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Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2)

Page 8

by M. Katherine Clark

  “Sire, I—”

  “I warn you, whatever you say next will impact every single wolf gathered here. They have raised arms against me,” Marrock said.

  “We were concerned about you, Alpha,” Cian reasoned. “That is all. You had been gone for nearly an entire moon cycle with nae a word.”

  “You murdered my brother!” Tiecaus’ brother screamed. The man at the foot of the stairs drew his sword and pointed it at the man.

  “Maelogan,” Marrock warned. The man looked up at him. Marrock motioned him to lower his blade. “Tiecaus’ death was warranted. He allowed an enemy in to our lands and proceeded to insult me.”

  “You murdered him,” he shouted.

  Taking a step down the stairs, then another until he was on the bottom step of the keep entry, Marrock’s eyes never left the man before him.

  “Do you challenge me, old man?” Marrock’s voice was a hushed intense whisper. The pack gasped and looked up at him. “If you challenge me, say it, but ken this… ‘twill be to the death.”

  “Aye, I challenge you,” Tiecaus’ brother stated. “You are nae fit to be our leader and everyone here kens I speak the truth.”

  “Then join me in the arena,” Marrock replied and walked on. Once they were at the stone circle, Marrock turned to Tiecaus’ brother and spoke again. “You choose someone to be a judge for you and I will select one to be a judge for me. They will declare the winner. Choose.”

  Once he had chosen his judge, Marrock turned to the man who had joined him. Maelogan nodded once. The men faced each other and half phased.

  Kinnon watched horrified from the edge of the ring as Marrock the other wolf grappled on the ground. Leah walked up beside him, her hand shaking and her face pale.

  “I prayed he was safe, but never did I realize he was like this,” Leah stated.

  Marrock allowed the other wolf one slash and one punch to his side before he began toying with the wolf. Pinning him down, he twisted the wolf’s arm and dislocated the shoulder and elbow. The wolf yelped. Marrock let him up and he cradled his arm. Taunting him with his own words, Marrock reminded the wolf that the fight was to the death. Staring his death in the face, the wolf agreed and ran towards Marrock only to be cut down by Marrock’s claws.

  When the wolf lay unmoving on the ground, Marrock turned to Maelogan and the other judge. Maelogan bowed slightly but the other wolf stared at his friend lying on the ground. Marrock turned to the others and his voice rang out.

  “Let it be kenned, I will nae tolerate a challenge,” he stated. “I will nae allow my leadership to be questioned. I have led you for over fifty-five years and I hope that you will nae turn on me again for I have shown you all mercy today.” Turning to the other judge, he motioned to the corpse at his feet. “Take care of your dead and think carefully over his mistakes.”

  Marrock said no more as he wiped his face and walked out of the arena and towards the keep. He paused and turned.

  “Maelogan,” he called. “With me.” The man nodded and walked after the alpha.



  Marrock looked up from the map he had spread out on the table in his study as Maelogan walked in.

  “Shut the door,” Marrock ordered then motioned him forward indicating a section of the map. “You ken this area best. What is here?”

  Taking a look at where the alpha pointed, the man shrugged.

  “Villages mostly,” he replied.

  Marrock studied the map.

  “Vulnerable?” he asked.

  “Very,” Maelogan answered. “Do you wish to expand your borders, Alpha?”

  “I do,” Marrock said. “Take my best men and survey it. Report back to me before a decision is made.”

  The man nodded once accepting his commission, turned to go, but stopped at the doorway.

  “Who are your best men?” he asked.

  “Forgive me,” Marrock laughed. “A moon’s cycle in your company, I have forgotten that you would have nae knowledge of my pack. The two, father and son who stood behind me earlier; Kinnon and Weylyn. They will gather the others.”

  “And if they donnae accept my authority?” he asked.

  “I donnae think I need to tell you what to do,” Marrock said.

  “Alpha,” he bowed slightly and headed for the door.

  “Gabhran,” Marrock called him back. The man turned. “Your name is to Druid-like, we need to maintain Maelogan. Do not reveal what you are.”

  “A strong name,” he said. “Maelogan I shall be.”

  “Keep this form, it suits a wolf better than your old man form from the river,” Marrock said.

  “That form was a high priest, since my daughters believe Gabhran is dead, it will nae be difficult to shed him,” he answered.

  “Aye, your daughters,” Marrock smirked. “’Tis a pity they could nae join you. I enjoyed our brief meeting. I should have followed them. Had I known the strength of what I could create in you, I could only imagine filling my army with more.”

  “Nay sire, I am afraid they would desire revenge too greatly and no’ embrace their fate. You did after all kill their high priest and father,” he indicated himself.

  “I made him greater than he was,” Marrock said.

  “And I am at your disposal, Alpha. What title shall I give them when they ask my place in the pack?” Maelogan asked.

  “Tell them you are my new lieutenant,” Marrock said.

  “And the man at your side now?” he asked.

  “He is nothing, an old man and a lad being groomed for a position I never wanted for him,” he answered.

  “Where should I go to find them at this hour?” Maelogan asked.

  “Check the training arena, if no’ there, the schoolhouse. You should be able to find both easily,” Marrock said. “Now go before I change my mind.”

  Maelogan bowed his head slightly. When he straightened, he locked eyes with the Alpha.

  “You should bathe, that man’s blood is still on your body. He does nae deserve such an honor.”

  “Aye, I will,” he answered. “Go now. We will meet later.”

  Once Maelogan left, Marrock stripped out of his tunic and washed his face and hair in a basin of water on the side table. Clean enough, he pulled the tunic back on, some blood stained the shoulder and arm of the linen, he ignored it and poured himself a cup of mead. Standing over the map on the table, he studied it.

  “Marrock,” his mother’s voice called to him. Looking up, he saw her standing in the doorway, her eyes asking for entrance. Motioning her in, he took a drink from his mead. “Where have you been?”

  “Somewhere other than here,” he answered.

  “Why did you leave?” she asked.

  “Because at the time I thought I needed to,” he replied.

  “Because you killed Tiecaus?” she asked.

  “Aye,” he answered. Sighing, she looked away. “You are ashamed of me, as well?”

  Her gaze snapped to him.

  “Nay,” she answered hotly. “I merely wish… I prayed that you would nae inherit this from me.”

  “What?” he demanded.

  “Your blood lust,” she stated. “I was a warrior long ago, long before you were born. I fought with your father side by side and it was during a battle he first noticed me. I was standing over a druid about to deliver the deadly blow when your father stopped me. His orders had nae effect on me of course, but staring at him, I could nae go against my Alpha. Riok grounded me. He kenned well my blood lust and I prayed every day that my child would nae inherit that from me. But, it appears you did. Forgive me, Marrock. You are a strong leader but you need someone to ground you. ‘Tis nae me, my time on this land is short. But, find someone who will ground you. You donnae need the anger that flows through you. Hold to your father’s side, nae mine. I love you, Marrock. I stayed to see you again but I donnae believe I can stay much longer.”

  “What are you saying?” Marrock asked.

  “I am saying my ti
me is over. Your time is beginning. Come please; let us have something to eat. I find I am fearful of leaving you and it will ease my mind to sit with you.”

  Marrock understood his mother’s words but wished they were not true. She was telling him she was dying and again he would lose her. As if he walked through a mire, his legs were heavy as he headed to her and took her hand in his.


  Maelogan found his way to the arena with Marrock’s commission to survey the surrounding lands. A young wolf and his father, the two who stood beside Marrock earlier that day, were sparring together. Just as Maelogan reached the edge of the ring of stones denoting the training ring, Kinnon called out.

  “Careful, Friend. To step over the stones is a statement of wanting a fight.”

  Maelogan looked at him, his dark eyes assessing the man before him.

  “Then I have come to the right place,” he replied stepping over the slight elevation. Weylyn looked at his father who held up a hand telling his son to wait.

  “What is your name, Friend?” Kinnon asked.

  “Maelogan,” he replied.

  “And how did you come to meet our Alpha?” Kinnon inquired.

  “You could say we were somewhat forced together by mutual circumstances,” Maelogan said cryptically. “Marrock has commissioned me with pulling together some males to scout out another area to the northwest. He said you two are his best men and would ken who the others are.”

  “Aye, we do,” Kinnon replied. “But if we may ask, what title do you have to be giving such orders?”

  “Marrock has dubbed me his new lieutenant,” Maelogan said. Weylyn growled and stepped forward.

  “That is my father’s title, wolf,” Weylyn uttered. “I would be careful with what you say next.”

  “I offer nae hostility,” Maelogan raised his hands. “I merely speak what Marrock has ordered. Please go to him if you donnae believe me.”

  “’Tis no’ that we donnae believe you,” Kinnon replied. “’Tis only that this comes as quite a shock to us.”

  “Aye, I ken,” Maelogan, answered. “Marrock is in his solar.”

  Kinnon nodded, turned back to his son and spoke softly before he walked away. “Donnae turn your back on him. There is something about his scent I cannae place.”

  Weylyn gave a single nod in acknowledgment and as Kinnon walked out of the arena Maelogan and Weylyn eyed each other.

  “Is this normal behavior for your clan? Have a riot at one moment, bury your dead then go about as if nothing has happened?” Maelogan asked skeptically.

  “We are no’ a clan, we are a pack. We are nae human, do you nae ken this?” Weylyn demanded. “What sort of a wolf are you?”

  “One who did nae ken he was a wolf until… recently,” he replied. Weylyn stared at him cynically. “We do exist.” He clarified.

  “Do you fight?” Weylyn asked.

  “I prefer a more hands off approach,” he replied. “I fight with bow and arrows.”

  “Cowards way,” Weylyn growled low.

  “What did you say?” Maelogan had heard him loud and clear.

  “I said that is the coward’s way of fighting,” Weylyn said louder.

  “Careful, Pup,” Maelogan said. “My bow and arrows may one day save your life.”

  “Or take it from me,” he replied.

  “Show him, Weylyn. Teach him that he cannae come here to our pack and start barking orders,” Faolán shouted from the other side of the ring as he paused his training to take note of their conversation. Maelogan looked over at him.

  “You must be Faolán,” he stated. “Marrock has told me much of you. He said you are impulsive and enjoy a fight. Care to show me your skills?”

  Weylyn put a hand on his friend’s shoulder to stop him. They were only a couple years apart, Weylyn being slightly older but their personalities could not be more opposite. Faolán was hotheaded and quick tempered. Weylyn strived to be like his father, calm in all circumstances. Both wolves had not reached maturity yet but they would be considered full-grown men by the human villagers they mingled with on occasion.

  “Weylyn!” He heard his father’s call. All three looked towards Kinnon and Cian walking towards them. Faolán and Weylyn met their fathers outside the ring.

  “It appears Marrock wants this done and we need to leave before nightfall,” Kinnon explained. “My son and I will choose the best warriors. Marrock did say he wanted nae more than seven warriors. We have four already.”

  “Five,” Maelogan stepped forward. “I am to join you.”

  “Aye, very well,” Kinnon replied. “Prepare, we meet at the main gate at dawn.” Maelogan nodded once and walked towards the keep.

  “Father?” Weylyn asked.

  “I am afraid Marrock has become hungry for more lands,” he explained once it was only the four wolves gathered. “It worries me.”

  “’Twill be all right,” Weylyn said.

  “Aye, I hope you are right, son,” he replied.

  “What about your position as lieutenant?” Weylyn asked concerned.

  “’Tis still assured, at least, Marrock could no’ bring himself to release me when I was standing before him. Maelogan and I will share responsibilities. ‘Tis always wise to have the counsel of more than one. If Marrock trusts Maelogan then who am I to refuse to work with him? It also gives me a chance to keep a close eye on him. Our Alpha may trust him, but I donnae.”

  “Neither do I,” Faolán stated. “I watched him as Marrock fought in the ring and it was as if he reveled in it.”

  “Aye, I would agree,” Cian answered. “Something has happened to our Alpha and it started when he was attacked.”

  “Many things happened when he was attacked, but no’ Marrock’s blood lust. He inherited that from his mother,” Kinnon answered. “Riok and Leah both asked me to keep an eye on him. I have failed. This Maelogan, whoever he is, has drawn it out in him. I hope Mabh will be able to ground him like Riok grounded Leah.” They were quiet for a moment then Kinnon continued. “We should say goodbye to our females, we will be gone several days. We meet at dawn.”


  Marrock stood watching the fire lick the sky. His mother held true to her words and passed peacefully in the night. Watching her pyre, Marrock waded through the mixture of emotions welling in his heart. Her pain had eased and she was finally with his father, but a part of him was envious of death for it took her from him. Maelogan’s scouting commission had been postponed as the pack mourned the death of their Queen.

  Feeling a smaller hand slip into his, Marrock looked up to see Mabh standing beside him. She wore dark colors as did all the pack as they watched the funeral pyre. She did not turn to look at him but he watched her profile. She was beautiful, aye, but he did not deserve her. Finally, she turned to him and they locked eyes. In that moment, he knew she was the one to ground him. She was the one his mother urged him to find. Allowing the love he felt to flow through him, he leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

  “Forgive me,” he murmured only loud enough for her to hear. “I donnae deserve you but I love you all the same. Please think about becoming my mate. I will nae press you but I hope you will consider it.”

  “I already have, Marrock,” she answered. “And my answer is aye. I will be your mate. I will be your Queen. I love you and nothing will change that.”

  “Then you consent?” He asked.

  “Aye, Marrock, I will be your mate. But you must do two things for me first,” she said.

  “Name them,” he answered.

  “Never kill out of anger again, that is nae who you are,” she stated. He nodded slowly and stroked her knuckles still in his hand.

  “And the second?” he asked.

  “You must ask my father’s permission for my hand,” she replied.



  Conall opened the door to the cottage after the second knock. Eara and Mabh had gone out earlier to the river with the other females. It was washing day a
nd his day to relax and do absolutely nothing.

  He opened the door and to his surprise, Marrock stood before him. He bowed immediately.

  “Sire, is everything all right?” Conall asked concerned after the Alpha’s strange behavior earlier.

  “Aye, ‘tis,” Marrock answered. “I wished to speak with you. Is your mate at home?”

  “Nay, sire, I am afraid she is nae. She and Mabh have joined the others for washing day,” Conall said.

  “Good,” Marrock replied. “’Tis with you I wish to speak.”

  “Please come in,” he opened the door wider. “May I offer you something to drink?”

  “Nay, I thank you,” Marrock answered stepping in. Conall closed the door and looked back towards the Alpha.

  “Is something the matter, Alpha?” Conall asked.

  “Nay,” he answered. “I…” Marrock turned to him and straightened. “I am sure you have noticed the… attraction between your daughter and myself.”

  “I confess ‘tis difficult to ignore,” he answered.

  “In truth,” Marrock started. “I am in love with her.” Conall nodded slowly but did not react. “She has gifted me with her love as well,” he went on. “I wish to take her as my mate and Alpha Queen.” Conall said nothing but his face went blank. “I have spoken to her about this and she is agreeable. I came here to ask for your blessing,” Marrock finished.

  Conall said nothing as he walked to the fireplace, turning his back to the alpha so he could not see his face. When he did not say anything for a long while, Marrock resisted the urge to order him to speak.

  “I swear to you, I will take care of her,” Marrock went on. “She will want for nothing and you and your mate will be welcome to live in the keep with us,” Conall kept his back to Marrock and was still staring into the fire.

  “You are my Alpha,” Conall finally started. “I served your father for many years. And because of my respect for him and your position as my leader I will curb my tongue on many things but this? My daughter’s future, I cannae. I saw a side of you recently that I cannae forget. You killed, as rightly as it was, you killed a member of your pack in anger. I could see punishing him after a fair trial and throwing him in the dungeon to give the pack a better idea of what you wanted, but you dinnae. Then when his family wanted restitution all you did was assume he was challenging you and fought him to the death. That is a family within your pack that you have destroyed. Two patriarchs are gone and what about their families? They are fatherless and championless.


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