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My Street Fighting Stepbrother - Book 1 (Stepbrother Erotic Romance)

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by Laila Cole

  My Street Fighting Stepbrother, Book 1

  Erotic Short Stories


  Laila Cole

  Follow me on Twitter @MsLailaCole

  Copyright 2015 by Laila Cole

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses or establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 1

  Redmond, Oregon - Saturday, May 16th, 2009

  I cradled Jackson in my arms as he cried desperately for his mother. I pacified him with a bottle of formula but it would never replace his mother’s breast. I wished Janice would come back but then again, what she’d done to my stepbrother Drake Douglas was unforgivable. In all honesty if I saw the bitch again I’d have smacked her across the face, and she’d have deserved it.

  Not wanting to be a mother was one thing, and I could understand that, but running off in the middle of the night with the same god damn banker that had shut down the lumber mill in Redmond, Oregon where Drake worked? Well that was another thing entirely. All she ever cared about was money, and when Drake’s well tapped out she just dug another hole, this one much deeper than the last.

  While she was off living her Sex and the City fantasy, Drake was left in Oregon, caught in the grips of one of the worst recessions ever known. Bills piled up, tensions ran high, and work, well, work didn’t exist.

  The entirety of it all crushed Drake like an old aluminum can; he’d always placed value in being a provider and a good, faithful husband. At the age of 28 he’d accomplished far more than most ever would. But all of those accomplishments came crashing down when she left him. I watched him crawl deeper into a hole, grasping at the eroding soil walls for a way out. It broke my goddamn heart.

  I guess I was lucky in a sense that I was in my sophomore year at Oregon State University at Bend, and living on loans. I didn’t have to worry much about money; those worries were three years into the future, and the future wasn’t today.

  Last night Drake called me and asked if I could watch Jackson. He’d caught on odd job at the Whispering Wind Tavern. I was excited to see Jackson and help out; I loved his cute little smile and couldn’t wait to hold him. Drake offered me money, but I refused. I was excited for him; I hoped that he’d finally get the break he needed to crawl out of his rut.

  I continued rocking Jackson in my arms. He’d been fussy all night. I finally got him to sleep and placed him in his crib, allowing myself to lie on the couch and relax. Drake said he’d be home at 10:00 PM, but it was 11:30 PM and the second hand kept ticking with him nowhere to be found.

  I dozed off a bit when I was startled by the sound of the doorknob. “Drake? Is that you?” I said, the lights too dim to see his face. One could never be too cautious given the rampant increase in home invasions over the last two years due to the state of the economy.

  “Hey Beth. I’m sorry I’m late. They needed me for longer than I expected. How’s Jackson?” he said, his voice muffled like he’d just been to the dentist.

  “He’s been fussy, but he’s fast asleep in his crib now.” I stood up to go for the light switch when Drake stopped me.

  “No!” he said. “Don’t touch it.”

  I grew worried. “Are you ok?”

  “I’m fine. Stop pestering me with questions.” He was tenser than usual. He walked down the hallway toward the nursery where Jackson slept.

  I followed him, sensing that something wasn’t quite right.

  He dug his hands into the crib and grasped his son, rocking him in his arms. As he turned around the moonlight filtering through the blinds in the nursery lit his face. It was swollen and bruised, his right eye sealed shut. “Oh my god, what the hell happened to you?”

  I went to touch his face but he pulled away into the darkness as he cradled his son. “It’s nothing. There was a brawl at the bar. When I left a bunch of asshole bikers jumped me. That’s why I’m running late. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

  With Jackson comforted he placed him back in his crib and tried to act normal, like his face wasn’t swollen to twice its normal size. “Hey Beth, how much do I owe you for sitting?”

  “It’s ok Drake, I told you not to worry about it.”

  “Come on Beth, that ain’t right. At least take money for gas, it’s almost 40 miles round trip.”

  I started to get annoyed. “Dammit Drake, I told you not to worry about it! Now come here.”

  He pulled further back. “No, Beth. I promise you, you don’t want to see me like this.”

  I placed my hand on his shoulder. “It’s ok. I do. I want to help you.”

  He sighed a bit and reached over to the wall, with his hand guarding the light switch. “You’ve got to promise me you won’t freak out. I know you.”

  “I promise I wont.”

  He flipped the light switch and my eyes doubled in size when I saw his face. His right eye was the size of a tennis ball and sealed up tight, his lips were like two balloons ready to burst with blood, and dark blue bruises covered the rest of his face. Not a single shred of normal flesh remained. His white muscle shirt was covered in droplets of blood. I could hardly recognize him. Gone was his strong jawline and his near perfect smile. His green eyes were filled with blood, his black hair matted to his face. I noticed that as he moved he nursed his side. “Take of your shirt; I need to see what they’ve done to you.”

  He groaned as he lifted his arms above his head, he couldn’t do it himself. I pulled the shirt up from his waist and over his head. There were huge contusions and bruises on his ribs, stomach, and chest. “Jesus Christ Drake!” I could hardly see his chiseled abs and perfectly formed chest under the damage. Even his tattoos were hard to spot.

  He winced in pain. “I’ll be ok. I just need to rest.”

  I didn’t agree. “We need to get you to the hospital and file a report with the police. We can’t let whomever did this to you get away with it. I won’t let them!”

  “No! No Doctors and no cops. I don’t want the hassle or the expense. I can’t afford it. I’ll heal; I just need a few days.”

  “A few days? You mean a few months! How are you going to work like this, huh? Who’s going to watch Jackson? Have you thought about that? I’ve got school to deal with. I can’t be around here everyday, and even though I want to spend every moment with my nephew it’s just not possible!”

  “I know,” he said. “I’m not trying to pick a fight. Shit, you act like it’s my fault I got my ass kicked.”

  “I know. You’re right. I’m just trying to help.” I hurried to the bathroom, turned on the bathtub’s faucet and plugged up the drain. I pulled a bag of Epsom salts from under the bathroom sink and emptied the entire bag into the pooling warm water, swishing them around with my hands until they dissolved.

  Drake stumbled into the bathroom, bracing himself against the walls. “What’s that for?”

  “It’ll make you feel better. Come on now, take off your clothes and get in the tub.”

  He hesitated, almost as if he was shy.

  “Drake, I’ve seen it all before.”

  “Yea when I was sixteen,” he chuckled, but quickly stopped as he grimaced in pain.

  “Can it really have changed all that much? Now come on.” I turned off the faucet.

  He grimaced, unhooking his belt and pulling it through the hoops of his jea
ns, and then unbuttoned his fly, letting his pants fall to the ground. He pulled off his boxers and then I saw his dick. Oh my, it had certainly changed. It was much, much bigger than I remembered. I turned away quickly, my heart racing.

  “I thought you’d seen it all before?” he said, trying his best to smile through the pain as he stumbled into the bath.

  “Yea, of course I have. It’s not a big deal, it’s just a penis, right?”

  He smiled. “Right…”

  He laid back in the bath and slid backward until he was submerged. The damage was even worse than I thought. His knuckles were cracked open and bleeding, the water turning pink and brown at the same time. He emerged from the bathwater. “God dammit this stings!”

  “That’s the salt. Why are your knuckles so busted up? I thought you got jumped.”

  “What? You don’t think your big bro got a few good licks in on those motherfuckers?”

  I giggled. “Sorry, I just viewed you curled up into a ball and taking a beat down.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you sis, but I’m not that much of a pussy.”

  “I don’t know,” I teased. “I used to wrestle you to the ground pretty easily back in the day.”

  He struggled to laugh. “I let you win and you know it!”

  “Sure you did…”

  Jackson began to cry. “I’ll check on him, just stay there and soak, ok?”

  He nodded, slipping under the water again and staying there. As I walked out of the bathroom I caught a glimpse of his pants, and tucked inside of his front jean pocket was a huge wad of cash. Just by the looks of it there had to be two or three grand.

  Drake emerged from the bath and ran his fingers through his ink black hair, slicking it back.

  “Hey, are you being straight with me?” I said.

  He turned around and looked me square in the eyes. “Why would I lie? Now quit asking questions and bring me my son,” he snapped.

  I didn’t want to piss him off and did as he asked, picking up Jackson from his crib and carrying him toward Drake. He caressed his face with his swollen, bruised hands until baby Jackson fell right to sleep in his arms. The sight of them together just melted my heart. He was such a good dad.

  I couldn’t keep my mind off the wad of cash. I worried he’d gotten desperate and fallen in with a bad element. I knew they types of people that hung out at Whispering Wind, and they weren’t the type of people you had over for Sunday dinners. It was a biker bar, and bikers, at least in this town, dealt meth. If Drake had gotten caught up with those speed freaks he’d be in a world of hurt.

  My voice trembled a bit, I didn’t want to call him a liar, but I wanted him to know he had other options if he wasn’t giving it to me straight. “I know times are tight Drake. But you can always ask mom and dad to help.”

  “Mind your own business. I’ve told you before, I ain’t ever talking to mom or dad again, especially my dad. That rotten son of a bitch can go fuck himself after what he did to my mother. I watched the cancer eat away at her while he was busy fucking your mom. And as much I love your mother, what he did was despicable! I won’t ever ask him for money. I’d rather end up on the street!”

  Jackson began to cry. “God dammit now I’ve woken him. Just leave me be Beth, please.”

  “I know it wasn’t right for your dad to do that to your mom. I know. But Drake, I saw the bills on your dinner table, they aren’t going to let up.”

  He looked me in the eyes as dead serious as I’d ever seen him. “And those bills aren’t none of your fucking business. I’m going to pay every single last one of them.” He handed Jackson back to me. “Tuck him into his crib. I’m done talking.” He sunk back below the surface of the water and didn’t come up.

  I tucked Jackson in his crib and turned off the lights. It was too damn late to drive home so I retired to the couch; curling up with an old pillow and an afghan his grandmother had knitted him when he was born. It didn’t take me long until I fell asleep. I was pooped.

  Chapter 2

  Redmond, Oregon – Sunday, May 17th, 2009

  “Beth, Beth. Wake up.” I was startled awake to someone shaking my shoulder and speaking to me quietly.

  Dazed and confused I opened my eyes, still tired from the night before. “Drake?” I said, semi-lucid.

  He cupped his hand around my face. “I just wanted to say thank you for taking care of me. You did for me what Janice never would have dreamed of doing.”

  “Of course I did.” I looked at the clock on the wall. “Come on, go back to sleep it’s four in the morning.”

  He knelt to the ground and ran his hands through my hair. “I’m not in the mood to sleep.”

  “Drake?” I said confused.

  He continued stroking my hair and the sensation relaxed me. “I like it when you’re around, you do a good job with Jackson, I really think he likes you. You’re more of a mother than Janice ever would have been, as twisted as that sounds.”

  “Thanks. Can’t we just talk about this tomorrow? It’s been a long night,” I said.

  “Uh uh,” he said. He stood up and sat next to me when I realized he was fully nude, his penis erect like a statue and as hard as one too.

  “Can we cuddle?” he said, letting his hands flow over my curves trapped under the afghan.

  I recoiled only slightly at the thought, though his touch felt divine. “Don’t you think that’s a little weird?”

  “No Beth, I don’t. I need someone strong like you in my life. I want to feel you close to me.”

  I didn’t respond to him as he encroached on me. He stretched his arms and legs out on top of the afghan while I was underneath it. Even with the barrier of wool between us the intensity of his erection stabbed at my back as he lightly ground his body into mine.

  His breath caressed my neck, the touch of it against my flesh so soft and sensual it sent goosebumps cascading across my skin.

  “Drake we should stop.” And though I told him to stop, I didn’t want him to know how comfortable I felt with the idea, with him and me.

  He whispered in my ear. “If you don’t like it then stop me.”

  I turned to face him, his hand now behind my head. I was hopeless to resist his advances and I didn’t want to. His lips met mine in a passionate kiss, and out of sheer instinct my hand slipped down his abdomen toward the monster between his legs.

  He pulled up the afghan and draped it over us, his massacred body holding me tight. I lost control as my groin moistened. All I worried about was whether or not he’d fit, and whether or not he’d like being inside of me more than Janice.

  His hand slipped down my abdomen and played with the landing strip of hair I’d left on my mound. Inching past it he rubbed my hardened clitoris, every stroke one of pleasure. My nipples met his tongue to a chorus of sensation.

  “Drake,” I moaned. “Are you sure about this?”

  He looked up at me, a string of saliva between my nipple and his swollen lips. “Absolutely.”

  A moment later he was on top of me. I ran my hands across his hard, muscular body and waited for the moment I feared. He fingered me gently, loosening my insides to prepare me for his girth. With his finger knuckle deep in my hole he looked me right in the eyes. “Are you ready?”

  I didn’t say a word, but instead I locked eyes with his and nodded my head. He grabbed the base of his penis and entered me slowly, inch by inch filling my body until he was completely immersed.

  I’d never felt so connected to another human being. This was more than sex; this was something on an entirely different level. I gripped his muscular back as he slid himself in and out, gentle but determined as he bought me closer to climax.

  Our lips met again as he moaned, ignoring the pain that must have rampaged his body. “Oh baby I’m going to come,” he said.

  Hearing him moaning out in ecstasy took me over the edge. I gripped his back and held on tight as we fucked like animals, both of our bodies releasing in spasms of orgasmic pleasure.

bsp; “Beth! Beth, get up!”

  “Drake?” I woke startled and confused, on the couch, under an afghan and alone, his hand on my shoulder.

  “Calm down sis. It’s ok it was just a nightmare. For Christ’s sake you scared the shit out of me.”

  “Really? What did I say?” I was immediately worried I’d said something sexual about him and I.

  “You were freaking out and called out my name like you were in trouble. I came out here and you were squirming around like you were being strangled. Are you ok?”

  I looked up at him, tying not stare at the bulge in his robe. “Um, yea, it was just, you know, a bad dream. No big deal.” God dammit I was a horrible liar. How the hell could I have envisioned sleeping with him?


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