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This Time Forever: Second Chance Romance (Finding Forever Book 3)

Page 9

by Rebecca Raine

  She tried to speak, but words failed her.

  His hand slid forward under her chin to gently tilt her head up until she was forced to look at him in the mirror.

  “It gets you off, doesn’t it?” He continued to pound into her, both their bodies straining for release, and all the while he glared at her in anger and frustration. “Keeping me on a leash.”

  She clamped her lips shut and glared right back. But, given she ground herself back onto his cock at the same time, she had a feeling her efforts were somewhat ineffective.

  Then he slid one hand around to stroke her clitoris and her eyes rolled back into her head.

  “Careful, baby,” he growled into her ear. “You don’t want anyone to hear you scream.”

  His other hand closed over her mouth as her orgasm hit, stifling the cry that would have brought the painters running. He buried his face in the curve of her neck as his own release overcame him.

  They collapsed together against the counter top, panting hard.

  As her heartbeat began to calm down, Kelly realised exactly what they’d just done. Ten minutes ago she never would have believed she would consent to a quickie in a bathroom with contractors she’d hired working in the next room. She didn’t know whether to laugh or freak out.

  Without a word, Jake pulled away from her. He quickly disposed of the condom and began to straighten his clothes. Suddenly feeling awkward, she did the same, biting back a curse when she realised her misused panties were now destined for the rubbish bin.

  She turned to face him and her stomach dipped when she saw his face. He was frowning. His eyes downcast, as if he didn’t want to face her. He seemed shaken by what they’d done. Was that possible?

  Feeling a peculiar need to reassure him, she reached out to take his hand. “I’m sorry for being such a bitch earlier,” she said quietly. “It’s just that I love my job. I don’t want anything to ruin it.”

  He nodded in acknowledgement. “I get it.”

  Unsure what to do next, she decided on a quick getaway. They’d been in this bathroom for way too long already. Not to mention the mussed state of her hair, the smudged lipstick and the sudden flush brightening her skin. No one would be stupid enough to believe the two of them had been calmly discussing tiles this whole time.

  “I’ve got to go,” she sighed, hoping maybe she could slip out the front door unseen. “I’ve got other appointments.”

  He leaned back against the counter that had so recently witnessed their indiscretion and crossed his arms over his chest. “All right. I’ll see you soon.”

  Kelly gave him a half-hearted smile and leaned up to place a quick kiss on his cheek before turning to bolt from the room.

  Jake watched her go with a mixture of bitterness and disappointment. After all the work he’d put into showing her their relationship could be about more than sex, he’d pushed her up against a bathroom counter, spread her legs and fucked her. Worse than that, he’d done it to make a point. He ran his hands through his hair, cursing his own lack of control. This was not the kind of relationship he wanted with the woman he loved. And he did love her, even if she didn’t see it.

  Somewhere deep inside of him, something broke. It roared through his body, demanding satisfaction. He was done letting Kelly call the shots.

  It was time for things to change.

  Chapter 14

  “I have to stop having sex with Kelly.”

  “Um… okay.” Trina put the book she’d been flipping through back on the shelf and turned to Jake with a quizzical frown. “Why is that again?”

  Now he’d finally brought up the topic that had been on his mind all morning, Jake stopped pretending to be interested in the books. “It’s the only way to get her to see how I really feel about her.”

  “And this little epiphany happened when?”

  He looked away, evading the question. “It doesn’t matter when. I’m tired of waking up alone.”

  Trina laughed as they wandered out of the bookstore and back onto the busy city street. “You’re telling me you’re going to kick Kelly out of your bed because she doesn’t hang around long enough to give you your morning nooky?”

  “Trina, come on, I’m being serious,” he said, giving her an exasperated look.

  “Okay, okay.” She hooked her arm though his as they walked, her expression turning serious. “Explain to me why this is a good idea.”

  She seemed to be listening and he warmed up to the topic. “Kelly is still convinced, at the end of the day, I only want her for sex. If I try to convince her otherwise she’s going to bolt on me. So, the only way to make her see I want more from her than her body is to stop…”

  “Partaking of said body?”

  “Yes.” After what happened in his bathroom the other day, he’d realised he would never make any real progress in his relationship with Kelly if they continued on the way they had been. At first he’d believed a sexual relationship would automatically lead to something deeper. He’d figured it would be impossible for her to avoid developing a more intimate connection with him. That hadn’t happened. Outside the bedroom, she remained as distant as she’d been when he first arrived back in town. He had to try something different, but if physical closeness wasn’t working, what would? Then this new plan had hit him like a thunderbolt, so simple he wondered why it hadn’t occurred to him sooner.

  “Let me get this straight,” Trina said, heaving a sigh. “You’ve decided the best way to make Kelly believe you want her, is to turn her down.”

  “Exactly.” Though, when she put it like that it didn’t sound quite so ingenious.

  She frowned at him as if he had the intelligence of a gnat. “Is this what the voices are telling you now?” He glared, but she laughed it off. They entered the cafe where they’d already decided to have lunch. Trina waited until they’d ordered and were sitting at a table on the footpath before continuing the conversation.

  “Jake, this is ridiculous,” Trina insisted. “Talk to the woman. Tell her how you feel.”

  “Wow, you’re amazing, Trina. I never considered that,” he said with a thick layering of sarcasm.

  Trina threw her arms in the air. “But you’re not going to talk to her because of some stupid boy reason which makes no sense. Am I right?”

  Jake rubbed his face, giving an exasperated groan. “I hurt her, Trina. It doesn’t matter how long ago it happened, I broke her trust. Then her prat of an ex-boyfriend did the same thing, only worse. He cheated on her, didn’t he?” he asked, putting voice to something he’d suspected, but hadn’t had confirmed.

  Trina didn’t respond, which was all the answer he needed.

  “I thought so.” Anger ripped through him and he clenched his jaw tight. “I don’t think words are gonna cut it. I could tell Kelly everything, I could pour my heart out to her like the besotted schmuck I am but, once I do, she could just as easily walk away.” He shook his head, not prepared to take the chance. “It’s too risky.”

  Trina took a long moment to think about what he’d said before she gave a reluctant nod. “I suppose you have a point.”

  A waiter arrived with their food and, as it was served, Jake sat back in his chair. An inexplicable tiredness washed over him. This wasn’t the way he’d pictured his return at all. He’d imagined Kelly being angry at him, and what he would do to coax her back into his life. He’d imagined courting her, as he did ten years ago. He’d imagined her giving in to him when they could no longer stand to be apart, her surrender all softness and sweet cries of pleasure. Every moment of their journey back to each other had been planned in his mind. In the few months he’d spent planning his return, he’d been able to close his eyes and visualise their reunion in exquisite detail.

  The reality had been very different.

  “Have you considered the possibility it’s time to give up?” Trina asked him when they were alone once more. “It could be she doesn’t feel that way about you anymore.”

  “No.” He shook his head,
remembering again the way she’d smiled up at him during their picnic, before he opened his big mouth and pointed out he was making love to her. He’d seen more love and tenderness in her eyes, in those few unguarded moments, than she realised she was showing, he knew it. “She feels something. She just doesn’t want to admit it. Not to herself, and certainly not to me.”

  Trina sighed with concern. “How long are you going to keep this up, Jake?”

  “As long as it takes.” He looked at her, his gaze steely with determination. “I’ve made up my mind, Trina. This is going to work.”

  “Whatever you say, dear.” She patted his arm, as if to placate him, before picking up her knife and fork. “Now we’ve got your love life sorted, it’s time to eat. You’ll need your strength if you’re going to resist Kelly’s sexy bod.”

  Kelly’s fingers tapped against her thighs as she stood in front of Jake’s door, waiting for it to open. They hadn’t seen each other since the somewhat impulsive but erotic scene they’d played out in his bathroom more than a week before. As freaked out as she’d been after it happened, she turned to liquid every time she thought about it.

  Still, he’d been so annoyed at her that day, she’d been surprised when he called and invited her over.

  At first she’d considered blowing him off so she could avoid the whole issue, but the insistent ache that gnawed at her every time they were apart insisted she accept. The sooner they got over this awkward patch, the sooner they could go back to the way things had been before and she’d feel better.

  The door opened and she was treated to one of Jake’s blinding smiles as he wiped his hands on a tea towel. “Good evening, gorgeous.”

  “Hey. How are you?” She tried to return his enthusiastic welcome, but felt like it came off as forced.

  “Great.” He captured her face in his hands and gave her a soft, lingering kiss. “It’s good to see you.”

  She returned his smile, thankful he didn’t seem to feel awkward at all.

  Closing the door behind them, he placed a hand on the base of her spine as he guided her down the hallway and into the living area. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “Sure.” Feeling much more relaxed now the initial greeting had gone well, Kelly wandered around the room, inspecting the new furniture she’d had delivered a few days earlier. The renovation of Jake’s house was nearly finished now. The new kitchen had been installed, with its stylish stainless steel appliances. The walls had been painted a lush cream and the comfortable couch, with its large ottoman, gave the space an inviting appeal. She gave a nod, satisfied her vision for the house was slowly coming to life, before she walked over to the wooden dining table.

  There were two place settings arranged on the table, with a red rose placed in a cream vase in the middle. Turning away, she wandered over to the bookcase on the opposite side of the room, where the soothing sounds of jazz played through a portable speaker. A ripple of unease ran through her at the blatantly romantic atmosphere and she wondered what Jake was trying to accomplish here. She pushed the feeling aside, not wanting to do anything that might spark another argument. Besides, having dinner wasn’t so bad, considering what would be on the menu after the dishes were done.

  That thought had her turning back toward the kitchen, where Jake poured wine with one hand while stirring a pot of spaghetti with the other. She moved behind him, sliding her arms around his waist. “Anyone would think you were trying to seduce me.”

  Smiling, he shrugged as he handed her a glass. “A girl’s gotta eat, right?” He opened a cupboard and took out two plates. “Are you hungry?”

  “Sure.” Kelly tried not to cringe as she peered into the pot of sauce bubbling on the stove. It smelled good, but when it came to Jake’s cooking she’d learnt to be wary.

  “Don’t look so nervous,” he said with a grin. “And don’t plan on ordering pizza either. You’ll eat every last bite of this.”

  She nodded, resolute. “You bet.” Chew, swallow, smile, chew, swallow, smile. The mantra started to play over and over in her head as she psyched herself up for the challenge.

  “Brave woman.” He guided her back to the dining table and pulled out her chair with a flourish. “Have a seat.”

  “All right.” Kelly sat down, baffled by his sudden use of gentlemanly manners.

  A few minutes later he placed two heaped platefuls of steaming food on the table. Kelly raised her gaze to his, lowering her wine glass. “Smells great,” she murmured hopefully.

  They ate in silence for a few minutes, before Kelly looked at him with wide eyes. “This is delicious.”

  “Thank you,” he replied, obviously pleased by her compliment.

  “Since when do you know how to cook?”

  He shrugged. “Around the time I turned twenty-two, I got sick of living off cheese on toast and takeaway. I bought an actual cookbook, followed the instructions, to the absolute letter I might add, and before I knew it I could make whole meals without burning anything. I’ve been cooking for myself for so long now I hardly remember a time when I didn’t.”

  “I remember,” Kelly replied with feeling. “The poor excuse for a curry you fed me and Trina was practically toxic.”

  “Hey now, just because you can’t handle spicy food—”

  “Spicy? I swear I couldn’t talk properly for a week.”

  “Well then, be glad I bought that cookbook.”

  “I truly am.” After scooping the last bite into her mouth, Kelly placed her cutlery together on her empty plate. “I didn’t realise how hungry I was.” Sitting back in her chair, she took another sip of her wine. “I never would have believed I’d see this day come. Jake Caine, master chef.”

  Finishing his own meal, Jake refilled their glasses before he answered. “A lot can happen in ten years.”

  “True.” She nodded. “Who would have thought the devil-may-care university student I knew would turn out to be a top-notch architect with the awards to prove it.”

  “And who would have thought the shy wisp of a girl I knew would end up a red hot career woman in a corner office with a view.” He raised his glass in an impromptu toast. “Here’s to change.”

  Somehow she knew he put a lot more meaning into those words than she did, and again she was overwhelmed by the feeling she had no clue what was really going on here.

  “Why are you doing all this?” she blurted, unable to contain herself any longer. “I appreciate all the effort you’ve gone to tonight, with the rose and the music. And the meal was fantastic. It’s just… it seems a bit over the top for what I assumed essentially amounted to a booty call.”

  His mouth pressed into a thin line and for a moment she wondered if she’d annoyed him again. She wasn’t trying to upset him, she only wanted to understand.

  “Maybe I want to apologise for the other day.” His voice was quiet as he spoke. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you.”

  She knew he was unhappy with what happened between them, or at least with the emotions behind it, but she hadn’t expected him to apologise.

  “My own participation in the event could hardly be call reluctant,” she told him. “You know that, right?”

  He gave a curt nod. “Yes.”

  “And I know you don’t have anything against a little kink, so…” She gave him a cheeky smile as she let the words trail off.

  “That wasn’t kink, Kelly. It was anger.” He looked away for a moment, running a hand over his face before he tried again. “The point is, this isn’t some booty call,” he said, as if he found the term insulting. “I wanted to do something nice for you. Something that didn’t involve sex.”

  Her mouth dropped open, but she wasn’t sure how to respond. “Thank you,” she said, trying not to hang a question mark at the end of the sentence.

  One corner of his mouth quirked upward. “You’re welcome.”

  Chapter 15

  Kelly cringed, curling deeper into the lumpy brown couch, when Trina came home late one night to find he
r in her oldest pyjamas, eating ice cream and watching bad reality TV. She put the lid back on the carton and tossed it onto the coffee table before sinking lower into the cushions.

  “Hey, Trina,” she said, trying to sound upbeat. “How was your date?”

  “Terrible.” Crossing the room, Trina plonked down on the couch beside her.

  “What happened?” Kelly asked, relieved she wasn’t the only one having a crappy night.

  “He acted as if I was the most beautiful, talented, smartest woman in the world.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “And the problem?”

  “He was about as convincing as a snake oil salesman.” Trina crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, “Plus, he treated the waiter like crud under his shoe.”

  “Right then,” Kelly said, making a face. “Definitely ditch him.”

  Her friend nodded in agreement. “Still, the waiter was unbelievably hot and handled the situation with extreme patience.” Trina gave her a wink. “I slipped him my phone number.”

  Kelly laughed. “Thank goodness the night wasn’t a complete loss.”

  Learning forward to pick up the half-eaten ice cream carton, Trina peeked inside. “Chocolate chip cookie dough? What’s up?”

  “Nothing,” she said with a casual shake of her head.

  “Anytime you buy something other than vanilla it means something is wrong.”

  “It’s just ice cream, Trina.”

  Trina kicked off her shoes and propped her legs on the table. “In my hands it’s just ice cream. In yours it’s like a cry for help.” Opening the carton, she grabbed the spoon from inside and ate a big scoop of creamy goodness, her eyes closing in appreciation.

  Kelly managed to extract herself from the couch long enough to get another spoon from the kitchen. “There has been no crying. I promise.” Although if things continued as they had the last few weeks she could potentially break down in a weepy puddle of sexual frustration.

  The torture had begun the night Jake invited her over for dinner. After the meal had been devoured, and Kelly was ready to move on to a different kind of tasty, Jake had announced he’d had a wonderful evening and he would now walk her back to her car. She hadn’t even had time to say ‘what the fuck?’ before he disappeared out the front door. She’d had little choice but to follow. When they’d reached her car, he’d pulled her into his arms and kissed her like his life depended on it. Then, as she was about to suggest they head back inside, he’d pulled away—as in he suddenly stood on the other side of the footpath kind of away. It had been on the tip of her tongue to demand to know why he wasn’t having sex with her, but the question sounded so needy in her head she’d stopped short before giving voice to it.


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