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Page 14

by Cheryl Douglas

  “You are,” he said, spinning me around so he could boost me up on the counter. “Believe me.” He moved between my open legs as he continued working on my neck while pushing up my cotton tank so he could have access to my breasts. He’d convinced me not to put my bra back on after we got out of the shower. Now I knew why. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me… maybe ever.”

  I held my breath, gripping his shoulders, not because he was masterfully manipulating my body—though he was—but because his soft words were claiming my heart. I kissed his neck as I made peace with the fact the cake would have to wait. We had more pressing issues to tend to, like the hard shaft between my legs begging for some attention.

  “You mean that?” I whispered.

  “I mean every word I say to you, baby.”

  “Show me.”

  He tipped his head back, his blue eyes filled with a mix of lust and satisfaction that he’d worn me down. “You sure? What about the cake?”

  “It can wait.”

  He chuckled before scooping me into his arms and carrying me to the bedroom. “Damn right it can, but I can’t.”


  Seb’s family couldn’t have been any more wonderful. They ribbed each other mercilessly at dinner, often being chided by Mac’s mother Mary for their behavior, but they all treated me as though I were already a part of the family. Except for Brody. He was more reserved, often drawing strange looks from his brothers because apparently it wasn’t like him to be so quiet. He tried to brush it off, claiming he was tired, stressed, had a lot on his mind, but I didn’t think they bought it. I remembered Seb telling me that Brody was having a hard time letting go of his ex-girlfriend, and I suspected that was the cause of his melancholy mood, so I tried not to take it personally.

  “Dinner was fantastic,” Jaci said, bumping my hip with hers as we stacked the dishes in the dishwasher.

  She was a sweet southern belle who seemed able to keep her handsome fiancé in line with just a look. I was impressed by her technique. Aside from Ryker, who was a little more refined than his younger brothers, the men still had a wild streak.

  “Thanks, but I can’t take all the credit,” I said, accepting dishes from Mac to soak in the sink. “Seb grilled everything.”

  Mac laughed. “Seb’s idea of cooking is throwing a frozen hamburger on the grill and calling it a day. He may have marinated and grilled the fish and shrimp, but the twice baked potatoes and grilled veggie salad was all you.”

  “Guilty as charged,” I said, raising my hand with a smile.

  “And this cake,” Mac said, pointing at my chocolate layer cake. “If it tastes as good as it looks, we could sell this thing. Don’t you think, Jaci?”

  “Definitely,” Jaci said, adding soap to the dishwasher.

  I felt a little self-conscious about telling the girls why I’d made it, but since they were Seb’s family, I knew they would understand. “Seb told me his mother used to make it for them and he hadn’t had it since she passed. When he was kind enough to invite my uncle and landlady over for dinner, I made it for him. He liked it.” I shrugged. “So I thought I’d make it again tonight. No big deal.”

  “It is a big deal, trust me,” Mac said, touching my arm. “Seb isn’t used to the women in his life doing nice things for him. It’s usually the other way around.”

  I was surprised to hear that since everyone said Emma had been such a sweetheart. I felt I was dangerously close to probing into forbidden territory again, but Mac beat me to it.

  “Don’t get me wrong, Emma was a nice enough girl, but—” She clamped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide. “Has he told you about her, or am I way out of line bringing her up?”

  “No, he’s told me about her.” I wouldn’t have dared ask Mac about Emma, but I hoped she’d want to indulge in a little girl talk.

  “Then you know he was crushed when she left?” Mac sighed before wiping the counter down with a damp rag. “I swear, I wanted to track her down myself just to scratch her eyes out for bailing on Seb the way she did. He’d been so good to her. He didn’t deserve that.”

  I bit my lip as I prepared a pot of coffee, hoping she wasn’t finished sharing.

  “She left him a note if you can believe that,” Mac said, sounding exasperated. “A Dear John letter! Who the hell does that?”

  “Did he ever try to track her down?” Jaci asked.

  I could have kissed her for asking because I was dying to know.

  “No, his brothers convinced him to just let her go. If she didn’t want to be with him anymore, he was better off without her as far as we were all concerned.” Looking thoughtful, Mac said, “It didn’t make a lot of sense though. It seemed like she was really into Seb. If anything, he was the one trying to take it slow while she wanted to move in with him and get that ring on her finger.”

  “Maybe that was the problem.” I didn’t think I was overstepping if I didn’t ask questions. “Maybe she thought Seb was a commitment-phobe and that’s why she bailed.”

  “He’s not, you know. I know it may seem like that since he’s never been big on relationships, but I honestly believe he’s just been waiting for the right girl,” Mac said, giving me a pointed look.

  I appreciated her assurance, but I didn’t need it. I wasn’t questioning whether Seb was serious about us. I knew he was.

  “In fact, we had a great talk up at our cottage a few months ago,” Mac said. “He was pretty down after what happened with Amy. Said he needed to take a break from the whole dating scene to regroup and figure out what he really wanted.”

  “Makes sense,” I said. “I think we all need to take a little time to lick our wounds after a bad breakup.”

  “Yeah, but I was worried he was so disillusioned he was going to shut down completely.”

  “You mean the way Brody is?” Jaci asked, crossing her arms as she leaned her hip against the breakfast bar.

  Mac rested her palm against her forehead. “That guy is my next project. I swear, I have to worry about them more than my own sons.”

  I thought it was cute that they all thought of Mac as a big sister. It was obvious how much they loved and respected her. I hoped if things continued progressing with Seb, they would one day feel that way about me. Being a part of a big, loud, loving family would be amazing, especially since it had just been my uncle and me for so long.

  “But about Seb,” Mac said, leaning in as though she was sharing a secret. “I’ve known him a long time, and I have never seen him light up the way he does with you.”

  I felt a sudden burst of heat in my cheeks. Could that possibly be true, or was it just wishful thinking on her part, hoping Seb had finally found someone who could make him happy?

  “I don’t mean to embarrass you,” Mac said, squeezing my arm. “I just thought you should know.”

  I bit my lip. “Thank you. That’s really sweet of you to say.”

  She gave me a quick hug. “Anyone who can make my brother-in-law happy has a friend for life in me. Just know that.”

  I was too overcome to say anything, so I just gave her another hug to let her know how much her approval meant to me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Seb had to go out of town overnight to check out a car he was interested in buying. He’d invited me to go with him, but I decided to stay home in case my uncle needed me. He seemed to be responding well to the new medication and was even getting out more with Mrs. Ryan, but I didn’t want to take any chances.

  So I was taking advantage of my free evening to spend a little time with Jarod. We’d talked on the phone several times, and he’d caught me up on his latest date from hell, but I was looking forward to a little one-on-one time to nurture our new friendship.

  I hadn’t told Seb about my plans earlier when he called to check in. I figured I’d tell him when he got back and I could wrap my arms around him while assuring him my time with Jarod had been entirely innocent.

  “Tell me about the new
guy,” Jarod said, cutting his steak.

  I’d felt bad when I told Jarod I was seeing someone, especially since I’d claimed I didn’t have time for a relationship when we met. But I couldn’t in good conscience build a friendship with him unless he knew I was taken.

  “He’s amazing.” I bit my tongue when I realized how insensitive gushing about my new relationship was when Jarod was having such a hard time finding someone he was interested in.

  “That’s all you’re going to tell me?” He lifted an eyebrow. “You’ve been pretty tight-lipped about him. Is he a troll or what?”

  I laughed before bringing my wine glass to my lips. “No, definitely not.”

  “So what’s his deal?”

  It was a fair question, but I wasn’t sure how much I should tell Jarod. Once the shows I’d appeared in started airing, it would be common knowledge that we were a couple, but the fact that Seb was a minor celebrity made me careful about respecting his privacy. “He, um, works on cars.”

  “A mechanic?”

  “Sort of.”

  He laughed. “What the hell? Is it because I’m a cop that you don’t want to tell me anything about him? He’s not into organized crime, is he?”

  Jarod was smiling, but I couldn’t afford to give him the wrong impression. The last thing Seb needed was some nosy cop poking around in his business because of me. “No, nothing like that.” I took a deep breath. “He has a reality TV show.”

  He rolled his eyes before leaning back in his chair, looking appalled. “A reality TV star? Please tell me you’re joking.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the implication that Seb was some pathetic fame-whore who’d do anything for five minutes in the spotlight. “His name’s Seb Steele. He has a show—”

  “Seb?” He looked stunned as he shook his head. “Really?”

  “Yeah, you know him?”

  “I’ve met him a few times. I know his brother Kane. He’s SWAT.”

  “Oh, right.” I knew Kane was on the police force, but since he was in a different division and Tampa had a large force, it hadn’t occurred to me they would know each other. I popped a bite of calamari in my mouth, but learning that Jarod was friends with one of Seb’s brothers had killed my appetite.

  “Kane’s a great guy,” he said, watching me carefully, as though he’d sensed the change in my mood.

  “Yeah, I’ve only met him once, but he seemed nice.” I reached for water instead of wine to wash down the food that felt as though it was lodged in my throat. “Um, you said you’d met Seb?”

  “Yeah, through Kane. We’ve all gone out for beers a couple of times.”

  “Oh.” Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe Seb would be relieved when he learned my new friend was someone he liked and trusted. “I told him about you, but I guess he didn’t put two and two together.”

  “You did?” Jarod sounded surprised. “You always talk to your new boyfriend about other guys?”

  “Why not?” I asked. “I don’t keep secrets from Seb.”

  He shrugged before reaching for his wine. “I don’t know. Maybe he’s just more evolved than I am, but I can’t say I’d be happy about the girl I’m dating seeing other guys.”

  “He knows we’re just friends,” I said, recalling how Seb had reacted when Jarod called me. “I have quite a few male friends. I made it clear to him that was something he’d have to learn to live with if we’re going to be together.”

  He grinned. “That couldn’t have gone over well.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Seb doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who’d respond well to an ultimatum.”

  “It wasn’t an ultimatum,” I said, hoping I hadn’t made it seem that way to Seb. “I just needed him to know that trust is important to me. If he can’t trust me to be friends with another man, then we probably don’t have much of a future.”

  “Can you honestly see yourself with a guy like him long-term?” he asked, frowning.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, feeling slightly defensive on Seb’s behalf.

  “He’s just a bit of a hothead. We were out at a bar, and his girlfriend—uh, Amy I think her name was—was there.”

  I took a bite of my salad, trying to pretend I wasn’t hanging on his every word. “And?”

  “She danced with some other guy, and Seb flipped out. Gabe and I had to step in. Thankfully we were able to talk him down before it got out of hand.”

  If Seb was that jealous and possessive about a woman he’d claimed was just a fling, how would he react when he found out I’d gone out for dinner with Jarod without telling him?

  “Really? That doesn’t sound like Seb.” I knew he had a temper. I’d seen it at work, but I understood he was a perfectionist and wanted his business to produce the best quality product possible.

  “Maybe you don’t know him as well as you think you do, Sky.”

  I didn’t appreciate Jarod trying to plant seeds of doubt about Seb. I trusted Seb, and that wouldn’t change just because someone made a few disparaging comments about him. Seb and I had spent hours talking about everything from our families to our work and plans for the future. I already felt I knew him better than most of the guys I’d dated. “I know all I need to know.”

  “Speaking of which, how long have you known him?”

  “I, uh, met him the same day I met you. In fact, I was just coming home from his shop when you responded to Mrs. Ryan’s call for help.”

  “So if I’d met you before he did, things might have turned out differently?” he asked, sounding so hopeful it made me uncomfortable.

  “Jarod, I meant what I said when we met. In fact, I told Seb the same thing. I really didn’t think I had time to pursue a relationship given my uncle’s health problems, but now that Seb and I are working together…” He was watching me closely, and I felt as if he was trying to read me. “I don’t know, it just kind of happened.”

  “Maybe he planned it that way,” he said, tearing his eyes away from me to dig into his mashed potatoes.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m not gonna lie. I’d probably have tried some underhanded maneuvering if I thought I stood a chance with you.”

  That made me just a little more uncomfortable. “Seb hasn’t done anything underhanded.”

  “How would you know?”

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked, feeling tension building in my stomach. “I thought you were my friend. Why are you trying to make me question what I have with Seb?”

  He held up his hand. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I guess it’s just an occupational hazard, seeing the potential for danger where there is none.”

  “Danger? What the hell are you talking about? Seb isn’t dangerous.” I had to get out of there before this went any further.

  “I didn’t say he was, did I?” He chewed slowly. “It’s just been my experience that guys with explosive tempers like that are capable of almost anything.” He shrugged. “But hey, if you feel safe with him, who am I to judge?”

  Was it possible there was a side to Seb I hadn’t seen yet?

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, gesturing to my plate. “Aren’t you going to finish that?”

  “I’m not very hungry anymore. Excuse me. I need to use the restroom.” And figure out whether my new boyfriend really is a Jekyll and Hyde.



  I would have preferred to have Skylar pick me up at the airport, but since she was at another doctor’s appointment with her uncle, I had to make do with Kane. Not that I wasn’t grateful he’d taken time out of his day to pick me up—I was—I just missed my girl. She’d seemed strange when I called her last night. She’d claimed she was just tired, but I hoped she’d meet me at my house later to put my fears to rest.

  “Uh, Seb, there’s something I need to talk to you about, and I don’t think you’re gonna take it too well.”

  I cast him a sidelong glance. I didn’t often see Kane anxious about anything, b
ut the way he was white-knuckling the steering wheel gave me the impression this was serious. “What’s up?”

  “You remember Jarod, that buddy of mine who works on the force? We all went out for beers together a few times.”

  “Yeah, I remember.” Some drunk had gotten a little too grabby with Amy on the dance floor, and I’d threatened to lay him out, but before I could, Jarod intervened, claiming he didn’t want to haul me in. “What about him?”

  “Jesus,” Kane said, swiping a hand over his face. “There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just gonna spit it out. He’s been seeing Skylar too.”

  I glared at Kane, giving him half a second to retract that stupid statement before I pounced. “What the hell are you talking about? Skylar’s not seeing anyone else.”

  “Yeah, she is.” Kane sighed. “Apparently she’s been out with him at least a couple of times, and they talk on the phone all the time.”

  “How the hell do you know this?”

  “Jarod told me. At first he just told me he was seeing this hot new chick, then he showed me a selfie of them together, and she, uh, looked pretty happy. It was date- and time-stamped… last night.”

  “Last night?” I felt as if someone had sucker-punched me. She’d said she couldn’t come with me because she needed to take care of her uncle. Was she lying? Did she blow me off for some other guy? “Take me to her apartment.” When we pulled up to the light, I checked my phone and punched Skylar’s address into Kane’s GPS.

  “Man, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. You know how you get when you think someone’s been lying to you. You should take some time to cool off. Call her later. Maybe there’s a reasonable explanation for—”

  “I’ve been screwed over one too many times by women. I’m not going through this shit again!” I shouted, slamming my fist into the dash. “If she wants him, let her have him, but she’s goddamn well gonna look me in the eye and admit she lied to me!”


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