Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3)

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Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3) Page 10

by Evan Grace

  I feel her put her hand on mine. “The best moment in my whole life was holding my newborn daughter in my arms. She was so tiny, but so heavy. I joined the Army when she was one. Needless to say, it was the hardest decision I ever made, but I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to provide for my daughter—to make her proud. During my time in the service, Becky and I divorced. When I decided to fight her for custody, she threatened to take my daughter and run if I tried to give Del to my parents.

  “I will always hate that woman for the mental abuse she inflicted on our daughter, and then when she kidnapped her and tried to steal my granddaughter…that was the last straw.”

  Harley’s quiet, but she hasn’t let go of my hand. “I’m sorry that you and Delilah had to deal with that,” she finally says. She rests her head on my shoulder. “But trusting you again is going to take time.”

  I nod, because there’s nothing I can say. I’m just going to have to prove to her that I won’t fuck up again, or at least not fuck up and break things off with her.

  “Do you want to sit downstairs for a little bit? Maybe eat dinner outside, get some fresh air?” I climb off the bed, and at her nod, I scoop her up into my arms and carry her downstairs. In the kitchen, I set her down on her feet and hold her until she’s steady.

  Harley looks up at me. “You don’t have to keep carrying me,” she says softly.

  “I know, but I want to.” I watch her move through the kitchen and then into the living room. “Don’t wear yourself out,” I tell her as she keeps moving.

  “Sorry, I’m just tired of sitting.” Harley looks so cute when she pouts.

  “Why don’t you go sit outside? I’ll be out in a minute.” I open the door to the back deck and help her get settled in her chair.

  “Thank you. Can you bring me my laptop? I need to check my emails and let my editor know what happened.”

  I kiss the top of her head and then head inside to get everything out for dinner. Then I bring her laptop to her.

  While I make our pizza, I watch her through the kitchen window. I know I have a lot more to prove to her, but today I finally feel a little bit of hope.

  Chapter Twelve


  A week has gone by and things have slowly shifted with Jack and me. I don’t know if I’m ready to trust him yet, but he’s trying really hard. After the day when he laid it all out, I quit giving him the silent treatment. He’s done so much for me—waiting on me hand and foot—even though I told him he didn’t need to.

  It’s been so cute watching him as he takes care of Fifty. Jack acts like he doesn’t like him, but he snuggles my bunny any chance he gets. We have switched venues though, and now we’re staying at my place.

  I was worried about his hip, with him constantly carrying me up and down the stairs. He relented when I told him he could stay with me if that made him feel better. The words were no sooner out of my mouth before he was heading upstairs to pack a bag.

  Charlie’s been over a lot because her papa is here, and it’s been nice—nice, but loud. The first day we came back, she came over with Del and they brought me flowers. Then Charlie had to kiss my owies because it would make them feel better.

  The only bad thing is they weren’t able to trace the email. Martha sent it from a dummy account, which Jack said they kind of expected, but he still seemed really pissed about it. Egan came over, and while he was installing my security system, he gave me his email to forward any more messages I get from her.

  The car that was following me and bumping me was an older model Impala. From the video footage they couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman behind the wheel, and there were no plates visible so they were at loss. I, of course, never got a good look at the person, either.

  I’ll never tell anyone, but it’s been so nice having Jack here, and not just because he makes breakfast and dinner for me every day or that he cleans up. I’m finding him very easy to talk to.

  Now I’m in my office working on my story, trying to make up for last week. Luckily, I’m a plotter most of the time, so I know where my story is headed…it’s just typing it all out and making sure it’s not absolute garbage.

  Today is my first day home alone, and so far, so good. I’m still sore and moving slowly, but definitely improving every day. I hear the front door open, then footsteps. Seconds later, Jack comes walking into my office. “What are you doing home already?” I ask.

  Jack bends down and kisses me chastely on the lips. “I had that meeting today.”

  “With the MMA fighter?”

  “Yeah, Dalton’s going to be her ‘sparring partner.’ She didn’t seem thrilled about it, but it’s the best way to get one of my guys close to her. Dalton was supposed to meet her today, but he was out with Marcus picking up a skip. Did you get some writing done?” He leans against my desk and looks down at me.

  “I did. I don’t know why, but it’s kind of a blessing that I’m mostly immobile. I’ve gotten so much done.”

  “Any emails?” I shake my head. “That’s good. Do you want to go out to dinner tonight? I figure you might want out of the house for a while.”

  “Yes—oh my God, a hundred times yes. I’m going stir crazy.” He helps me stand, and I walk into my bedroom.

  I change out of my sweat shorts and tank top and into some old, worn-out jeans that are threadbare in the knees but so comfortable. I pull on a red off-the-shoulder t-shirt and slip my feet into some flip-flops.

  I took a shower this morning under Jack’s watchful eye, and by the time I was done I was so turned on. I didn’t miss the erection he had, but we both pretended that it wasn’t there. I’m not ready to go back there, plus I’m still battling headaches. But luckily a half a pain pill at night and ibuprofen during the day is enough.

  I walk out to the living room and find Jack sitting on the couch. He smiles when he sees me. “Are you feeling okay? Tired? Sore?”

  I sit down next to him. “I’m good. I promise, Jack.”

  We decide to eat at Applebee’s, which works for me. He talks to the hostess and gets us a table in the corner at the front of the restaurant so I won’t have to weave my way through the crowded restaurant. I don’t miss the way most of the women in this place are checking him out.

  Jack’s jeans mold to his thick thighs and perfect, David Beckham-worthy ass. The faded black Foo Fighters shirt molds to his lean but muscular chest. I really want to bite his bicep—wait…what? I shouldn’t be thinking about that, at least not right now.

  Once he gets me settled, he sits across from me. We order drinks and the waitress leaves us. “Thank you so much for this. I was starting to go a little cuckoo. I mean I know I’m at home a lot normally, but at least I had the choice if I wanted to leave or not.”

  He reaches across the table and grabs my hand. “You’re welcome. I figured you could use a night out. Did you talk to the insurance company about your car?”

  “Yeah, my car is totaled, obviously. They got the police report from the accident so I’m not at fault. Luckily there were enough witnesses to corroborate my story. They should be cutting me a check to replace it soon. Will you go with me?”

  “Of course. Whatever you need from me.”

  I stare at him from across the table. I’m still in awe that this man wants me, and even though he hurt me I still want him and to give him another chance, but I’m scared. “Thank you…for everything.” I shred my napkin, and then look up at him. “You hurt me before, but I get it. I’d like to give us another try.”

  The smile that graces his lips makes the already gorgeous man stunning. “That makes me so happy, baby. I promise I won’t pull that shit I pulled before.”

  “I believe you, and I’m sorry I’ve given you the silent treatment.”

  He shakes his head. “You have no reason to apologize.” Our waitress interrupts us when she comes to bring our drinks and takes our order.

  When we finish dinner, we stop by the store and he runs inside to get stuff for ice cream sund
aes. When we get home he pulls into the driveway and comes around to help me out. Inside I get situated on the couch while he tinkers around in the kitchen.

  He comes in with a heaping bowl. “Oh my God, what’s in the bowl?”

  “It’s a Mackenzie Deluxe: a scoop of vanilla with caramel sauce, a scoop of chocolate with chocolate sauce, and another scoop of vanilla with hot fudge, all topped with whipped cream.” He hands me the bowl and I just want to shove my face in it.

  “This looks amazing. I don’t think I can eat all of this.”

  I look up as he sits down next to me. “That’s because we’re sharing.”

  That’s exactly what we do—snuggle on the couch, eat our ice cream, and watch some college ballgame.


  I lie on my side, and Jack is snuggled against my back with his arm around my waist. Since the night we went to dinner, things have again shifted between us. He kisses me a lot and snuggles me while we sleep.

  Before he was sleeping on my couch, and at his place he slept in Charlie’s bed. Now he’s back in my bed, and I don’t miss the hard dick that’s poking my ass. I very slowly, very carefully, rub my butt against him. We haven’t done anything more than kiss since I’ve decided to give him another chance, and I’m freaking horny.

  His arm around my waist tightens, and a groan slips past his lips. My hair is in a ponytail, giving him unhindered access to my neck. Jack kisses me behind my ear and then nips my earlobe.

  I reach behind me, gripping his hair in my fist as he kisses my neck and grinds against my ass. His hand around my waist slides down between my legs. I moan as he begins to strum my clit through my panties. “I’ve missed your pussy. It’s so hot, wet, and so fucking sweet.” I cry out as he pushes one finger inside me. “You’re so responsive. Fuck, I wish I could strip you bare and fuck you.”

  My pussy clenches around his finger. “Please?” I’m begging and I don’t care.

  “Not yet, baby. You need to do some more healing, but let me make you come,” he whispers against my neck.

  “Okay,” I moan.

  He strums my clit, bites my neck, and grinds his dick against me—that’s all it takes to make me detonate. I cry out and pump my hips, riding the blissful wave. Jack brings me down slowly, I turn my head to kiss his lips, and then he moves us. I’m on my back and Jack’s between my legs.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Jack leans in and whispers against my lips. He reaches the nightstand and picks up his phone. “Shit, I’ve got to get up. I have a meeting today with a client and I can’t be late.” He carefully climbs off of me and then heads into the bathroom.

  While he showers I make him a protein shake and start a pot of coffee. I head back into the bedroom and throw on a bra, t-shirt, and some cut-off sweats that I made. By the time I’m unlocking the door and Delilah and the kids are coming in, the cobwebs in my brain have cleared.

  “Harley, go sit—I’ll make you breakfast.” I told Jack that I didn’t need the girls to keep coming over and taking care of me, but he just pretended that he didn’t hear me speak at all.

  Charlie comes and sits next to me. “Hi sweetheart, should we watch cartoons?” The sweet little girl snuggles into me, and Jackson walks to us with his little arms held up. “You want to watch too?”

  I pull him onto my lap, and we search through the menu until we hit the Disney Channel. I don’t know what we’re watching, but both kids are watching intently until Jack comes into the living room. “Papa!” Charlie slides off the couch and runs to him.

  “Hi, my little nugget, are you here to help take care of Harley?”

  She nods, and her brown little pigtails bounce. “I am. I make her booboos not hurt.”

  He sets her down and comes over to me and Jackson. “Your shake is on the counter,” I say. Jack bends down, kisses me, and picks Jackson up.

  “Thanks, baby. How’s my big boy?” Jackson babbles in his little baby talk, and it’s the cutest thing ever.

  They disappear into the kitchen, and I can hear Jack and Del talking. Before he leaves he kisses me one more time, and then he’s gone.

  When breakfast is ready, Delilah tries to bring my plate to me out in the living room, but I tell her I want to sit at the table. Once we sit down, we dig into our French toast. “How are you feeling?” I ask Del.

  The petite blonde rubs a hand over her small swollen belly and smiles. “I feel great. I’m exhausted by the end of the day, but I feel great. This pregnancy has been the easiest one. Reece is such a big help, though—I’m so lucky.” She takes a sip of her orange juice. “I know it’s not my place, but I’m glad to see that things are better with you and my dad.”

  “Me too. We talked and he apologized, and I do want to try.”

  Del smiles and reaches out to grab my hand. “I think it’s great. I know he can be a bootyhead, but he’s the best dad a girl could ever ask for.”

  After breakfast she cleans up and refuses to let me help. The kids play with Fifty on the floor until Del gets the kitchen clean. “Okay, we’re going to leave you to your writing. I’m off all day, so if you need anything just holler. Charlie, put Fifty back in his cage.”

  Once they’re gone, I fill up my water bottle and grab my bag of snacks. In my office, I pull up my Word document and read through the last chapter to get myself back into the right headspace for my characters.

  It isn’t long until I’m immersed back into my characters’ lives. By the time three o’clock rolls around, I can’t sit any longer. I save my document and then get up, heading to the bedroom. I crawl onto the bed, and in no time, I fall asleep.

  I bat whatever is tickling my face away, but it comes right back. I open my eyes and see Jack lying next to me. I smile up at him. “I fell asleep.”

  Jack smiles and leans into me, kissing my lips. “Did you get a lot done today?”

  “I did. I’m ahead of schedule now. I wrote for five hours straight and was exhausted.” He helps me sit up.

  “Do you want to help me make dinner?” Jack asks. He wraps his arm around my shoulders as we head into the kitchen so I can help him cook. I pull up my Spotify app, and Heart starts playing through the speakers.

  We work side by side in a companionable silence making baked ziti. While it’s in the oven, we sit on the couch. “I hate that we didn’t catch the fucker who was ramming your car. Any more emails from Martha?”

  “No…do you think it was her that caused me to wreck?” I know Jack’s pissed that they haven’t caught her yet.

  Jack shakes his head. “I want to say yes, but I just don’t know.”

  The timer sounds, and we get up and head into the kitchen. I pull the salad out of the refrigerator and pop the garlic bread under the broiler.

  When the sides are done, I carry them to the table and Jack fills our plates, sitting mine in front of me. He takes his place across from me. “Egan thinks he may have found where the emails originated from.”

  “That’s great. What will you do if you find it? Find her?” I take a bite of the pasta.

  Jack sets his fork down. “I’ll follow her around, see what her story is. Make sure it’s her.”

  “Okay. I never asked how much I owe you for tracking her down.”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t want your money. This is something I wanted to do for you. Don’t try to sneak money to any of my team, either. I’ve given them explicit instructions to ignore you.”

  “But I have the money.”

  Jack gets up and comes around to my side, squatting down in front of me. “I know you have the money, but as your man this is something I need to do. I protect what’s mine.”

  Why does that turn me on? I bite my lip and nod. “Okay, I won’t try to pay anyone…promise.”

  He leans into me, kissing me quickly before sitting across from me again. When we finish eating, he doesn’t let me clean up, either. Instead I sit in the living room holding Fifty, whose lazy ass is fast asleep on my lap.

  Once Jack is done, he joins
me on the couch. He situates us where my head is resting on his lap, and my legs are propped up on the arm. While Jack watches some documentary about sharks, I zone out and just chill.

  I can’t remember the last time I vegged out with someone else, especially like this, and I really, really like it. I like it so much it scares me, but just like Jack is, I’m trying to power through my fear.

  When Jack’s show is over, he oversees my shower…he’s afraid I’m going to pass out or something. There’s never been anything I’ve done more intimate than when he helps me shower. We’ve got our routine down, that’s for sure. I strip out of my clothes and throw my robe on.

  He lifts me into the bathtub—see? He babies me—then I shrug off my robe. “Are you washing your hair?” I shake my head. Jack soaps up a washcloth and begins scrubbing my body.

  This is a completely nonsexual thing, but I’m completely turned on right now. In slow circular motions, he rubs the soap onto my body. He even tries to shave my armpits and my legs, but I swat at him. When I’m done he shuts off the water and lets me dry myself off…surprisingly.

  Back in my bedroom, I sit on the end of my bed and rub my lavender and chamomile lotion into my skin. I throw my nightgown on sans panties and climb back on the bed, settling with my back against the stack of pillows leaned against my headboard.

  I hear the shower kick on and in my mind’s eye I can picture the water sluicing down Jack’s body. I lean back against the pillows and close my eyes as I imagine licking the water off of his muscled chest.

  I listen closely and hear the water still running. Reaching between my legs, I moan softly as my fingers brush over my clit. While I rub it in tiny circles, I imagine running my hands all over Jack’s wet body. I bite my lip as I slip my fingers through my wetness, and then rub it over my clit.


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