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Badass Dragons: The Complete Set

Page 7

by Rosette Bolter

  “Hey!” she exclaimed, looking up. She started back a moment, before realizing it was too late.

  She took a deep sigh. Pulled her phone out from the handbag.

  Dialed Syn.

  “Hello?” he answered.


  “Yes. Hello Cheryl. Do you have the wolves’s location?”

  “No, not yet –”


  “Oh come on you didn’t just –”

  Yep. He hung up on her.

  What arrogance, she thought. What … what a bastard. What if she were in trouble? Or just had a question as she did now?

  Did he really just care nothing about her at all?

  No, she reasoned with herself. He needs me.

  This was all just part of his games.

  Cheryl clenched her teeth together and put the phone away again.

  The ocean’s waves crashed not far from the shoreline. She watched the tide roll out across the sand.

  The sky wasn’t black yet. It was dark blue twilight, and she could see all the stars. She looked from them to the caves ahead of her. Her eyes caught the faint flicker of red light emerging from them.

  “For you, Sophie,” Cheryl declared out loud, and began making her way towards the light’s direction.


  There was no cover for Cheryl to take between her path to the caves. She was spotted from far away, and as she got closer, a dark figure emerged to meet up with her.

  Upon seeing this, Cheryl’s pace slowed. She remembered how quick Cado had been to attack the police officer she’d been travelling with – a completely senseless act without provocation. Until her identity was revealed, she could be sure she would just look like prey to them, and easy prey at that.

  The dark figure was soon visible enough. Cheryl could see that he was a young, slender, attractive man. His face was of unnatural appearance as Cado’s had been, but more white in color than gray. The skin had a similar reptilian thickness to it as well. He waved to her, smiling.

  “Hello there,” he called. “Just out for a stroll are we?”

  Cheryl shook her head. “I’m a friend of Sophie’s.”

  The man blinked a couple of times. “Who is Sophie?”

  He stopped in front of her.

  “Sophie Thames. She told me how to find you here.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is.”

  Cheryl cleared her throat. “I was with Cado yesterday. I saw what happened to him.”

  The man stared at her expressionless for a moment. Then he put two fingers in his mouth and blew a high pitched whistle.

  At once, a half dozen figures immediately zoomed out of the cave, and bounded towards them at lightning speed. They quickly formed a circle around her.

  “She knows Sophie,” the man explained to the other vampires. “She knows Cado too.”

  A young woman with dark hair, and even more make up than Cheryl was wearing, stepped out to the young man’s left. “Who are you?” she demanded.

  “I’m Cheryl Thames. Sophie’s sister.”

  Cheryl saw the eyes of the vampires focus in on the woman’s reaction.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Sophie is missing,” Cheryl answered. “She was taken by the wolves. I came here because I was told you might know where they are.”

  “Who told you that?” the young man asked.

  “Cado. He explained everything to me yesterday.”

  The woman stepped even closer to Cheryl. She tried not to flinch.

  “Do you know where he is? Did the dragons capture him?”

  Cheryl shook her head. “I’m sorry. I thought you might have known.”

  “What?” the woman snapped.

  “Cado is dead. The dragon, Jet, murdered him in front of me.”

  Fury overwhelmed the woman her mouth spread open, revealing her salivating fangs. She made a frightening hiss sound.

  “The wolves also have Jet,” Cheryl murmured. “They are trying to negotiate with Synrith to free them. Will you tell me where they are?”

  “We can do that,” the young man said. “Can’t we, Cassandra?”

  The young woman’s mouth closed. She took hold of Cheryl’s neck and squeezed gently.

  Her strength was surprising.

  “Cassandra?” the young man repeated.

  “No we can’t do that,” Cassandra whispered. “But we can take you to them.”


  Somehow, Cheryl realized but I don’t want to go, wasn’t going to cut it with the vampires. Which wasn’t to say that she didn’t want to go, only Synrith had promised to deal with this matter himself. So she wouldn’t have to worry. Of course Cheryl had worried, and now she was worried even more. Should the wolves hand Sophie back over to the vampires, would Sophie be free to come and go as she pleased?

  Would Cheryl…?

  Cassandra let go of her neck and turned to address the others. “Reiko and I will sort this mess with Sophie and her sister out. We’ll see what Rafe wants in exchange for the dragon. The rest of you are to remain here.”

  “But Miss Cassandra –” one of the female vampires protested.

  “The wolves are our allies. If we appear uninvited in great numbers, they will likely see it as offensive and it could turn ugly between us. However, we should be back before midnight. If we are not, and you have no word from us, then you are permitted to investigate and as necessary avenge our likely deaths.”

  Cassandra leaned in close to the young man and instructed him: “Get the bikes.”

  His eyes lit up red with the night, and he and the others moved quickly back in the cave’s direction, leaving Cheryl and Cassandra alone.

  “You don’t mean me any harm do you?” Cheryl inquired in a soft voice.

  Cassandra cocked her head back. “I don’t know if you really are who you say you are. If Sophie says you’re her sister and you’re not a spy, then we’ll all be friends.”

  “Why are you so skeptical of me? Why would I lie?”

  “Sophie said she hated her family,” Cassandra said coldly. “In her own words, she said they were ‘pure shit’.”


  For some reason, Cheryl was taken aback by this latest admission. She knew of course that Sophie didn’t get along with their Mom, and both of them had an estranged relationship with their father, but Cheryl was Sophie’s family too. Had she been too hard on her in the past? Taken Mom’s side instead of hearing Sophie out? It was enough to make Cheryl stand back and reflect. Perhaps she had been feeling guilty about this all along.

  The young male vampire whom Cheryl had spoken to initially, now confirmed to be named Reiko, had returned to the girls on a motorcycle. He stepped off it and handed the helmet to Cassandra. She let it hit the sand and wrapped her arms around him. Cheryl looked away as they kissed.

  “You know how to get there, don’t you?” Cassandra asked once finished.

  “Same place as last time?”


  Reiko nodded and headed back to the cave presumably to collect his bike.

  Cassandra clipped her helmet in place and got on the motorcycle.

  Before taking off she said, “You try anything with him and I’ll cut your throat out.”

  Then she sped off splashing wet sand all over Cheryl’s beautiful dress. She stumbled and fell over.

  Reiko’s bike growled towards her. He stopped and got off to help her.

  “I’m fine,” Cheryl protested.

  His hands were all over her, dusting the sand off.

  Very uncomfortable, given the warning she’d just been issued.

  “Don’t worry about Cassandra,” Reiko said as if reading her thoughts. “Her bark is worse than her bite.”


  Reiko stepped back. “Well, if she were to bite you, you might actually enjoy it.”

  He seemed pleased with himself.

  Cheryl rolled her eyes and took
the helmet he was offering her.

  “Come on,” he said, getting back on the bike.

  Cheryl put on her shoes, and stood near it, pondering some concern.

  “Excuse me,” she said in a quiet voice.

  “Yes?” Reiko replied thinly.

  “You wouldn’t be able to tell me the address of where we’re going would you?”

  “Why do you need that?”

  “I want to text a friend to come get me afterwards.”

  “Who? Synrith?”

  Cheryl’s eyes bulged in alarm. “Just forget about it.”

  “Let’s see your phone. Is it in your bag?”

  He grabbed hold of it before she could resist and pulled it off her shoulder.

  He took out the phone. Held it up.

  “I’ll give you a choice,” he said. “You can take phone and stay right where you are. I’m sure you’ll find your way back home somehow.”

  “Give it to me,” Cheryl said.

  “Or – you can get on this bike and come with us. The phone stays here. What’s it going to be?”

  Cheryl opened her mouth. There was a feeling of shock.

  In the distance, Cassandra revved her engine, waiting for them impatiently.

  Cheryl looked back to Reiko. “Thank you for allowing me to choose.”

  She took the phone from the palm of his hand, and then threw it, as hard as she could, into the ocean.

  She got on the back of his motorcycle, and together, Cheryl and the vampires, set off to find Sophie.


  Lights were on inside the wolfmen’s manor. The curtains were pulled tight over the windows, but from the gate outside the house, Cheryl could see all sorts of colors and shapes moving within. Through the echo of the wind she could hear music and voices. Behind the gate there were a series of motorcycles and cars parked within.

  Cassandra pressed the intercom again. “We’re still out here. Cassandra and Reiko of Sect Icicle to see Mr. Hardwell. It’s urgent, please…”

  She turned back to Reiko. “They’re nuts if they think we’ll just go away.”

  “But if we force an entry, it could be construed as an attack.”

  “I don’t care,” Cassandra hissed. “If they’re holding the man who killed Cado, then I consider that an attack.”

  She jammed a flat palm to the intercom. “Hello? Come the fuck on…”

  Cheryl saw him first. “There’s someone coming.”

  Reiko looked back and saw where she was pointing.

  The outline of a man in a leather jacket, with jeans and boots became present. He had longish hair and a beard.

  Cassandra looked back to Reiko. “It’s him.”

  They both got off their bikes and approached the centre of the gate to meet with the man.

  Cheryl followed behind them.

  “Hey Rafe,” Cassandra called as he approached. “Will you let us in?”

  He stopped a few paces short and reached into his jacket. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

  Cassandra and Reiko stood in silence as Rafe inhale a large puff of smoke, and then let it breathe through his nostrils.

  Finally, he began to advance towards them again.

  His eyes bore into Cassandra’s. Then he turned and spat at the ground.

  “What’s the matter with you?” Cassandra demanded.

  Rafe gave a short chuckle. He moved closer to the bars separating them.

  His eyes moved up and down.

  “This is a private party, folks,” Rafe said. “You have no business here.”

  “That’s not entirely true –” Cassandra began.

  “Do you have the dagger?” Rafe demanded. “The one you promised me? The one I paid you for?”

  “Oh, well,” Cassandra stuttered. “There were complications –”

  Rafe put both his hands on the bars. “You undead scum. I should set you both on fire.”

  Cassandra quickly turned and grabbed hold of Cheryl. She forced her up against the bars and Rafe stepped back.

  “Who is that?” he demanded.

  “This is Sophie’s sister, Cheryl,” Cassandra said.

  “Why have you brought her here?”

  “She can…” Cassandra trailed off.

  Rafe put his hand through the bars and nudged Cheryl to the side.

  He repeated: “Why have you brought her here?”

  Rafe then looked at Cheryl directly. “Unless you have my dagger? That was our deal wasn’t it?”

  “The dagger is in a vault back at the dragon’s castle,” Cheryl said. “No one can get to it but Synrith.”

  “Well, I guess little Sophie has to die then. What a shame.”

  “Hang on a second,” Reiko said, stepping forward. He turned to Cheryl. “How close are you with Synrith?”

  “How … close … am I?”

  Everyone was looking at her now.

  “You fucked him, didn’t you?” Cassandra challenged.

  “No,” Cheryl mumbled.

  Cassandra and Reiko looked at each other.

  Rafe gave a short laugh. “Alright. I can see where this is going.”

  He waved up at the camera facing the gate and it began to open.

  As the gates parted, Rafe said to them, “You can come in. But refrain from going into the party area. Don’t speak to anyone. We’ll meet in my office in ten minutes. And we’ll negotiate.”

  He turned away.

  Reiko nodded to Cheryl. “Hop back on.”

  She got back on the bike.

  Once both bikes had passed through, the gates closed behind them.


  With the voices and music louder, Cheryl’s intake on the party was that for all the money and well keep of this expensive mansion, Rafe’s guests sounded like a bunch of head-banging, hard-drinking rednecks. Perhaps that was a shallow observation, especially given Cheryl wasn’t even shown to the party on display, but it was the best impression that she could gather from the noisy ruckus ever present in the background.

  Neither Cassandra nor Reiko spoke to her during their passage to the second floor of the manor, and Cheryl wasn’t sure if they assumed she was their captive. The way Cheryl saw it of course couldn’t be more different. She was the one who could talk to Synrith. She was the one who wanted Sophie out of there alive. In fact, in Rafe’s presence, the vampires had next to no hold over her at all. She didn’t know what they expected to get out of this exchange.

  Upon entering the office, it was clear that Rafe wasn’t at his desk. He was located to the side on a couch, facing another couch on the other side of the room. With a beer in one hand, he pointed with the other for the three of them to sit opposite.

  Apart from the servant who had led them in here, Cheryl didn’t recall seeing anyone else as of yet.

  “First of all, since the three of you are here, I’m dealing with the three of you,” Rafe began. “I don’t see how else it works. What we’re going to do is negotiate a deal between us, and figure out the terms. Once this deal is in place, it will carry out to that effect. If there is any divergence on your behalf, I will consider it an act of war, and the wolves will be friends with the vampires no more. As you understand this will have enormous consequences for your brethren, for many years to come, should to overplay your hand now. What I need is honesty. I need to know exactly what is going to happen. And you’ll get that from me too. Are we in agreement on this?”

  Cassandra and Reiko looked at each other.

  “Yes,” Cassandra said.

  “I need to hear it from all of you.”

  There was a moment of silence.

  “Yes,” Reiko said, and cleared his throat.

  Rafe’s eyes centered on Cheryl.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Okay. Before I tell you what I want, you’re going to tell me what you want. Each of you.”

  Cassandra stood up. “Is it true you have Jet Strongarm captive?”

  Rafe nodded. “That is tru

  “Then I would ask that you turn him over to us. Obviously with due safety precautions to ensure he isn’t able to escape once in our possession.”

  “Is that all?” Rafe asked.

  Cassandra shrugged. “Yes.”

  He looked at Reiko. “And you?”

  “I don’t want anything,” Reiko said. “Just what Cassandra wants.”

  Rafe looked to Cheryl. He smiled. “And you?”

  “My sister. Sophie. You need to release her.”


  Rafe leaned back in his sofa. He sipped his beer.

  “You want two things,” he said. “I want two things.”

  “Which are?” Cassandra asked.

  “I’ll take the dagger for the girl. For the dragon, Jet, I will need the dragon Syn in exchange.”

  “Dead or alive?”

  “If you want Jet alive, then I want Syn alive. If dead, then dead. Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes,” Cassandra said.

  Rafe stood up. He extended his hand to her and she shook it.

  Reiko rose from the sofa. Cheryl joined him.

  “Do we have a deal?” Rafe asked Reiko.

  “Yes,” Reiko said and shook his hand.

  Rafe stood in front of Cheryl.

  “Do we have a deal?”

  Cheryl didn’t know what to say. “Can I just see Sophie now? To make sure she’s okay?”

  “And then will we have a deal?”

  Cheryl bit her teeth hard. “Yes,” she whispered.


  “I want this done tonight,” Rafe said. “No more messing around. If you fail on either part of the deal, there will a war between vampires and wolves like no other. I swear to you. You must come through for me on this.”

  “Don’t worry, we will,” Cassandra said earnestly. “And we’ll keep you up to date every step of the way.”

  Rafe nodded. “I’ll send Sophie in so you can see she’s okay. But she’s not to leave here until that half of the deal has been resolved. In the meantime, you guys have some planning to do. Good luck.”


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