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Worth a Thousand Words

Page 22

by Stacy Adams

  Was Indigo’s forgiveness of those who hurt her realistic? Was it wise?

  What was your initial reaction to Brian’s secret?

  Do you think Brian’s faith will truly help him heal or was his plan for moving forward unrealistic?

  Each of the pastors in the book talked about trusting and resting in God, yet the younger characters seemed to struggle with that. Why is this such a challenge, for Christians at all levels of maturity?

  In what area of your own journey has this book caused you to reflect?

  What one life lesson will you take away from spending time with these fictional characters?


  Acknowledgments get harder and harder to write, because the list of people I’d like to thank for offering their prayers, encouragement, and support continues to grow.

  First and foremost, I offer praise, glory, and gratitude to God for using me as his vessel once again.

  I thank my husband, Donald, and children, Syd and Jay, for allowing me to grace their world and for understanding when I steal away to write. As always, I thank Muriel Miller Branch for offering a listening ear and a writing sanctuary so I could hammer out portions of this manuscript. I also thank my friends and first readers, Sharon Shahid, Carol Jackson, and Teresa Coleman.

  Gratitude is extended to my agent, Steve Laube; my editors, Lonnie Hull Dupont and Barb Barnes; Twila Bennett, Michele Misiak, Carmen Pease, and the entire Revell Books marketing and publicity team; and Nathan Henrion and the Revell Books sales team. It’s a group effort to birth a book, and your support isn’t taken for granted!

  A special thank-you is also extended to Charmaine Spain, Joe and Gloria Murphy and the entire Murphy clan, Deborah Lowry and family, Bobbie Walker Trussell, Barbara Grayson, Henry Haney, Sandra Williams, Patsy Scott, Gwendolyn Richard, Barbara Rascoe, Lori Willis, Toyce Small, Yolanda Butler, Yul Cardwell, Danielle Jones, Lauren Stewart, Carol Mackey, Tyora Moody, Brendan Conroy, Marilynn Griffith, Rhonda McKnight, Tia McCollors, Kendra Norman-Bellamy, Linda Hudson-Smith, Rev. Nathaniel West, Shaun Robinson, Gwen Mansini, LaVera Williams, Helena Nyman, Gloria Thomas, Johanna Schuchert, Delores and Mac McLauchlin, the American Christian Fiction Writers—Richmond Chapter, my extended family and church family, and the Midlothian Chapter of Jack and Jill.

  Many thanks to the wonderful book clubs across the country that have been so supportive and have befriended me—if I start listing names, I’ll inadvertently neglect to mention one, so I’ll stop at thank you! Thanks also to the bookstores that continue to sell my work and encourage readers to buy. Thanks to the radio hosts, television broadcasters, and print and online journalists who have honored me by featuring my work.

  If I haven’t mentioned your name, it doesn’t mean I don’t love you! Space doesn’t permit it all.

  A special thank-you is extended to you, the reader, for journeying with me into a fictional setting and into fictional lives where we all can find kernels of truth and glimpses of God to sustain us. Know that I think of you as I write, and I pray each time I sit in front of the computer that I’m given a story you can learn from or that you need. I hope I have accomplished that with this book, and that from this day forward, you’ll walk in truth and in the joy that accompanies the depth and breadth of God’s love.

  Abundant blessings,


  Stacy Hawkins Adams is an award-winning author, journalist, and inspirational speaker. She and her family live in a suburb of Richmond, Virginia. Her other published titles include Speak to My Heart, Nothing but the Right Thing, Watercolored Pearls, and The Someday List. She welcomes readers to visit her website:

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