Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2)

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Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2) Page 9

by M. Katherine Clark

  “I ken them well and they are planning to leave because they donnae believe that you will protect them any longer. I hope that is nae the truth. But consider, you are asking me to give you the only child I have left. My sons were killed fighting beside you so my name will nae live on except through my daughter and any pups she bares. Understand that looking at what you have shown the pack, how could any father, any member of your pack, willingly agree to give you charge over someone you claim to love? I am sorry Alpha, and I ask that you forgive my decision but nay, I cannae give my daughter to you. You have nae proven to me that you could protect and love her as she deserves to be protected and loved.”

  Marrock closed his eyes for a moment as he felt his heart rip from his chest. Conall still had yet to turn around and Marrock took his leave.

  “I must say one thing before I leave, Conall,” Marrock turned from the door. “I thank you for your candor, and I am only to be sorry for what my actions have cost. But, I do love Mabh. I love her more than life. She is my soulmate. My heart cries for her. I will respect your decision as her father but I do think you are wrong. I would treat her as she deserves to be treated. Nae other could claim to be her soulmate. You are condemning your daughter to a life of loneliness and you are condemning me… well, to a life I deserve. I am sorry for taking up so much of your time and I wish you health.”

  Marrock left the cottage and Conall downed his drink in one gulp. He had done the right thing, but he could not stop the words Marrock had said from resounding in his head but the voice that said them was his mate’s. He needed to speak with Eara. She would help him understand the Alpha’s true nature, he was certain of it.


  “Marrock,” Mabh called to him as he stalked through the village. He stopped for a moment then continued walking. “Marrock?” Mabh called again. “What is wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he answered.

  “Did you see my father?”


  “What did he say?”

  “He refused,” Marrock reached the foot of the keep steps.

  “What do you mean he refused?” Mabh gasped.

  “I mean he denied me your hand,” Marrock replied. “This is possibly a good thing, Mabh. It was a dream. We must wake and continue on. I am Alpha, I have a duty to those I lead. Romance was a dream for me. Now if you would excuse me.” Heading up the steps Marrock did not turn back. He did not want to see the hurt on her face. His own heart was ripping out of him.


  Mabh watched Marrock walk back into the keep. Her mind questioning before hurt settled in. She needed to understand why her father denied him and she had a fairly good idea. But, she needed him to say it and then explain it to Marrock. Perhaps if he could convince her father that he was a good leader and that the incident with Tiecaus and his family was simply because he was not used to being confronted by his own pack. In her mind, Tiecaus deserved his death but perhaps not in the way it was delivered.



  Several days later, Marrock sat in the library in the armchair he loved, reading a manuscript. His mug of ale was at his elbow and a massive fire was roaring in the fireplace. His mind wandered from the words more times than he could count and it took him ten tries to complete the single sentence he was reading.

  Mabh had avoided him since her father denied him and he caught himself thinking about her at the oddest times. Forcing his mind away from something he could not have, Marrock tried to enjoy the comforts of his solar.

  Wolves had no need of heat, but the atmosphere created by the fire was cozy and inviting. To the human villagers near them, the pack had always passed as a secluded clan and Marrock had to be ready at a moment’s notice to receive human visitors. As such, like his father before him, Marrock had common human comforts available to his pack and his men called him chief whenever human ears were near. Not that it was often but Marrock did not like how several clans were encroaching on his lands. One law he always gave, was to never reveal that they were wolves to humans. Though, it would be easy enough to spot if one knew what to look for.

  Wolves, to humans were the most beautiful of people. Their great height, standing over six feet when the average human was head and shoulders shorter than they were, gave them a dominating figure. Though his father always had a good working relationship with the humans south of them, Marrock had avoided them for nearly sixty years.

  That night, however, the sentry had seen his small group returning over the ridge just moments ago. Maelogan would have good news for him, he hoped.

  Remembering when he had bounded off into the woods after killing Tiecaus over a moon’s cycle ago, Marrock had run and run hard that day. He did not know how far or how long he had been gone but he ran through the woods and mountains not stopping even to watch the sun rise or set. He was covered in darkness.

  Eventually he lost the fight and allowed the darkness to overcome him. At that moment, he missed his footing and tumbled down a mountain into a deep ravine and river below. The next thing he remembered was the tingle of life reaching down to the tips of his fingers and toes.

  Opening his eyes, he saw the druid who had attacked him at the river standing over him whispering some sort of spell. Attempting to get up to defend himself, Marrock growled when the druid placed a hand on his shoulder stopping him.

  “Donnae rise, Alpha,” Gabhran said. “You have had a fall. You must rest. There are nae broken bones only a crack on your forehead. ‘Twill heal. With your accelerated rate of healing, it should be healed within the day. I see my dagger marks are hardly visible, the scars look nearly a year old and yet our skirmish was nae a week ago.”

  “How are you alive?” Marrock demanded. “I bit you.”

  “I warned you what would happen if you bit me, Alpha,” Gabhran said. “And here I am.”

  “You are nae human,” Marrock said.

  “You kenned that,” Gabhran replied.

  “Humans turn into wolves, true wolves without the ability to phase into human form again,” Marrock started.

  “And they forget they were once humans and lose all sense of humanity, aye I ken the legend,” Gabhran stated.

  “Then… how?” Marrock breathed. Gabhran’s body convulsed as he phased into a half wolf form. Marrock’s eyes widened. “What are you?” Marrock breathed.

  “I am a druid and now, because of you, I am a wolf,” he said phasing back to his human form. “You have created me. My shape shifting druid blood protected me against your poison and I became as you see me. I cannae fully phase, only half, but I am stronger and more powerful than any I have ever encountered. I nae longer practice my Druid arts. I have been given a gift. I ask to be joined with your pack. I have much to learn.”

  He had trained Gabhran, now under the name Maelogan, in the ways of the wolf and found it fascinating how, as a shape-shifter, Gabhran was able to change his scent from druid to human and even to wolf, though it was a slightly different scent than usual.

  “Marrock?” a soft voice called to him at the doorway. Shaking out of his memories, he looked over and blinked a few times to guarantee that he was not dreaming. Mabh stood before him, her blonde hair loose around her shoulders and her pale gown flowing about her. She looked radiant and Marrock clenched his hand and teeth as he felt a painful joy race through his body. He could not have her and that made him angry.

  “What are you doing here?” he demanded. She said nothing only walked further towards him. “Tell me,” he shouted an Alpha order, but she was unfazed. “Mabh?” He breathed out as she slid down on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “What are you doing?” his voice was soft as he stared into her beautiful brown eyes.

  “Shh,” she replied and slowly lowered her lips to his in a soft and gentle first kiss. His body heated with need as he felt the sensual slide of her lips against his. Fighting his desire to wrap his arms around her and pull her close, he clenched the arms of the chair and did not respond to h
er kiss. But, when she deepened her attentions and buried her hand into his hair, scratching his scalp with her nails, he groaned. She was not tentative in her movements, clumsy perhaps due to lack of experience but then so was he. When her other hand took his and placed it on her hip, he could no longer resist.

  Grasping her close, he kissed her in return swiping his tongue against hers. There was no noise in the room apart from their heavy breathing and the soft sound of their lips intertwined. Their hands moved across each other’s bodies and eventually she twisted in his lap, fully facing him, her gown riding up her legs. Without thought, he stood lifting her in his arms and carrying her to the bear skin rug that lay before the fire. Laying her down without removing his lips from hers, he hovered over her and ran his hand down the length of her side as her legs wrapped around him and her ankles locked together at the base of his spine.

  When her hands reached for the tail of his tunic to raise it over his head, he stopped. They were not mated. They had not exchanged vows. Her father had denied him and here he was about to take her like a whore. That thought shocked him so much that, with the greatest effort of his life, he pulled back and broke their kiss and her hold around his waist. Mabh’s eyes were heady with lust and a questioning look clouded her face as she gazed up at him.

  “We cannae,” he panted. “We are nae mated and I will nae take you and make you a hoor.”

  “I am yours, Marrock,” she answered. “I want you to take me, here, now, and make me fully yours.”

  “And be what? My mistress?”

  “If that means I can share your bed and your life, then aye,” she replied.

  “And what happens when your father challenges me for your honor? Would you make your mother a widow?”

  Mabh stopped for a moment but it was enough for Marrock to pull back and sit on his knees. Mabh lifted herself onto her elbows and watched him. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Marrock calmed his raging heartbeat. Finally, he stood, his legs wobbly and his head cloudy. He walked over to the sideboard and poured a cup of whisky.

  “I love you too much to hurt you and lower you to that. You deserve to be by my side in all things and if you cannae be then you can be nothing to me for I will nae take you as a harlot.” Downing the liquor in a single swallow, he did not look back when he heard her stand and the door softly close behind her.

  Closing his eyes for a moment, he chastised himself for he had very nearly taken her virtue before the fire, without consent from her family. They were not mated and he could never allow it to happen. The thought of banishing her from his pack hurt him deeper than he cared to admit, but it could be the only way. It seemed harsh considering her father had served his father and him for many years. He had to be sure that there was a sentry outside the main entrance and to give them strict instructions to not permit her inside.

  His body still raging with need for Mabh an hour or so later, he growled when he heard a knock at his solar door. But as Kinnon, Weylyn, and Maelogan entered, Marrock stood and forced his mind to their report.

  “You have only just returned, I see,” Marrock said and indicated the sideboard. “Drink? Have you eaten?”

  “But a day ago, thank you, Marrock,” Kinnon said pouring three cups and handing them to the others. Refilling his nephew’s cup, Kinnon took a sharp sniff. “Is Mabh here?” he asked.

  Looking up at his uncle, Marrock growled, “does it look like she is here?”

  “Forgive me, I meant nae offence,” Kinnon replied sitting beside his son.

  “Then proceed with your report,” Marrock ordered.

  “’Tis mostly unmanned land, sire,” Maelogan started.

  “One pack and plenty of human villages,” Kinnon went on with a sidelong glance at Maelogan.

  “Who is the Alpha of the pack?”

  “Bleidd,” Weylyn piped up again.

  “I donnae ken much of him,” Marrock said. “He has kept well hidden. How many wolves does he lead?”

  “About fifty that we could see,” Kinnon replied.

  “Easily conquered either with stealth or a full frontal assault,” Maelogan explained.

  “You said there were human villages as well?” Marrock asked taking a drink.

  “Aye,” Kinnon said eyeing his nephew. “Two, with a good number in each.”

  “Do the wolves live in peace with them?” Marrock asked.

  “As far as we could tell,” Weylyn said. “I went among the humans and could smell wolf scents all over the villages.”

  “There is plenty of land, some peat bogs, and many rich acres of farm land,” Maelogan said.

  “Are they protected?” Marrock looked deliberately at Maelogan asking specifically for any form of druid magic. Maelogan shook his head then said what the other two expected.

  “Nay sire, a few guards but the weapons are primitive and would no’ stand up to an assault,” Maelogan said.

  Kinnon cleared his throat. “Marrock, I must ask, do you plan on conquering this land?”

  “I would nae have sent you if I thought it a fool’s errand,” Marrock answered. “We are outgrowing this land. We must expand and then we can add to our numbers.”

  “May I ask why you wish to add to our numbers? We are already a large pack,” Kinnon said.

  “While I was away, I saw several clans banning together to form alliances, ‘tis only a matter of time before we are overrun. We need all of the help we can find to no’ be destroyed.”

  “Then why invade? Perhaps we could make an alliance?” Kinnon offered. “Perhaps a marriage between the two packs and we will be stronger.”

  “There can only be one alpha of a pack, Uncle,” Marrock stated.

  “Aye but you would be Alpha of our pack and perhaps we can join forces with the alpha of their pack,” Kinnon said.

  “And when that Alpha wants my pack? Nay, Uncle ‘tis better to kill the Alpha and claim victory than to risk a knife in the back by a friend. Now,” Marrock stood. “You have done well; I thank you for your report. Get to bed, and we will mount an attack in a fortnight’s time.”


  “What in the gods’ name is going on with him?” Weylyn demanded as they walked down the hallway to their rooms.

  “Weylyn,” his father cautioned. “He may be your cousin, but he is still your Alpha and you will show him the respect that is due to him. I donnae ken what change has come over him, but we must be watchful. I donnae trust Maelogan.”

  “What are you going to do?” Weylyn asked.

  “Nothing tonight, I am going to see your mother and go to bed, as should you,” he said. They reached Kinnon’s rooms and greeted Kyna who sat by the fire waiting for them.



  “They donnae trust me,” Maelogan said accepting a refill on the drink Marrock offered.

  “They would be fools to,” Marrock replied. “They donnae ken you.”

  He settled back into his chair and observed his new friend.

  “I care little for their trust, only yours,” Maelogan replied. “You must march. The human villages are weak and would hold nae chance of winning against you. Think on it, Marrock. You could add greatly to your land, wealth and pack.”

  Marrock sat in silence for a time drinking and eyeing the Druid-Wolf before him. Never had he imagined such a thing was possible when he bit him. To become allies, nay, confidants, with a shape-shifting druid was not only improbable it was laughable. Maelogan’s kind killed his father. The wolves had legendary battles with them and Mabh’s brothers were both killed by them. That thought made his hand clench.

  “Are you well?” Maelogan asked.

  “Aye,” Marrock replied.

  “Something is on your mind, Alpha,” he stated. “Is it to do with the lass that was here?”

  Marrock’s eyes shot up to his. “What do you mean?”

  “I can smell her scent, but mostly on you and that rug,” he indicated the bear skin. “Were you mated while we were gone?”

p; “Nay,” he bit out.

  “So you have taken a hoor?” he asked.

  “’Tis nothing to do with you,” he answered. “And Mabh is nae a hoor.”

  “Mabh, aye?” he asked. “And who is this lass?”

  “She is nae of your concern,” Marrock answered.

  “You care for her?” he asked.

  “Aye, but her father denied me,” he replied.

  “Do you doubt it?” Maelogan asked. “He saw your true might. The pack cannae accept who you really are. They are weak. You have coddled them far too long, given them comforts and safety. They need to ken you are nae their friend you are their leader. Show your true might. Take this Mabh as your Queen without her parents’ consent.”

  “Then I would be nae better than the invaders from the north who pillaged and raped their way across Alba and Britannia.”

  “You are nae a Norseman,” Maelogan stated. “You are Alpha and ‘tis time they remembered that.”

  “I killed two of my pack mates,” Marrock replied.

  “Aye, but from what I ken of the situation, one challenged you and the other defied you. ‘Twas your duty to show the pack they cannae do that without punishment.”

  “I cannae take Mabh, her father would challenge me and she would hate me for killing him,” Marrock answered. “I must understand that I can never have her.”

  “And you will bless her union with another?” Maelogan asked. Marrock’s eyes flashed to yellow and he growled. “’Tis as I thought. Go to her parents, tell them again how you love her and desire her. But, be sure to speak when both Mabh and her mother are there. If there is one thing a man cannae refuse ‘tis the combined forces of his females.”


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