BIO-SAPIEN book 6 - Rise of the Dark energy Knight

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BIO-SAPIEN book 6 - Rise of the Dark energy Knight Page 14

by Vlane Carter

  [The views of this chapter are not views of the restaurant Action Burger and Planet Xenos. Readers discretion is advised.

  This chapter contains strong factual statements that are backed by “QR reference codes” (This is the first time something like this has been tried). Scanning the QR code with your phone will give the reader creditable detailed reference links to the statements made. Readers can then follow up with more detailed information while reading. “QR barcode scanner” can be downloaded from any android and apple app store.]


  East Houston street, lower Manhattan 9:12 pm

  The sky is completely dark and calm. Clouds cruise across the sky displaying stars between the patches. The sound of helicopter blades can be heard in the distance. There is a sea breeze coming in from the East River. A group of pigeons fly together and flap their wings in sync. Jaden has a blanket around his body. They stand around waiting for a helicopter to land in the deserted street. People are in their homes waiting for the end of the countdown to approach. Jaden just finished having a long conversation with President Paylin through his nanoscanner that was connected to Marco’s nanoscanner. She is on her way to New York City by scramjet to meet Jaden. As they walked through Chelsea Manhattan ten minutes ago, Jaden went into a clothing store and found something to wear. He is now wearing a black designer casual long sleeve shirt, fitted black jeans and some black sneakers. Kimberly and Sabrina are standing to the side talking to each other, while James and Jaden have a conversation.

  “Jaden, I can’t believe you look the same way you did the last time I saw you eighteen years ago. Were you really in another galaxy?” James asks.

  “Yes, I was man. I missed you and everyone here. It’s only been a few weeks for me, but eighteen years for you. But you’ll see and experience everything I’ve been through in a few minutes. I have to deactivate that Nanomole in your brain,” Jaden says.

  “Cool. This special helmet over my head cost me $100,000. People were buying them up on Zbay. I saw you fighting that dark monster earlier, that was amazing. It was like watching a Hollywood movie. What does it feel like turning into that thing? Do you think you can beat Superman, Wolverine, Spiderman or a Terminator?” James asks.

  “It was something like I’ve never felt before. My body had no weight and I felt as if I could float or fly. It was as if the gravity was squeezing my body and the dark energy was eating away at my body at the same time. I felt as if the dark energy was turning me into something else and I couldn’t remember who I was. I felt myself leave my body and travel deep into space as if I was opening an invisible pathway. I was feeling pain and pleasure. The energy was destroying many layers of skin around my body and it was very cold. I felt invincible and very powerful. I was able to control and move things by using lines of dark matter particles.”

  “Line of dark matter?” James asks.

  “Yes, a line of dark matter would leave my fingers and extend in a direction of my choosing and contain any molecules. It was something like a tractor beam. My vision was also inverted; I saw everything inverted like a film negative. Those superheroes you mentioned wouldn’t even stand a chance. I can fight the X-Men, Superfriends, Predator, and T1000 robots at the same time and I will rip their molecules apart. I think there is a lot more a dark energy knight can do,” Jaden says.

  “You know you missed a lot of movies when you were gone, Iron Man 1,2, and 3, New Superman trilogy, five X-Men movies, three new Batman movies, Voltron movie, GI Joe trilogy, Matrix, Star Wars episodes 1,2 and 3, Transformers trilogy and Fantastic Four trilogy.”

  “Wow, I have a lot of movies to catch up on,” Jaden says.

  “When all of this is over you can come watch them all on one holographic disc at my house.”


  James just stares at Jaden and can’t believe he looks the same.

  Sabrina interrupts and hugs Jaden from behind. Her arms wrap around his chest and Jaden embraces her hands.

  “I’m so happy you are safe.”

  Jaden turns around and hugs her back. Her scent reminds him of Amy.

  Jaden responds, “Sabrina I’m happy you are okay yourself, but why on God’s green Earth would you take an elevator in an emergency situation?”

  “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking dad. All I was thinking about was not burning up and getting away from those big nasty rats.”

  “Okay, I’m just glad you are safe and things worked out.”

  Kimberly walks up to Jaden and holds his hand. The helicopter lands near them in the middle of the street. The strong winds are making everyone’s hair fly in different directions. Jaden, Kim, Sabrina, and James climb into the military helicopter. The helicopter takes off and they are on their way to John F. Kennedy Airport in Queens. Jaden begins deactivating James’ Nanomole while he lays unconscious on a cot. Marco’s nanoscanner gives AI some materials to repair himself in a few days. Sabrina is trying hard to get online through Kim’s cell phone, but there aren’t any network connections.


  ‘Marco can you help us access the Gravhawk?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘I’m sorry, we can’t. Flying over there would put us at great risk of being seen and only AI has access to enter the Gravhawk. Security measures have been changed. We can’t even remote into it using our Nanoscanners.’

  ‘I understand.’

  “Dad, is it safe sitting next to you? Can’t that black energy stuff come back anytime? I don’t want to be sucked into your body along with the helicopter.”

  “I don’t think it is coming back any time soon. I have more control over it. But, I will definitely give you enough warning. If you do happen to get sucked into me, just think of it as you returning from where you came from,” Jaden snaps.

  Kimberly laughs with Jaden.

  “Smart-ass,” Sabrina mumbles.

  “You two look so cute together. I can’t believe you are only two years older than her Jaden. This is mindboggling, you two look as if you could pass for brother and sister,” Kim says.


  “Okay, that’s enough, Dr. Chan,” Jaden says while looking out the window. “Look over there Sabrina. I met Kim for the first time eighteen and a half years ago, right on the tramway to Roosevelt Island. She was just seven years old then, but she knew I was her lifetime soul mate.”

  “Soulmate pedophile, next on Maury,” Sabrina mumbles to herself.

  “Sabrina, what does BMS mean? You mentioned it earlier when you were talking down on men.”

  “You know what BMS stands for, right Kim?” Sabrina asks.

  “Baby magnet syndrome,” Kim replies.

  “BMS is when a man gets you pregnant and you are stuck with him. You grow very close and dependent on the man. He changes because he knows you aren’t going anywhere. You gain weight and he might tell you nobody else will want you to slowly remove your self-esteem. You take the abuse and cheating for years for the child. Sixty percent of women deal with this and can’t leave because most men put you in a position where you can’t. Catholic women suffer the most. Several children increase the chances by twenty-five percent. Some men work all the time and leave the women at home with the child, while he does God knows what. Many men use the staying late at work excuse to cheat or go to strip clubs and they leave the female in a position where she is very dependent on him,” Sabrina says and then continues, “One of the reasons for all of this cheating in relationships, especially with men, is due to society’s standards. Society tells women they are suppose to look like a size zero and always stay young and pretty. Men are always going to try to seek this standard of perfection. These men seek escorts, hookers or R.F.E.C. units. Then you have the men that are just hungry for sex with another woman. These men would find a female of any size or attraction for the pleasure of new sex. These cycles seriously need to end. Women need to empower themselves and stop the oppression these men are putting on us.”

  Kim and Sabrina continue to talk
amongst themselves.

  “What about the men who alienates the female from her friends and family with the BMS?” Kim asks.

  Jaden tries to block out their bashing on men chat. James wakes up while holding his head.

  “What did I wake up to? What is all this cheating and BMS bullshit?” James asks.

  “You don’t want to know, I just wanted to know what BMS meant. I started a women empowerment rally,” Jaden says.

  “I think every woman should be with the man for at least seven years before deciding to have children with him,” Kim says to Sabrina.

  “That wasn’t smart to ask in front of two women in these times,” James says.

  Kim continues, “Women should wait until their late thirties to have children, or even have a child without a man. They can go to a sperm bank and save the time of having a deadbeat dad that is never there. This cycle of men dodging child support has to end soon. Get a vasectomy if you are going to be irresponsible. In fact, the government should give all male children vasectomies when they are born, just like cats and dogs. When they turn eighteen, they have to apply to have the vasectomy reversed as if they are buying a house. That would solve a lot of society’s problems.”

  “I can picture it now, a big stamp denied on their vasectomy reversal application,” Sabrina says while laughing.

  Kim laughs and adds, “They would need a license to reproduce. So many men would fail the road test.”

  They both chuckle and Sabrina says, “That would save so many women of having to take all these different birth controls, harming our reproductive systems and bodies.”

  James and Jaden have their own conversation.

  “So, how you been?” Jaden asks.

  “Okay I guess. Do you remember Claudine Hilton?” James asks.

  “…what about the lonely women in denial?” Sabrina asks.

  “….what about the women who can’t be alone, always need a man to be happy…”

  “…the new R.M.E.C. units coming out in 2017 will solve that problem….it has an emotional relationship chip…”


  “…by the time the female leaves the man, she is too old or too fat to find someone else….”

  “….My girlfriend had an abusive man that told her she wasn’t worth shit and stole away herself value….Degraded her and told her she is ugly and that no man is going to want her….Then the man also ran up her credit after she co-signed for him....”

  “…This previous generation of women just takes the physical and mental abuse for years and years…..”

  Jaden turns back to James after listening in on the men bashing conversation, “Yeah, I remember her, that aggressive girl that used to stalk me. She was in my astronomy class and tried to get me to cheat on my girlfriend.”

  “Well I ended up marrying her three years after graduating from college and we have two kids,” James says.

  “Oh no. You didn’t. That girl was crazy, why would you do that?”

  “She has gotten psychological help over the years and I thought she changed for the better. But she was still looking for a mixed race male and I caught her cheating on dating websites a few years ago. I’ve gotten some good years out of the marriage, so I’m happy. Marriages average six years these days, so I’m happy mine lasted eleven years. Anyways, five years ago I quit my job.”

  “Why did you quit your job?”

  “I’ll give you a quick rundown. I used to work at a hospital as a computer technician in the IT department. I used to commute to Brooklyn, in fact you can see my old job from here,” James points and continues, “Back in 2009, the recession hit hard and a lot of companies, including my hospital, decided to lay off minorities first, even if they had more time on the job. I had a black friend named Tyrone who was illegally laid off first. He started way before me, had more experience and a clean record. He was targeted along with other minorities because of their skin color. The hospital claimed it was restructuring, but then they changed it to termination. This really got me angry for a hospital to do this to someone after so many years on the job. Twelve years this guy was there for, with a clean record. So I told the CEO to lay me off instead of him, but they didn’t want to. So I resigned. My wife at the time didn’t understand why I would quit. I explained to her I can’t work for a racist company without morals or respect for their employees. I knew my luck would improve somewhere else and I would have found a job elsewhere.”

  Kim and Sabrina’s conversation gets Jaden and James’ attention for a few seconds.

  “…seventy percent of women in their thirties and forties are single with children and gave up on finding a man. They put their energy into their children and careers. Some men will never accept the independent female,” Sabrina says.

  “It’s hard for these women to find a man with their several children…this is a horrible cycle… They’re slowly gaining weight, single female without kids turn into cat ladies and bond with their animals since they can’t find anyone,” Kim says.

  “…But the main problem with females these days in their twenties is they tend to go after the bad boys for the excitement and the challenge of trying to change them. Realizing this rarely works years later, their children give them a reason to look for the good man type. By this time it is too late...”

  Jaden and James turn their heads back to each other and continue talking.

  “Communications have also changed a lot since you’ve been gone. People just text, e-mail, instant message and write on each other’s Internet walls. People don’t talk on the phone or in person anymore. People have friends on their Myfacebook that they never even talk to or met in person. Old social communication is slowly disappearing and being replaced with cold digital messaging,” James says.

  Jaden responds, “That is crazy. I guess humans will eventually evolve and won’t need vocal cords to speak anymore. Technology is really ruining social values.”

  “My daughter used to text me when I would be sitting right next to her. She is addicted to text messages and so is my ex-wife. They both don’t use the phone anymore, just their fingers. It’s pathetic Jaden.”

  “Damn…. it will only get worst. Sorry to change the subject on you, but what happened to your friend Tyrone?” Jaden asks.

  “He didn’t accept the severance pay and he looked for a job for the next two years. He wrote a book about his discrimination experiences on the job and spoke out on the issue to other minorities that experienced the same thing. He also sued them. I heard they had to pay him for a gag order to be silent about the injustice. The hospital wanted to keep a good reputation with the community,” James says.

  “I think you did the right thing. That was good for you to stand up for your beliefs. It’s too bad others on your job didn’t quit or strike in protest along with you.”

  “People love their jobs too much. That recession was so bad that people on my job looked at me as if I was crazy for quitting. Everyone kept quiet about what was going on, they didn’t want to be next. It was like being in Germany in 1939 when all of that was happening at work. People knew what was happening, but looked the other way. Sad but true and you truly see who your friends are,” James says while chuckling.

  Jaden laughs, “What happened to you after that?”

  “A year later I mysteriously won the lottery and I thought money was the answer to all my problems. But it just created more problems. My wife divorced me and took the children after she saw easy money. My kids don’t even love me and turned into 90210 young teenagers. I started to drink more and women just wanted me for my money. I’m just tired of life, I need something else. I have every gadget someone could think of, but I feel as if I’m still missing something. I would have loved to travel to another galaxy with you. I would love to have seen the things you’ve seen,” James says.

  “It’s not all what it is talked up to be. I’ve been through a lot and almost didn’t make it back here. It’s lonely being out
there by yourself and your family is so far away. We need to bond with other humans….” Jaden says while continuing to talk to James.

  Kim and Sabrina continue talking in the background.

  “…You don’t know about” Kim asks.

  “Never heard of it,” Sabrina says.

  “That is where women like us go and tell the stories about our bad and good dates with men. My bad dates with men over the years have gotten me on the ‘Best from Her’ section several times. The dates are rated by other men and women, and we connect with each other.”

  “Men are on there also?” She asks in a curious tone

  “Men can leave their bad date experiences as well. That is only fair, Sabrina.”

  “You’re right, well I have to check out that website when I have an Internet connection again and leave it on Myfacebook page for all my friends to check out. I definitely have some date stories to post on that website. What was it again?”

  “ Think of lame men and then the horrible date, that is how I remember it.”

  “Thanks, excellent way to remember.”

  “I’ve dated a few psycho NPD men over the years that I blogged about. Do you know how many NPD male patients I had to study to get my Ph.D.?” Kim asks.

  “Narcissistic personality disorder?” Sabrina asks.

  “Yes. Over 2000 men,” Kim replies.

  “Oh God, that must have been torture.”

  “While dating, it’s hard to tell at the beginning, but once I see the signs I’m out of there,” Kim says.

  “I have a 150 page blog on my social network on those types of men on different levels. Women from all over witness this disorder in men they were dealing with. Ninety percent of these men are in denial. This is a big subject these days in relationships. Many women enable this behavior, so it’s part of the problem. I have a joke for you. How many narcissists does it take to change a light bulb?” Sabrina asks.

  “I know this answer. None at all, he hires menials to do it, that type of work is beneath him.”

  “No, just one, but he has to wait for the whole world to revolve around him,” Sabrina says while they both chuckle. “Your answer was good too.”

  They continue to talk, while Jaden and James continue to talk to each other.


  “As I was saying Jaden, relationships between men and women have changed over the years. Divorce rate is sixty percent first marriage, eighty percent second marriage, and ninety percent in the third marriage. It becomes much easier to get divorced after the first marriage. This is a cycle that men and women need to break out of. Today’s marriage is like a gamble. Some complications around marriages are couples get married early, married for the wrong reasons and young men who aren’t really ready to settle down with one person. There are three main reasons for breakups and divorces these days. The first is two people growing away from each other and falling out of love. The second reason is money and financial issues. Cheating is the third reason. Men want different females and sex is everywhere. These married women pack on pounds when they pass thirty years old or have children. Older women aren’t as attractive as they were when they were younger. Some men, but not all, usually want smaller and younger women according to society’s standards. Society tells men what looks good and what doesn’t. These wandering men are caught cheating, then get divorced and half their salary goes to child support and alimony. It is cheaper for a man to be faithful, work things out and be loyal in a relationship. Cheating is an expensive disease, it is like cancer. This is the ridiculous cycle of relationships. Marriages don’t last like our grandparents’ marriages. Virtual sex is now considered cheating. Smarter young men are getting vasectomies, being on male birth control, and aren’t getting married and buying woman replacements…”

  “Wow James, society has really changed. I can’t believe the things you are telling me.”

  “A friend of mine named Terry was smart, he got a vasectomy in his early twenties and put his sperm in a sperm bank. He saw that the divorce rate was on the rise and looked at marriages as if it was the stock market. He worked hard, made money in the 00’s, dated a few women here and there over the years but nothing serious. Two years ago, he paid $25,000 to a fertility hospital and they found a female to have his child for him. The paid female of his choice gave up rights at birth and he hired a full-time nanny to help raise the child.”

  “Why would he do this? That doesn’t sound too smart, to be a single parent,” Jaden says.

  “That was a genius move. He makes over $500,000 a year now with his business. If he had a child with a female the regular way, she would have been getting over $8000 a month in child support from him. She would have had the custody of the child to raise anyway she wants. His nanny only costs $800 a month. I see that as a good investment. He is about to purchase a legal guardian R.F.E.C. to replace the nanny for a fraction of the total cost of alimony and child support for a year,” James says excitedly.

  “Wow. This stuff is mind-boggling. What about the mother and child connection?” Jaden asks.

  “There are plenty of species that leave their children to fend for themselves and don’t even need their mother. Average parents with money have their kids raised by nannies and turn out fine. I see it as him raising the child better than a lower income single mother that isn’t getting child support and working two jobs. I’m sure the child can get used to seeing his father everyday, even if it is only for a few hours. This guy Terry has a full Virtual Third Life connection in his home with all the money he has been saving. This guy is so happy with his subservient robotic females acting like housewives. That is another problem with women these days, they are too independent and marriages worked better in earlier time periods. He saw the future of relationships early and took evasive actions when everyone was just trying to get married and raise a family the gambling way. I have older friends married three times on average. I call it a gambling cycle of ignorance.”

  “Okay, you are making me depressed now. I still have faith in relationships the old way. I don’t think robots can replace a real woman. Look at my new girlfriend across from us, chatting away. I learned so much about her in such a short time and I know she is the one for me. Maybe if more couples could learn everything about the other person like myself and Kim have, maybe relationships would last longer and the wrong people wouldn’t get married,” Jaden says.

  “Maybe, but the odds are against you. These robotic women look very much like a real female and are much safer because you will have full control. Synthetic warm saliva is the newest option in this new R.F.E.C. I have to tell you, technology is getting closer to perfection in the modeling of the perfect female. You also can’t catch a STD from an R.F.E.C...” James is interrupted by Jaden.

  “That is not true. I found out an airline flight attendant caught herpes from an R.M.E.C. she bought online,” Jaden says.

  “Wow, that must suck, what are the odds?”

  The helicopter approaches the landing area at J.F.K. Airport.


  “Changing the subject here, so James you want to beam onto the mother ship with us?”

  “Are you serious? You and a few soldiers are going to be beamed onto the mother ship along with other people in Taiwan?” James asks.

  “Yes, we believe the Taipei 101 building will be used again, along with the Burj Dubai building and Murjan Tower,” Jaden replies.

  “How do you know you won’t be detected once you are onboard?”

  “I don’t think they will know. There are too many people going up for them to pick us out. From what my alien friends told me, as long as the Nanomole is around the brain and in positive stage, there isn’t anything to worry about,” Jaden says.

  “That is very dangerous.”

  “This is the best plan for now. If the mother ship isn’t destroyed in four hours, the Nanomoles’ cycle will be complete and humans will lose their minds an
d bodies forever. The soldiers are going to carry small plastic explosives. But I need to go because I need answers to what is happening to me.”

  “Good luck man. I’ll be more than happy to be underground here on Earth. If you don’t stop the mother ship, I’ll have some DHW females in my house. Maybe the Darclonian bioparasites will let me marry a few mindless human women and I’ll be the last polygamist,” James says while laughing. Jaden laughs with him.

  “Well, maybe that will work out for you James. You’ll be the last male on Earth with your own mind.”


  They land at the airport in south Queens. There are military officers standing outside surrounding the helicopter.

  Jaden gets out first and helps the others. Soldiers escort them to a flight hanger not too far away. There are two futuristic, white hybrid scramjets being fueled.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us to Taiwan? It’s a forty-five minute ride, you can stay with the military downstairs,” Jaden says to James.

  “No I’m fine. I’ll be okay waiting in Washington for you when you get back.”


  They walk over to the hanger. Soldiers come out and President Stefanie Paylin is behind them.

  “Jaden Marino I presume?” She asks while extending her hand.

  “Hello President Paylin. It is nice to see you are alive and well,” Jaden says while shaking her hand.

  “Thank you Jaden. So you are the handsome young man who has traveled further than any other human being?”

  “Yes I am. I’ve boldly gone where humans can only dream of. It was an experience. How did you get to New York City faster than us? We took a fifteen minute helicopter ride from Manhattan?” Jaden asks.

  “I’ve boldly traveled faster than most humans travel. Air Force 1 is a scramjet, a ten minute ride from Washington to New York City.”

  “Cool. I like your new hat. It makes you look protected,” Jaden snaps.

  “Yes, thank you. I’m glad you like it, the order for my size finally came in the mail.”

  The President greets Kim behind Jaden.

  “Dr. Kim Chan, it is nice to meet you also,” she shakes her hand and continues, “Your work really helped to isolate the Nanomoles in our brains. That research has helped this mission your boyfriend is about to go on. I apologize for you being put in a maximum security prison,” Paylin says.

  Kimberly sends Jaden a telepathic message, ‘I’m sorry for trying to see what was under your business skirt earlier.’

  Jaden has a smile on his face.

  “It’s okay, I got my meditation done for the week in there,” Kimberly says to the President.

  She shakes Sabrina and James’ hands. She turns back to Jaden.

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through what you went through the last few days. Things shouldn’t have ever turned out the way they did. I owe you and my country owes you a sincere amount of gratitude. Other countries around the world should have been properly warned so there could have been a better defense. But hopefully the plan we came up with will work. Seventy-five percent of our citizens in the eastern states are in this zombie state. Eighty percent of our communication satellites are down. They are using our satellites for something. Best of luck to you and your new team. I hope your mission is successful and Godspeed to you. The human race’s survival is in your hands,” President Paylin says while shaking his hand and turning around.

  “Ms. President, aren’t you forgetting something?” Jaden asks.

  “What is that?”

  “Your Nanomole.”

  “Thanks Mr. Marino. I forgot we talked about that earlier.”

  “How is Peters doing?”

  “He will be okay. He needed some medical assistance, but the suits we were wearing really saved us. We had an intense fight with those rangerbots.”

  Kim and Sabrina board a scramjet on the right. Jaden deactivates the Nanomole in the President on the scramjet on the left. Five minutes later, he shakes James’ hand.

  “Good luck my friend,” James says.

  “Thanks. I’ll be back soon. Are you going to be okay with the military at the Pentagon?” Jaden asks.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll chill underground until all of this blows over,” James says.

  “See ya buddy,” Jaden says while walking down the stairs and over to the other scramjet.

  Jaden jogs over and boards the scramjet heading to Taiwan. He walks to the sitting area.

  “Hey buddy! How are you?” A familiar voice says aloud.

  Jaden looks to where the voice came from and sees it is Marshal Fredrick Lopez sitting strapped in a seat. He walks over to him and shakes his hand.

  “You’re coming with us?” Jaden asks.

  “Damn right. I used to be special forces, I volunteered for this mission. I wanna get those alien bastards. I warned General Peters and helped rescue the President off Air Force 1 in Alaska. I’ve been promoted to Master Sergeant Lopez. Are you ready to take down this mother ship?” Lopez asks.

  “Yes I am. Cool glasses I see everyone is wearing. Congratulations on your promotion, I’m glad you are here with us. It is so nice to see a familiar face,” Jaden says while patting him on the back.

  Kim and Sabrina are across the aisle sitting together chatting. There are two soldiers sitting next to Lopez. Space Troopers Dan and Karen are sitting there in uniforms looking at Jaden as if they are seeing a ghost.

  “This is all the soldiers we are going up with?” Jaden asks.

  “There is another specially trained officer in Taiwan going up with us. These guys have top-secret training for planned future space missions,” Lopez says.

  “That’s cool. I guess five people should be good enough,” Jaden says while sitting down and strapping in.

  Jaden looks across into Kim’s eyes as the scramjet moves towards the runway.

  ‘I love you, my sexy superhero,’ Kim says telepathically.

  ‘I love you too, my sexy buttercup.’

  ‘The idea of you saving the world is making my kitty cat cry soft.. white.. wet… tears...’

  ‘Save those thoughts for later. I’ll have a meaty tissue for that crying,’ he says.

  ‘AI says to stop it and to behave. He said he can’t take any more reproductive talk,’ Kim says.

  Jaden feels as if something is watching and listening to him. He dispatches one of the remaining two Nanoscanners. A suspicious nanoscanner suddenly disappears. Jaden knows that was Bellona’s nanoscanner that was watching and listening to him.


  The aircraft quickly take off and everything shakes around them. The other scramjets turns south, the one Jaden is in turns north. The scramjet quickly climbs in altitude and breaks the sound barrier. The aircraft shakes abruptly and there is a loud sonic boom heard above the clouds.

  “How fast do these scramjets go?” Jaden asks Lopez.

  “I don’t know what the top speed is, but I would guess around Mach 10. This one is a prototype since it hovers also,” Lopez says.

  “Attention passengers, brace for a couple of G-forces. Please use your oxygen masks above you,” the pilot says.

  The scramjet quickly accelerates up to Mach 3 and it sounds like explosions are going off underneath them. The turbulence is strong as the scramjet climbs to 32,381 feet and explosions continue to go off. Sabrina and Kim put the oxygen masks over their mouths and noses. Everyone else does the same. They reach Mach 8 and continue to climb in altitude. Lopez asks Jaden to deactivate Dan and Karen’s Nanomoles. Jaden’s Nanodrones suggest they can now deactivate the Nanomoles within a three-foot radius from him.

  “Dan and Karen, close your eyes and relax. Take off your helmets now,” Jaden says.

  “Are you sure?” Dan asks.

  “I really don’t want to turn into a zombie,” Karen says in a muffled voice.

  Jaden can see the signals passing down from space in fifteen-second intervals.

  “Don’t worry, you are in good hands. He knows what he is doing,” Lopez says.

  “Trust me, you’ll be fine. You will be just like the rest of us soon, unaffected by the mind controlling alien zombie beam. Take them off….. now.”

  They remove their special helmets and quickly go unconscious. The Nanodrones begin remoting into their brains. The scramjet is flying over northern Canada at 8901 mph. The outside of the aircraft is heating up and glowing. Air is sucking into the jet and compressed with hydrogen fuel for combustion. Kim closes her eyes and relaxes. Sabrina pulls the mask down to her mouth and closes her nose with her hand and blows air pressure through her ears. Jaden closes his eyes and enjoys the views from outside the jet. They feel periods of weightlessness on their bodies. The scramjet’s heading is 345° north on autopilot.

  Thirty minutes pass by and they are flying at a high speed over northern Russia. The sun is shining brightly on the hypersonic scramjet. Dan and Karen regain consciousness.

  The sun is becoming blocked by something. Sabrina looks out the window and sees something the size of the moon moving in front of the sun.

  “What is happening dad?” Sabrina asks.

  “I don’t know,” Jaden says.

  Kim responds, “AI says the Darclonians are creating a virtual image of the moon to block the sunlight from reaching Earth, think of it as an alien projector.”

  “We have to act quick. This is getting much worse,” Jaden says while they all look out the small windows speechless.

  Taiwan, Taipei +12 hours 10:35 am Tuesday

  Lopez discusses the plan for beaming onboard the mother ship. They are fifteen minutes away from landing.

  “When we land, Jaden will go in the first group of positive Nanomole HBH being beamed onto the mother ship. These baseball hats have the isolated Nanomoles in the positive stage inside the material. The Nanomole is surrounded by artificial brain tissue. This is to fool the infrared scanning light. Once onboard, one person will locate the quark shield cloaking generator. This should be at the rear of the mother ship. Another one or two people will locate the energy core area near the middle of the ship. From what Jaden told us earlier, the shield generator needs to be taken out first. We can then remote detonate when we beam back to Earth. There are constant infrared beams coming back to Earth every ten minutes. The return is through a low flying cloud of light. Your body will float towards the ground from the beam at an undetermined location on Earth. We will just need to find these return beam locations on the mother ship.”

  “Why can’t we take out the energy core area first and have the ship implode?” Dan asks.

  “The quark shield cloaking generator has an internal defense system. It detects an explosion on the ship in milliseconds and shields the explosion area. That is why we need to take out the shield defense system first. The backup system blocks all communications inside the ship. We can remote detonate from Earth. Timers won’t work either, anything electrical counting down or timing can be detected,” Jaden says.

  “Why can’t we fire a powerful missile from Earth when the shields go down?” Dan asks.

  “First reason is the mother ship is too far from Earth and the missile will move too slow and will be too obvious to be effective. The second reason is the mother ship will still have a powerful active outside defense system. The defense system has powerful green matter lasers and quark torpedoes that can destroy anything coming towards it,” Jaden says.

  “The infrared light doesn’t scan for weapons or explosive materials?” Karen asks.

  “No, from what we know they are only scanning for Nanomoles in the positive stage. What people have on them is irrelevant since everyone’s Nanomole is controlling them,” Lopez replies.

  “Where did Jaden get all this detailed information from?” Dan asks.

  “His good alien friends.”

  “Do you trust what he says? How do we know these good aliens aren’t working with the bad aliens? How do we know if we can even trust this half-alien man? He could be leading us into a trap,” Dan says.

  Jaden, Kim, and Sabrina look at Dan with strange looks.

  Lopez replies, “How do we know if we can trust him? This man has saved the President of the United States and thousands of people so far. He saved my life and an airliner full of people on Flight 104. He deactivated your Nanomole and is now assisting with this mission to save Earth. If he couldn’t be trusted and was working with the Darclonians, the entire planet would be at their mercy now. Everyone on this planet would be walking around like those HBHs waiting for their body to be taken over. So, if anyone can be trusted, this man can. If you have a problem going on this mission, we can find someone else to take your place. Do you have a problem with this mission, Space Trooper Dan?”

  “No sir.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I want to add something, Master Sergeant Lopez. My alien friends risked a lot to come to this planet to try to help us. I would have never known the structure and the process on how to secretly board a Darclonian mother ship to destroy it. So, our neighbors in the Andromeda Galaxy deserve a lot of appreciation for helping us today. My girlfriend Dr. Chan also deserves credit for finding the Nanomole protein in our brains and for convincing me to stay to help this planet.”

  “Thanks, Jaden for your comment. Here are the baseball hats that have the Nanomoles in the material already,” Lopez says while taking the adjustable hats from a nearby bag.

  “Yankee hats?” Dan asks. “Do you have a Boston Red Sox hat or another team?”

  “Alright! My team!” Jaden yells while putting on the hat that adjusts automatically.

  “No we don’t. Do you think aliens care which is your favorite team?” Lopez asks.

  “No, but I feel like such a traitor wearing this hat.”

  “Dude, grow up. Are you helping to save Sesame Street or helping save the world?” Karen asks while the momentum of the scramjet stops and she continues, “We have an important mission ahead of us.”

  “You tell him, GI Jane,” Jaden says.


  Dan mumbles to himself while putting on the hat. The scramjet begins to descend straight down. Lopez’s radio makes a beeping sound and he presses a button on it.

  “Here Jaden, you can communicate with us through this Redtooth earpiece. We have jawbone two-way radios that communicate on the same frequencies.”

  “Thanks Lopez. Did it hurt when they put that jawbone device into your jawbone?” Jaden asks.

  “Nope, it was just like getting a root canal.”

  “I wouldn’t know. I’m sure it can’t be worse than being shot over fifteen times,” Jaden says.

  “I guess not,” Lopez looks at him curiously.

  “Remember team, my code name is JM,” Jaden says.

  “Just in case voice communication doesn’t work or if we can’t talk to each other for any reason, use the brain text glasses. They use a low encoded frequency that travels along the ground or walls in any direction. The words are read from your mind and are translated through the glasses to anyone wearing the glasses as a text message,” Lopez says while giving Jaden a pair.

  A man with a Chinese accent talks over the radio, “The infrared beams just begun and the first group of people are walking towards the upload area. There are three areas on the roof these citizens are standing nearby. Please hurry to the elevators and up the stairs.”

  They stare out the window looking at the huge building with red lights. There is little light coming from the sky. The ground looks like a huge shadow from an eclipse. The scramjet lands horizontal to the ground next to the huge 102-story Taipei 101 building.


  “Where did you find this Dan guy?” Jaden whispers to Lopez.

  “Communications were limited and there were a limited number of people with special training available,” Lopez replies.

  They unstrap their double shoulder seat belts and exit the
scramjet. Jaden and Lopez exit last together.

  “How well does that nanotubing clothing you are wearing protect you?” Jaden asks.

  “So far nothing on Earth could penetrate it.”

  “That is good, now you can test it against our new alien visitors,” Jaden says while chuckling.

  Lopez chuckles and they continue walking together. There are Asian soldiers standing around the area with guns and shiny helmets on.

  “I’ll catch up with you Lopez,” Jaden says as he looks at the dark sky and walk over to Kimberly and Sabrina.




  “Come on, we have to hurry!” Karen yells while running towards the building.

  Kim walks up to Jaden and Sabrina stands behind her. The eclipse is in the background near them. Kim embraces Jaden and whispers into his ear.

  “I’m worried baby, this is kinda dangerous. You don’t know what awaits you on the mother ship. Let the troopers and Lopez go handle this,” Kim says.

  The first group of people lifts up into the air on top of the building.

  “I have to make sure the mission is successful. The space troopers are going to need my help. The Darclonians might be more advanced than we expected. I have to find out what is going on with me and what I am turning into. I also have to find out what they are doing with human bodies and why they are attacking us. I also wonder why my memories are being forgotten. I need to know why I keep turning into a dark energy knight.”

  “We are holding the elevator,” Lopez tells Jaden through his earpiece.

  “Go ahead, I’ll meet you at the top,” Jaden says in his earpiece.

  “Okay baby. Just be very careful. Make sure you return in one piece to me. You promise?” She asks.

  “Yes baby. I promise I’ll be back to you. I love you with all my heart,” Jaden says while looking deep in her eyes.

  “I love you too, you are my hero sweetie,” she says while kissing him on the lips.

  “That is so cute, the love birds,” Sabrina says.

  Jaden walks over to Sabrina and hugs her.

  “Dad, if you see my mom up there, please bring her back to me.”

  “I will, little Sabrina. I’ll be back for you, okay?”

  “Yes. Please be careful. I have a bad feeling about this,” she says.

  “Oh no. I see you have my bad feelings trait. Now you are getting me nervous,” Jaden responds.

  “Hurry dad, before you miss your flight into space.”

  He hugs Sabrina and Kim at the same time. “I’ll see you two soon, let me go.”

  The tempo increases of the song playing in Jaden’s head. He steps back from them and smiles. He blows a kiss at Kim. He looks up into the sky and sees the green infrared tractor beams coming from space. The beams are still invisible to the human eye. There is a flash of light and the beam disappears along with the first group on the observation deck. Kim and Sabrina’s hair begins to float into the air.

  “Hold on dad!” Sabrina yells.

  She runs up to Jaden with tears running down her face. She hugs him again and whispers, “I love you too dad. Come back in one piece and be safe.”

  Jaden is caught off guard and replies, “I love you too Sabrina. That is shocking coming from you.”

  “I know it is, but I wanted to let you know that from the bottom of my heart,” Sabrina says.

  Sabrina runs back over to Kimberly and holds her hand. The military officers stare and look at Jaden from a distance. They wonder what he is about to do and why he keeps looking into the air. Jaden kneels down and yells, “Up, up, and away!”

  He leaps into the zero gravity pathway above him. The army soldiers turn their heads towards Jaden leaping into the air towards the dark sun. Kim and Sabrina look up at him. Jaden looks down to see them getting smaller and smaller.

  ‘I love you baby,’ Kim says.

  Jaden reaches 1260 feet and increases the magnetic Nanodrones in his back. His body quickly propels towards the building’s observation deck floor. His shield energy comes on around him as he crashes through a glass window and through a wall. Jaden slams into the 730 ton round steel mass damper that is being held in place by steel cables and hydraulic cylinders. The damper sits in the middle of the building on the eighty-seventh floor and keeps the building stable in the event of an earthquake or typhoon. The huge steel damper attracts Jaden’s magnetic energy and moves when his back connects with it.

  “Ouch. That was too much magnetic force,” Jaden says while the Nanodrones pass through the steel damper and back into his body.

  “Where are you Jaden?” Lopez asks him through his earpiece.

  Jaden demagnetizes from the huge building balancer and lands on the floor. He takes some deep breaths and responds, “I’m on the eighty-seventh floor.” He says while he leaps into the air and breaks through the glass ceiling. “…and now I’m on the observation deck.”

  Jaden runs down to where seven people are standing and looking into the sky. The Nanodrones in his body hide inside of cells around his body. He takes the special hat from his pocket and places it on his head. Jaden quickly stands in line with the people.

  “We are in the elevator….” the signal goes out as Jaden’s body lifts up in the infrared light area with the HBHs.

  Jaden sees green light all around him. His body is four feet from the ground. He communicates with the Nanodrones to save his memory of the plan somewhere encoded. He doesn’t want to compromise the mission by the Darclonians being able to read his mind. He knows something on that ship was in his mind.

  It is quiet, lonely and eerie around Jaden. His mind triggers some soft relaxing music.


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