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Summoned By Magic: Reverse Harem (Order of the Akasha Book 1)

Page 13

by E. M. Moore

  “Mmm,” I smiled before turning toward Liam and meeting his gaze. His eyes were molten. A flicker of surprise shot through me that he’d be just as turned on by that as I was. “Oh fuck that sounds amazing.”

  Liam’s hand squeezed my breast harder and I arched into him, my hips meeting his stiff cock.

  My fingertips tingled and my nerve endings started to fry. I reached out and tore Liam’s shirt over his head, my hands coming down to explore his body. He pushed his hoodie away from my shoulders and down, pulling it off to the side before grabbing my ass and pulling me closer. “God yes.”

  I moaned, and Randy followed, though his sounded painful.

  I pulled my shirt up over my head and leaned over to Liam’s ear. “Let’s give Randy a show, shall we? I want you to touch me.” Reaching around my back, I unclasped my bra. My breasts fell in front of Liam, and a hunger formed in his gaze. He shot forward, his lips surrounding my nipple as his hand went straight for my center, stroking up the inseam of my jeans again and again. “Oh, fuck. Liam. I want out of these pants.”

  His hands fiddled with the button and then unzipped me. I stood a little, awkward as fuck in the car, until he had my jeans around my ankles and then finally free. “Eek,” I squeaked out as Randy reached up to pinch the part of my ass that I was resting on the seat behind us.

  “Couldn’t help myself,” he said gruffly.

  Liam lowered me back down, rubbing the spot where Randy had pinched. “I’ve thought about this,” he said. “So much.”

  His finger found my center, and he inserted it, curling it up when he reached my wall. I let out a short scream.

  “Fuck me,” Randy said.

  “Can’t,” I shot back. “I’m too busy right now.”

  Liam chuckled, his finger thrusting in and out of me. His thumb brushed against my nub and I cried out again. “Shit. As much as I love this, I want to come around you. I want to feel you inside me.”

  My hands reached into the waistband of his pants and pulled down. My knees perched on either side of him, I lowered myself down, his tip just barely grazing me.

  “Norah, fuck!” His jaw tensed and he ground out a growl. “I don’t have a condom or anything.”

  “I can vouch for him. He’s clean,” Randy said from the front, his voice low, barely tethered in place as if he wanted us to get on with it as much as I did.

  “Me too,” I said, easing down over him. “I mean, except Gabe recently, with a condom on.”

  Liam grabbed my hips and pulled me down over him. I let out a quick curse before grinding my pussy over him.

  “Fuck you guys. I don’t think you understand how hot it is to hear you guys do this.”

  Liam squeezed my ass before pulling me forward. “She feels fucking amazing.”

  “Bro, I don’t even doubt you. Touch those perfect tits for me, would you?”

  I threw my head back as Liam’s mouth covered my breasts again, his other hand coming up to tease the other nipple, rolling it between his fingers. We started a steady rhythm, my fingers curling into the fabric of the backseat as I rolled my hips again and again into Liam.

  I took in a deep breath and smiled. “The sea?”

  “Excuse me,” Liam said, his head lifting from my breast for a second.

  “That’s your scent. The sea.”

  He tightened his grip on me, his hands quickening my hips. “Fuck, I’m not going to last much longer, Norah.”

  My thighs tightened around him. “And you think I am?”

  He met me stroke for stroke until the magic subsided and the feeling of an oncoming orgasm took over. I picked up one of Liam’s hands and put it on my nub. He took his cue, rubbing it over and over until my heady breaths echoed through the car. I heard Randy curse just as I was overcome with Liam. “Yes,” I breathed. “Yes!”

  My walls spasmed around Liam’s hard cock and with one more stroke upward, Liam came too, his eyes wide as he emptied himself into me. I hugged his neck, holding on for dear life as we came together. Our breaths and cries mixing until we were spent.

  “Holy fuck,” Randy said. “I’m harder than I’ve ever been in my life.”

  “Mmm,” I hummed in pleasure. I kissed Liam with everything I had. He touched his forehead to mine and smiled. “Go,” he whispered, hitching his chin toward the front seat.

  I kissed him again, loving his willingness to share this moment. I eased myself away from Liam, feeling empty once he was all the way out. I groaned, hating that feeling. He helped me up over the seat until I was on all fours to the side of Randy. “What are you doing?”

  I reached out to massage his hard cock. “He is hard,” I murmured.

  Liam put a hand on my ass and urged me forward. I definitely didn’t need his encouragement, but it was sexy as fuck.


  I reached over to unzip Randy’s jeans. I did so and then peeled the material away, looking just as I had imagined in my dream. He was hard as fuck and waiting for me. I pulled his boxers down just so the tip of him showed. Before he could say anything, I darted down and licked him.

  “Fuuuck,” he said, hissing. “I’m driving.”

  “I know.” I worked his pants down lower and his hips came up to help give me space. His cock was like a sentry, just waiting. There was already cum beaded at the top and spilled over into his boxers from the show he got to hear from Liam and I. I licked it up and he swore, a quick curse that filled the interior of the car, only spurring me on. “Mmm,” I murmured as I placed my lips on his silky sin, then opened my mouth and taking him all in. Randy’s body stiffened and more cum released. I fisted him with one hand and pulled him up to meet my mouth while I tightened my lips around him.

  “Holy fuck.”

  “I know,” Liam said in response, his voice very close.

  I closed my eyes and imagined Liam watching us. I moaned and took him all in again, increasing my speed. Randy’s hips made sharp upward movements as I sucked.

  I sucked in a breath as a touch came at my ass. Fingers pried me apart from behind and I whimpered as I spread my knees apart, giving Liam easier access. He rewarded me with a finger pushing inside my pussy. “Oh, fuck.” I clenched around his finger and he dipped inside me over and over again at the same pace I sucked Randy’s dick.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing, Liam, but keep at it,” Randy said, his voice strangled. I had a brief thought that I hoped we didn’t get into an accident with Randy being so preoccupied, but it slipped my mind when Liam pushed two fingers inside me.

  “God, yes!”

  My lips slipped down over Randy with a vengeance. Liam picked up the pace to match my own. I pushed back on Liam’s hand and then moved forward down over Randy’s hard cock in my mouth. This was like pure ecstasy. Every time Liam gave me more, I gave Randy more until my orgasm came on me quick. Purple light burst in front of my eyes as I clenched around Liam’s fingers. He crooked his fingers inside, sending me over again and again.

  I moaned around Randy’s cock and he thrust his hips in the air, going deeper until I felt hot cum in my mouth. I continued my attention, riding out Randy’s orgasm just as Liam did the same for me. When I was done, I pulled back, a dopey smile on my face. Liam pulled his fingers from me and I sat back on my haunches, looking the two of them in the eyes. “Wow. If I thought I could keep going, I’d figure out something else to do with the two of you.”

  “I can think of something,” Randy said. “Only problem is, you made us come too soon.”

  God, I must’ve used a lot of magic because even after all that, I still felt the shakes. “Maybe you can just tell me what it is,” I said, breathless all over again.

  “It involves you bent over in front of me, but since that’s impossible right now…”

  “Mmm,” I moaned. My finger traveled up, sinking deep into my already wet pussy. “Tell me.”

  Randy peeked over. “Fuck, Norah.”

  “You were saying? Bent over in front of you? I hope it involves
my tits bouncing up and down with the force of your strokes.” I pushed in and out of myself faster.

  “Liam?” Randy said, his voice tight.

  “On it,” he said. He scrambled over the seat and put my seat back while getting to his knees in front of me. “Damn girl,” he whispered, his breath caressing my pussy. “The two of us isn’t enough?”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I said, unable to stop releasing all the energy.

  “There’s nothing fucking wrong with you,” Randy said. His hand landed on my thigh and edged my fingers out of the way. “You lick her, Liam. I’ll touch her here.” He pressed onto my nub and I mewled as Liam dipped his face into my pussy. His soft tongue caressed my lips and I cried out. Randy’s fingers flicked out over my nub and Liam’s fingers curled into my ass as he ate me out.

  “Yes!” My orgasm was right at the surface. “More!”

  Liam sharpened and quickened his movements as Randy flicked faster. “Come for us,” Liam said. “Fuck, Norah. Come for us. This is hot as fuck. I’m tasting you. Randy’s massaging you. You feel it, right? Both of us. We can’t get enough of you. Oh fuck, sweetie. You taste like pure sugar.” His tongue swept up, curling around the nub and Randy’s finger and I broke apart, screaming as my orgasm ripped through me.

  Liam let out a breath and then bent over me, hugging me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on.

  “Fucking Christ,” Randy said. His head fell back against the headrest. “Thank God it’s in the middle of the night and there are no cops on the road. I’m sure they would’ve pulled us over by now.”

  I breathed in Liam’s scent and chuckled. “Having a hard time driving, are you?”

  “We’re all lucky we’re not dead. That’s all I’m saying.”

  “What a way to go, though, right?” I asked before kissing Liam’s cheek.

  He sat up, taking the seat, and then arranging me in his lap. His arms wound around me as if he never wanted to let me go again. I rested my head on his chest. “Thank you. Both of you. That was—”

  “Fucking perfect?” Liam offered.

  I nodded into his chest. “You both helped me. Not that that’s what it was all about. I thoroughly enjoyed coming three times.”

  Liam snickered, burying his head into my neck. I kissed his cheek again. He was returning to his shy self, but hell, I could take that. As long as that Sex God came out again when I wanted to play with it.

  “Gabe’s going to be sore he wasn’t involved with that,” Randy said.

  “Are you kidding?” I asked, as a joke, but the more I thought about it, the less funny it became. “Maybe Mandy’s giving him a good time.” I could barely get the words out without wanting to vomit. Even though I’d just done very sexy things with Liam and Randy, I wanted Gabe, too. And even Travis, a very small, minuscule part, could confess that if he’d showed up with a girl, I’d want to straight up murder her.

  Liam pulled away. “I don’t think you understand something, Norah. We don’t just go around doing this with other girls. In fact, before this, we weren’t the sharing type. It’s not the sex, it’s the girl. Gabe won’t touch her.”

  “I can sure as fuck promise you that,” Randy said.

  “Really?” I asked, the girly voice in me coming out. I really had no reason to wish that since I was intimately involved with three of them.

  “He won’t touch her,” Randy said. “If he did, I’d fucking kill him for hurting you, for hurting all of us.”

  “Here,” Liam said. He searched in the center console and brought out his cell phone. “I’ll call him.”

  “You don’t have to.”


  Liam pushed on Gabe’s name and then said “Hey,” when a tinny voice answered. “Someone wants to talk to you.”

  He held the phone out to me and my heart expanded. I grabbed it and thrust it toward my ear. “Hi,” I said.

  He groaned. “Oh, Baby. I was worried about you. Are you okay? I know Randy and Liam are taking good care of you, but I just worry, you know?”

  I met Liam’s eyes and a triumphant smile. “Yeah, I know. I’m okay. They’re being very good to me.”

  “I don’t know if I want to know exactly what you’re saying, but I can’t blame any of you.” He pulled the phone away for a second. “What’s that? Hold on,” he said to me. He had a discussion with Travis. I recognized the other male voice in the car. “Travis says we have a lot to discuss when we get back to the apartment.”

  “No shit,” I said.

  “Can I?” Liam asked, reaching for the phone.

  I nodded and gave it to him. He put it on speaker. “I heard you say apartment. We can’t go back there. Not safe.”

  “Right. I wasn’t even thinking,” Gabe said.

  “We’ll head to the house.”

  Randy glanced at Liam, his expression worried.

  “You sure?” Gabe asked.

  “I’m sure,” Liam said, his expression hard, but determined. “It’s the only place right now. We might not stay, but we can for a little while to make sure everything’s okay.”

  “Gotcha,” Gabe said. He reiterated the news to Travis who we heard agree with the plans. “Okay,” he said. “We’ll see you guys there. And Norah?”


  “I can’t wait to see you. You scared the shit out of me today.”

  “Me too,” I murmured.

  “Soon,” he said.

  “Soon,” I echoed back.

  Liam disconnected the call and put the phone back in the center console before wrapping me in his safe arms again. I was going to have to have a little talk with Granny about her telling me to leave these guys. She’d never been more wrong in her life. Well….afterlife.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Randy pulled up to an enormous house flanked by stone walls with legit statues on them of roaring lions. The drive up to the house rose upward, curving around larger-than-life trees and elegantly arranged bushes. Liam and I had gotten dressed in the last thirty minutes to the place, didn’t think Mandy would want to see us come out of the car buck naked, and had ridden the rest of the way here in silence. Now that Randy had pushed in a security number at the gate and we were driving up to a New England mansion, I had a lot more questions than answers. Why was Liam holding me closer all of a sudden? Why did Randy ask him if he was sure we wanted to come here? And last but not least, where the fuck were we and who the hell owned this place?

  From the silence in the car, I had the feeling I shouldn’t ask any of these questions so I kept my lips zipped up tight except for one. “Is anyone expecting us?”

  “No one lives here,” Randy answered.

  Hmm. Okay. It certainly looked like it was well taken care of. The grounds—because yes, it was just that nice—were landscaped perfectly, and the wrap-around porch looked like it had gotten a fresh coat of paint recently. Randy put the car in park and I raised my eyebrows at him. He gave me a quick shake of his head, so it looked like the questions I had would have to wait even longer.

  Liam pushed the car door open and I unfurled myself first, watching as Travis parked the Jeep behind us. I walked toward that car and held the door open as Mandy got out. Her hair was caked with dirt and smudges marred her face. Her outfit, which would’ve been fashionable if it weren’t for the tears and stains, made me think she was probably a popular person in her sorority. I took her hand, and she squeezed mine in return.

  Travis followed Liam up the steps and clapped him on the back while the rest of us lagged behind. I eyed Liam as he unlocked the front door with a key. Before I could question it, Gabe touched my shoulder. “I asked Mandy if she wanted to go to the hospital or to the police, and she says no.”

  Shit. I hadn’t even thought of that. I took in her appearance, her mascara had run down her face and smudged. “Are you sure?” I asked. She’d said I wouldn’t want them to know I was awake. What had happened to her? She shook her head, and I motioned for Gabe and Randy t
o go on ahead. I pulled her to a stop and gave her my friendliest smile. “Mandy, if they hurt you in any way, like sexually, you should go to the ER so they can run tests and you can press charges and—”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “It wasn’t that. They didn’t do anything like that. I thought that at first, too, but it was different. It was more like mental torture, nothing physical.” Her mouth worked before bringing her free hand up to her eyes and catching a few of her tears. “What I really would love is to get cleaned up and go home.”

  Her eyes latched onto mine and implored. “Of course,” I told her.

  “The nice guy, the dark-haired one, he says they would like to talk to me first and then he’ll take me home.”

  The fuck? Travis was the nice guy? Since when? “The one who drove?” I prompted.

  She nodded. He told me we just needed to stop here so that I can get cleaned up like I want to and that you guys will just want to ask me some questions to figure out who it was that did this to me, and then I can go home. I really want to go home.”

  Trying not to be so surprised that Travis could be nice to anyone, I took her by the hand and helped her up the steps. Randy waited there in the vestibule. From where we stood, the house was opened up straight through to the back where a wall was all windows, and further beyond that, the Atlantic Ocean swirled its steely blue. Wow. This place was beautiful.

  “Bathroom?” I asked Randy. He placed a hand at the small of my back and led us past the living room which opened up into another wing. On a door to the left was a full bathroom. I squeezed Mandy’s hand. “Here you go, hon.”

  Before I could even think about it, Randy said, “I’ll see about getting some clothes for you. I’ll put them right outside the door so when you get out, they’ll be right there for you. Okay?”

  She nodded and then went inside. “Should I stay with her?” I asked him.

  He shrugged. Yeah. That was kind of a stupid question. If I didn’t know the protocol for staying with a girl you were imprisoned with for a few hours, I was sure Randy didn’t either. Instead of calling me out on that, he kissed my forehead. “I bet you’d like a shower yourself.”


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