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Double Trouble

Page 5

by Constance Masters

  Deciding to up the anti a bit, Ryan moved the clock radio on the dresser just a teensy bit. A barely visible movement of her head told him she knew he was there, he could imagine how hard her heart was thumping in her chest. He made a production of moving some pillows to the end of the bed to cover the bed end. He knew she'd just be able to see them out of the corner of her eye and it'd get her worrying about his choice of implements.

  “Becky?” he said. “Come here.”

  She turned slowly and it broke his heart that her eyes were already filled with tears. Still, he had to harden himself. He'd have been even more heartbroken about now if she'd been injured or killed; or if he had to visit her in jail because someone else had died at her hands. What if that person had been her best friend?

  Her eyes may have been filled with tears but she didn't hesitate. She walked straight over to him and laid across his lap. He was proud of her for that at least. “Why are you about to be spanked, Becky?” he asked, holding her tightly but gently against his side.

  * * *

  “Mike… I'm sorry,” Kendall said in a barely audible voice in a desperate attempt to end the silent drive home.

  “I know.”

  “I… I mean, you don't have to, you know. I know what I did wrong and I won't ever do it again.”

  “Uh huh. You're still getting spanked,” Mike said.

  “But I...”

  “But nothing.”

  “What if I say I won't marry you?”

  Mike swung his head around. “Well if you’re serious about that comment. I'll STILL spank you. And then if you won't marry me, I guess I can't make you.”

  Kendall started to cry. “I didn't say that,” she sniffled.

  “No, you were trying to make me decide not to spank you using the one thing you thought would work.” He leaned towards her. “It won't. Work, I mean.”

  “Oh,” Kendall said simply. There really wasn't an answer to that.

  “There's only one thing that you could have done that would have upset me more today, honey, and that would have been if you'd actually been the one driving.”

  “I couldn't let her go alone.”

  “I get that you think that, but there had to be another way. To start with: you never should have had that much to drink when you were in town. What about poor Lance? He's a kid and you were all so drunk you didn't give him a second thought.”

  Kendall wanted to tell him he was wrong, that he didn't understand, but she couldn't. The simple fact was he was right. She was an adult but she hadn't acted like it at all. “I know. I hope he's ok,” she said.

  “His dad says he's fine, thankfully. Kendall, do you know how many lives I've seen ruined from drunk driving? Lots. And you know what? They’re not all monsters. They're normal people that are so concerned with their own good time that they just don't think about anyone else.”

  “It was the middle of the night!” Kendall wailed. She already felt guilty and he was heaping more and more on her.

  “What if there was a baby or small child sick with the croup and the child's parents decided to run to the emergency room, thinking they were safe.”

  “Don't!” she shouted. “Please, Mike. I promise. I'll take whatever punishment you give me, just stop putting awful pictures in my head.”

  “I want you to call on those pictures every time you're even tempted to get in a car when there's been drinking involved.”

  “I told you I won't, ever. I promise.”

  * * *

  “I had Lance take the car when you told me not to touch it, but I didn't touch it THEN.” Ryan's hand connected with her bare bottom hard, she'd obviously allowed a little attitude to creep into her voice and the sting in her rear let her know that it wasn't appreciated. The handprints from earlier had faded but the heat sparked immediately. “Ahhh!” she yelped, kicking her legs. A sharp smack on each thigh made her legs stay steadier.

  “And?” Ryan asked patiently.

  “Um. I got Lance to drive us to town in your car and then forgot about him.”

  “And? Did you think that I would have let Lance drive my car if I was there?”

  “No,” she said sadly.

  “No, I wouldn't have because he's not on the insurance. Next?”

  “I…” She was so ashamed to admit out loud what she'd done next; she could hardly get the words out. “I got in your car when you told me not to and I drove home drunk. I put my own, and my best friend's, life at risk and anyone else's that happened to be on the road.”

  “Very good,” he said. “And?”

  “We tried to fix the car ourselves and made it worse because we tried to cover it up.”


  Becky was sure that'd been about all. Then a picture of what they'd been wearing when they were found came to mind. “The clothes. We went out in public wearing outfits that revealed too much.”

  That about covered it, Ryan thought. He adjusted her over his knee so her bottom was nice and high and he started spanking. Hard, rhythmic, painful spanks that had her crying just a few spanks in. She tried to rock her bottom from side-to-side to get it out of harm's way but she couldn't.

  “Stop!” she wailed loudly. “Please.”

  Ryan ignored her pleas and held her tightly in place and there was no way she could escape his punishing hand. All she succeeded in doing was giving him an undignified view of her slick privates. Once again her body had betrayed her and her juices escaped her swollen lips and ran down her pink thighs.

  “Noooo,” she cried.

  When she thought she couldn't possible take anymore he stopped and stood her in front of him. Tears ran down her cheeks, unchecked, as her husband looked at her with hurt in his eyes.

  “I trusted you,” he said seriously. “ I want you to stand in that corner and think about what trust means. How you'd feel if I betrayed your trust in me, and how you'd have felt if you had taken someone else's life.”

  Becky cried harder and practically ran to the corner. Her bottom hurt so much already and she knew there was more to come. It hurt her more though to look into the eyes of the man she loved and see the hurt that lurked there. Ryan spanked her, that was them, part of their relationship, but it was usually for minor things, silly things, even sometimes just for play. This was different. This was serious; his clear blue eyes were clouded with hurt and disappointment. It just about broke her heart that she was the cause.

  * * *

  As they pulled into the driveway, Kendall winced at the gate that she and Becky had discarded in their haste. Mike pointed one finger at it to let her know that he'd noticed.

  “What was yesterday our new gate,” Mike said, nodding his head towards the gate that had been discarded under a tree. “Seems to have jumped off its hinges and thrown itself over there.”

  Kendall looked down at her fingers guiltily. Suddenly her broken nails seemed fascinating. If she'd truly looked at them she would have been horrified but her mind was focused on something else entirely.

  The car stopped but she made no move to get out. Mike did however and came around and opened her door. “Out,” he said, “come on. May as well get it over with, I'm not going to change my mind.” He leaned in and unbuckled her seatbelt. “Now.”

  Heat crept up Kendall's neck and flushed her face as she scrambled to get out of the car. She was even more embarrassed as she found herself turning sideways to inch past Mike in an effort to keep her bottom facing away from him. Didn't help. He took her arm and turned her sideways and slapped her bottom to get her moving. Her hands immediately flew back to protect herself from any more stray spanks. No one had ever spanked her before and she found the stinging tingly sensation foreign and embarrassing.

  Mike took her hand and led her into the house. “Corner,” he ordered.

  “Huh?” she said incredulously. Surely he wasn't suggesting that she stand in the corner like she was six.

  “Corner, Kendall. Now.”

  “I don't want to stand in the corner

  “Good, then it should be somewhat of a deterrent for next time.”

  Kendall still didn't move, she was examining his face, waiting for the tell tale lines around his mouth that would signal that he was about to break into a smile. No lines, no smile. His lips were set in a thin and unfamiliar line.

  “I'm not messing. I know this is the first time we've done this, but if you don't move to that corner right now I will put you there myself and you can stand there naked with a sting in your tail.”

  Kendall's eyes widened and her mind immediately went back to the night she'd seen Becky being spanked by Ryan. She'd felt intense curiosity that night when the shoe was on her best friend's foot. Now that SHE was walking in Becky's shoes there was trepidation. What she'd been feeling that night was nothing like what she was feeling right now, although, there were butterflies. These butterflies were warning her to run. She looked from the door to Mike's raised eyebrow and she practically flew to the corner of the living room. She didn't want to imagine what would happen if she gave into her instincts and ran out the door.

  * * *

  Mike sat on the sofa and watched both Kendall and his watch. He thought about ten minutes should do it. While he waited, he mulled over in his mind how he was going to handle this. He knew it would come to this eventually, he just didn't think the first time he spanked Kendall it would be for something this big. He would have liked his fiancé’s first spanking to be a simple hand spanking. In retrospect, he'd probably missed many opportunities for that. This, however, wasn't a simple situation. This was serious. He looked down beside him to where Kendall had tossed her purse. He opened it and took out her hairbrush; he shook his head before dropping it back where it came from.

  * * *

  Becky was so full of guilt for what she'd done, that by the time Ryan called her for the final part of her punishment, she felt nothing but relief. She walked towards the bed where her husband had laid the pillows in preparation of this final stage. She noticed that he'd showered and his hair was still wet. His blonde curls looked darker and she loved the way it curled when it was damp, even when he was about to bust her ass. She gave him a watery smile before bending over the soft pile. It was quite high and she had to practically stand on her toes so that she could lay her head on her arms. She knew that Ryan had placed them that way for a reason. Her bottom was now bent high over the pillows, perfect for being a target.

  She squeezed her eyes shut as she heard the familiar sound of his belt whistling through the loops of his jeans. She couldn't help shuffling a little as she waited nervously. Oh no, the belt! She hadn't thought of the belt. She hated that more than any kind of wood.

  “Hold still,” he said gently. He laid his hand on her back to help hold her in place.

  “Owww!!!!” she screeched as the doubled over belt cracked across her already sore bottom.

  “Shh, Honey. Only five more,” Ryan said croakily.

  Becky tried really hard to keep still, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't control her bottom's own reaction. Her cheeks clenched and unclenched, of their own accord, in anticipation of the crack of the belt.

  * * *

  Ryan drew in a shaky breath as he raised his belt for the second time. He hated that he had to do this. He'd only used his belt on the rarest of occasions. This, unfortunately, was one of those times. The fact that he hardly used it meant that it made more of an impression than anything else. He never used it in play. Becky knew that if she was feeling the stripe of her husband's belt that what ever she'd done was not to be repeated. Ever. Under any circumstance. Neither of them took it lightly. The thought of losing Becky was the only thing that made it possible for him to continue. He brought the belt down just under the place it had landed last. Becky yelled loudly again and kicked her legs hard to try and shake off the burn that burst across her rear.

  “Shh, Beck, not long now.”

  She continued to kick, her flailing legs giving him a birds eye view of her private jewels.

  He slapped each thigh with his hand and she stilled while sniffling miserably into the crook of her arm. “Keep still,” he warned.

  “I can't!” she wailed. “It hurts!”

  “You can.” he said quietly. “Just a few more.”

  “Four is more than a few,” she sobbed.

  “Stop answering back and let me finish,” he quipped, “before you get more than four.” He raised the belt and brought it down twice in a row. When Becky did nothing but groan he decided to finish it quickly. He felt she'd had enough and he was sure he had. Two more sharp licks right across the crease beneath each cheek, and he dropped the belt on the ground at his feet.

  * * *

  “I'm sorr...y,” Becky said between hitched breaths.

  Ryan was now sitting beside her rubbing her back gently and making soothing noises.

  Although it felt like her ass was literally on fire, she pulled herself over to put her head on his lap. “It hurts so bad,” she wailed miserably.

  “I know, Honey, it's over now. I know you'll never do it again.”

  “I won't,” she said with a sniffle.

  Ryan got up and pulled back the covers. “Come on. Climb in and you can have a nap.”

  “I don't wanna move. I think you broke my bottom,” she said, stopping herself from cursing at the last moment. Ryan rolled his eyes.

  “Get up here and stop overdramatising. Six smacks with the belt is light for what you did,” he said.

  Becky had several good comebacks dangling on the end of her tongue but she didn't dare let them slip out. If she was ever going to sit again she'd need to curtail her smartass comebacks for a while and just keep them to herself.

  Ryan helped her stand and pulled her into his arms.

  “I love you, you know,” he said. “That's why I had to do what I did.”

  “I know you do… but just so you know… you could love me a little less… and I wouldn't be offended at all.” Her words still came in between hitched breaths.

  Her husband gave her a stern look but she could tell he wasn't too angry with her. “Watch it,” he said. “Now come on, you must be tired.” He led her to her side of the bed.

  “Don't leave me,” she said with a quiet sob. “Please?”

  Ryan waited until she was settled and then climbed in to bed next to her. As soon as she felt the weight of his arm lying protectively across her back, she was able to ignore the thumping of her recently spanked bottom. She closed her eyes and drifted into a deep long awaited sleep.

  * * *

  “Are you sure it's the right thing to do, to go early?” Tracy asked.

  Geoff zipped up the case that she'd finished packing and smiled. “No time like the present,” he said. “It's never going to be a good time but this way maybe we can sort things out a little before the wedding. I really don't want to hijack Kendall and Mike's big day with our family drama.”

  “That makes sense, I guess.”

  “It'll be ok,” he said, “we'll make sure it is.”

  “Are you sure you don't want to stay in the motel?”

  “That I'm positive about,” he said with a chuckle. “Besides, I know she's difficult but I miss my little girl. I don't miss her drama, but she isn't all bad.”

  “I know that,” Tracy said. “She's a lot better since she and Ryan got married but she still hates me.”

  “No she doesn't. You were just the first person to stand up to her. She resented you for that.”

  “And she blames me for taking you to New York.”


  “Yes, Geoff, you know that's true. What ever the reason, it's time we fixed it.”

  “And fix it we will,” Geoff said, kissing his wife before lugging the suitcase to the door.

  * * *

  “Come here, Kendall,” Mike said.

  Kendall turned and looked at her fiancé over one shoulder with her saddest face.

  She looked very young and vulnerable standing there i
n her tights and a T shirt she'd borrowed from Becky. He watched as she pulled the T-shirt down to better cover her bottom. He suspected that she was now regretting her choice of clothing; he almost smiled. She should have been more worried about the flip-flops she was wearing.

  * * *

  Kendall jumped when Mike called her name for the second time. She could tell by the look on his face that he was serious. He wasn't going to change his mind. She walked over to where he was sitting on the sofa, waiting impatiently.

  “Um, Mike, I've learned my lesson,” she tried. “I, well, I had a lot of time to think over there and I really don't think this is necessary.” She was forced to swallow the last word as she was unceremoniously tipped over Mike's knee. There was no more time to plead her case or even to object as his hard hand connected with the thin tights that covered her squirming bottom.

  “Oh my God!” she panted under her breath as his hand started spanking steadily over and over. “Mike that hurts! That really hurts!”

  * * *

  Kendall was kicking and squirming and doing her best to scramble off his knee. He shook his head and grabbed one of the flip-flops mid flight as it flew off her flailing foot. He put it next to him for later use.

  “Keep still, Kendall,” he said sternly, slapping her bottom harder.

  “I can't! It's hard to keep still when someone is trying to KILL you!”

  Mike yanked the tights and her panties down to her knees in one foul swoop and slung his leg over both of hers. Now she'd be still, he thought. “Now, I'm not going to ask you why you're getting spanked. You know damn well why. You acted like an out of control teenager instead of a woman who's about to be married!” He punctuated that last word with a hard spank on her bare bottom that covered both cheeks.


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