A Love Rekindled (The Game of Love #1)

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A Love Rekindled (The Game of Love #1) Page 3

by Sharon Cummin

  “Why don't you come over early and I will make breakfast,” Jessica said.

  “That works for me,” Renee said. “I will feed him lunch and dinner. We will bring you home something for dinner.”

  “Great! See you in the morning,” Jessica said.

  “Save me some of those cookies,” Renee replied. “Bye.”

  Chapter 7


  Luke could not get his mind off of Jessica. He thought about her and the little boy playing in the yard. They looked so happy. He was supposed to be the man spending the rest of his life with her and having a family with her. The more he thought about it, the more upset he became.

  He knew he had to get his mom something for Christmas, so headed to the mall. Maybe he could get his mind thinking about something else. He parked the car and walked into the mall. What would his mom want, he wondered? He went to one of those stores where all the aromas blend into each other and turn into a super strong, flowery, and fruity smell. Maybe she would like some lotions or candles. He wanted to make the holiday special for her. It was his first year in a long time that he would be home for the entire holiday.

  Luke looked around the store, not sure what to buy. He had not had a relationship since Jessica. Luke didn't buy presents for any of the women he had spent time with since then. He grabbed some lotion, candles, and body stuff he thought his mom would like. She always had a candle burning or some fruity smell around the house. Luke was enjoying his time with his mom, but couldn't wait to buy a house of his own. He was not used to someone asking him where he was going and what he was doing, every moment of the day. Luke was used to keeping his place the way he wanted. At his mom's house, he felt like he always had to be careful and could not really relax. It was not home anymore. After being on his own for so long, he wanted that relaxed, comfortable feeling again.

  He took the things he had picked out for her up to the register and stood in line. Luke stood and rolled his eyes as he waited for the woman in front of him to ask a million questions. He looked at the girl the register and thought she looked familiar. There was something about her. Where had he seen her before? Maybe they had gone to school together. The woman in front of him finally left. He walked up and put all of his stuff on the counter. The girl laughed as she looked down at everything.

  “The woman in your life is going to love you for buying her all of this,” she said, with a smile.

  Luke smiled and he felt his shoulders relax a bit.

  “They're for my mom,” he laughed. “I'm not sure what to get her. I figure she will at least like some of it.”

  “Luke,” she said, as she looked up. “No way, is that you? I heard you were back. Are you okay?”

  Luke looked at her for a moment. She laughed.

  “I'm Renee,” she said. “Jessica's sister.”

  “No way,” he said loudly. “I knew you looked familiar. I can't believe how grown up you look.”

  “How long are you in town for?” she asked.

  “I'm staying,” he said. “I'm not leaving.”

  Renee's mouth dropped open and he could tell she hurried to close it.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered. “I'm fine. I just can't believe you are really here.”

  “I saw Jessica last night at a party, and she took off on me,” he said.

  “Oh, wow,” she replied.

  “I drove by her house this morning,” he said, as he saw Renee's eyes widen. “She was playing outside with a little boy. He looks just like her. Can you talk? I need to know something.”

  “I will meet you in the hall in ten minutes,” she said.

  Her hands shook while she finished checking out his stuff. Why was she nervous, he wondered? He felt like she was afraid of what he was going to ask her. He paid his bill, grabbed his bag, and walked out into the hall.

  Renee walked out and motioned over to an empty bench across the hall. They both walked over and sat down. Luke put his head in his hands and let out a sigh.

  “How old is her son?” he asked.

  “Six,” she answered.

  Luke shook his head.

  “She never gave me a reason for breaking up with me. Did she dump me for someone else? Was she already with him?” he asked.

  Renee sighed and sat still.

  “Who is she with?” he asked. “Do I know him?”

  Luke could see sweat drip from Renee's brow. Her legs were shaking and she was fidgeting. What was she nervous about, he wondered? She still had not answered him.

  “Please, tell me something,” he said, as he looked directly into her eyes.

  “She was not with anyone when she broke up with you,” she said.

  Renee looked down at the ground.

  “It sure didn't take her very long to sleep with someone else,” he mumbled. “I can't believe I let myself hurt over her for so long, when she never even cared.”

  Renee reached over and put her hand on Luke's shoulder. He knew he was shaking.

  “Do I know her husband?” he asked. “Please tell me he is not one of my friends.”

  “You need to talk to her,” Renee said. “You need to ask her these questions.”

  “I don't know if I can,” he replied, as he felt his leg shake. “I'm not sure I can do it.”

  “This is not something I can talk to you about, Luke,” she said.

  “So it is someone that I know,” he stated to himself. “I should have moved on. I'm sorry for asking you. I can't do this to myself anymore. I need to go.”

  Luke moved to stand up and Renee put her hand on his knee to try to stop him.

  “I will take my nephew shopping tomorrow. You go to the house and talk to her. I don't want him there while you two talk,” Renee said.

  “I'm not sure about this,” he said. “I don't know how I will react to what she tells me.”

  “I will take him out,” she said. “Show up or don't. That is up to you.”

  Renee took her phone out of her pocket.

  “I will be right back. I need to make a call,” she said.

  Luke sat quietly, as he waited for her. She was gone for a few minutes. She walked back up to him and stood in front of him.

  “I am picking him up at noon,” she said. “I will bring him back at six. You need to be gone by the time I get back. If you are going to show up, do it early. You need time for the answers you want. Make sure you are gone by six. I do not want to bring him home while you two are still talking.”

  “What about her husband? Will he be home?” he asked.

  “It will be fine,” she said. “Go talk to her. You really need to. It is important that you are done talking by six. I mean it. I don't want her son to see you there. I have to get back to work.”

  Renee leaned down and wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him. He could feel her shake against him, as he hugged her back.

  “Its okay, Renee,” he said. “Thank you for talking to me.”

  “I can't believe you're here,” she said, and she turned to walk away. “Bye.”

  Luke got up and walked out of the mall to his car. Was he making a huge mistake? He let out a sigh as his head fell back against the head rest. He knew he needed to talk to her. Why wasn't her husband at the party, he wondered? Maybe he had business or maybe he was home with their son. He knew what she was going to say would probably hurt him, but it was time for him to move on. Luke needed closure and answers. No matter what she told him, it was time to make some changes in his life. He was ready to fall in love and have a family.

  Chapter 8


  Jessica woke up to the sun shining in her window. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. She stretched her arms out and snuggled into her blanket. Jessica decided she was going to relax and have a nice day. She was going to go the whole day without thinking about Luke. He was in town and didn't seem to be leaving. There was nothing she could do about that, but she could make sure that she didn't bri
ng him into her thoughts. It was something she had to get used to. She decided to leave on her shorts and tank top for the morning. It was going to be an amazing day.

  She threw her hair into a ponytail as she made her way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Renee was coming over for breakfast, and Jessica knew to have her coffee ready for her. Jessica turned on the radio and danced around as she made breakfast. Yes, it was going to be a great day. Her little guy laughed at her when he caught her dancing in the kitchen. She laughed as she scooped him up to spin him around. There was a knock at the door. She let him down and told him to go let his aunt in. Jessica saw her out on the front porch. She made eggs, bacon, potatoes, toast, orange juice, and coffee. Renee walked in and laughed as she looked at the table.

  “Someone's in a good mood,” Renee joked.

  “I am going to read, have a hot bath, and relax today, while my baby gets treated like a king. Of course I'm in a good mood,” Jessica said, as she twirled around.

  “Why don't you go and get dressed?” Renee asked her.

  “I am staying in this all day. It's my day to relax,” Jessica said, with a smile.

  Renee rolled her eyes and grinned.

  “Okay, whatever you say,” Renee responded.

  They sat down and had breakfast. As soon as they were finished, Renee looked at the clock, jumped up, and told her nephew to hurry and get his shoes and coat on.

  “What's the big hurry?” Jessica asked.

  “I am in a hurry to spoil my favorite nephew,” Renee said, as she helped him get ready.

  “I'm the only nephew you have silly,” he said.

  Renee laughed.

  “That makes you my favorite. Come on, get moving,” she said.

  Renee hurried him out the door and Jessica closed it behind them. She grabbed her book, plopped down on the couch, covered with a blanket, and sighed. It was going to be such a relaxing time. As she read her book, her mind wandered to Luke. Stop it, she told herself. You are done thinking about him. He was out on a date two days ago, move on. Today is a day for you. Leave him out of it. She drank her coffee, snuggled in her blanket, and got lost in her book.

  Chapter 9


  Luke opened his eyes and looked at the clock. It was noon. Oh shit, he thought. He was running late. Renee did say he had until six o'clock. He wanted to get it over with. Rip it off like a band aid. He wanted his life back. Luke hurried into the shower. It was going to be a good day. Maybe he would be hurt at first, but after she told him who she was with so soon after he left, he was sure he would move right on. He would be so mad and feel so betrayed that he wouldn't give Jessica a second thought. Luke dreaded hearing what she had to say, but knew it would all be over in a few hours. The years of wanting her would be over. He threw on a pair of nice jeans and a tight, black t-shirt.

  His mom stopped him on his way out the door to ask him if he wanted to spend the day together. He told her he had something he had to go and do, but that he would be home later and they could do something then. She told him how happy she was to have him home and how much she appreciated everything he did for her. Without him, she had no idea where she would be. Luke told her how much he enjoyed helping her. It made him feel good to know she had everything she needed. He kissed her on the cheek and left the house.

  He was nervous as he drove to Jessica's house. It was going to be a day of answers. By the end of the day, his life would be moving forward. He wanted to know what that guy had that he didn't. What was so special about him? How long after she dumped him did she wait? He pulled up in front of her house, afraid to get out of his car. Quickly he finished the list of questions in his mind. It was really going to be over. He had always hoped they would have a second chance, but deep down, he knew that was just a crazy dream. He was going to get answers, and he was going to get his life in order. She had moved on and so was he.

  Luke parked his car, got out, and put on a confident face, as he walked up to her door. His hands were shaking and he could feel the sweat on his arms as he reached out to knock.

  Chapter 10


  Jessica was relaxed and comfy. She was having a great day. Her book was awesome, and she was completely sucked into it. There was a knock at her door. Who could that be, she wondered? There was no way her sister would be home yet. She would have called if she were coming back. Nobody else she wanted to talk to would have come over. They needed to go away. Whoever it was knocked again. Go away, she thought. It was Sunday and there should not have been anyone at her door. She was not getting up from her nice spot to have to tell someone no thank you. People should not be out doing that stuff on a Sunday anyway, she thought. She ignored them and kept reading. Nobody was spoiling her relaxation time. There was a third knock, but much harder that time.

  Jessica threw off her blanket, put her book down, marched to the door mumbling, and swung it open.

  “What,” she yelled, as she looked up at Luke's eyes.

  Jessica was shocked. She just stood still with her mouth open. He looked into her eyes, but did not say a word. After a few moments, she opened her mouth to talk. He cut her off. She could see his eyes darken and his body tense up.

  “Can I come in?” he asked.

  “No,” she snapped. “What are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you,” he snapped back.

  “No, you need to leave,” she said.

  Shit, she thought. She needed to get him out of there before someone saw him or he saw something she didn't want him to. What was she going to do?

  “I'm not leaving,” he said. “I need to talk to you. You answer my questions and then I will leave you alone forever. You made it very clear seven years ago that I was not a part of your life, but I need answers. Then, you will never have to see me again.”

  Jessica felt her body shake and could feel sweat form on her face. What questions did he have? What could he possibly want to know? It couldn't be that bad, right? She could let him in for a couple of minutes, especially if that meant he would leave her alone. She needed to hurry up.

  “Fine come in,” she motioned into the house. “Excuse the mess. I wasn't expecting anyone to come over.”

  He walked into the house, and she could see him looking around. Her hands were shaking, so she held them together in front of her.

  “Have a seat,” she said, as she picked her blanket and book up from the couch. “Would you like something to drink, even though you won't be here long?”

  “Coffee if you have any,” he said. “That would be great.”

  “Cream and sugar?” she asked. “More sugar than coffee, right?”

  She saw him smirk and shake his head.

  “Yes,” he said, “same as always.”

  “I have some breakfast left if you're interested,” she said.

  “The coffee's fine, thanks,” he answered.

  She motioned for him to sit down, and she walked into the kitchen. Damn, she thought. Why did he have to be so good looking? He was so much hotter than he was before, and he was smoking hot before. His sexy dark hair, that she loved so much, was still damp from his shower. Her body shivered just thinking about it. She could not help noticing his muscles bulging out from under the sleeves of his t-shirt. There was a tattoo peeking out from under the sleeve. When did he get a tattoo? What was it, she wondered? Stop looking at his body, she thought. Get through his questions and get him out of here fast. She grabbed his coffee and walked back into the living room. He took it from her and she sat down on the couch. She thought for a second as she looked down at her shorts. Oh crap, I didn't change, she thought. She was in her pajamas, with her hair a mess, pulled into a ponytail. Why did he have to come over on a day she looked like she had just gotten out of bed?

  “Please excuse the way I look,” she said, as she grabbed the blanket to cover back up. “I didn't plan on having anyone over today. I just planned on relaxing.”

  “You look great,” he said.

sp; She could feel her face blush. Snap out of it, she shouted in her mind. Get back on track. This is not the old Luke, and you are not in high school.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked him.

  “Fine,” he answered. “I hurt here and there, but it's getting better.”

  “You'll really never play again?” she asked, with her voice trembling.

  She knew it was his dream to play ball. That was all he had ever wanted. He worked so hard for it.

  “No,” he said, and they both went silent for a moment. “I want to stay active and coach. I still want to be a part of the game. That is all I have ever known.”

  “I know,” she said. “Are you okay with that?”

  “I need to be,” he answered, as he looked down at his coffee mug. “I can't let it bring me down. I really do want to do something to help kids. You know my dad took off and had nothing to do with me. My mom had to struggle. I want to be there for kids like me. I want to give them something to look forward to. Every child should have their father and mother in their life. That is all that matters. I want to show kids that people care about them. Maybe one day I will have a child of my own. I need to get a house and settle in first, before I start on that. You know my mom. She doesn't want me to leave.”

  Jessica laughed as she thought about how overprotective his mom was. She was a great person and loved her son so much. Jessica felt bad that she had not seen her all those years, but she knew that she couldn't. It hurt so bad to hear him talk about his dad not being around and how much kids need their parents. Jessica felt like she could hardly breathe. He was such an amazing man. She could feel herself sadden and hurried to get her emotions in order.

  “What did you come over for?” she asked. “I'm not really sure what you want to know. You have been gone for seven years. I have never heard from you. I guess I'm not really sure what you would want me to tell you.”

  “Why did you break up with me?” he asked, in a low voice.

  “Does Heather know you're here?” she asked.


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