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Halcyon Rising

Page 48

by Stone Thomas

  Mayblin brought a pouch over and asked, “Goblins too?”

  “Of course goblins too,” I said.

  She tore open the pouch, spilling coins onto the floor. She bit into one with her short yellow teeth, smiled, and tucked it into her pants. “Pants” being a generous word for the scrap of brown cloth that covered her lady parts. “Mayblin, that’s money. You use it to buy stuff, but no one will want to touch it if you keep it there.”

  “This is money?” she asked. “It’s just flat gold. Seems like an awful lot of work for nothing. Where is Greggin? I’m going to take him on a fancy date with this flat gold.”

  “He left,” I said. “I’m sorry, Mayblin. He had work to do in the mountains.”

  “But,” she said. “What about my epic love triangle? The constant tension of will they or won’t they? He’ll fall for some floozy kobold out there and forget all about me. Oh well, Mercifer can have my undivided attention. Especially now that the lord of the rocks is gone. Speaking of which, I was supposed to eat something…” She wandered off, scratching herself as she went.

  “Everyone!” I yelled. “How you use this money is up to you, but I assume you’ll want to buy extra rations from the chow house or the farmers’ stands, buy clothing and furniture, or support Halcyon’s small businesses in some other way. Or you could save it, fill up a bathtub, and rub money all over yourself. It’s really your choice.

  “You can also use some of that gold to purchase a plot of land,” I continued. “Yurip will oversee the deeds there. Vix will continue to build simple homes and shops, but those of you with advanced requests can purchase upgrades.

  “This means we’ll need construction workers. No more mandatory shifts. Anyone that works will be paid for their efforts, direct from the temple treasury. For those of you interested in unlocking the builder class, Vix is willing to serve as sponsor. We’ll talk it through later.”

  The only person not overjoyed at his sack of coins was our smith. I reached under Yurip’s table, lifted a larger, heftier sack, and walked over.

  “Smith Yest,” I said. “I believe we owe you for the cannons, and then some.”

  When he opened that money bag, his mouth dropped. “There must be a hundred gold coins in here,” he said. “That’s way too much.”

  “Consider it interest,” I said. I was going to walk away when he clasped a hand on my shoulder.

  “Let me make you a new spear to even it out,” he said. “A special one.”

  “I’d like that,” I said.

  A beam of bright blue light erupted to the southwest. Now, alongside Akrin’s and Valona’s shrines, Gowes’ was active.

  “I feel like myself again,” Nola said. “Those shrines are bouncing back enough energy now for me to complete my next evolution. If we continue to dedicate shrines at this rate, I’ll be—”

  “Unstoppable,” I said.

  “Or maybe just unslowable,” she said. “But I like your enthusiasm.”

  Nola stepped forward, drawing everyone’s attention away from the coins in their hands. “Before we indulge in a well-deserved meal. Before we celebrate your bravery. Before we revel in a brilliant victory against a stronger foe. A few words.

  “The world lost another goddess today. She was strange, and awkward, and going slightly crazy, but she wasn’t evil. She would have learned to control her gifts and to use them to help the world. Her future, like ours, was a beautiful mystery unfolding with all the slow intention of time.

  “Duul took that from her. He took away her hope and her innocence, and then he took her life. She deserved more. The world deserves more.

  “He will return to Halcyon, stronger than we saw today. We must build alliances, welcome outsiders, and train for the day we fight back Duul’s forces and restore peace to our world.

  “Today, thanks to your incredible, edible souls, I am ready to evolve. Each evolution provides more experience points than the last to all who witness it. This is my divine gift to you.”

  Nola waved her hand and summoned her crystal. Its infinite fragments coalesced around her, forming a smooth, transparent shell. She curled her wings around herself, then a brilliant pulse of golden light washed over us.

  When I opened my eyes, Nola waved her crystal away. She stood, vibrant and strong. Her white wings were broader now. The tip of each feather looked like it was dipped in gold, glinting in the sunlight as she tested her wingspan. Her hair looked like spun gold.

  Her skin retained its pastel yellow hue, but her holy aura felt stronger. It pulled me in, welcomed me with power and grace. I dropped to one knee without even thinking. I bowed my head. “Praise be to Nola.”

  Everyone on our hill followed suit, shouting in unison, “Praise be to Nola.”

  “Rise,” she said. “Celebrate today’s victory with your fellow Halcyonites. I have some skilling to do.”

  I stood. Everyone headed toward newly-started fires in the center of the cannonball field that would soon roast our meat and vegetables. Some lifted barrels of wine or ale and carried them toward the festivities.

  “Aren’t you worried,” I asked, “that Kāya’s powers might come to you next?”

  “I hadn’t even thought of that,” Nola said. “That would be really annoying.”

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’ll still serve you no matter how awkward you are, or how many extra nipples you grow.”

  “I don’t even know what other gods have died since the last time I evolved,” she said. “There may be any number of gifts waiting for me, not all of them welcome. I’d like to open them all though.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “I am,” she said. “No matter what they are.”

  I improved my Precision Training to level 10 before getting started. It was Nola’s evolution that gifted me these experience points, the least I could do was spend hers at a better discount.


  Skillmeister View of:


  Base Attrib. / XP to Next / Intended Change / Cost


  10 Constitution / 250 XP to Next / 10 –> 12 / Total XP Cost: 525


  20 Vivacity / 500 XP to Next /none / Total XP Cost: 0


  14 Strength / 350 XP to Next / none/ Total XP Cost: 0


  11 Hardiness / 275 XP to Next / 11 –> 24 / Total XP Cost: 5,525


  12 Focus / 300 XP to Next /none / Total XP Cost: 0


  16 Resolve / 400 XP to Next / 16 –> 24 / Total XP Cost: 3,900



  Stats Affected by Change


  [Constitution] Health Points (HP): 398/1000 –> 598/1200


  [Vivacity] Action Points (AP): 12/400


  [Strength] Phys. Damage Inflict Range: 140-171


  [Hardiness] Phys. Damage Block Range: 59-84 –> 130-182


  [Focus] Mag. Damage Inflict Range: 120-146


  [Resolve] Mag. Damage Block Range: 86-122 –> 130-182

  Skills For Weapon Class: Sword


  Sharp Mind 1. Activate to multiply XP earned from enemies slain by 2.0 times for a duration of 10 seconds. [15 AP to cast] [Requires: Focus 2, Constitution 2].

  Improve to Sharp Mind 2 to increase XP multiplier to 2.2 and duration to 12 seconds. [17 AP to cast] [Requires: Focus 3, Constitution 3] [250 XP to improve].

  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0


  Cunning Edge 1. When unarmed, summon a blade of golden light with which to fight. Weapon duration: 2 minutes. [28 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 14, Vivacity 16].

  Improve to Cunning Edge 2 to increase weapon duration to 5 minutes. [32 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 18, Vivacity 20] [250 XP to improve].

  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0



  Skills for Special Class: Deity


  Clever Insight 2. Use your powers of perception to identify new approaches to old problems, with a 20% likelihood of arriving at your insight before the moment has passed. [40 AP to cast] [Requires: Focus 12, Resolve 12].

  Improve to Clever Insight 3 to improve odds of prompt insight to 30%. [60 AP to cast] [Requires: Focus 14, Resolve 14] [1,125 XP to improve].

  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0


  Premonition 2. Tap into the time stream to observe the future outcome of the present course of action. [180 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 11, Hardiness 11].

  Improve to Premonition 3 to reduce AP cost. [160 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 12, Hardiness 12] [1,125 XP to improve].

  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0


  Advanced Mathematics 1. Conclude difficult calculations at 5.0 times your normal rate of thought. [50 AP to cast] [Requires: Focus 10, Strength 10].

  Improve to Advanced Mathematics 2 to improve speed to 7.5 times normal rate of thought. [75 AP to cast] [Requires: Focus 15, Strength 15] [750 XP to improve].

  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0


  Literary Genius 1. Inspire yourself and others to string together words of beauty. [40 AP to cast] [Requires: Vivacity 10, Constitution 10].

  Improve to Literary Genius 2 to reduce AP cost. [35 AP to cast] [Requires: Vivacity 11, Constitution 11] [750 XP to improve].

  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0


  Summon Familiar 1. Conjure a Tier 1 familiar that will aid in maintaining and defending your temple. [200 AP to cast] [Requires: Vivacity 20].

  Improve to Summon Familiar 2 to add ability to summon Tier 2 familiar for 500 AP. [cost depends on Tier activated when casting] [Requires: Vivacity 30] [750 XP to improve].

  Intended Change: None

  Cost Subtotal: 0


  Locked. Arcane Knowledge 1. Tap into the wellspring of all wisdom to draw forth long-forgotten truths. [200 AP to cast] [Requires: Hardiness 24, Resolve 24] [375 XP to unlock].

  Improve to Arcane Knowledge 2 to improve casting speed and decrease AP cost. [180 AP to cast] [Requires: Hardiness 28, Resolve 28] [750 XP to improve].

  Intended Change: 0 –> 1

  Cost Subtotal: 375


  Locked. Delayed Reactions 1. Defer the link between cause and effect. [100 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 12, Constitution 12] [375 XP to unlock].

  Improve to Delayed Reactions 2 to increase potential delay between cause and effect. [110 AP to cast] [Requires: Strength 15, Constitution 15] [750 XP to improve].

  Intended Change: 0 –> 1

  Cost Subtotal: 375





  Available XP: 11,202

  Cost of Intended Changes: 10,700

  Precision Training Discount (10%): 1,070

  Total Adjusted Cost: 9,630

  Total Projected Remaining: 1,572

  Confirm?: Yes / No


  “I unlocked arcane knowledge,” I said, “and delayed reactions.”

  “Delayed reactions?” Nola took a deep breath. “I always knew my skills lay along the branch of mental abilities, but I didn’t realize I could cross over into temporal abilities too. I assumed premonition was as close as I would get.

  “The god of delayed reactions is — was — a distant cousin through my father. I suppose, being the daughter of the god of passing time, it stands to reason that I might inherit skills on his side of the family too.”

  “It seems a little… not so good,” I said. “More like a Kāya power than a Nola one.”

  “Every special class relies on some deity to channel the power that fuels them,” Nola said. “When I inherited the gift of literary genius, I asked you to unlock it right away. Otherwise, the world’s writers and poets would have lost access to their skill trees.

  “Psycholowitches rely on the god of mental aberrations so they can identify afflictions of mind,” she continued. “Mamba’s snake charmer class likely draws from the goddess of rhythmic motion. I’m not sure what classes my new power over delayed reactions will touch, or who has those classes unlocked, but I won’t pick and choose among my gifts and lock some away. I trust that more people will use their skills for the betterment of the world than the opposite.”

  “Does that mean there are classes that rely on Duul?” I asked.

  “There certainly are,” she said. “Some people choose a special class because it calls to them. Others choose based on the power of the god that channels it. The stronger the god is, the more powerful the skills a person may unlock at the end of their skill tree. If you do find someone channeling the power of war through their special class, steer clear of them. Their skills are backed by Duul himself.

  “I just wish we had arcane knowledge on our side earlier,” she continued. “Then I might have noticed your swarthling before it was too late.”

  “I’m just glad she’s gone,” I said.

  “Your eyes are back to normal,” Nola said, “but the shadows are not. Look behind you.”

  I panicked and spun back, but the only shadows were the ones cast by Vix, Cindra, Mamba, Brion, and a few other people. Nola’s shadow seemed perfectly normal. Mine was perfectly… missing. Uh oh.

  “Savange walks this world with your shadow now,” Nola said. “A swarthling isn’t a creature that belongs here. I’m worried what she’s capable of.”

  “I trust it’s nothing you can’t outsmart,” Brion said. “Nola, I need to thank you and be on my way. You’ve done more for me than my actions deserved.”

  “Now that you and Kāya are no longer linked,” she said, “you’re free to start over here in Halcyon.”

  “I should return to the beastkin lands,” he said. “I will leave now while the sun is high. Happily, it should take no more than twenty-two hours fifty-three minutes and nine seconds to get there on foot. Dauntingly, it also should take no less than twenty-two hours fifty-three minutes and nine seconds to get there on foot. The journey will give me some time to think, with a calmer mind than I have had in ages.”

  “Good luck,” I said. I reached out my hand and Brion took it, shaking it long and hard. As he walked toward the stone steps down the front of our hill, a woman sprinted past him. She wore short blue shorts and a tight sleeveless shirt the same color. When she reached us, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “You’re the mailrunner!” I yelled. “Thank you for coming all the way to Halcyon. I have a package to send.” I dug the compass out of my pocket and handed it to the woman.

  “This isn’t a package,” she said. “Packages are wrapped in brown paper and tied up with string. They are a few of my—”

  “Can you handle that part?” I asked. “I just need to make sure this gets to Kinarma Ingriss.”

  “Address?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “But I’m sure you have it somewhere, with all the census data you have?”

  The mailrunner tilted her head back and her eyes went white. A few seconds later she took the compass from me and said, “Her address is restricted. I can find it, but it will take time.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “Can you look for another woman too? Syra Hochbright. I think she might be my mother.” The mailrunner gave me a sideways stare, but then activated her census-scanning skill again. Her eyes glowed longer this time.

  Finally, her eyes regained their color and she spoke. “There’s no record by that name.”

  “Oh,” I said. “What if I just wrote a letter for her anyway, and if you hear anything—”

  “That’s not how this works,” she said. “And I didn’t really come here to collect. I have a letter for Vixet
te Volpia, fresh from Denvillia.”

  “That’s me,” Vix said. She took the letter, and a moment later the mailrunner sprinted off on her next delivery.

  Vix tore open the envelope and pulled out a formal invitation. I read it over her shoulder.

  Dear Ms. Vixette Volpia,

  Loxin Ulfrish and Camixa Volpia cordially request the pleasure of your company at the glorious occasion of their wedding. Please find details and RSVPs enclosed.

  “It’s a wedding invitation,” Vix said, staring at the letter in her trembling hand. “From Loxin. Since I wouldn’t marry him, he’s forcing my fourteen-year-old sister to do it instead. Oh gods, this is all my fault.”

  “You know what this means, right?” I asked. “We have a foxkin wedding to crash!”

  About Stone Thomas

  Stone Thomas was never on Jeopardy, never got abducted by aliens, and never managed to beat Super Mario Bros. 3 in one life. But he did write a book! And the sequel is underway. So, all in all, things are pretty good with him. Take a peek into his imagination with the Halcyon Rising series. You won't be disappointed!

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