Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2)

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Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2) Page 17

by M. Katherine Clark

  “I donnae doubt you,” he replied. “I… I worry about you, you ken that. I am your friend.”

  “You are my best friend,” she smiled. “But I need you to trust me when I say I am well and all is fine.”

  His eyes searched hers for a long time.

  “If you say you are well, then I believe you,” he answered. “Come now; let us get back to the village before anyone misses us.”


  Weylyn watched as the young human lad helped Brietta douse the fire. He was large for a human, but not as tall as Weylyn. His fiery red hair and short beard showed he was around Brietta’s age. The term best friend was a new one and Weylyn was curious what that meant. He would have to ask her the next evening.

  But, the thing that bothered Weylyn the most was that the lad was clearly in love with her. A growl unconsciously escaped his lips but luckily, they were too far away to hear him. Looking up at the moon, he needed to return to his pack but Brietta’s scent was all over him. He needed to wash not only himself but his clothing as well. The thought of the hot spring nearby was better than the cold loch.

  Normally stripping for a bath, he kept his clothes on to clean them of her scent. There was no steam rising from the spring when he found it and snow had begun falling on the mountain slope above him. Lowering himself into the pool the icy water was a shock. Letting out short gasps, he clamped his mouth shut as his teeth started to chatter. Then water from the mountain began to pour out of the spout showering down on him. The hot water felt good on his muscles. He did not realize how tightly coiled his back and shoulders were until they began to relax.

  Climbing out of the warmed pool when he saw the first rays of pink and light stretch across the sky, he shook his body like a feline to rid the excess water and headed back to his pack.



  “Where in the name of the gods have you been, lad? You had me worried sick,” Kinnon grasped Weylyn into a hug when he came upon the camp. “Och and why are you soaking wet?”

  “’Tis a long story,” he said. “I will tell you later.”

  “You are all right, though?” Kinnon asked.

  “Perfectly,” he replied. His father’s searching gaze unnerved him and he hoped his father would not be able to read him as easily as he had in the past.

  “Tell me later,” Kinnon said patting his son’s shoulder.

  He never could keep anything from his father but he did not like how Maelogan was looking at him.

  “We should move on, there is a village no’ far from here,” Maelogan said. “Another week or two then ‘tis back home.”

  Everyone but Weylyn cheered. Home… it almost hurt Weylyn to think he would be so far from Brietta. That evening had been one of the most amazing times for him. He could not imagine being without her.

  “We can gather supplies at the village,” Kinnon said. “Let us go.”

  A village nearby. Gods above, Brietta’s village. If she saw him she most certainly would try to speak to him, then their secret would be known. There was nothing else for it. He would have to make up some excuse not to go in… then the thought of not seeing her came over him and Weylyn breathed out harshly.

  “Who is she?” Kinnon kept his voice low as they walked falling far behind the others. Weylyn’s eyes grew large; he had not given voice to his thoughts. Kinnon chuckled seeing his discomfort.

  “I am your father, lad,” he started. “But I am also male. I ken that look. You are battling with yourself. There is only one reason for that look… a female. Who is she?”

  Weylyn did not say anything. He wanted to tell his father all but in doing so he put him in danger if Marrock were ever to find out.

  “Permit me a guess?” Kinnon went on when he did not answer. “We will be seeing her at the human village.” When Weylyn did not answer but looked away, Kinnon went on. “You are grown, Weylyn and as much as I want to scream my fatherly advice to you, you must make your own choices. But I speak to you as a friend as I hope I can claim to be and merely say this… be cautious.” Weylyn nodded and Kinnon slapped his back in a fatherly gesture. “But now, tell me all about her. I have only waited over seven decades to talk with you about this,” he grinned.

  Weylyn chuckled and began telling his father everything that had happened the night before.

  “Well, son, it sounds to me like you have found your mate,” he said softly.

  Weylyn stopped and looked back at his father. “Do you think so?” he asked.

  “I have nae forgotten those feelings. I still have them every time I look at your mother,” he explained.

  “But… she is human,” Weylyn said.

  His father laughed. “’Tis very glad I am that you ken the most basic detail about your mate.” When Weylyn stayed silent for a time, Kinnon went on. “There is something else on your mind. Something you are no’ telling me. What is it?”

  Weylyn shook his head. “’Tis better if you donnae ken,” he said.

  Kinnon stopped walking forcing Weylyn to turn back to look at him. Kinnon waited until the others had walked farther on before he spoke again.

  “What is it you have nae told me, Weylyn? ‘Tis written all over your face,” he said. “Whatever it is, lad, you are my flesh and blood; nothing you tell me will make me disparage you. When you have your own son, you will understand how I feel. The bond between a father and son should be unbreakable,” Marrock and Tristan flashed before both of their minds. “But hear me, son, I am here. Tell me. You can tell me anything. Did you mate with the lass last night?”

  Weylyn’s eyes flashed with surprise but not admittance. “Nay, Father,” he answered. “We did nae mate.”

  “Then what is it, son?” Kinnon cupped his son’s face and made him look at him.

  Weylyn took a deep breath. “If I tell you, Marrock will surely kill us both.”

  Kinnon’s eyes widened for a moment. “Weylyn,” his father started. “Did you…”

  “I phased before her,” he admitted.

  “You did what?” his father hissed. “Weylyn, that is Marrock’s most absolute law.”

  “I ken, but I could nae stop myself. She asked and I did.”

  “Oh, Weylyn what have you done?” He breathed.

  “I will leave. Marrock cannae stop me from leaving his pack. If he does nae accept her then I will join her here.”

  “As a human?” Kinnon asked. “And what do you think humans carry with them, Weylyn? Will you be able to handle the wolf’s bane?”

  “I was nae the one who spread that rumor father,” Weylyn said harshly.

  Kinnon pulled back and raised himself up to his full height. Weylyn felt like a lad again.

  “And what do you mean by that?”

  “Merely that you spread the rumor to protect humans but it has prevented me from being with Brietta.”

  “You ken why I did what I did,” Kinnon answered. “But I ken how difficult it can be. I am sorry for you, but nae sorry that I told the humans about that mode of protection. It has discouraged Marrock from raiding and has protected the humans from annihilation. I did nae ken my son’s mate would be human.”

  “I want to be with her, father,” he said.

  “I ken you do, lad,” Kinnon answered. “But for now, wait. ‘Twould be better to seek Marrock’s blessing and leave the pack than to mate with her and Marrock no’ give his blessing. You would be mated for life to a female you could never be with.”

  “He would give his permission,” Weylyn stated. “I have served him well.”

  “Donnae believe for a moment that Marrock would give you permission to leave the pack let alone mate with a human. He would track you down and kill everyone in her clan. I have seen his hatred for humans. He will nae abide it. Let alone allow you to leave without punishment for revealing what you are.”

  “I have served him well. I will remind him of that and beg his release. Then come here,” Weylyn explained. “And make her mine.”

  Kinnon look
ed down for a moment then took a deep breath.

  “Your mother and I will miss you,” he said.

  Up until that moment, Weylyn had never thought of leaving his parents behind.

  “I…” Weylyn began. “I did nae think…”

  Kinnon waved him off and spoke again. “When do you see her again?”

  “We plan on meeting tonight,” Weylyn revealed.

  “There is much I have nae told you,” Kinnon said. “Things a father should tell his son when he finds his mate. Let us see if we speak away from the rest. Perhaps this village will have a tavern.”



  Heledd’s mother answered the door to the cottage half expecting to see her husband carrying a bundle of peat, but instead Marrock stood there waiting for her. She curtsied and opened the door wider for his large frame to step through.

  “Nay,” he held up a hand not attempting to go inside. “I am here for Heledd. I desire to speak with her.”

  Heledd had told her mother of Marrock’s heated kisses and the way he had touched her. The tears in her eyes were too much for a mother, she held her daughter to her as she wept. Heledd had betrayed her true mate and was petrified what Marrock would do to her and to her future.

  With Heledd’s fresh tears still on her dress, her mother raised her head and spoke to her Alpha. “I am sorry, sire, but she is nae available.”

  Marrock’s nostrils flared and his eyes flashed to yellow. “I will speak to her,” he commanded. She tried to stop her body from shaking at his Alpha order but she had no choice. There was no alpha blood in her veins to counteract his.

  Gritting her teeth, she turned and called for her daughter. “Heledd, you have a visitor.”

  It took a moment for Heledd to appear but when she did; her mother still saw the tear streaks on her cheeks and her red, swollen eyes. Her eyes turned to Marrock whose brow twitched and his hand clenched as if he stopped himself from reaching out to her.

  “Sire,” Heledd said in a small voice.

  “Heledd,” he replied. “Are you well?”

  Shaking her head, she could not look at him. “I have betrayed my mate by allowing you to kiss me. Please, sire, I am to be with Faolán. I beg of you to leave me be. I am sorry for what I allowed but it cannae happen again. I beg of you to let me be.”

  Marrock said nothing for a moment then finally turned to look up at the sky, blue and clear.

  “’Tis a lovely day,” he finally said. “I want to go for a walk. You will accompany me.”

  A sob escaped her but she had no choice as his Alpha order reached her ears. Taking one final look at her mother with pleading eyes, she stepped out of the cottage to walk with the alpha.


  His father’s words of caution running through his head, Weylyn paced inside the clearing Brietta had shown him the previous evening. He had already created a cottage for them in his mind, it would be easy to construct it. There were several strong highlanders in the village they had passed through; any of them would be able to help with the construction. The barn would house their peat for the winter, perhaps a horse to help till the ground, though he would not be able to have many, horses and wolves did not mix well. He would create a barn loft for their son’s room. His son would then be able to stay after he was mated. The cottage would be grand enough to fill with dozens of pups. The courtyard clearing would be the perfect place to train them to phase the first time. Smiling as he thought about training his son in the space, he sat on the fallen tree stump thinking he would leave that as a seat near the front door.

  Sitting down, he pulled out the soft strip of leather he had purchased from a merchant earlier that day in Brietta’s village. It was a long strip of cured leather and he thought to make it into a bracelet. The color was the same as his wolf fur and the longer he stared at it, the more an image appeared in his mind. Pulling out his small dagger, he began carving on the face of the leather. The image in his mind transferring to the bracelet, his and Brietta’s names intertwined in the language of the wolf. Once that was complete, he took the two ends and cut a single slit for the ties.

  Looking up when he heard rustling in the distance, his eyes turned yellow as he quickly put the strip of leather away. Half-phasing, he scanned the dark woods for the source of the movement until his eyes found the all too familiar shape coming towards him.

  “Weylyn?” she whispered.

  His heart warmed hearing her call his name. “Here,” he called a little louder since her human ears were further away. More rustling followed and eventually, she emerged from the woods into the clearing, several thistles caught on her cape. He could not help but chuckle. She grinned and dusted off the prickly thorns and raced to him. Throwing her arms around his neck, she kissed him solidly. He held her close and pressed the back of her head more firmly to him deepening the kiss.

  “I saw you in the village today,” she said when they finally pulled back. “But I did nae want to go to you just in case.”

  “Aye, I caught your scent everywhere but I was nae alone. Some of my pack was with me and my father was watching me.”

  “Your father?” she asked. “Is that the man who was with you? Dark red hair, handsome features looked like what you would in several years.”

  “Aye, I suppose, I have nae thought about it like that. I have told him about you and I hope to introduce you but with the others, I am nae sure it would be wise.”

  “Why have you come here?” she asked. “Are we under some sort of threat?”

  “Our Alpha is a fierce leader and wishes to increase his lands and spoils. He has sent us to scout the land and report to him,” Weylyn explained.

  “Does that mean we will be raided?” she asked.

  “I would never let anything happen to you,” he brushed his lips over hers.

  “You did nae answer my question,” she said. “I have family here, friends. I cannae no’ warn them.”

  “Aye, you are strong and loving, Brietta, but there are other factors that will dissuade Marrock from invading.”

  “Such as?” she asked.

  “Such as your blacksmith’s ability to create weapons that are beyond any we have ever kenned. And, you are great allies with Pict assassins in the area. Marrock does nae want to lose a battle. And he would against your clan.”

  “My father is very good at smithing,” she smiled.

  “Your father is the blacksmith?” he asked.

  “Aye,” she answered. “And a finer man never lived… apart from you.”

  “I am nae a man,” he replied. “I am male, but I am nae human.”

  “You are nae human?” she teased pretending shock. He laughed and pulled her to him again. “But we are under threat.”

  “Nay, I ken the others have seen what I have and our recommendation to Marrock would be to no’ invade.”

  “Will you be back?” she asked. “I ken you need to return to your pack.”

  “No’ for a fortnight,” he answered. “We have time to be together.”

  “I would enjoy meeting your father. He is a very handsome male,” she teased.

  “And I am nae?” he asked. She bit her lip and shrugged.

  “Little minx,” he laughed and captured her lips in another kiss.

  An hour later, Weylyn had built up a fire and was holding her close to him allowing his body heat to warm her as the temperature around them had dropped drastically and he could smell the threatening snow.

  “Perhaps you should go,” he said softly against her ear. She moaned and sank deeper into his chest. “’Tis going to snow,” he said. “I donnae want you affected by the cold.”

  She twisted and looked up at him, tracing his stubble-covered jaw with a finger.

  “What cold?” she asked.

  He chuckled and kissed her finger as it passed his lips. Her face turned serious and she wiggled out of his arms. She sat up on her knees and gazed at him. He did not move from resting on his elbow.

�How long will you be here, Weylyn?” she asked. “I have given you my heart after only kenning you a very short time. I have never felt this way about anyone. Whenever I am no’ with you, I feel like I cannae breathe. I am in love with you and I want to spend eternity with you, but I worry how long I will have you.”

  He reached up and stroked her face.

  “I cannae promise eternity,” he said. “But I can promise if you will have me, that I will always be with you. And I will always ken who you are.”

  “How long will I have you before you must to return to your pack?” she asked.

  “I am here for a fortnight and after that I will go speak with Marrock,” he answered. “If he does nae give his permission then I will leave his pack and come for you, I swear it.”

  Her joy was infectious as a huge grin spread across her face. Weylyn tugged at the nape of her neck and brought her closer to him.

  “I will be your husband, if you will have me,” he whispered.

  “Och, Weylyn, aye, I would be blessed to have you as my husband. My mate,” she replied and kissed him once more.



  Marrock met his men at the gate of the village nearly a moon’s cycle after they had departed. Eager for their report, Marrock spoke with Maelogan.

  “Alpha, do you have a moment?” Weylyn stepped forward. “I must speak with you urgently.”

  Marrock looked at his cousin. “Nay, I donnae, whatever it is, it must wait until I have finished here. Now, my son is in need of his tutor. You have been gone for far too long,” Marrock said.

  “I have found my mate,” the words were out and Weylyn could not take them back. Marrock froze, his back to Weylyn. “I ask your permission to bring her back to the village.”

  Marrock slowly turned and fixed his eyes on his cousin.

  “I am happy for you,” he said stiffly. “What is her name and where is she from?”

  “Her name is Brietta and…” he squared his shoulders and pulled himself up to his full height. “She is from the village we scouted.”


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