Book Read Free


Page 77

by David Ward

  misconduct patterns at

  planned escape from

  poison complaints in

  problems in

  psychiatric evaluations at

  recidivism rate for

  research at

  security of

  Stroud’s time in

  transfer option of

  Lehder, Carlos

  Leland, T. B.

  Leopold, Nathan

  letters and letter writing: on Alcatraz conditions

  complaints and threats in

  confiscation of

  frustration with

  to kidnap victims

  plotting escape in

  rules on

  smuggling of

  tools for

  Lewis, Edgar

  Lewisburg (PA) penitentiary

  library: access to

  importance for inmates

  legal materials absent from

  uses of

  Library of Congress

  Life magazine

  Lifers Club

  Limerick, Thomas: criminal activities of

  death of

  escape attempt of

  Lucas on

  testimony concerning

  Lindbergh, Charles A., Jr.

  Literary Digest

  literature: poetry on Cole/Roe escape

  releasees’ books about. See also library

  Livesey, Robert

  Lloyd (warden)

  “locus of control” theory

  Loeb, Richard

  Loesch, Frank

  Loomis, Al “Sailor”

  Looney, Chester (warden)

  Lorinez, Paul

  Lorton Reformatory (Washington, DC)

  Louderback (judge)

  Loveland, Frank

  Lucas, James: escape attempt of

  fighting of

  later account by

  solitary confinement of

  trial of

  Luciano, Charles “Lucky”

  Luer, August

  MacCormick, Austin: Alcatraz report by

  Capone visited by

  on corporal punishment

  operational guidelines of

  responsibilities of

  Mach, Frank

  Machine Gun Kelly (film)

  MacInnis, James

  MacKenzie, Doris Layton

  Madigan, Paul J. (warden): escape attempts and

  on Karpis

  on Neumer

  service of

  Mahan, Fred

  Manchester (NH) Union

  Mangiere, Charles

  Manning (industries superintendent)

  Mansfield (Ohio) prison

  Marion (IL) federal supermax penitentiary: Alcatraz convicts memorialized in

  indefinite lockdown of

  inmates of

  officers killed in

  questions about

  rationale for establishing

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Marston, David W.

  Martin, Don

  Martin, William: behavior of

  escape attempt of

  officer attacked by

  solitary confinement of

  strike of

  Martini, John A.

  Maryland: crimes in


  Massachusetts: corrections reform in

  Mattix, Rick

  May, Raymond

  McCain, John

  McCain, Rufus “Rufe”: behavior of

  escape attempt of


  solitary confinement of

  strike of

  testimony concerning

  McCormick, Austin

  McCormick, Harry

  McCormick, Robert

  McDade, Thomas

  McDonald (inmate)

  McElroy, Mary

  McFarland, Thomas

  McGee, Walter

  McIntosh, Leo

  McKee, Frank

  McMath, Sid

  McMiller, Ben

  McNeil Island (WA) Penitentiary: Alcatraz compared with

  Alcatraz guards trained at

  Alcatraz inmates from

  Alcatraz inmates transferred to

  disciplinary segregation area of

  escape attempts at

  gangsters in

  handcuffing in confinement at

  problems in

  transfer option of

  undercover investigation of

  McSwiggin, William H.

  McVeigh, Timothy

  media: Alcatraz condemned in

  Alcatraz praised in

  Alcatraz sensationalized by

  Alcatraz toured by

  anticrime counterstories of

  barred from Alcatraz

  on battle of

  Alcatraz and trial

  BOP statement absent in

  call for Alcatraz’s removal in

  Capone’s prison life and

  on crime wave

  on criminal activities inside prisons

  defense attorney hired by

  on escape attempts

  on inmate’s death

  on islands as prisons

  on Karpis

  on Lucas and Franklin’s trial

  negative publicity increased in

  on Persful

  on psychological brutalization

  on rationale for Alcatraz

  secrecy surrounding Alcatraz and

  on suicide

  on Urschel kidnapping

  on Waley

  on work strike

  WWII as focus of

  on Young’s murder trial and prison conditions. See also movies and films

  public attitudes

  medical care: allegations of callous treatment

  callousness toward Giacalone’s mental illness in

  of Capone’s syphilis

  force-feeding in

  of individual resisters

  inmate’s interest in

  protest of

  recommendation on supervision in

  report on Alcatraz conditions

  in solitary confinement

  trial testimony on. See also psychological issues

  Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Springfield, MO): Alcatraz transfers to

  other transfers to

  oversight of

  recommended transfers to


  Mencken, H. L.

  mental health: of inmates sent to Alcatraz

  IQ and. See also coping mechanisms

  psychological issues

  mental illness: allegations concerning

  allegations of

  alleged faking of

  callousness toward

  dilemmas posed by

  effects of Alcatraz on

  in Grove’s case

  impact of restrictions on

  inmates’ concerns about

  self-mutilation and

  suicide as implying

  testimony on

  transfers for. See also psychological brutality

  psychological coma

  suicide attempts and suicides

  Messamore, John

  Messinger, Sheldon L.

  metal detectors (“snitch boxes”)

  Michigan: Albert Bates arrest for DWI in

  federal correctional institution in

  Jackson prison in

  military prisoners in Alcatraz: crimes of

  inmates’ attitudes toward

  transfers of

  Miller, Charles

  Miller, Edward J. (“Meat Head”): battle of Alcatraz and

  difficulty in prosecuting inmates and

  escape attempts and

  guns manufactured by inmates and

  inmates’ allegations against

  inmate’s murder and

  lax oversight of

  as Leavenworth warden

  mentally ill inmate and

  protests/strikes and

  retirement of

  on solitary

  staff communications with

  specific cases and: Bailey



  Greene and Branch




  Miller, Verne

  Miller, William: in battle of Alcatraz

  criticized after battle

  death of

  heroism of

  media on

  testimony concerning

  Milligan, Maurice

  Mills, Loring

  Milwaukee Journal

  Minnesota: kidnappings in

  murders in

  robberies in

  state penitentiary of (Stillwater)

  Mississippi: crimes in

  Missouri: crimes in

  state reformatory of

  women’s reformatory in. See also Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Springfield, MO)

  Mitchell, C. J.

  Mitchell, William D.

  model building, Alcatraz: escape attempts from

  Hamilton’s reentry to

  schedule of

  security enhanced at

  security weaknesses of

  tools in

  work continuing in

  Montana: crimes in

  prisons in

  Moore, Joseph

  Moran, Bugs

  Morris, Frank

  Motor Vehicle Theft Act

  Moundsville (WV) prison

  Moussawi, Zacharias

  movies and films: on Capone

  on Devil’s Island

  on escapes

  gangsters glorified in

  inaccuracies of

  on inmate’s murder

  inmates’ watching of

  reputation of Alcatraz enhanced by

  technical consultant for

  Mulloy, Frank

  Murder in the First (film)

  murders: of FBI agents

  good time forfeiture for

  of inmates by inmates

  of Officer Cline by escapees

  of officers in supermax prison

  Young’s trial for. See also battle of Alcatraz (1946); gangster era

  Murphy, Frank

  musical activities

  mythology of Alcatraz: battle of Alcatraz and

  beginning of

  escape-proof characterization in

  as factor in prosecuting inmates

  failure to question

  penal policy debates infused with

  persistence of

  psychological effects reconsidered

  reign of terror in

  sensationalization of

  in Young’s murder trial. See also Devil’s Island (French Guiana); secrecy

  NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

  Nash, Frank: associates of

  criminal activities of

  death of

  escape of


  Nash, Jay Robert

  National Archives, San Bruno

  National Congress of Corrections

  National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

  National Inventors Council

  National Law Observance and Enforcement Commission

  National Motor Vehicle Theft Act

  National Park Service. See Alcatraz Island, Golden Gate National Recreation Area

  National Society on Penal Information

  Nebraska: crimes in

  state penitentiary of

  Nelson, Baby Face (aka Lester Gillis): associates of

  context of

  criminal activities of

  death of

  escape of


  Nelson, Helen

  Nelson, Louis

  Ness, Eliot

  Neumer, Richard A.: behavior of

  conditional release of

  correspondence courses of

  criminal activities of

  health difficulties of

  letter smuggling of

  petitions of

  postrelease success of

  solitary confinement of

  Nevada State Prison

  Newark News

  new industries building See also laundry

  New Jersey: crimes in

  state reformatory of

  newspapers: prohibition of. See also media; specific newspapers

  New York: crimes in

  supermax prisons in. See also Attica State Prison (NY); Auburn (NY) Prison

  New York Daily News

  New York Times

  Niles, Blair

  North Carolina: crimes in

  Number 1600: author’s questions for

  job difficulties of

  mental difficulties of

  postrelease success of


  Numer. See Neumer, Richard

  O’Connell, John J., Jr.

  Ohio: crimes in

  prison in

  Ohio Sheet and Tube Company

  Oklahoma: crimes in

  Davis paroled in

  detainers against Kelly in

  federal prison in

  Stamphill paroled by

  state penitentiary of

  state reformatory of

  state training school of

  Oklahoma City Jail

  Oklahoma County Jail

  Oldham, Herschel

  O’Malley, Irish

  oral histories. See also interviews (by author)

  Ordway, Maurice

  Oregon: state penitentiary of

  state prison of

  Osborne Association

  Parker, Bonnie: associates of

  criminal activities of

  fading from public view

  movie about

  Parker, Marian

  parole: board members on

  chances for high-profile cases

  for deportation

  expectations in

  good time and

  hopes for

  opposition to gangster’s

  rules for

  for shooting alleged escapees

  suicide in face of. See also U.S. Parole Board

  Passage to Marseilles (film)

  Peabody, Gerard: criminal activities of

  Gaddis’s view of

  parole request of

  post-Alcatraz failure of

  Waley compared with

  Pennsylvania: Capone imprisoned in

  Eastern State Penitentiary in

  penitentiary in (Lewisburg)

  penology and penal policy: assumptions in, contradicted

  desistance concept in

  deterrence theory in

  factors to consider in

  historical context of

  impact of battle of Alcatraz on

  media’s condemnation and praise for

  post-WWII reconsideration of

  progressive view of

  public ambivalence about

  questions about

  rationale for super prison in

  Young’s trial as challenge to. See also criminal justice system; rehabilitation philosophy

  Pepper, Jack

  Persful, Rufe: convict code violated by

  criminal activities of

  inmates’ attacks on

  media’s sensationalization of

  self-mutilation of

  Pershall, Charles

  personnel. See employees and staff

  Philadelphia: Capone imprisoned in

  Philadelphia Bulletin

  Philadelphia Evening Bulletin

  Philadelphia Inquirer

  Phillips, Bob

  Phillips, Burton: anger of

  background of

  correspondence courses of

  criminal activities of

  fighting of

  grievances of

  post-release success of

  recommended transfer of

  resistance of

  solitary confinement of

nbsp; warden attacked by

  Pieper (FBI agent)

  popular culture: gangsters and outlaws in

  G-men and FBI images in. See also movies and films; mythology of Alcatraz; public attitudes

  Portland (ME) Press Herald

  Powers, Richard Gid: on G-men

  on Hoover

  on public anti-crime sentiments

  on Roosevelt’s crime fighting

  on super prison

  Preshaw, Clarence

  prisonization, defined

  prisons: basic goal of

  convict code in

  disciplinary segregation areas of

  impact of troublesome inmates on

  islands as

  letter writing in

  post-1970s culture of

  social interaction in

  underground economies of. See also federal prisons

  penology and penal policy

  specific facilities

  Prohibition (1920Ó33). See also gangster era

  protests and strikes: celebrities largely absent from

  of death of inmate Allen

  explicit goals of

  Karpis’s mediation in

  Kelly’s role in

  for lack of privileges

  leadership in

  of limited privileges

  media’s response to

  motive for participating in

  participants in 1937, listed

  praise for no-nonsense treatment of

  refusing to work in

  releasee on violence in

  as resistance

  of silent system

  of Stroud’s medical care

  for too much work

  trial testimony on. See also hunger strikes

  psychological brutality

  psychological coma: as defense in murder trial

  Johnston on

  testimony supporting

  Young’s testimony supporting

  psychological issues: Bowers evaluated for

  constitutional psychopath designation and

  counseling in

  difficulties in sorting out

  evaluations of

  misconduct patterns and

  motivations for resistance based in

  reconsideration of

  releasees on

  support in. See also coping mechanisms

  public attitudes: alarmed at gangster activities

  ambivalent about penal policy

  anticrime demands

  call for investigation of Alcatraz

  Capone as folk hero

  on Capone’s behavior

  curiosity about Alcatraz

  deterrence aspect of Alcatraz

  fascinated with massacre

  sympathy with habitual escapees. See also movies and films

  mythology of Alcatraz

  public enemies: absent in battle of Alcatraz

  captured and confined in


  as celebrity prisoners

  Dainard as

  doing time with

  escape attempts of

  Limerick, Lucas, and Franklin compared with

  popular mythology of

  prison treatment of

  use of term. See also Bailey, Harvey

  Barker, Arthur “Dock”

  Bates, Albert

  Capone, Al (Alphonse Gabriel)

  Chase, John Paul

  Karpis, Alvin “Ray” (Karpowicz)

  Kelly, George “Machine Gun”

  Purple Gang (Detroit)

  Quillen, James: interviews with


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