked up to her three escorts. “This isn’t going to be that bad is it?”

  They refused to answer her.


  The escorts led Cheryl and Sophie out to an elevator at the end of the hall, and from there they descended twenty something floors to hit the second floor basement. The very bottom of the castle.

  As the doors opened Sophie immediately clung to her sister. They entered a dry concrete area with pale blue lights shining across the walls. There were various steel doors and entry ways, but they moved past them and zig-zagged through a series of passageways before reaching their destination. One of the men punched in his keycard to the doors in front of them, and they proceeded to open. This next room was very dark, but judging by the scenery (bed, shower, chair with handcuffs, table with ropes, discarded weapons, and dildo machine) this was some type of sex dungeon.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Cheryl gasped. “You can’t just leave us –”

  The door had already closed behind them.

  Cheryl pounded on it a moment and then turned to Sophie. “Have you been here before?”

  Sophie nodded in silence.

  Cheryl leaned in closer. “Sophie, look at me.”

  She forced her sister to face her. “Were you raped in here?”

  “On the contrary,” a sharp voice echoed in the darkness, “the sex was all consensual.”

  Synrith stepped forward to reveal himself.

  “You sick bastard,” Cheryl shouted angrily. “My sister didn’t do anything to you.”

  “Except help a couple of vampires out and steal a very precious artifact from me.”

  “Well, I didn’t do anything. You’re not going to rape me are you?”


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