Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2)

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Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2) Page 16

by M. Katherine Clark

  My heart in two, I’ll always rue,

  The lies beneath the sill.”

  When she finished, Marrock’s eyes and face were blank. Her voice was small when she asked, “is something the matter, sire?”

  “Nay,” he answered. After a moment he continued. “Why did you choose that song?”

  She shivered but Marrock made no move to warm her, she was not cold, but instead his manner and words chilled her deeply.

  “Did that choice displease you? I would sing something else for you then,” she offered.

  Marrock held up a hand. “Thank you, nay,” he answered. “You have quite a lovely voice. I will ask you to sing for me again but no’ now.” She curtsied but did not raise her eyes to meet his. “I have enjoyed your company this eve, Heledd,” he said.

  She smiled slightly but still did not look at him. “I have enjoyed yours as well, sire,” she said.

  There was a long pause but he did not say anything more. He only took a step closer to her and slid a hand under her chin. Forcing her to look up at him, she stared into the stormy seas before her as his thumb gently passed back and forth over her bottom lip.

  Gods, she was beautiful when he made her blush. His lips were on hers before another thought entered his head.

  Something passed through him that he had not felt for a long time. Desire. But, not the kind of lust he had when he was with Tiana. Desire to protect, defend, shelter and love. Not since Mabh was in his arms had he thought of caring for another female in that way. Heledd was soft and warm and reminded him so much of his mate. He wanted to explore her more, not just take his pleasure as he usually did. He wanted to give it for the first time since he was alone. Deepening the kiss, he pressed her hips to his and reveled in the gasp she gave. Snaking his hand around from her hip and up to her chest, he clutched her curves in his hand. Perfection. Suddenly, she pushed away from him and broke his hold of her. She took several steps back but did not turn away from him.

  “Nay, sire,” she said panted. “Forgive me. Nae matter the allure, ‘twill pass. Faolán is my true mate and I should never have betrayed him thus. I love him more than anything. You ken the kind of love of which I speak.”

  Marrock took a deep breath calming his raging blood. “So you refuse me?” he demanded.

  “I… beg you to let me have what you had with Mabh. A love to last an eternity,” she said.

  “And if I refuse?” he asked.

  “I donnae believe you would be that cruel,” she stated.

  “Donnae underestimate me, lass,” he replied. “When I want something, I usually have my way.” She paled and backed up from him even more. “But now I do believe you all should be leaving. I thank you for being a suitable… distraction.”

  Watching as he walked out of the room, she wrapped her arms around herself and nearly sank to the floor.



  Weylyn tracked his way towards the village he had seen earlier that day. Brietta’s distinguishing scent was his guide in the unfamiliar place. His eyes glowed yellow even though he maintained his human form. Once close enough to the main gate to see the guards, Weylyn changed his eyes back to brown.

  Creeping along, he watched as one guard was fast asleep in the tower and the other obviously was only paying attention to the wench with him. The anger that twisted his belly made his hands shake. They guarded one of the most beautiful females he had ever seen and they dared to fall asleep and bring wenches to distract them? Immediately Weylyn’s thoughts went to Marrock and how he would discipline the two guards if they were his. Shaking his head at the unnerving thought, Weylyn left the main gate and crept along the wall to the right.

  Flattening against the wall when his wolf ears heard something rustle nearby. He turned to see if it was an animal when a man with fiery red hair slipped out of a hole in the wall. The man carried a cross bow and a broadsword was strapped to his back. Even though the man headed in the opposite direction, Weylyn half phased to warn Faolán about him. Weylyn rolled his eyes when Faolán’s conscience jumped into his mind and the lad was thinking about Heledd. Faolán’s conscience flashed with embarrassment.

  How long until you mate? Weylyn asked.

  End of the moon cycle, Faolán said.

  Good… I did nae mean to interrupt your thoughts, but there is a human with a crossbow heading the other direction but I wanted to alert you. Weylyn showed him the image of what he had seen.

  I will be on guard. Faolán said.

  Has my father awakened? Weylyn asked.

  Aye, he asked where you were. I mentioned that you had heard something and went to investigate. I am nae sure if he kenned I was lying. Faolán admitted.

  Probably, Weylyn said. A better reader of wolves, I have never met. Thank you. I will tell him the truth when I return.

  I donnae like lying to your father, Weylyn. He has always been good to me and I feel like I have betrayed that trust with him.

  I will explain that it was my asking, Faolán, donnae worry.

  Be careful, Weylyn, please.

  I will. I will be back before the sun rises, Weylyn promised.

  He broke the link with Faolán by phasing back to his human form as he found the small opening in the wall and squeezed his large frame through it. Turning into the village, he was near the smithy and the town’s well. That is where he saw her. Brietta stood with the same woman he had seen earlier; her sister. Though Gwen faced him, her evident look of surprise when she saw him, had Brietta turning around.

  “Gowan, what now? Did you forget—” she broke off when she saw Weylyn and not the man she thought she was speaking to. “Oh, Weylyn is it no’?” The way his heart reacted when he heard her say his name was dangerously addicting. Swallowing, he nodded. “What are you doing here?”

  “I had to see you,” the words were out of his mouth before he thought them through.

  “Brietta?” Gwen whispered from behind her.

  “Oh, this is my sister,” she introduced. “Gwen, this is… a friend of mine.”

  Weylyn nodded to her. Gwen stared at him open-mouthed, no doubt entranced by his beauty. To humans, wolves were the most beautiful people.

  “’Tis good to meet you,” Weylyn said. Gwen just nodded.

  Brietta took a step closer to him.

  “Did you sneak in here? How did you get past the guard?” Brietta asked.

  “I saw a man leave and found the hole,” he answered.

  “How did you find me?” she asked.

  “I followed your scent,” he answered then immediately looked away not believing he had said that. She would go screaming for the guard and he had put his entire pack in danger.

  “Gwen, tell mother I will be in in a moment,” she said.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Aye, please,” she replied. Then turning to Weylyn, she went on, “will you walk with me?”

  Once he agreed, Weylyn helped her squeeze out of the hole in the wall and walk quickly to the woods beside the village. Coming to a small clearing, Brietta stopped and sighed wistfully.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “’Tis nothing,” she smiled. “I love this place so verra much. I want to build a cottage right here. I would put the barn over there and have a well with a courtyard in between. They say this land is rich in water, I suppose with Loch Ness nearby ‘tis a grand location for water.” She giggled. “I donnae ken why I am telling you this.”

  “I am glad you did. ‘Tis a dream of yours,” he said.

  “And do you have any dreams?” she teased as she waltzed her way to sit on a fallen tree log.

  “Aye, I am and have always wanted to be a teacher,” he answered.

  “’Tis a noble profession. Do you have any pupils?” she asked.

  “One; the son of my alph – my chief,” he corrected himself. She nodded but they were quiet for a time until Weylyn spoke again. “Do you have a mate?” Again the words tumbled out and he pursed his lips toget
her in frustration.

  “Mate?” She looked up at him questioningly.

  “Husband,” he corrected.

  “Nay,” she answered.

  “Oh, I thought the man you spoke to earlier… the one you thought was me,” he said.

  “Gowan?” she asked. He nodded. “Och, he is a friend.” She answered. Weylyn bit his tongue not trusting his mouth to stay quiet.

  “Do you?” she asked. “Do you have a mate?”

  He shook his head. “No’ yet,” he answered.

  They were quiet for a long time content just to be together. Finally, she sighed and stood.

  “Come with me,” she said. “I want to show you something.” They walked on a little way into the forest and came upon a pool that, even in the cool air, steamed, invitingly. Weylyn looked at it questioningly but said nothing. “There is an above water geyser inside that mountain there,” Brietta explained. “It flows out of that spout and warms the water here.” Weylyn nodded slowly watching the water begin to gush from the spout. “So… you are a wolf, then?” she asked so nonchalantly that Weylyn’s head whipped around to look at her. She looked at him expectantly but he had no voice. She said nothing more, only waited.

  He did not know what to say. He knew Marrock’s law. He would be putting his pack in danger if he answered but as usual with her, he could not help himself and nodded.

  She grinned. “Let me see,” she asked.

  “I cannae,” he shook his head.

  “I will nae tell,” she promised. “I am very interested in learning about your kind and I care for you, Weylyn. I ken ‘tis odd seeing as how we only met today but from the moment I saw you I kenned I would never be the same.” She blushed and looked down. “I have never felt this before.”

  “I care for you too,” he said. “And I cannae get you out of my head. Everywhere I look I see your face, your smile. I smell your scent and it has me undone. I donnae understand these feelings but I ken I donnae want to give them up.”

  “I could nae stop thinking about you too,” she admitted. “Phase for me?” she asked.

  He stared at her for a long time. “’Tis a frightening thing to see, Brietta,” he said and almost had to smile. Her name felt so right on her lips. “For me to phase it is no’ something humans can understand.”

  “I am no’ scairt,” she said.

  “I ken, you are a strong lass, but I would also go against my Alpha,” he replied. “And that is something you donnae do.”

  “I donnae want you to be hurt because of my desire to see you,” she answered. “Donnae phase, I was merely curious what it would be like.”

  “I care little for what Marrock says, but I donnae want to frighten you,” he said. “Just ken that… ‘tis still me and I will never hurt you.”

  She nodded. He steeled his mind against others who would be phased and let his body go. The body of a half-phased wolf was intimidating but the eyes were terrifying. He kept them tightly closed and listened for any change in her breathing to show she was scared. Then he felt her hand on his arm.

  “Open your eyes,” she asked. He shook his head vehemently. “Please,” she begged.

  “’Tis… unnerving,” his half-phased voice said.

  “I want to see,” she replied.

  Again he breathed deeply but, losing the battle, he opened his eyes. She gazed up at him; his yellow eyes staring down into her blue ones.

  “Breathtaking,” she breathed.

  He cocked his head to the side watching her. She was not afraid. Phasing back to his human form, he was about to speak when she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  Stunned at first, Weylyn finally gave in to her, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him kissing her back.



  “Tell me more about your pack,” Brietta begged as they sat before the fire Weylyn had created out of kindling and fallen tree limbs. Weylyn smiled and walked back over to her, sitting behind her he pulled her into his arms and kissed the shell of her ear.

  “’Tis the largest of all wolf packs,” he explained. “For a time, I was the alpha’s Lieutenant, but after Marrock changed, I was given a different title. He asked me to train his son.”

  “Why did he change?” she asked.

  “His mate was killed and she kept him grounded. Without her, he enjoyed inflicting pain.”

  “Why?” she replied. “Would he no’ want to keep her memory alive?”

  “I believe he would have, but there was another who has twisted him and caused him to lose Mabh in his heart.”

  “I weep for him,” she answered. “And for you that you have to be governed by him.”

  “’Tis no’ so bad,” he replied. “But they say when we find our mates, the pull is so strong we could only ken each other a short time and become one as if we have kenned each other a very long time,” he said kissing her hair.

  “Is that what it is?” she asked. “I have never felt this way before.”

  “Neither have I, love,” he said. “I did nae ken a human could feel it too.”

  She sank deeper into his chest and arms came around her holding her to him.

  “What about our… differences?” she asked.

  “You mean the fact that I am a wolf and you are a human?” He teased. She nodded. “Well, I am fairly certain things work the same way.” She blushed and hid her face in a wall of hair. He chuckled. “Or do you mean the differences in our ages?”

  “Och that is right,” she said. “I had forgotten you age differently. How old are you?”

  “Much too old for a beauty like you,” he smiled and kissed her again.

  “Tell me,” she said.

  “I suppose in your years I would be a fairly decent age to win you. I would be very early twenties,” he said. “I reached wolf maturity a couple years ago which correlates to your human age of eighteen.”

  “You are stalling, my love,” Brietta said. Weylyn chuckled, the rumble in his chest vibrated against her back.

  “Very well,” he sighed. “I am seventy-five years old.”

  Her brows shot up and she turned to face him. Her eyes passed over his face, his dark, hooded eyes, his long straight nose, his perfect bow shaped mouth, the high cheekbones in his stubble-covered face. He did look older but he had told her that it was because wolves age to the peak of their performance and stay frozen there for several decades. He looked a grown warrior of thirty-five but he acted like a much younger man.

  “Say something, love, the suspense is too much for me to bear,” he said.

  She grinned realizing she had not said anything as she was observing his handsome face.

  “I never thought I would enjoy looking at such an old man,” she teased.

  He barked a laugh and gripped her to him possessively. Growling, he winked and pressed his lips to hers again.

  A twig cracked in the distance forcing him to tear his lips from hers, his eyes going yellow as he searched the woods for the source of the sound. She huddled into his chest as his arms shielded.

  “What is it?” she whispered.

  “I am nae sure,” he answered.

  “Could it have been an animal?” she asked.

  He took a deep breath and shook his head.

  “Human,” he said.

  “Me?” she questioned.

  He shook his head again.

  “I ken your scent,” he said is so nonchalantly that she blushed. He took another breath in and held it. “Male,” he said letting it out slowly. “Early twenties? He has been outside for a while, he is covered in mud and smells of human sweat and animal hide,” his lip curled up at that statement.

  She gripped his arm causing him to turn to look down at her.

  “I believe I ken who it is,” she said softly. “Gowan. My sister must have sent him. Go. I will be all right.”

  “I am no’ leaving you until I ken there is nae a threat,” he replied.

  “Gowan would never hurt me,
” she swore.

  “You donnae ken for certs that it is this Gowan.”

  “Wait just there in the woods. You will be able to see me and if I look back and smile you ken all is well.” Reaching up, she kissed him gently. “I will be fine. I promise,” she said against his lips. “Meet me here at the witching hour tomorrow?”

  “I will be here,” he promised.

  “I love you, Weylyn,” she said softly.

  He gripped her and pulled her flush against him, kissing her deeply.

  “And I love you, Brietta,” he replied. “Now and forever. But, I must go. If it is your friend, for your honor’s sake, he cannae see us here.”

  “We did nothing but kiss,” she said.

  “Aye, no’ yet,” he said. She flushed a deep red, which made him smile. “But until we mate, we cannae be seen alone. The implication of being alone is enough. I may no’ be human but I understand your culture…” there was another snap of a twig causing him to look up sharply then back at her. “Donnae forget to look back,” he whispered before he let her go and rushed into the darkness.

  “Brietta?” Gowan’s voice came from the opposite side. “Brietta? Are ya out here, lass?”

  “Aye, Gowan,” she replied. She turned to where Weylyn was waiting and smiled at him. She saw his eyes flash yellow as Gowan emerged from the woods.

  “Saints, lass, what you be doin’ out here at this hour?” he asked. “Ya had me worried.”

  “I am well, Gowan.”

  “Are you sure?” he helped her stand and took in her form making sure she was whole.

  “Aye, truly,” she answered. “Did Gwen send you?”

  “Aye she did, she did nae tell me why but only said you left just after me,” he dusted some leaves off the bottom of her gown and cloak. “Why did you leave the safety of the village?”

  “I needed a walk,” she answered. “And it was a cold night so I created a fire.”

  “Are you sure you are all right, lass?” he asked. “You look, forgive me, but a little flushed. And as fine a lass as ye are, that fire…”

  “Gowan, I am fine,” she answered. “Why do you doubt me?”


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