Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3)

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Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3) Page 11

by Evan Grace

  It doesn’t take long before I’m on the verge of coming. I imagine getting down on my knees, wrapping my hand around his big, beautiful cock. In my mind I imagine the way his dick stretches my mouth as he grips my hair, fucking my mouth.

  I pump my hips as my orgasm begins to build. I jump when I feel a hand wrap around my wrist. Opening my eyes, I find Jack staring down at me. “You don’t come without me.”

  He moves between my legs, kissing the insides of both of my thighs. I moan as he begins to lick me. Jack sucks my clit into his mouth, pushes one finger inside, and I come embarrassingly fast.

  I sigh. “Oh, wow.”

  Jack moves up the bed and lies next to me. The towel wrapped around his waist leaves nothing to the imagination, and he’s rock hard. I hold his eyes as I reach over, undoing his towel and wrapping my hand around his dick.

  He grunts from deep in his throat, and that spurs me on. I increase my speed and grip, and Jack doesn’t look away. This is the most erotic thing I’ve ever done. When he begins to come he moans, his eyes rolling back.

  Jack leans into me. “That was amazing.” He kisses me. “You’re a naughty girl.” His words are whispered against my lips. He cleans himself off with his towel and tosses it on the floor.

  “Well, quit being so hot,” I whisper back.

  His chuckle vibrates against my chest, and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. We settle in, and it isn’t long before I feel myself start to fall asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I follow closely behind the man that looks like an older, male version of Harley. She didn’t ask me to find him, but I wanted to do this for her. To be honest he was easy to find, and if Harley really wanted to find him, she could’ve.

  He lives in a high-rise downtown, he’s married, and Harley’s got a younger sister that looks just like her. From what I found out she’s eight years younger than Harley. My stomach turned the moment I found that out.

  The asshole dumped his kids with their grandma and split, yet he created himself a whole new family while Harley lost everyone and is now all alone. Well, she’s not alone any longer—she’s got me.

  Her dad walks into Shaw & Smith Realty and I just keep walking by—the man none the wiser that I’d been following him for the past five blocks. A big part of me wants to confront the deadbeat who walked out on Harley, but then I’d have to tell her what I did and I don’t want to hurt her like that.

  I head to the office, and when I reach our floor Carrie smiles at me from the front desk where she sits and talks on the phone. Every time I step into the back I’m always hit with a sense of pride. We worked hard to get to where we are.

  In the break room I grab a bottle of water and run into Reece on my way back to my office. “What’s up, Jack?”

  “Not much. Do you have a second?” He follows me into my office, shutting the door behind him. “I found Harley’s dad.”

  Reece doesn’t say anything at first. “You’re not smiling…am I to assume that it’s not good?”

  “Her dad remarried about a year after he dumped her and her brother. He started a new fucking family. Harley’s got a younger half-sister.”

  “Wow…shit. Do you want Del there when you tell her?”

  I shake my head. “She doesn’t know I looked for him. I wanted to do something for her, but now I don’t want to tell her.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you. She might not be happy that you were poking around in her business. The information you have could hurt her. Is that what you want?”

  I shake my head. “So what you’re saying is I fucked up?”

  “Yep. Sorry, man.”

  I knew it before I did it, but I looked anyway. “Okay, I won’t tell her anything unless she asks me to find him.”

  Reece leaves and I call the head of security at Litchfield Financial Group. They think their COO is stealing money from the company, and he’s been skimming small amounts, but recently started getting more and more greedy.

  I hold the phone to my ear while it rings. “Jack Mackenzie, how the fuck are you?”

  “I’m good, Tom. I just wanted to update you on what we’ve found. First, I just want to say that this guy is a dipshit. He’s been taking more and more this past month. My courier is bringing over all the information you need to fire and press charges against him.”

  Before we hang up, I send the invoice and ask him to follow up with me once they make their move.

  The rest of the day is spent calling clients and checking in to make sure they’re happy with our services. Delilah volunteered to make those calls, but I think it’s a little more personal if I do it.

  There’s a knock on my office door, and Egan sticks his head in. “You got a second?”

  I signal to him to come in while I finish my call. As soon as I hang up, I turn to Egan. “Do you have some news?”

  “Yep, I finally got a lock on the email: It was sent using an IP address owned by a Sara and Justin Nelson in Indianapolis, but I don’t think either of them sent it. Their IP address could’ve easily been stolen. Someone would just need to be near their home.” He hands me a file. “They’re newlyweds, and from the digging I’ve done, they seem to be a social couple who have lots of friends and are close with their families.”

  I flip through the folder and see screenshots from their social media profiles. They’re a good-looking couple. He’s a teacher and she’s a nurse—I’m thinking that Egan’s right about this one. It’s not them, but fuck, it’d be nice if it was—then we could close this case.

  “I’m not going to give up, and next time she gets an email, I want her forwarding it to us ASAP,” Egan says. “I also think the next time she gets one she should respond.”

  I lean back in my chair. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Egan shakes his head. “It could’ve been Martha that caused Harley to get into her accident. Couldn’t that enrage this person? Maybe cause them to react more violently?”

  “Yes, but…if they make a move, we’d have a better chance at catching them. Harley would be completely safe—you’re basically living together, and Reece is right next door. She’s safe.”

  “I’ll talk to her—see where her head’s at. What’s she supposed to say?”

  “Nothing negative, just maybe an, ‘I’m sorry you feel that way.’ If Harley sympathizes with Martha, then maybe she’ll stop sending her the emails and won’t destroy any more of Harley’s books.”

  I nod. “I’ll talk to her.”

  At three o’clock, I stop by Del’s office before leaving for the day. “Hey, honey. How’s it going?”

  She smiles up at me. “Hey Dad, it’s going good. Just sending out invoices and paying some bills.”

  “Great, I’m heading home.”

  I turn to walk out, but Del stops me. “Dad?” I turn to look back at her. “I’m really happy that Harley forgave you for being a dope.” I bark out a laugh. “What? You were a big old dope, but I love you. I love her for you.”

  Delilah comes around her desk and wraps her arms around me. “Thank you, baby girl.” I kiss her forehead and rub a hand over her swollen belly.

  I pull into the driveway, hop out of my SUV, and make my way to the front door. I pull out the set of keys that Harley gave me and unlock the door, stepping inside. It’s quiet—almost too quiet. “Harley?” I call, but she doesn’t answer.

  First, I look outside and don’t see her. Next, I head through the house and look in her office—it’s empty. Last, I head into her bedroom and find her asleep again. I move around to the side of the bed and sit down.

  I reach out, brushing her hair out of her face. Her eyes flutter open and she gives me that sleepy grin that I’m growing to love. “Hi,” she says, her voice thick with sleep.

  “Hey, baby. How was your day?”

  She covers her mouth as she yawns. “It was good. I fell asleep again. I swear I don’t nap this much.”

  “You’re healing from the accident. Of course you’re
going to be tired. Do you want to go see a movie?” She nods. “How about we go to the multiplex? They serve food.”

  While she gets ready, I look up movie times and decide to take her to see the new disaster flick. She said that they’re a guilty pleasure of hers. It doesn’t start for another hour, so we have plenty of time. Ten minutes later, she comes out in a pair of cut-off jean shorts, a black t-shirt, and a baggy red cardigan.

  Her hair is in one of those knots on top of her head, and her face is free of makeup. She’s so beautiful she takes my breath away. I don’t deserve her, but I don’t care anymore.

  After the movie, I shake my head as Harley wipes the tears from her eyes. “Are you going to be okay?” I try to keep the humor out of my voice, but I can’t help it.

  Harley looks at me all disgruntled. “He loved her, and sacrificed himself to save her and their baby.” The tears spill over again, and I pull her into a hug.

  “It’s just a movie.”

  I know it’s the wrong thing to say when she pushes back. “Just a movie? Seriously?” The couple behind us chuckle as they walk by.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

  With a huff, she stands up. We head out to my SUV and I help her get loaded into it. I grab her hand and hold it while we make our way back home.

  After getting her settled on the couch, I make us a couple of sundaes. The doorbell rings, and I tell her I’ve got it. I smile when I open the door. My granddaughter stands on the other side, waving wildly. “Papa, I come see you.”

  I push open the screen door and she comes running in, followed by Reece. “Hey guys, she saw you pull into the driveway and wanted to come say goodnight.”

  Charlie is curled up on the couch next to Harley in her little Peppa Pig nightgown. Her brown hair hangs down her back in two braids. I smile at her and then turn to Reece. “Is Jackson in bed already?”

  “Yeah, he is. Del fell asleep too. Charlie and I were watching Sportscenter snuggled up on the couch when we saw you pull in.”

  They stay long enough for me to get some snuggles from my little nugget. Harley invites her to spend the night during the upcoming weekend, and she’s super excited about it. While Harley disappears down the hall to use the bathroom, I walk Charlie and Reece out.

  “I’m happy for you, Jack. Harley’s really great.” He claps me on the shoulder before he scoops up his daughter and carries her home.

  I step back inside and sit down on the couch next to Harley. “Charlie can always stay with me at my place if you think it’ll be too much having a three-year-old here.”

  “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want her to stay. Maybe we can make those homemade pizzas?”

  I kiss her forehead. “Thanks, baby. That’s a great idea.”


  I flip through the magazine in the waiting room while Harley is in the back for her last post-accident checkup. I had to take a call when we got here, so I let her go back without me.

  Things have been going great with Harley and me. Since she’s doing much better she doesn’t really need me, but I need to ensure she’s safe so I’ve still been staying with her. It’s just this unspoken thing between us, but every night I sleep with her snuggled against my chest, and I know I don’t want to leave.

  Harley hasn’t gotten any emails lately, but she told me that sometimes there would be huge gaps when she wouldn’t get any. There have been no mysterious deliveries either. It makes me a little nervous and keeps me on edge, but I try to play it cool. There’s no need to freak her out.

  We found out that Delilah’s having another boy, and I’m fucking thrilled that Charlie’s getting another brother to watch over her and protect her. My daughter is sublimely happy right now, and I’m happy for her. She deserves to live in her happy little bubble.

  Business has been great. We haven’t seen much of Dalton at the office since he’s doing that security detail. I know he’s been butting heads with Ms. McNeal, but he’s at least doing his job. I know I’ll owe him big when this job is over.

  The door opens and my attention goes to my girl, who comes walking through it. She stops at the desk and talks to the receptionist.

  I stand up and meet her up at the desk. “The payment plan will start today and then we’ll bill you monthly,” the receptionist tells Harley.

  “Okay, thank you,” she says and then smiles up at me.

  I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lead her outside to my SUV.

  Harley’s been afraid to drive since the accident, and I understand that, but I know she’ll feel better when she can come and go as she pleases. She’s at least picked up her new ride, a brand-new blue Camry with all the bells and whistles. I will admit it’s a sweet ride and handles like a dream.

  “How was your appointment?” I pull into this little hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant for lunch before I’ll take her home and head back to the office.

  “It was good. I’m just glad my ribs and my head no longer hurt.”

  Inside the restaurant, we seat ourselves in a little booth by the door. The waiter drops off chips and salsa and takes our drink order. I watch Harley attack them with gusto. My girl loves her food. “Do you have anything you want to do tonight?” I ask her before grabbing a chip of my own.

  “I wish it wasn’t getting chilly because I want to go swimming.”

  “I keep it warm enough that we’ll be fine, so we’ll swim tonight. In another couple of weeks, I’ll close it down until next spring.”

  “Really?” She claps and bounces up and down in her seat. “That’s great! I can’t wait to get into the water.”

  “Okay, tonight we’ll stay at my house and after dinner we can go for a swim. That’ll be good.” I can’t wait to get her in her little bikini again.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My legs are wrapped around Jack’s hips as he thrusts into me over and over. I know I’ve got to be hurting him the way I’m gripping his hair, but I don’t think he cares. Jack reaches between us, strumming my clit until I’m close to detonating.

  “Fuck me, but you feel amazing,” he whispers against my neck. “Are you going to come for me?”

  “Yes…now…” I come long and hard, and I know I’m a wet mess, but I feel too good to care. Jack pumps once, twice, and then buries himself to the hilt as he begins to come. I wrap my arms around him, hugging Jack to my chest. He pulls out as his dick starts softening.

  He kisses me once before climbing out of the bed and disappearing into his bathroom. I grab his pillow and hug it to my chest, smiling.

  Earlier today I worked a little on my book while Jack hung out with his daughter and the kids. I got excited because a signing downtown had a spot open up, so I’m getting to attend now. I paid my fees and when they announced me, I was excited to see people were actually excited that I was going to be there.

  Maybe Jack and I could get a hotel room and make it a romantic weekend away. My happy bubble was burst, though, when I went through the rest of my emails and found one from Martha.


  I was hoping after your little “accident” that you’d stop that vulgar writing, but I’ve seen your posts on social media, bragging about your new book. You’re turning women into whores with your pornography.

  1 John 1:9

  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

  Confess before it’s too late. God will forgive you like he’s forgiven me.


  I was surprised when Jack said they wanted me to placate her and apologize, but that’s just because they want her to make a move, and that makes me nervous. They’re the experts, though, so I should trust their judgment.

  I forward the email to Egan with the question, “What do I say to her?” When I finish with the other emails, I check the ads I have running constantly on Facebook. I’ve spent a fortune on marketing classes, but it was worth it.

  I email my e
ditor letting her know that I’ll be sending my manuscript at the end of next week. It’ll go through one more round of edits and a proofreader before it’s ready to get formatted, and still there are sometimes tweaks that need to be made.

  My release is set for seven weeks from now. Things will get crazy while I prepare for release day, but I’m used to it. Of course I still get release day jitters, and I’m sure I always will. Most authors I talk to say they still get them too.

  For dinner tonight we ate with Del, Reece, and the kids. Charlie is obsessed with looking me over for more owies—I think she’s going to be a doctor or a nurse. The kids were in rare form and made me smile constantly. Delilah had music playing, and both kids were dancing for us. It was adorable and made me long for children of my own.

  Jack and I haven’t had the us talk yet, but I hope we’re on the same page because I’m falling in love with the man. I can see a future with us, but I’m scared because for so long everyone I’ve ever loved has always left me.

  We stayed at their house until the kids went to sleep, and that brings us back to now. It had been since before my accident that we’d last had sex, and when we became us again we’ve only done oral or hand jobs.

  I wasn’t sure if I should make the move or see if he was going to make it. In the end I threw caution to the wind and stripped out of all of my clothes, lying there waiting for him. When he came into the room, he froze. In seconds he came unstuck and was shucking off his t-shirt and then his jeans.

  He’d basically tackled me in bed.

  Now he’s situating us so I’m lying half on and half off him. My fingers draw imaginary circles on his chest. “I forgot to tell you that I’m doing a signing next month downtown. They had an author cancel and I was the next in line.”

  “That’s great, baby.”

  “Will you come with me? I thought maybe we could get a room downtown and have a romantic weekend.” I rest my chin on top of my folded hands and look at him in the dark.


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