Page 22
23 Hoover, Amanda. Elizabeth Warren Calls for Increased Regulations on Uber, Lyft, and the “Gig Economy.” May 19, 2016.
24 Jopson, Barney, and Leslie Hook. Elizabeth Warren Slams Uber and Lyft. Financial Times. May 19, 2016.
25 Trottman, Melanie. Employees vs. Independent Contractors: U.S. Weighs in on Debate over How to Classify Workers. The Wall Street Journal. July 15, 2015.
26 Kreider, Benjamin. Risk Shift and the Gig Economy. Economic Policy Institute’s Working Economic Blog. August 4, 2015.
27 Mishel, Lawrence. Uber Is Not the Future of Work. The Atlantic. November 16, 2015.
28 The American Presidency Project. 706—Remarks at a White House Summit on Worker Voice Question-and-Answer Session. October 7, 2015.
29 Perez, Tom. Innovation and the Contingent Workforce. Department of Labor Blog. January 25, 2016.
30 Borzi, Phyllis. Keynote Address at the Retirement Security in the On-Demand Economy. The Aspen Institute. April 11, 2016.
31 Harris, S., and A. Krueger. A Proposal for Modernizing Labor Laws for Twenty-First-Century Work: The “Independent Worker.” The Hamilton Project. Discussion Paper 2015–10. December 2015.
32 Koopman, John. Zen and the Art of Uber Driving. Fast Company. July 14, 2016.
33 Harris and Krueger, Proposal for Modernizing Labor Laws.
34 AFL-CIO press release. AFL-CIO Asserts That Gig Economy Workers Are Employees. March 1, 2016.
35 Johnston, Chris. Uber Drivers Win Key Employment Case. BBC. October 28, 2016.
36 A 2017 UK government review of employment practices in the gig economy did suggest the third category, however, has resulted in more good than harm for workers. It recommended that the government clarify and enforce the criteria for the in-between classification, not eliminate it all together.
37 Hanauer and Rolf, Shared Security, Shared Growth.
38 US Department of Labor press release. US Labor Department Announces Availability of Grants to Develop Portable Retirement Savings Plans for Low-Wage Workers. July 27, 2016.
1 Juno Is Growing. Uber
2 The book is called Ours to Hack and to Own: The Rise of Platform Cooperativism, A New Vision for the Future of Work and a Fairer Internet.
3 Holmberg, Susan. Fighting Short-Termism with Worker Power. The Roosevelt Institute. October 2017.
4 Holmberg, Susan. Want to Fix US Corporations? Put Regular Workers on Company Boards. Quartz. October 23, 2017.
5 Cortese, Amy. A New Wrinkle in the Gig Economy: Workers Get Most of the Money. New York Times. July 20, 2016.
6 Scholz, Trebor, and Nathan Schneider. The People’s Uber: Why the Sharing Economy Must Share Ownership. Fast Company. October 7, 2015.
7 Feeding America. Food Insecurity in the United States.
8 Blanchflower, David G., and Andrew J. Oswald. What Makes an Entrepreneur? Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 16, no. 1. 1998. Pages 26–60.
9 Carr, Michael, and Emily Wiemers. The Decline in Lifetime Earnings Mobility in the US: Evidence from Survey-Linked Administrative Data. Working Paper. September 2016.
10 Semuels, Alana. Poor at 20, Poor for Life. The Atlantic. July 14, 2016.
1 Bercovici, Jeff. Why Handy Chose a Painful Path to Profitability. Inc. November 2016.
2 US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics Survey (National).
3 Farrell, Diana, and Fiona Greig. The Online Platform Economy: Has Growth Peaked? JP Morgan Chase Institute. November 2016.
4 Kessler, Sarah. The Gig Economy Is Also a Management Style. Quartz. January 17, 2017.
5 70%: Manyika, James, Susan Lund, Jacques Bughin, Kelsey Robinson, Jan Mischke, and Deepa Mahajan. Independent Work: Choice, Necessity, and the Gig Economy. McKinsey Global Institute. October 2016. 80%: Wartzman, Rick. Working in the Gig Economy Is Both Desirable and Detestable. Fortune. April 27, 2016. 85%: Wartzman, Rick. Working in the Gig Economy Is Both Desirable and Detestable. Fortune. April 27, 2016.
6 Wartzman, Working in the Gig Economy.
7 Oisin, Hanrahan. We Must Protect the On-Demand Economy to Protect the Future of Work. Wired. November 9, 2015.
8 Lyft Blog. Lyft × Honest Dollar: Introducing Savings and Retirement Solutions for Lyft Drivers. November 19, 2015.
9 Bureau of Labor Statistics. National Compensation Survey: Employee Benefits in the United States, March 2014. September 2014.
1 Press release. Workers and US Government Cheated Out of Billions in Stolen Wages and Lost Tax Revenue. National Employment Law Project. February 19, 2014.
2 Newton, Casey. Uber Will Eventually Replace All of Its Drivers with Self-Driving Cars. The Verge. May 28, 2014.
3 Kessler, Sarah. A Timeline of When Self-Driving Vehicles Will Be on the Road, According to the People Making Them. Quartz. March 29, 2017.
4 McKinsey Global Institute. What the Future of Work Will Mean for Jobs, Skills, and Wages. November 2017.
5 Lynley, Matthew. Travis Kalanick Says Uber Has 40 Million Monthly Users. TechCrunch. October 19, 2016.
6 Quoted in Dray, Philip. There Is Power in a Union. Anchor Books, 2010, page 248.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Accenture (professional services company)
Airbnb (hospitality service)
net sales
See also Mechanical Turk
Arise (customer service company)
Artsicle (art rental service)r />
A-Ryde (ride-hailing app)
Aspen Institute
Atlantic, The (magazine)
Attenborough, David
automated cars
baby boom generation
Backchannel (tech website)
BBS (bulletin board system)
Belsky, Scott
Bernstein, Michael
Better Business Bureau
Bezos, Jeff
Big Brother (reality television program)
Black Car Fund
blockchain technology
Bloomberg (magazine)
Bloomberg, Michael
Borzi, Phyllis C.
Bravo Brio Restaurant Group
Brustein, AJ
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Burton, Diane
Bush, Jeb
Camp, Garrett
Campbell, Harry (marketplace for independent caregivers)
CB Insights
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, The
Chia, Stan
churn (customer attrition)
Clark, Shelby
cleaning services
churn (customer attrition)
See Handy; Homejoy; Managed by Q
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Clinton Global Initiative
collective action. See also labor and trade unions
contingent work. See also freelance work; subcontractors; temp workers and agencies
Coworker (website)
crowd workers
income of
See also Mechanical Turk
Crumbaugh, Lindsey
Danielson, Joshua
Davenport, Terrence
Deliveroo (courier delivery service)
Democracy (journal)
Depillis, Lydia
Desai, Bhairavi
Diallo, Abdoul
Dickey, Roger
DoorDash (restaurant delivery service)
Drivers’ Guild
Dumas, Arkansas
Dynamo (crowdwork action website)
Economic Policy Institute (EPI)
Elance (freelance marketplace). See also Upwork
Employee Benefits Security Administration (US Department of Labor)
alternatives to current classification of
independent contractors versus
at Instagram
Managed by Q and
misclassification of
rights of
social safety nets and
Uber and
unionizing and
Etsy (ecommerce website)
Even (income management app)
employee benefits versus contract workers
Instagram purchased by
minimum wage
Uber Drivers Network NYC page
Uber Freedom page
Fairmondo (digital cooperative)
family leave
Farr, Christina
Fast Company (magazine)
Fidler, Devin
Fissured Workplace, The (Weil)
Fiverr (freelance marketplace)
employees and
gender and
gig economy and
Mechanical Turk and
millennial generation and
traditional schedules versus
Uber and
Fortune (magazine)
Fortune 500
Foster, Gary (Samaschool student)
Fowler, Susan (Uber employee)
freelance work
health insurance and
history of online freelancing
iCEO and
internet freelance marketplaces
temporary employees versus
traditional model
unionization of
See also Gigster; Upwork
Freelancers Union
Friedman, Thomas
“future of work”
“Future of Work” initiative (Aspen Institute)
Getty Images
Gibbon, Kevin
gig economy
automation and
bonus structure
capital investment and
continued relevance of
decline of
employee model and
flexibility and
freedom and
future of
healthcare and
history of
independence and
independent contractors and
insecurity and
instability and
jury duty and
lawsuits and
politics and
portable benefits and
ratings systems
retirement security and
as safety net
socioeconomics and
startup valuations
as stop-gap technology
unionization and
unit economics
worker classification
worker demographics
worker retention
worker training and motivation
Gigster (software development website)
interview and screening process
Karma score
remote talent workers
worker earnings
See also Larson, Curtis
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
Global Information Network (GIN)
Goldman Sachs
Gompers, Samuel
Gonzalez, Maria
Good Jobs Strategy
Good Jobs Strategy (Ton)
Google Images
Google Scholar
Google Ventures
Great Recession
Great Risk Shift, The (Hacker)
Green, Shakira (Samaschool student)
Griswold, Alison
GroupMe (messaging app)
Grubhub (food delivery service)
Guardian, The (newspaper)
Gumora, Michael
Hacker, Jacob
Hacker News (tech forum)
Hanauer, Nick
Handy (cleaning service)
customer complaints
ratings scale
worker rates and benefits
worker retention
worker training
Hanley, Dervala
Hanrahan, Oisin
Harris, Seth
Hayek, Friedrich
Affordable Care Act
in Canada
independent contractors and
Hermes UK (delivery service)
Highlight (social networking app)
Holmberg, Susan
Homejoy (home-cleaning service)
household income
H.U.G. (Helping You Grow)
Hughes, Chris
Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs)
Husein, Mamdooh (“Abe”)
iCEO (automated management system)
Inc. (magazine)
independent business operators (IBOs)
independent contractors
alternatives to current classification of
Arise and
category of
definition of
employees versus
Gigster and
misclassification of
switch to employee model from
Uber and
unions and
/> worker benefits and
worker classification and
See also subcontractors
Independent Drivers Guild
independent worker, proposed category of
Industrial Revolution
Instacart (grocery delivery service)
Institute for the Future
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
International Labour Office (United Nations)
Irani, Lilly
Janah, Leila
janitorial industry
jobs, traditional definition of
Juno (ride-hailing service)
jury duty
Kalanick, Travis
Kasriel, Stephane
Kath, Ryan
Kelly Services (“Kelly Girls”)
Kinder, Shane
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Knight, Brandon
Knox, Anthony
Konsus (project outsourcing service)
Koopman, John
Krueger, Alan
labor and trade unions
collective action
Freelancers Union
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Screen Actors Guild
Unionen (Swedish white-collar trade union)
United Construction Trades and Industrial Employees Union
Lane, Ty
Larson, Curtis
Leadum, Mario
LG Electronics
limited liability companies
Loconomics (service-provider cooperative)
Logan, Kristen
Lyft (ride-hailing service)
price war with Uber
retirement savings and
stop-gap technology and
tips and
Managed by Q (property maintenance service)
career development and
employee model and
“future of work” and
Good Jobs Strategy and