BIO-SAPIEN book 6 - Rise of the Dark energy Knight

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BIO-SAPIEN book 6 - Rise of the Dark energy Knight Page 15

by Vlane Carter

  He feels the energy scanning around his brain and accessing the Nanomole in the baseball hat. His body feels trapped in the tractor beam. Images of bright lights and going to heaven pass through his mind. Now he senses his entire body’s molecules being scanned. The green energy is analyzing every atom in his body. Jaden can’t move his head or body. He feels as if he is trapped in a pipe or tunnel. The pathway into space continues straight through the clouds. Jaden feels the molecules in his body breaking down. He and the others disappear in a blurry green flash of light.


  Meanwhile, Lopez and his team just pass the eightieth floor in the elevator.

  “Remember team, when we beam onboard the mother ship, make sure you act normal like everyone else until I give the okay to begin setting these bombs strapped around our bodies. These prototype C-5 plastic bombs blend into any background they sit on. They allow light to pass right through them,” Lopez says while the elevator opens on the observation deck. Two Asian soldiers, Ping and Wong, are walking along Lopez and the space troopers. Ping and Wong are specially trained sergeant majors wearing the cool see through glasses.


  They walk up the stairs to the observation deck. The five stand in the upload area with five other citizens. They stand and wait for the alien beam to come from the sky. Lopez, Dan and Karen are in front of Ping and Wong. A few minutes go by and they stand in the same spot. A strong wind blows on top of the building. Ping’s small head doesn’t hold the baseball hat fully on his head. It falls to the ground and he quickly reaches down to pick it up. Wong turns and looks at him. Everyone’s body suddenly can’t move and begins to lift into the air. He can’t move and he can’t reach the upside down baseball hat sitting five feet away from his hand on the ground. A brown beam shines on Ping’s body only. Ping’s skin disappears, then blood, tissues and muscle down to his skeleton and his bones then disappear. Wong looks in disbelief as the brown beam disappears. Ping’s hat rolls away into the wind. Wong throws up and the liquid suspends in midair around his face. Everyone’s bodies disappear and the wind continues to blow the hat across the roof.

  The American pilot, Captain Greg Palmer wakes up from Kim disabling his Nanomole. The scramjet is refueling. A group of DHWs are walking towards them from a distance. Hundreds of soldiers fire their guns at the group. Kim and Sabrina are escorted into the building by two soldiers.

  The pilot yells to Kim, “Hey Kim!”

  Kim runs back over to the pilot at the scramjet.

  “Thanks for disabling that Nanomole thing in my brain.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Take this Redtooth two-way earpiece. Call me and let me know if you need anything,” he says in a flirtatious voice, while smiling and holding her hand longer.

  “Okay thanks,” she says while quickly taking her hand back.

  She runs back towards Sabrina and the escorts. Kim talks to the soldiers in Chinese and they jog into the building. They wait for the elevator and are led into a small cafeteria area on the thirty-ninth floor in the Taipei 101 building.

  A small Darclonian return cloud of light appears from thin air. It goes into a fifty-first floor window, breaking it and then comes back out. The cloud then disappears into thin air as glass races towards the ground.

  “Do you believe the pilot was flirting with me?” Kim asks Sabrina.

  “I’m not surprised, he is a man.”


  Darclonian Mother ship 238,867 miles from Earth

  10:45 am

  Jaden squints his eyes as he sees nothing but bright lights in the sky. He looks down and he is walking on a white cloud. The area resembles heaven and people are walking behind each other down a long walkway. On the sides of the walkway is a deep pit of fire. He knows this can’t be real and it reminds him of when he was a prisoner on Planet 455 in the Virtualatrix . He dispatches a nanoscanner from his body. The vision instantly changes. He sees fogs of black smoke. On the other side of the lava pits are portal openings. He continues to walk on the cloudy pathway with everyone else.

  Lopez, Dan, Karen and Wong’s bodies appear in a flash of light on a cloud along with the five other HBHs. They look around in amazement at what looks like heaven to them. Wong’s vomit lands in different directions on the smoky, cloudy ground.

  “Ping is dead. He dropped his hat and the brown beam killed him,” he whispers nervously.

  “Shit, shit, shit! I’m sorry to hear that. Is everyone else okay?” Lopez asks.

  They all respond yes. Lopez walks behind the last HBH walking in a straight line. The rest of the team goes in line behind Lopez. They walk towards bright rays of light coming from above. Wong continues to cough and throw up on the soft clouds.

  ‘Walk towards the light. Do not fight it. Your bodies have been taken over by angels. Your souls are being guided by angels.’

  “Do you hear that?” Dan asks.

  “Yes, we all did. I think that is what these HBHs hear as well,” Lopez says.

  “Where’s Wong?” Karen asks.

  “Wong, get it together. Walk behind Karen,” Lopez says while turning his head to look back.

  Wong quickly runs up behind Karen.

  “Where is this place? Are we on the mother ship or on another planet,” Karen asks.

  “I don’t know. This place looks like we died and went to heaven,” he continues, “JM, come in JM.” There is no response.

  “He isn’t answering. There isn’t any other direction to walk in. Just follow the people for now.”

  Jaden is in another area of the ship. He also continues walking behind the hijacked brain humans. He has his Redtooth earpiece off and in his pocket. The brain text glasses are over his hat so he doesn’t see the messages. Jaden isn’t aware of the mission at hand or if anyone is with him. The Nanodrones have Jaden’s saved memories about the mission and the last ninety minutes stored away and encoded. The Nanodrones begin communicating directly with the soldiers via brain text. Jaden isn’t aware of what is going on. He uses a nanoscanner to look around the ship. The second nanoscanner is being used by the Nanodrones to help Lopez’s team navigate through the Virtualatrix mazes. Jaden knows that the Darclonians were in his brain earlier and doesn’t want to compromise the mission.

  Text messages flood the team’s brain text glasses. The Nanodrones send messages as Jaden.

  “I’m on the other side of the ship walking towards the artificial sun rays. We are all in a Virtualatrix on the Darclonian mother ship. The Virtualatrix is on the frequency of human brain waves, what you see around you isn’t real. They are trying to trick the HBHs into not fighting. The Darclonians want them to give up their bodies and to think they don’t need them in heaven. The fire pits on the sides of the cloud pathways aren’t real. I can see you from here through my nanoscanner eyes,” the Nanodrones transmit through the text glasses.

  “Damn, that kid is fast with the brain texts. I’ve never seen anyone text that fast,” Lopez says through the earpiece.

  “He is telling us this entire place is fake and those aren’t lava fire pits?!” Dan yells and questions.

  “Keep your voice down, no one is supposed to be talking,” Lopez says.

  “I’m not walking over that lava pit or off this pathway. I can feel the heat from here.”

  The text messages continue to their screens, “I will guide two of you to the shield cloaking generator area. The other two go to the dark warp engines and power generating areas.”

  “Wong and myself will team up as Team 1, Dan and Karen, Team 2, will take the engine and power core area. We will take the other. I need you to trust JM on this one,” Lopez says.

  “Team 1 I need you to make a right and walk over the pit. Team 2 to your left over the pit,” the Nanodrones text.

  Both teams continue to look down. The hot lava pit is freaking them out and causing them to panic. They are second-guessing if Jaden knows what he is talking about. They can feel the hea
t coming from the hot pits in front of them.

  “The deep pit of fire and lava is not really there, it is an illusion. Walk out of the cloud pathway right away, do not just stand there,” the Nanodrones text.

  Karen looks over the side, “I don’t know about this Master Sergeant, that drop looks very real sir, I can even feel the hot air coming up.”

  Wong closes his eyes and prays to himself.

  “Coward Americans,” Wong walks forward over the pit and stands in the air on solid ground. “Let’s go. Didn’t you Americans learn anything from the end of Indiana Jones 3? Where is your faith?” Wongs asks in text while continuing to walk across it.

  “I learned plenty from lava pits in Indiana Jones 2,” Dan snaps.

  “Come on Americans, I bet if there was some oil over here, you’ll find your way across,” Wong snaps.

  The rest of the teams take steps forward over the illusional pits of fire and Dan takes his step last. The Nanodrones guides each of them on which direction to walk. They each walk into portals of light on opposite sides. The nanoscanner quickly moves around to guide each team into the direction they need to go. The Nanodrones send messages to each team by number.

  Jaden continues to walk around the ship. He knows someone or something is watching him. He sees thousands of HBHs and DHWs all around the mother ship. Jaden notices the Darclonians are using human bodies around the ship for different tasks. He doesn’t detect any Darclonians in their own life forms. His nanoscanner is checking around the entire ship. He sees about 200 people standing in a room the size of an auditorium with their heads up. Small beams of ultraviolet light are shining from their heads into a glowing grey sphere twenty feet in the air. The nanoscanner goes between each beam of light. Jaden sees images from the Nanomoles being uploaded into the sphere. He sees molevision images from different angles of battles in Roman times and hundreds of thousands dying. There is another great ancient Greece battle in 472 B.C. with hundreds of different angles. The human feelings also transmit to the sphere. There is an eerie silence in the room.

  The nanoscanner changes to another beam and it transmits images of thousands of Africans being killed in massive genocides in Rwanda twenty years ago. The molevision shows a raped African female running over piles of dead bodies all over a dimly lit street. Her clothes are ripped and she has blood coming from her mouth. Jaden can feel her pain and he can hear her elevated heart beating as she takes very deep breaths. Blood is all over her clothes and Jaden can feel pain around his groin area. He feels liquids running down her legs. She turns around and she can hear soldiers coming around a corner with guns in their hand, arming them and laughing. She drops down and lies with the rest of the dead bodies and plays dead. Jaden can actually smell dead bodies and rotten flesh from the young female’s nose. Jaden is so into it he feels as if he is hiding for his life. The experience feels as if he is actually there experiencing this.

  The images quickly change to another time period and it transmits images of a pyramid being created by three unknown alien species around 10,000 B.C. The orange carbon-based aliens float above the ground without legs. The aliens look half lion and half human. Tens of thousands of dark-skinned hominids and Homo sapiens are helping. They are seen praising the aliens as gods from the sky. The alien races are seen using sunrays at night to measure angles to Orion’s Belt. Hundreds of heavy blocks of stone are seen floating in the air and guided into place with rays of light.

  ‘What the hell?’ Jaden asks himself.

  Jaden is puzzled by what he is seeing and wants some answers. He continues to walk along the cloudy pathway. The nanoscanner moves into another room.

  An unknown voice starts to talk to Jaden, ‘What do you seek? Are you here to join us? Why are you here? Are you here alone?’

  He ignores the voices and continues to look around through the nanoscanner investigating. Jaden sees several small rooms made of puffy clouds of male and female HBHs having sex with each other.

  ‘This looks like a fake porno movie. She is obviously faking it,’ he says to himself.

  Beams of ultraviolet light are analyzing the brain waves and emotions. Other rooms show two men having sex with each other and two women having sex with each other.

  “This is some creepy, creepy shit,” he says out loud.

  The nanoscanner accidently crosses the light of the two men having sex. Jaden suddenly feels a sharp pain in his ass. He grabs his ass and jumps up and down in one place.

  “Owweeee, shit… that hurt….what was that? My ass muscles feels stretched. Man, I could never be gay. Who can endure that much pain?” He asks as the nanoscanner quickly moves out of that pathway. “Shit, I felt what they were feeling.”

  Jaden responds while chuckling like Beavis and Butt-head, ‘Uhhh, uhhh, I’m a Homo sapien.’

  Jaden sees a female about to climax with a man and the nanoscanner goes into that pathway. Jaden collapses onto the soft clouds and has an instant orgasm.

  “Oh, yeah….Oh yeah,” he says out loud.

  His body is shaking all over and his legs are trembling along with the female in the cloudy room.

  ‘Okay, I soaked my pants. But wow, that was good. That’s how women’s orgasms feel? Man, I’ve been missing out all these years, that was intense. I’m so confused, I feel as if I was cheating on Kim and I was a transsexual. The consequences of anonymous sex. Was that considered cheating? Was I a man or a woman? This is very weird. Okay, enough of eavesdropping on sex signals. I’m going to need a psychologist after all of this.’

  ‘Do you like what you saw and felt Jaden? Are you enjoying your tour?’ A female voice asks.

  Another large room shows groups having sex with whips, chains, spankings, handcuffs and light particles resembling dildos of different sizes.

  ‘Let’s stay clear of this room and those dangerous light signals,’ Jaden says while carefully avoiding them. ‘I don’t want to have any clue to what any of those beams feel like. Okay, I’ve seen enough.’

  The nanoscanner moves to another level and Jaden sees thirty HBHs standing at the bottom of a huge body of water resembling an aquarium. They are breathing underwater with small openings on the outside of their chest area opening up like gills.

  ‘Are they turning us into aquamen?’ He asks.

  The nanoscanner suddenly detects huge amounts of dark energy in a room. Jaden sees hundreds of dead mutilated HBH bodies all over the large room. The room reminds him of the room he was in on Planet 455. The next room over shows experiments being done on human bodies and cloned babies float inside clear bubbles of energy. Another room shows six pairs of DHWs on different sides of the large room. Two are engulfed in flames and walking around normally. One DHW in the middle of the room is firing hundreds of assault rifle bullets towards two DHWs. The bullets bounce off their slimy skin. Two eight foot tall DHWs are fighting dozens of DHWs approaching them. The smaller DHWs are being thrown against the wall and their bodies are being broken in half. Jaden realizes the DHWs are morphing into something like super soldiers. He can’t believe how tall and big the DHWs have become.

  On three sides of the mother ship, he sees dozens of DHWs lining up on cloud portals.

  He sees two men running together through one of the portals. One of the men looks familiar to him. He recognizes his friend Air Marshal Lopez with an Asian man. They are being chased by DHWs firing lasers from their arms. The low gravity room allows the Asian man to jump into the air while pulling out a gun. His body floats in the air while he fires three thermobaric bullets. Two lasers hit his nanotube clothing, but don’t penetrate it. But he feels a burning sensation on his skin. The three DHWs’ bodies explode. Lopez fires from a crouching position hitting two other DHWs. Jaden sees on his eye screen that the Nanodrones are telling him those two men need his help. Jaden goes off the cloudy pathway and walks over the fire lava pits. He goes into a portal doorway and is being guided by his nanoscanner. The DHWs’ body parts glow on the gro
und and begin forming back together.

  Jaden runs into the room with the 200 HBHs looking up towards the sphere. He sees a portal at the top of the room he needs to go through. He quickly runs and jumps over the bodies while crossing the ultraviolet beams. He feels like he is drowning while he sees many images of navy servicemen drowning at Pearl Harbor. His mind feels as if it slowed down in time. Jaden feels like he is choking to death as he sees images in Nazi death camps as massive amounts of people are killed. Mothers holding their children while breathing their last breath into their small bodies. Screams can be heard echoing around the large gas chamber. A tear falls from Jaden’s eyes as his body continues to fly towards the portal of light. Jaden then sees the visions from German guards piling up lifeless bodies for mass cremations. Some guards are enjoying their job making jokes and some cry inside.

  Jaden lands in the portal and continues running. Karen and Dan are walking in formation with DHWs as they walk towards the portal cloud back to Earth. The open area looks like a huge football field. The Virtualatrix continues to send visions of clouds as if everyone is in heaven. The nanoscanner vision sees dark walls, humid air and wet, sticky floors. Karen and Dan turn around and see Lopez and Wong appear from a portal in the same area. As they run over the fake fire pits, several DHWs fire behind them. The DHWs on the line turn around and begin to fire lasers at Lopez and Wong. Team 2 pulls out their guns while departing the line and runs over the pits of fire to assist. Team 2 fires their guns hitting several targets as they run past DHWs still walking on the line. Bodies are exploding. Team 1 protects their faces with their arms while slowly running towards Team 2 in the middle. Their skintight nanotube clothes are taking on hundreds of laser shots. Wong and Lopez’s bodies are feeling burns all over their bodies. They collapse in traumatic burning pain. Two Mexican DHWs grab Dan and Karen from behind.

  “Drop your weapons,” they say in deep voices while pointing lasers at their faces.

  Two Buckingham Palace guards wearing red outfits and huge hats tell Team 1, “Drop your weapons and stand up.”

  The teams drop their guns. The Buckingham Palace guards have swords by their sides.

  “Now these Buckingham Palace guards can talk? They never talked on Earth, but they can talk on a spaceship?” Dan asks through a brain text.

  “Keep the text waves clear Dan,” Lopez says.

  The DHWs tightly grab each of them from behind. The rest of the DHWs on the line continue walking towards the cloud portal.

  Jaden reaches the outside of the area where Teams 1 and 2 have their hands up. A huge glowing energy shield appears around the entire area and his nanoscanner signal is interrupted. Jaden can’t walk through the solid force. He can’t see what is on the other side of it. His nanoscanner can’t penetrate it. The other nanoscanner the Nanodrones were controlling is stuck on the other side and is unable to transmit any signals through.

  ‘Jaden do not intervene. We are handling the situation,’ a female voice tells him.

  ‘Shut up, don’t tell me what to do. I’m going to handle the situation,’ Jaden says to the voice.

  His nanoscanner determines the rpm of the energy shield is 1 million. Jaden knows he has to help the people inside. But he remembers the dangers of his brain calculating at that high-speed rpm and the possible risk of having another seizure.

  Inside the area where the teams are, sand-colored dust comes from the walls and falls onto the cloudy ground. The teams look up towards this amazing display. The dust forms together and two twelve foot tall sand-colored robots form. Green electricity moves up and down the flexible metallic bodies. The bodies form with four arms and three legs. The legs are seven feet long and have silver spikes coming from them. The upper body has an odd narrow structure like a headless tripod. A flat black, thin circular disc, four feet in diameter, appears midair over the robots. A 3D alien face protrudes from the disc and a female voice begins to speak.

  “How did you get onto this ship? Who are you? What are you doing here?”

  There is no response from the teams. They all have astonished looks on their faces as if they are seeing a ghost. They talk to each other by brain texts.

  “What are we going to do sir?” Team 2 asks.

  “Stay cool, we are probably going to have to make a run for it,” Lopez’s words scroll across their glasses.

  “What about those creepy giant robots?” Karen asks.

  “Maybe we can take these two guards’ swords near us?”

  “What are those stainless steel swords going to do against lasers?”


  Jaden concentrates on the rpm of his shield and it reaches 503,000. The energy continues to increase around him. He looks straight through his shield and at the faster moving shield in front of him. Sweat drips from over his eyes.


  The alien female continues talking, “Your technology has improved greatly, you have materials around your bodies with advanced microscopic bonding technology. I’m impressed with how fast you humans have advanced in the past 200 years. I’m not impressed with how barbaric you are to each other. But it is very entertaining for our species. I’m still waiting for some answers to what you are doing here.”

  There is silence. The nanoscanner left in the area analyzes the cloud portal controls.

  “Answer me, or I will retrieve the answers from your brains myself.”

  “Why are you attacking our planet Earth and taking away our species? We did nothing to warrant this attack,” Lopez says aloud.

  “You humans have been doing experiments on alien ships and other alien life-forms for the past seventy-five years. Your military loves to do experiments, we love doing experiments. I will find the answer I’m looking for,” the echoing voice says.

  Ultraviolet beams shine on each of their heads from the ceiling. The beams check the Nanomoles in the hats and instantly know they don’t match the human host. The beam manually scans the brain’s chemical signals in each of them. They try to fight it and their bodies begin to shake.

  Jaden reaches 806,000 rpm and sweat is running down his face. His body trembles and his hands shake. A look of determination is in his eyes. Anger and pain is the expression on his face as he grunts.


  The teams continue to fight the UV brain scanning. Their heads tremble as they experience a lot of pain.

  “Your primitive organic brains and their random chemical signals are beginning to annoy me,” the female voice says.

  “Don’t give in!” Lopez sends to his teams glasses.

  “I sense that Wong’s emotions of the loss of his friend are making his brain weak. Tell me more Wong….tell me what I want to know…” the evil female voice says.

  “Wong, fight it. Don’t give in,” the messages scrolls across his glasses while his hat glows.

  “You and Master Sergeant Fredrick Lopez planted an explosive device near our shield generator?” The voice asks.

  “Override the timer,” Karen messages to Lopez.

  The grip the DHW has around Karen’s arms loosens up some.

  “I tried a few times already, there isn’t any signal getting out of this area,” Lopez replies.

  “The hell with this!” Karen yells.

  She quickly swings her head backwards hitting the DHW in the face. She swings her elbow hitting it in the neck. A red laser passes between her hair and the DHW begins to fall backwards. Karen reaches towards the ground and grabs both thermobaric guns. The others try to move, but they can’t. She fires them both at the robots while running towards the side. The bullets explode outside the robots’ bodies. The robots stand there unfazed. The other bullets pass through the floating face. The robot on the left fires a green matter laser from its top right arm at Karen, just missing her as she leaps into the air over the hot lava pits firing. The robot on the right fires a similar beam and it hits her in the left leg. She begins to scream in pain as she lands on the ground. The beam creates a hole t
hrough her leg and the green matter begins to spread from the wound. It quickly spreads around her body consuming her. She continues to scream as her body dissolves into nothing. The three of them look in disbelief as Karen fades away into green energy.

  “Anyone else wishes to be a hero?” The echoing voice asks. “The bomb you set in the shield generating area has been destroyed. What else are you humans hiding?”

  “You didn’t have to kill her!”Lopez yells.

  Dan, Wong and Lopez continue to struggle from the superhuman grips the DHWs have around them.

  “What is this I see Dan. I’m seeing images of you walking around my ship and….”


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