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Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2)

Page 11

by M. Katherine Clark

  “Aye to be sure,” Weylyn grinned. “But for today I will enjoy besting you.”

  Standing and reaching down, Weylyn helped his friend up when the call went out that the Alpha requested everyone’s presence at the keep’s entrance. Both wolves pulled on their tunics and stepped out of the arena. Heledd accepted Faolán’s hand as he offered to escort her to the keep.



  Marrock watched as his entire pack trickled in to the front of the steps. All announcements were given from the same location and as he stood on the top step waiting, his eyes drifted to Mabh, standing at the base of the stairs watching him. She smiled up at him as his lover and mate and his return wink only made her smile widen. Kinnon placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke low.

  “That is all of them, Marrock,” Kinnon said. “’Tis time to make the announcement.”

  Marrock nodded and addressed the pack. “I wish to thank you all for coming so quickly,” he began. “I will nae take up much of your time but I have a very special announcement and I desire to share it with you.” He took a step down and extended his hand to Mabh. Standing by his side, he wrapped an arm around her waist. “I ask your pledge to your new Queen and my mate, Mabh. We were mated under the moon last eve and today we call for celebration.” A cheer went through the pack and they all knelt as Marrock turned to his mate and lowered himself onto one knee.

  “I am your mate, but I am also your protector and a warrior in your pack, my Queen. Before everyone here, I pledge to protect, honor, and cherish you, no’ only as your mate but as a warrior. You have my unending protection. I would lay down my life for you, Mabh, my Queen, my love. All those in agreement with me,” a general sound of ‘ayes’ went up. Marrock grinned when her hand stroked his face and she whispered a thank you. He stood, pulled her into him and kissed her as another loud cheer went up.

  Mabh pulled away from Marrock for a moment and looked out at her pack. “Rise, my friends, please,” she started. “I believe I may call you all my friends as I am merely one of you. I am indeed a fortunate female, for my mate is the best and most wonderful wolf I have ever kenned. One thing I wished to assure you all is that I love him so very much. I thank you for your loyalty and oath. But, allow me to give you one of my own. I am your Queen but I am your servant as well. We rule at our pack’s pleasure and I will always strive to be a fair and just Queen,” she gazed back at Marrock, “as my predecessor was. We all mourned our beloved queen’s passing and I would count myself fortunate if I were treated with half such love and respect. On this day, I swear to you and my mate that I will keep you all in my heart and remember who I am. I am one of you.”

  Everyone cheered again. Marrock pulled her back to him and kissed her once more.

  “Are you happy?” he asked quietly.

  She grinned and kissed him lightly. “Very,” she answered. “Although I am afraid there are several broken hearts in the crowd when you announced you were taken.”

  “To be sure,” his eyes lit impishly. “I was a very desirable unattached wolf.”

  “Trust me, my mate,” she lowered her voice. “I donnae need to be reminded how desirable you are.”

  His eyes flashed yellow as he lifted her in his arms and carried her into the keep and up the stairs to their bedchamber. They were not to be disturbed for the remainder of the day.



  “I come with you,” Mabh stated as she watched Marrock dress in his leather armor a fortnight after their mating ceremony.

  “Nay, Mabh, we have spoken of this already. You are to stay here.”

  “With the females,” she huffed. “Doing nothing while you lead our pack to victory.”

  “You may even now be carrying my heir, Mabh,” he stated. “I will nae allow you to put yourself or our bairn at risk. I will return and we will celebrate victory together.”

  “You ken well that I am the greatest warrior in this pack, Marrock,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “You go to war without your best.”

  “My mate is nae a weapon,” he snapped.

  “Donnae snap at me like that,” she barked back. “I will nae allow you to leave me to do female’s work. I need to be with you. Together. Or have you forgotten your vows?”

  “Nay, I have nae forgotten, lass but I will nae put you in harms’ way. ‘Twould destroy me if something happened to you.”

  “And you think that it would no’ destroy me if something happened to you?” She cried. “If I am carrying your bairn, your heir, then you should nae leave me.”

  “I have to do this, Mabh,” he answered.

  “Why? What is so important that you would risk life and limb to expand our borders? Are you that battle thirsty that you would risk leaving us unguarded?”

  Marrock stopped tying a tie on his tunic and looked up at her.

  “You will be safe, I have nae taken all wolves from you and I leave the pack in your hands.” Walking over to her, he rubbed her arms and kissed her forehead. “I cannae have you on the battlefield with me lass for I would be too distracted, and worried about you.”

  “You would nae need to worry about me.”

  “But as much as my head kens that to be true, my heart would wrench if I could nae save you.” Huffing again, she looked up at him. “Protect the pack for me, my Queen,” Marrock whispered and softly pressed his lips to hers. “And I will return to be in your arms again soon.”

  “You better, if you donnae I will follow you to the underworld and drag ye back.”

  Chuckling, Marrock kissed her forehead again and was about to kiss her lips when a knock at the door made him turn.

  “Enter,” he called. Maelogan peered in and spoke to his Alpha.

  “The wolves are ready, sire. We await your orders.”

  “I come shortly,” he answered. Maelogan bowed and left the room as Marrock turned back to his mate.

  “I donnae trust him,” she whispered.

  “He is loyal,” Marrock replied.

  “There is something about him I donnae like, watch yourself with him, my love,” she pleaded.

  “I will, but I swear he is loyal.”

  Nodding, she pulled him close and kissed him deeply. When she pulled back he leaned forward again, but she placed her finger over his lips.

  “Nay, that will keep you alive for now, Warrior. Come back to me and we will continue,” she said.

  “I will return in a fortnight, victorious,” he promised.

  “Come back in a fortnight hale and hearty,” she compromised. “But remember me, my love, donnae be ruthless. They are our kin.”

  “We will see,” he answered.


  Marrock walked through the village his leather clad feet sinking in the blood soaked earth. Cries of the wounded and begs of the dying reached his ears. When he reached the keep of the human village, two of his men dragged the chief out and down the steps. The old man looked up at him, blood from a head wound dripped down his nose.

  “Who are you?” he demanded.

  Marrock half phased and stood over the chief.

  “I am the thing of legend,” he stated.

  “What is your name?”

  “Marrock,” he answered.

  “Are you going to kill me?” he asked.

  “Nay, but you will remember me,” he replied. In one swift move, Marrock struck the chief across the face with his claw. The males let him fall to his side and Marrock stepped over him. Walking up the steps of the keep, he turned and surveyed the land before him. His males were finishing those who cried, only those warriors left would he take back with him. Humans would make good slaves; at least that is what Maelogan told him. Kinnon walked up the steps and stood beside his nephew.

  “Any of ours among the dead?” Marrock asked.

  “Nay, but two are badly wounded, Weylyn is tending them but he is unsure about one,” he answered.

  “They fought bravely, they will be rewarded and if no’ them then thei
r families will be given comfort,” Marrock said.

  “As you say,” Kinnon answered but would not look at his nephew.

  “I thank you for standing with me, Uncle,” Marrock said after a while.

  “I always stand with you, Marrock even if I donnae agree with you,” he said.

  “Your meaning?” he asked.

  “I donnae agree with what we did here, but you are my Alpha and as such I stand with you,” Kinnon explained. “These humans were peaceful and we slaughtered them.”

  “And if we had waited and they had come to us? Your mate or son could have been killed,” Maelogan said stalking up the steps.

  “I pity any man who attempts to hurt my mate,” Kinnon answered. “She is a fighter.”

  “We did the right thing,” Maelogan said. “The gods were on our side. Victory is ours.” Turning away and heading into the keep, Marrock looked over at Kinnon who looked down and bowed.

  “Whatever you say, Alpha,” he replied. “But I do hope we will live in peace again soon.”

  Marrock said nothing as he turned and followed Maelogan back into the keep.


  Marrock took in his spoils, several gold pieces were found in the treasury along with many precious stones. The stores were full with food and drink and even then, he heard his wolves above stairs reveling in their plunders. Maelogan was by his side. They were alone and Marrock watched as Maelogan’s eyes turned red and he mumbled a spell. The gate into the treasury glowed yellow and swung open.

  “I thought you said there was nae druid magic here,” Marrock stated.

  “There was nae, but this was protected by a residual. Spell against wolves. You would nae have been able to survive the crushing weight, Alpha,” he said.

  “Then ‘tis a good thing you were here,” Marrock answered.

  “Aye,” Maelogan replied. “Your mate would nae forgive me if something happened to you.”

  “So ‘tis true,” a voice from behind startled them. “You are a druid. I kenned something was different about you.”

  “Who are you, lad?” Marrock demanded of the wolf who stood behind them.

  “Lad?” the voice questioned. “I am nae a lad, Alpha.”

  “Mabh,” Marrock breathed. His mate took off the cap she wore covering her blonde locks and wiped the dirt from her face. “Leave us,” he said to Maelogan. The druid bowed and slipped passed her.

  “I told ye to stay in the keep,” Marrock ground out.

  “And I told ye we would always be together,” she answered. “You have been keeping secrets from me and I donnae appreciate it.”

  “I am Alpha I will keep whatever secrets I wish,” he bellowed.

  “No’ from me!” she shouted. “I am your mate. I am your Queen. Who is he, Marrock? You allowed a druid in our midst?”

  “You will nae question me!” Marrock roared.

  “I have every right to question your actions as I am your Queen and the safety of the pack is first as it should be for you!” she cried.

  “He is nae a druid any longer,” Marrock replied.

  “Druid or no’ he is a danger to us,” she said. “He is our enemy. What is he doing here? What kind of hold does he have over ye?”

  “He has nae hold over me,” Marrock growled.

  “That is nae what I saw,” she indicated outside.

  “I told ye to stay home,” he replied. “War is for males, no’ your kind.”

  “I remember you said something similar to that when I challenged you in the arena,” Mabh answered. “I ken no’ who you are any longer, Marrock. What tyrant ye have become. ‘Tis no’ who I fell in love with. ‘Tis no’ who I claimed as mate.”

  “What do ye want from me, Mabh?” Marrock shouted. “I am who I am. Ye kenned I was nae like any other when you came to me that night.”

  “Ye have changed,” she said. “You are nae the man I kenned. I donnae ken what has happened to ye, but you need to remember who you are.”

  “This is who I am, Mabh,” he answered. “This is who you are mated to.”

  “Nae,” she replied. “I am mated to someone who would never kill for sport. I ken no’ who you are.”

  “What would you have me do then?” he demanded.

  “Banish Maelogan, ’tis he who is doing this to you,” she said. “He is the one who has changed you.”

  “He is my lieutenant,” he said through clenched teeth. “I will nae banish him.”

  “Then you have chosen him over me,” she replied. “You have chosen him over your pack.” Shaking her head softly, she took a deep breath and turned to leave.

  “So you leave me too?” Marrock called out. “Just as my father, my mother, and any one I love. Aye, I should have kenned you would.”

  She turned slightly back to him. “I am nae leaving you, ‘tis you who have left me. I did nae make the choice, you did. You would rather have him with you than me. And this,” she motioned with her hand, “is your legacy. Death and destruction. That is nae you.”

  “What would you have of me, Mabh?”

  “I would have ye as you once were,” she answered. “We lived in peace and were prosperous under your leadership, but ever since…” she paused as realization came over her. “Ever since you were attacked… Dear gods,” she breathed. “Tell me his is nae the one.” Marrock looked away. “Tell me!” she screamed.

  “What would you have me say?” he asked.

  Her mouth dropped open in astonishment but before she could say anything Kinnon called to Marrock from the top of the stairs. Marrock answered back but Mabh did not hear it, she could not remove her eyes from her mate. Betrayal set in her face and heart. When he took a step towards her and offered his hand, she recoiled and instead swiped her hand across his face. Before he recovered from her slap, she raced up the stairs and pushed past Kinnon.

  Running out into the destroyed village, she took in the dead and dying around her. Humans. Peaceful. Destroyed.

  “My lady,” she heard from behind her. Her eyes flashed yellow as she recognized the voice. Turning around, she came face-to-face with Maelogan.

  “You,” she ground out.

  “You have the wrong impression of me, my Queen,” he said. “I wish to correct it.”

  “There is nothing you can say, leave my presence. Leave my mate, and my pack, alone. Get. Out,” she ordered.

  “With all due respect, my lady, you have nae power over me,” he said. Taking a step closer to her, he lowered his voice. “If you convince Marrock to banish me, I swear to you on this blood soaked ground, that you will die by my order and Marrock will be mine to do with as I will.”

  “You have nae power here, serpent,” she replied. “And you donnae scare me. Your threat will change nothing except give me more to tell Marrock.”

  “Mark me,” he stepped closer. “I ken what would destroy him. And that would be losing you in a way that he has nae power to stop.”

  “Your threats are empty,” she replied. “I suggest you take a step back from me, Druid, for I am nae afraid of ye but I will defend myself.”

  “Donnae try me, my lady,” he answered.

  “Maelogan!” Marrock’s voice caused the druid to step back, bow and plaster a smile on his face. Marrock looked from one to the other, his eyes twitched for a moment. Mabh raised her head and looked directly at her mate. “Come with me. I must speak with you.”

  “My king,” he bowed and started walking to him, but paused and turned back to Mabh, his eyes flashing yellow in a warning. She did not react; she would not give him the satisfaction. Instead she turned her back to them both and walked away.



  Marrock joined his pack drinking and reveling in the victory they had had that day. It was well into the night when he pushed away from the table and stood. His pack stood from their seats honoring him as their leader. Marrock lifted his cup of whisky.

  “To victory!” He shouted. The pack raised their cups and shouted aye, then drank. Motion
ing them to sit back, Marrock stepped down off the high table and walked towards the main staircase. One of the females from the human clan stepped towards him and bowed.

  “My laird,” she said. He did not know what that meant, but he liked the sound of it. “We have put your lady wife in the chief’s room. Two flights of stairs and down the hall third door on the right.”

  “I thank you,” he answered but said no more. He started up the stairs and made his way to his mate’s chamber.

  Unsure of his reception, he needed to tell her something. Knocking on the door softly, he heard her call to come in. Opening the heavy oak door, his eyes were drawn to his mate’s figure wearing nothing but her chemise sitting before the fire drying her blond hair. When their eyes met, her face went blank.

  “I ken you donnae desire to speak with me,” he began. “But I desire to tell you something.”

  “What is it, sire?” she asked. Marrock’s heart sunk further hearing her cold reply.

  “I ask something first,” he began. She took a breath and let it out harshly. “What were you and Maelogan speaking of before I called him away?”

  “He threated to kill me if I convinced you of his irrelevance and had you send him away,” she said flippantly.

  “He what?” Marrock breathed, his eyes flashing yellow.

  “Aye, that is the male you chose over me,” she explained.

  “Mabh, I,” he paused and huffed a sigh. Running his fingers through his long black hair, he looked away. “I did nae ken what he really was. It was like I was under a spell. The way he explained things, I kenned in my heart that it was wrong, but I could nae argue with his words. It was as if whatever he said made me see sense. I believed when he said the gods were on our side and that we had to expand and kill those who stood in our way. Then hearing you tell me that it was wrong, I did nae ken who to believe.”

  “He used your desire to further your pack, your need to provide for us,” she explained. “He used your hatred for humans against you. They are nae our enemy. Druids are. They are the ones who took your father away. They are to blame for the suffering of our pack. Turn your anger on them, nae us, nae humans. Druids.”


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