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Rescue Inc Collection Vol 1

Page 19

by Megs Pritchard

  “Give me your fucking keys, then call him. I want to get as far away from here as I can.” Donnie carefully pulled his keys free, and Stan snatched them from him and said to Donnie, “You’ll come with me. Don’t want no fucker trying to stop me.”

  “I’ll go. Just leave the others alone.”

  Stan hit Donnie with the butt of the gun, screaming, “I make the decisions. Me, not you! Who put you in charge? No one. You’ve got something planned, haven’t you? You think I’m so fucking stupid that I didn’t know you’d tell the fucking pilot something?”

  “I did what you wanted,” Donnie croaked out, blood leaking from between his fingers where he held them to his forehead.

  “You think I don’t know, don’t you? That I didn’t figure out you telling that pilot what the fuck was going on here! Some secret fucking code word! You think I’m fucking stupid. Some fucking hick with no brains.” The gun swung around wildly as Stan waved his arms in the air. “You come here thinking you’re so fucking smart, so much better than me. You didn’t even know it was me who had her! Fucking dumb piece of shit. Tell me what you told the pilot!”

  “No. Nothing, man. I swear. I did what you wanted. The plane will be ready for you to go to Mexico, just like you want.” Donnie remained calm.

  Stan pointed the gun at Donnie’s face. “I don’t believe you,” he screamed.

  “He did what you wanted,” Miguel shouted, causing Stan to spin around to him.

  He pointed the gun at Miguel’s face and screamed at him. His finger squeezed the trigger... and then Stan’s face exploded, showering the wall and them with bits of bone, blood and brains.

  Jared gasped, turning away, ears ringing loudly, and when he looked back, he saw Silas standing over Stan’s body, kicking the gun away.

  Donnie reacted quickly, pushing the body off of him and turning to unfasten Jared.

  “I got a call,” Silas muttered.

  “Thank fuck you came back,” Donnie muttered, turning to Miguel and loosening the belt holding his wrists.

  Silas squatted next to the sheriff and sighed. “Why was he here?”

  One of the officers answered, “He was injured, so he was brought here to receive medical attention. He had Winsford and Brown with him.”

  Sighing again, Silas stood. “Not anymore.”

  “He killed them?” The officer turned white and swallowed hard. “Shit. Brown’s wife’s due any day.”

  “I’m sorry.” Silas glanced at the floor, sighing heavily.

  “Chester?” Ale asked.

  “He’s okay. I checked on him first.” Silas clenched his jaw and then walked over to the doors leading into the main part of the hospital. “It’s clear. Get your asses in here! We have injured!” he shouted.

  Seconds later, the room filled with hospital staff checking them over, and within minutes, they were all being moved to separate rooms for treatment and Ale was rushed into surgery. Jared didn’t know how much blood he’d lost, but a gunshot wound to an artery could easily kill.

  They had a long wait ahead. This missing person’s case had almost taken the lives of two of their men and still might take Ale’s.


  Sacha cried when he heard Jared in his mind, tears forming in his eyes. The nerves and worry disappeared to be replaced by a sense of relief and happiness. Jared was safe.

  Jared. Oh god, I was so worried.

  It was touch and go, but he’s dead now. Thanks to Silas.

  Silas, Chester’s mate?

  Sacha was surprised that the man had been there considering he was so against the mating.

  Yeah. It’s a long story, and I’ll tell you about it when I get home.

  When will that be?

  Another day or two. Ale’s shot in the thigh. Hit his femoral, so he’s in surgery and Michaela got one in the arm, but hers isn’t too bad, luckily.

  “Shit, Jared. That’s half the team!”

  He hadn’t realized he’d physically spoken the words until Alessio tapped the side of his head. He repeated the comment to Jared, telepathically this time.

  I know, but we’ll all be returning home in a day or so. I love you, Sach. Can’t wait to come home to you.

  I love you too.

  Sacha collapsed back in his chair, sighing in relief, his body sagging in on itself. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply, then slowly opened them.

  “Shit. First Chester, now Ale and Mich. Half the team is out of commission. The other team is new and still learning. Damn.”

  He didn’t know what he could do to help. Hell, he didn’t really know a lot about Jared’s job, and that was something he was going to change. And next of kin. He wanted to be the first person anyone called if something happened to Jared.

  “But Jared is uninjured, yes?

  “Yes, Father. He’s fine.”

  All he could do was wait for his mate to come home safe and sound. Then Jared had a lot of convincing to do if Sacha was going to let him go again. He was never letting Jared out of his sight again!

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jared stumbled through the front door, exhausted from the last two days. He and the rest of the team had stayed at the hospital while Ale and Mich had emergency surgery.

  Ale’s femoral artery had been hit, and it was touch and go for a while, but he pulled through, and in Mich’s case, the bullet had embedded in her arm, requiring surgery to remove it.

  Both would be unable to work, Ale needing a longer time to recover, but that meant a change in the teams to cover any emergency situations they were asked to help with.

  Chester was recovering well and would probably be out of the hospital before Ale and Mich. The blood exchange had aided his recovery, and now Chester wanted to find and speak to Silas. Silas, however, had told him no, but Chester wasn’t letting go this time. They’d started the bonding process and he was eager to finish it, but he faced a mountain of problems with Silas’ stubbornness.

  Jared stumbled over to the sofa, dropping his bag by the side of it, and collapsed face first onto it. He rolled onto his side and closed his eyes. He could feel Sacha’s happiness that he was finally home and knew it wouldn’t belong before he was there with him.

  God, he’d missed Sach. Missed holding and kissing him. Missed being with him. Thank god for telepathy. Whenever he needed his mate, all he had to do was reach out to him, and he was there offering him comfort and love and support. Damn, he was turning into a sap where Sach was concerned, but he didn’t care.

  He was in love.

  He reached over, grabbing the TV remote, and turned it on, skipping through channels until a football game came on. Moving the cushions around, Jared got comfy. He planned to wait for Sacha to come home so they could shower together. He needed to feel Sacha under his hands. Not sexual—yeah, he wanted sex, but it was the physical connection of simply being with him that Jared needed now.

  God, he never wanted to go through something like that again. Never wanted to have a gun pointed at him and his friends, fearing for them all but hiding it from someone who’d lost all rational thought.

  Stan was dead, no chance that fucker was coming back after Silas had shot his face over the wall. But not quick enough. Stan had killed three people and wounded three others before being put down, and all because a woman had left him.

  That poor woman. Her life cut short because she’d loved the wrong man. Her family grieved for her and Rescue Inc had promised to attend her funeral. Jared wasn’t sure why he’d agreed, but he’d felt compelled to accept the offer when given.

  The game played in the background and each time he blinked his eyes they stayed closed for longer and longer until he didn’t open them at all and fell asleep, the sun shining through the window and bathing him in its warmth.

  Sometime later, he woke and smiled when he felt Sacha move next to him. He’d obviously come home while he’d been sleeping and had curled up next to him on the sofa and also fallen asleep.

  He stared at his mate for a lon
g time, watching him sleep. His long dark lashes rested on his cheeks and Jared carefully moved his arm so he could trace Sacha’s features with his fingers.

  Warm skin slid under the pads, and he smiled when Sacha scratched his face. He didn’t want to wake him, but he knew they’d be more comfortable in bed. He needed to shower, and he wanted Sacha close so he would have to shower with him.

  A small grin curved his lips, and he moved a little so he could kiss Sacha.

  Sacha moaned, his eyelids fluttering before opening. Jared inhaled sharply, watching the red move in them.

  “Want to shower with me?” he whispered against Sacha’s lips.

  Sacha arched a brow. “Just shower?”

  “For now. I want to, but-”

  “I can feel how tired you are. Shower then sleep.”

  Standing, Sacha reached a hand down to Jared and pulled him to his feet. He dragged Jared upstairs, then stopped when they reached the bedroom doors.

  “I think I should take my stuff into your room, Sach.”

  “Because I have the bigger shower.”

  “It’s a plus.”

  Laughing, Sachs walked them into his bedroom and straight into the bathroom. He turned the shower on and helped undress Jared, who was struggling with the task. Who knew how hard it could be to get undressed?

  Stifling a yawn, he followed Sacha into the shower, groaning loudly when the hot water hit him.

  “Here, sit on the ledge and I’ll clean you.”

  Sitting, Jared yawned again. “I feel so sexy right now,” he muttered. Closing his eyes, he lifted his face so the water could hit it.

  “You’ll feel better once you’ve had a good sleep. Keep your eyes closed while I wash your hair. You’ve got something in it.”

  “Ugh, probably brains.”

  “What?” Sacha practically shrieked, causing Jared to wince as the sound echoed in the small enclosure.

  “I did shower, but it was a quick one. I didn’t want to leave the guys.”

  “But brains, Jared?”

  He shrugged and closed his eyes, letting Sacha’s fingers work their magic. He pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around him. Sach continued to wash his hair, then leaned back.

  “Rinse now, then I’ll clean the rest of you.”

  “So good to me,” Jared whispered.

  Sacha quickly rinsed his hair then washed him, and within minutes, he was in bed with him. Sacha leaned down, kissing him slowly, making him moan. It was slow and leisurely, and Jared held Sacha close, breathing him in, needing the connection.

  When Sacha broke the kiss, he whispered, “Sleep now, Jared. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  “Promise,” Jared slurred, sleep already taking over.

  “Promise. I’ll always be here for you.”

  Sacha woke before Jared, his head on Jared’s chest, and he kept his eyes closed, relishing the contact. Hearing his mate’s solid heartbeat beneath his ear was soothing. He’d missed this the last few days. Lying with his mate and enjoying the closeness, breathing him in.

  He ran his hand over Jared’s chest, watching goosebumps appear on his skin. He smiled when Jared shifted and his fingers tunneled in Sacha’s hair.

  “Sach,” he murmured.


  “Is it morning? I slept right through?”

  “You were tired, Jared. It’s been an emotional few days for you and your body needed to rest.”

  “I guess, but I’d have preferred to be awake with you. I’ve missed you.”

  “Missed you too. Glad you’re home.”

  “Me too. The entire time I was there I was thinking of you.”

  “You have no idea how happy I am that we can talk to each other when you’re away.” Sacha snuggled closer, sighing happily. “I’m off today. What do you want to do?”

  “You got the day off? Awesome.”


  Chuckling, Jared pulled Sacha up and kissed him. “Missed you.”

  “Yeah,” Sacha grinned, kissing him back.

  Jared rubbed his hard dick on Sacha. “Oh yeah, Sach. I missed you.”

  “Hmm. I can tell.” Sacha reached over to the drawer, pulled it open, and handed the lube to Jared. “Can’t wait to feel you, Jared.”

  “Hands and knees, Sach.”

  Sacha quickly followed Jared’s order and knelt, trembling on the bed waiting for Jared. What he didn’t expect was Jared to pull his ass cheeks apart and attack his hole with his tongue.

  “Oh my god, Jared!”

  He dropped forward, resting on his forearms, his ass in the air. Jared’s tongue fucked his ass, and Sacha gripped the sheets, moaning constantly.

  “Fuck, Sach.”

  Jared’s finger pushed in alongside his tongue and Sacha shuddered. One finger soon became two and Jared twisted them, finding that spot and rubbing it. Sacha cried out, his body jerking.

  “Gonna make you come, Sach, then I’m gonna fuck you.”

  Sacha cried out again when Jared added another finger. His tongue moved with them, licking around Sacha’s hole then sliding in between his fingers. His other hand moved around and grabbed Sacha’s dick, tugging it in time with his fingers thrusting into Sacha’s ass.

  Sacha squeezed around Jared’s fingers and his balls pulled up. “So close...”

  Jared pulled his fingers free and rolled Sacha over. He had seconds to realize what was happening before Jared sucked his dick into his mouth. Sacha’s hips punched up into that warm, wet heaven.

  His balls tingled, his dick hardened further, and his hands grabbed Jared’s head as he fucked his mouth. “I’m coming,” he screamed, the last word coming out high-pitched.

  Electricity rushed through him as he came, creamy streams shooting from his dick into Jared’s mouth. He opened his eyes, watching Jared swallow, and groaned again.

  When he slumped back onto the bed, Jared moved up his body, kissing his damp skin. When he eventually reached his face, he grinned down at him.

  “Love you,” Jared said, then kissed him.

  Sacha opened his mouth, letting Jared’s tongue in and moaned when he tasted his come on it. Jared lay on top of him and Sacha linked his arms around Jared’s neck, pulling him closer. Jared’s hands slid up and down his sides, caressing him, and Sacha moaned again.

  One of Jared’s hands moved between their bodies and Sacha felt him circle his hole, his fingers covered in the lube he hadn’t been aware he’d used. One finger, then two and soon three were in his ass, twisting and stretching him. When they pulled free, he lifted his legs, wrapping them around Jared’s waist, and groaned loudly when Jared’s dick pushed in, filling him perfectly.

  They kissed again as Jared moved slowly in his body and Sacha closed his eyes, enjoying the closeness and the connection that flowed between them.

  He ran his hands up and down Jared’s back, sliding over the dampness and squeezing the hard muscles as Jared moved.

  The kisses continued, deepening in intensity the longer they moved together. Sacha felt the love flow from Jared alongside the lust and pleasure.

  The slow moves eventually sped up, and both of them grunted with every thrust into Sacha’s body. He clenched around Jared’s dick, loving the harsh groan it caused.

  “Oh fuck, Sach. Love you. Love you so much.”

  Sach didn’t respond, but he knew Jared felt his emotions because he fucked him even harder. Sacha arched back, crying out when Jared hit his prostate, and Jared changed his angle and nailed him there every time.

  Sacha’s eyes blazed, his fangs dropped, and he hissed up at Jared, watching a bead of sweat roll down the side of his face. Jared turned his head to expose his neck and Sacha lunged forward, his fangs slicing through the skin. Blood flowed into his mouth, and they both moaned.

  Jared fucked him harder until both of them came. The sensations that flowed between them sent Sacha’s pleasure to levels he’d never experienced before, his body jerking and shuddering as his orgasm pulsed from him.
  He didn’t know how long he came for, but when he finally came around, he slid his fangs free, licking the wound clean.

  He reached up, pulled Jared’s head back, and whispered, “Bite me.”

  Jared’s eyes widened and he stared at Sacha’s chest. “What? I don’t have fangs.”

  “I want to feel your teeth in me. Do it.”

  Jared groaned and leaned down, biting hard into Sacha’s chest above his nipple. He cried out, surprised at the pain, but when Jared licked the wound, taking his blood, he moaned, this time surprised when the pain morphed into bliss. They lay quietly together until Jared slipped free and he grimaced at the stickiness. Jared caught the look on his face and chuckled.

  “Shower, Sach.”

  “Oh god yes, and then breakfast.”

  Sacha went to move, but Jared stayed on top on him. He looked back at him and smiled. He could feel Jared.

  Raising his hand, he palmed Jared’s cheek. “I love you too.”

  “Always,” Jared murmured, leaning down to kiss him.

  Closing his eyes, Sacha returned Jared’s kiss. “Always, Jared. Forever mine.”


  Two months later

  Sacha walked in the front door, slamming it shut behind him. “Hi honey, I’m home.”

  “Ha haha.” Jared came up behind him, pulling him back against his body. Leaning down, he licked a path up Sacha’s neck, causing him to shiver and moan quietly.

  “Missed me.”

  “Yeah. Next time get your dad to send someone else on a week-long convention thing.”

  Turning him in his arms, Jared tilted his head back, and Sacha took the invitation. Moaning deeply, he swallowed Jared’s blood, feeling his body jolt and shudder under his hands as Jared came. He only took a small amount, then pulled free, licking the wound closed.

  The connection was much stronger now, growing more each day, and Sacha loved the fact he could reach out and talk to his mate whenever they were apart.

  He’d learned more about his history, and with Jeremy’s help, was searching for more. He had to find the answers because if the vampire population kept dropping with each generation, then they would soon be extinct.


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