Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3)

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Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3) Page 9

by Evan Grace

  I step into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I lean against the door and slide down until my butt hits the floor.

  When the front door opens and closes about five minutes later, it’s then that I let the tears flow.


  It’s been a week since whatever Jack and I had ended. I’ve drowned myself in work, which luckily, hasn’t been affected by my melancholy. As of now I’m ahead of schedule so…thank you, Jack.

  Egan, Jack’s IT guy, called me to tell me he was looking into the email and would call me if anything came up. I thought about telling him to refer me to someone else, but he’s the best. He also asked me to forward any more emails that I get from Martha.

  I think Delilah and Reece know something happened—they’ve been overly friendly. I’ve seen Jack’s truck at their house a couple of times so I’ve stayed in the house like a shut-in until he leaves.

  Now, I carry Fifty and his leash outside and take him over to my butterfly garden. After I attach his leash, I set him on the ground. I smile as he nibbles on some grass. The butterflies flit around, and I tip my head back, letting the sun warm my skin.

  “Fifty, let’s go for a walk.” I pick him up and walk around the side of the house to the front.

  We walk down the sidewalk, and I smile while I watch kids in a yard down the street chase each other.

  “Is that a bunny?” I hear a little voice ask.

  “Sam, wait for me.” A man comes up behind the little boy. He’s really handsome: tall, lean, with dark blond hair and deep brown eyes.

  “Dad, look at this bunny. It’s so cool, can I get one?”

  The man holds out his hand to me. “Hi, I’m Tanner. This is Sam.”

  I don’t feel like talking, but I still shake his hand. “I’m Harley, and this is Fifty.” Tanner raises his eyebrow. “Yeah, he’s named after those books.”

  “Can I pet him?”

  I squat down in front of the little boy, who looks like a tiny version of his father. “Sure, just be gentle.”

  He very carefully strokes Fifty’s back. “He’s so soft. What kind of bunny is he?”

  “He’s a Lionhead Lop, and yes, he’s very soft. While I work he sleeps on a little bed on my desk. He’s the laziest bunny I’ve ever met.” He giggles, and it makes me smile.

  “Hawey!” I know that voice and turn to see Charlie, Reece, and Jack walking down the sidewalk.

  “I better get going, but it was nice meeting you guys.” I start walking toward them, but keep my eyes on Charlie; she reaches me first. “Hi, sweetheart.” I look at both Reece and Jack, but Jack’s gaze is focused on something behind me. I don’t care, though—that way I can avoid him. “Hey, Reece.”

  Reece gives me a smile. “Hey, Harley.”

  I bend down and hug Charlie and then walk around them, heading back down to my house. As soon as I’m inside I lock the door and put Fifty in his cage. I decide to take myself out for a nice dinner.

  I’ve already showered, so all I need to do is freshen up. I’ve never had a problem eating alone. Honestly, I usually just catch up on my reading or do some plotting. When you’re alone ninety percent of the time anyway, it’s very easy to do stuff alone without being self-conscious about it.

  I throw on a pair of black skinny capris, a sleeveless red button-up shirt, and my black wedge sandals. In the bathroom I brush out my hair and pin it to the top of my head in a knot. I just brush some powder all over my face and swipe on some lip gloss.

  I grab my purse and Kindle and head out to my car. I ignore the fact that Jack is sitting on Del and Reece’s front steps, looking beautiful with Jackson on his lap—also ignoring the fact that his eyes are on me. I head to Maggiano’s, my favorite, and they seat me in a little booth in the bar.

  I push away my plate of ravioli. I’m so full and can’t eat another bite. My waitress brings me the check and I give her my card. Once I pay, I grab my purse and head out to the parking lot. With a full belly, I know I’m going to sleep well tonight. I pull out of the parking lot.

  I’m not ready to head home yet, so I decide to go for a drive. But first, I stop at Starbucks for a latte. I take a sip and then put my drink in the cup holder. When I glance up at my rearview mirror, I notice the car behind me is following too closely.

  I step on the accelerator and get ahead of them, but the person behind me speeds up too. Traffic is light and again I speed up, but so do they. My heart starts to race and I blindly reach for my phone.

  I hold onto the steering wheel with one hand and hold my phone up with the other. A jolt causes me to cry out and my phone to fall to the floor.

  The car hits me harder this time, and I slide into the intersection. The light turns red, but I can’t stop. I don’t see the huge truck heading straight at my driver’s side until it’s too late.


  Beep…beep…beep. My eyes flutter open. “You’re going to be okay, baby.” What’s Jack doing in my dream? I close my eyes and fade into nothing.

  Chapter Eleven


  Earlier when I’d seen Harley talking to that man down the street, I swear I had the urge to mark my territory. I’d lost that right, but I was having a hard time accepting that. Later, when she left all dressed up, I thought maybe she had a date. I wanted to stay at my daughter’s until Harley got home, but they booted me out.

  My daughter can be firecracker, and she was not happy with me. I was on my way home to stew in my own stupidity when I ended up at a major intersection, idling at a stoplight. Right in front of my eyes, I watched a car run the red light before a truck plowed into it—a second car was right behind the one that ran the red light, but it took off in the other direction.

  It took me only a moment to recognize the model and license plate of the destroyed car and realize the victim was Harley. I was out of my truck and running toward the car before I could think, only barely noticing someone shouting out that they were calling 9-1-1. The driver’s side was completely smashed in, and I had to get to her through the passenger side.

  When I placed my fingers at her neck and felt her pulse I was able to relax…a little. I was in the middle of assessing her when the paramedics, firefighters, and police showed up. They had to use the Jaws of Life to get her out of her car, and the moment they had her on the stretcher, I asked them where they were taking her.

  I hopped in my truck and followed them to the ER. I knew they had the driver that hit her in the other ambulance, and luckily he seemed to be okay. It was more of a precaution.

  In the emergency room they wouldn’t let me see her at first. They had to run numerous tests on her before they’d let me back. Delilah came and sat with me while we waited to hear what was going on. Of course I didn’t actually sit—I paced back and forth.

  Guilt plagued me because Harley had scared me when she started talking about love. And what did I do instead of just fucking telling her? I ran because I’m a dumbass, stupid motherfucker, and my daughter and son-in-law wasted no time telling me as much.

  When the doctor finally came out I had to tell them she was my wife in order to get information. She had a pretty good concussion, bruising, and cuts on her face. Her arm and leg were banged up too, but luckily no broken bones.

  She’s going to be really fucking sore for a while but will make a full recovery. The plan is to keep her overnight just because of the concussion, and they want to have a handle on her pain.

  I stand up and stretch my muscles, which are stiff from sleeping in the uncomfortable chair in the corner of Harley’s hospital room. I walk over to the side of the bed and brush her hair out of her face. They said she’d have thin scars that would fade over time, but she’s alive and that’s all that matters.

  I stare down at her when her eyes flutter open. “Hey,” I whisper.

  “Where am I?” She tries to sit up, but I grab her hand.

  “No, baby, you need to lie down. Do you remember the accident?”

  Harley closes her eyes. “A truc

  I nod. “The light was red, but you went right through it. I saw it happen.”

  She closes her eyes again. “The car?”

  “What car, baby?”

  Harley swallows. “The car following me. I-It hit me f-from behind. I was trying to get away.”

  My hackles rise. Then I remember the car that was right behind her—someone intentionally hit her? As soon as she’s out, I need to make some calls.

  “Am I okay?” Her question pulls me from my thoughts.

  Do I tell her everything all at once? Yes; that’s what I had wanted when I’d been shot and I woke up in the hospital in Germany. “You’ve got some cuts and bruises on your face. Your left side is banged up, and you’ve got a cracked rib and bruised sternum. You have a concussion, and due to how long it took you to wake up while they were examining you, they want to keep you overnight for observation.”

  I bring her hand up to my lips. “Are you in pain?” She nods, but then winces. “I’ll go get the nurse.”


  I lift Harley out of my SUV and carry her toward my front door. Delilah opens it for me and smiles at Harley as I walk through the doorway with her.

  Harley hadn’t put up much of fight about coming back to my place to recuperate. I’m sure a lot of it is because she’s scared—someone caused the accident, and she’s super high on pain meds right now. Maybe it was a dick move to bring her to my home while she was under the influence, but she’s got no one and I didn’t want her to be alone—not until the police or my team find out who caused her accident.

  I take her into my bedroom and lay her carefully on my bed. Delilah stacks some pillows at the end and carefully shoves them under Harley’s sore leg. “Thanks, Del.” Harley’s words are slurred, but then her eyes close and she begins snoring softly.

  “Can you sit with her while I go get her meds?” I ask. “I’m going to stop by her house, grab Fifty, her laptop, and some clothes.”

  Delilah climbs on my bed, sitting next to a sleeping Harley. “Go—we’ll be fine. Don’t forget some ice packs too.”

  I kiss my daughter on the head and leave to run all of my errands.

  It takes me a few hours to get everything done, but by the time I’m finished I’ve got her pain meds, ice packs, clothes, and her damn bunny.

  The moment I enter the house I hear voices. “I need to go home.”

  “Harley, you can’t leave—you’re hurt, and it’s not safe. We just want to help you.” There’s silence for a moment. “I know my dad hurt you, but he can be kind of a dummy.” I shake my head and smile. “Please let him do this and make things right. My mom did a number on him.” I close my eyes because I hate that my daughter even knows that.

  I move into the kitchen so I don’t hear the rest of their conversation. My daughter is forever my cheerleader, but I can’t let Becky’s rotten behavior be a crutch or the reason I stay single. If I can get Harley to forgive me for being stupid, I can see us having a future together.

  The night she helped me babysit, I watched from the door as she read to my granddaughter. The way she tenderly brushed Charlie’s hair back before kissing her forehead showed me that she’d make a fantastic, loving mother.

  While I get Fifty situated, I close my eyes and visualize her with a rounded belly, or cradling our child in her loving arms. Harley wouldn’t use our child as a pawn…Wait, what am I thinking? It’s way too soon to be thinking about kids. Hell, after the way I’ve treated her, I’m not sure she’s going to take me back.

  I make Harley and Del a sandwich and grab them some chips and water. I head upstairs, and Delilah is still sitting next to Harley on the bed. “I made you guys some lunch.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  I hand them their food. “I got your pain pills.” Harley looks up at me, and I hate seeing the swelling, bruises, and the cuts…but I hate seeing the blank look she’s giving me even more. I shake two pain pills out of the bottle and place them on the nightstand next to her. “I want you to eat and then take these. At first you need to stay on top of the pain.”

  I walk to the door and turn. “I’ll get you an ice pack for your face.”

  Harley says nothing but takes a bite of her sandwich…at least she’s eating. I head downstairs and grab a beer out of the refrigerator. The hiss of the bottle as I twist the cap off is a comfort right now. It’s going to take a lot to get her to trust me again. I’m going to have to earn my way back in.


  It’s been three days since I brought Harley back to my place to recover. She’s been sleeping the majority of the time, but that’s good because she’s allowing herself time to heal. The swelling in her face is almost gone, and the bruises aren’t as angry.

  I’m still not making a lot of headway with her, but she at least has let me take care of her. I’ve kept her pretty much sequestered upstairs and in my bed. I’ve had to work some, though, so Delilah and Shayla have come over to help.

  I think she’s felt better having a woman help her shower. I’ve seen her naked, but I’m not surprised right now that she doesn’t want me to see her that way.

  Egan tried tracing the IP address of Martha’s email, but they used a VPN to mask the real location. He’s doing some more digging because Egan loves a challenge, but I was hoping that I’d have some good news for Harley by now.

  Next week we’ve got a meeting with the manager for up-and-coming MMA star Becca McNeal. They want us to take care of her security detail while she trains in Chicago. Dalton is probably going to be my go-to guy for this. Normally we don’t really do security for someone, but we make an exception in certain instances.

  Her coach is an old friend of Marcus’s. Apparently, this girl is so good that she’s been attacked twice and has an obsessed fan. Her team wants round-the-clock coverage for her. Since Dalton is my martial arts expert, I figured he’d have the perfect cover—her sparring partner.

  Today is my day at the office, and when I left home this morning, Shayla was sitting in bed with Harley and they were watching one of those vampire movies. I’m thankful for the women in my life. They’re all so selfless and ready to help with anything.

  That’s what I wanted when I started Rogue—not only to build an amazing team, but a family.

  After I pull into the parking garage, I take the elevator up to my floor. Carrie greets me from her post at the front desk. “Good morning, Jack. How’s Harley? Does she need anything?”

  “I don’t think she’s going to need anything right now, and she’s doing a little better today. The pain meds knock her out, but I want her to stay on top of the pain at least through the next couple of days.”

  “That must’ve been scary seeing the accident happen.”

  I’ve slept in my grandkids’ bedroom since Harley’s been at the house, which has been hard. Every bone in my body has screamed for me to sleep with her, but I don’t want to until I can win her over again. My dreams have been more like nightmares the past three nights. I relive her accident over and over.

  During each dream, when I reach her car I find her dead and then wake with a start. I end up rushing to check on her, and only once I see her safely sleeping in my bed am I able to relax enough to go back to sleep myself. “It was. Egan’s going to check the cameras at that intersection. Harley said the car behind her bumped her a couple of times and she was trying to get rid of him.”

  “Oh wow, I can’t believe it. Well, let me know if I can help with anything.”

  I nod and give a knock to her desk before I head back. I grab a cup of coffee in the break room and then head into my office.

  It takes me most of the day to get caught up on phone calls and emails, and when I finish I call Shayla to check in on Harley.

  “She’s fine, Jack. We got her showered, and I changed the bedding. The sheets I stripped are in the dryer as we speak. I made Harley some lunch, gave her a pain pill, and now she’s napping.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I hang up and open the file on my desk

  On my way home from the office, I stop and get the stuff to make a homemade pizza. I pull into the garage and grab the bags, carrying them inside. “Jack!” Erik and Shayla’s son, Grant, comes racing toward me.

  “What’s up, little buddy?” Erik comes walking into the kitchen. “How’s it going, Erik?”

  He claps me on the shoulder. “Good, man—just came to look in on Harley and pick up my girl.”

  Shayla joins us with her and Erik’s newborn, Chance, asleep in her arms. “Harley’s asleep again. We got her follow-up with her family doctor scheduled for Friday.”

  I wrap my arm around her shoulders and give her a quick squeeze. “Great, thanks for sitting with her.”

  “Anytime, Jack. I can be here whenever you need now that I’m on maternity leave.” I walk them to the door after Erik straps his tiny son into his little carrier. It’s amazing that Erik went from lady-killer to father and a husband-to-be in such a short period of time. He’s amazing with his kids—a natural.

  Once they leave, I head upstairs and peek in on Harley. She’s awake and staring at the TV. “Are you in any pain?”

  She shakes her head but doesn’t look at me.

  With a sigh, I crawl on the bed and position myself right next to her. We’re not touching, but we’re close enough that I can feel the heat of her skin. “Listen, I know I fucked up. I told you I would, and I’m not making excuses, but I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry that I hurt you all because I was scared.”

  I scrub a hand over the top of my head. “My parents have been married for forty-five years. They love each other to this day just as fiercely as when they met. Mom almost died having me, so Dad put his foot down and said no to any more kids.”

  I glance at Harley and see she’s finally looking at me. “In high school I dated…a lot. I was kind of a dog.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Harley murmurs.

  “I met Becky when I was eighteen, the summer after I graduated. She lived in the next city over. We were hot and heavy from the start, and I was playing baseball for the local community college. I was trying to get my GPA up so I could apply to the University of Iowa. Then she got pregnant with Del. Becky got pregnant on purpose, but then didn’t want to have her. But I begged and begged her to have the baby.”


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