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Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances

Page 39

by Anthology

  "Oh," I responded. I couldn’t process all of this.

  "I figured you’d want to see the boys."

  My eyes cut back to them. I watched Jason push a small car along the floor and Timmy with an army man. They were seven and five. "Thank you."

  "I didn’t renew the restraining order. I’ve heard that you’re doing very well, that you turned your life around. They’ve always asked about you. I thought it’d be good to see you."

  It had been just over four years. Four years since I’d seen my children, since I’d heard their voices and laughter. I didn’t know anything about them. I didn’t know what they liked to play or if they were into sports. "It’s amazing to see them. How’d you find me?" I sank down onto the couch. I felt as though I was about to fall apart. It was the best feeling in the world.

  "My attorney contacted your probation officer."

  Since the accident was so severe and alcohol was involved, I was on probation for six years. I never violated parole or stepped out of line, so I never had any issues. "Oh."

  "I wondered…" She cleared her throat. "I wondered how you were doing…If you’d be interested in trying again."

  My good feeling evaporated immediately. If I told her I didn’t want to be with her, would she take my boys away? I couldn’t lose them, not again. They needed a father in their life. They needed me in their life. "Terry."

  "I know it was all an accident. I know you were in a bad place. I was, too. I shouldn’t have left the way I did and I’m sorry. But you can break it off with your girl and then we can be a family again. A family, Chase."

  My heart broke. I did want a family, but I wanted Courtney by my side. Never Terry again. "Terry, I’m sorry. I closed that part of my life a long time ago. I absolutely want the boys in my life. I want to see them regularly. I have a lot to make up for with them, but I’m not in love with you, Terry."

  "Couldn’t you try?" she asked, her voice hard. "You want your boys in your life, right? That way, they’d always be here."

  My heart hardened toward Terry. She was using my sons as leverage? What kind of person does that? "I’m going to be honest with you. I’ve moved on. You’ve been gone over four years. You have never contacted me. Never a card, email, or a letter. I haven’t seen my children in four years, Terry. I don’t know if I can forgive you for taking them away from me for that long."

  Her lips pressed into a firm line. "Don’t be a fool, Chase."

  "Don’t threaten me. You won’t take them away again. I’ll be going to the courthouse tomorrow and filling out every single form I can to get custody. I’m not taking them away from you, but I’d at least like to see them a few days a week."

  "They don’t even know who you are!" she yelled. "You really think the court will let an alcoholic have anything to do with children?"

  "Keep your voice down," I warned her. "No, they don’t know me, but they will. I’ve apologized for what I did in the past. I’ve paid the price. I’ve cleaned up my life. I worked hard to get where I am today, Terry. I’m done apologizing to you. I’ve proven over the last four years that I’m not a threat to anyone. Stop treating me like a criminal."

  She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "It was a bad idea to come here."

  "Why? Because I’m not begging for you back?"

  "Don’t talk to me that way."

  I sighed. Yep. Terry was exactly the same person she was back then. "I’d like to spend some time with the boys. It doesn’t have to be bitter or nasty between us. I just want my children in my life, Terry."

  Tears filled her eyes. "I’m not sure if I’m ready to give them to you."

  "You aren’t giving them to me. I’d just like to spend time with them. I want to talk to them and play with them. Maybe an hour? You can stay here and watch TV or you can go get a coffee. I’d just really like to get to know them again."

  "Fine. I’ll be back in an hour." She huffed out the door. I was surprised she left me with them, but who was I to question it? I was going to enjoy my time with Jason and Timmy.

  I went over and sat on the floor with them. "Hey, guys. How are you?"

  Their curious eyes looked over my face, studying me. "I’m good." Timmy answered, still watching me.

  "Good," Jason responded.

  "That’s great. Do you want to play army men and cars?" They nodded vigorously. My heart swelled again and I smiled.

  An hour would never be enough, but they were here. I was prepared to soak in that fact.

  Chapter Eight


  I left Chase’s and tried to keep my heart from shattering. He asked me to leave, he called his ex-wife his wife, and now I was alone in my house. As soon as I got home, I collapsed onto the couch and sobbed. It had only been a few short months, but I loved Chase. I felt at peace with him. He accepted me, crazy flaws and all. He was everything I ever wanted in a partner.

  And he dismissed me like a school kid being disciplined.

  I cried until my eyeballs felt like sandpaper and I couldn’t even lift my head. I fell asleep curled around a couch pillow. Chase filled my dreams, as usual, but they weren’t good dreams. They were all dreams of him holding his wife and telling me to leave. I tossed and turned and kept waking up, but I didn’t leave the couch.

  When the alarm on my phone went off, I peeled myself off the couch and got ready for work. I felt sluggish. I didn’t want to do anything, but I couldn’t sit around my house and mope.

  Not when I wasn’t wanted.

  I trudged through the day.

  And the next day.

  And another day.

  Three days. I hadn’t heard from Chase in three days. I wasn’t sure what hurt more: him kicking me out or him not contacting me. I envisioned him curled up with her. It sliced through me like a hot knife. It shouldn’t hurt this much.

  I was on my couch, eating ice cream and watching crappy reality TV shows. I wasn’t really paying attention to what was on the screen. I just couldn’t take the silence that surrounded me. Tears swam in my eyes. I was too deep in my own thoughts. I couldn’t stop thinking about Chase.

  I really didn’t want to.

  Someone knocked on my door. I wanted to ignore it, so I did. When someone knocked again, I glared at the door. Didn’t they know I was attempting to drown my sorrows in chocolate ice cream and shitty TV?

  "Courtney. Please answer the door," Chase pleaded from the other side. My heart stumbled and tripped over the lump in my throat. I set the ice cream on the coffee table and stood. I sniffled and shuffled toward the door. When I opened it, Chase’s head hung, his arms braced on the sides of the door. He lifted his eyes to mine. They were full of grief.

  "I’m so sorry, Court. Please, please forgive me." I took a few steps backward, not prepared for him to say all of this to my face. He took that to mean he could come in. He moved past me and paced in the living room. "I’m so sorry. I keep saying that, damn it." He tugged on his hair. "I fucked up, I know I did. I never should have asked you to leave the other day, but I was just… My God, my kids, Court. They were right there and I never thought I’d see them again, you know? I couldn’t process it. It was all way too much at once and all I could think about was seeing them. I’m so sorry I hurt you."

  I nodded, trying to process what he was saying. He seemed frantic, in a panic.

  "And then she tried to get back together with me, which I shot down. I’ve spent the last three days either at work, in my attorney’s office, or spending time with the boys." He stopped pacing and moved toward me, taking my hands in his. "I still want you to move in, if you can forgive me. I never wanted to be the person to hurt you. I’ve just been trying to get everything squared away. I don’t want her to flee with them again, but she’s been letting me see them after school. I’m just… God, I’m just so happy. The only thing that’s missing is you."

  My chin wobbled, this time with happy tears threatening. I could understand why he’d been distant. It wasn’t because he didn’t want me, i
t was because he was making sure he could see his kids. I knew how much he wanted his kids in his life and I never wanted to come between them. I couldn’t deny that he’d hurt me though, because he did. A lot. "I thought you didn’t want me anymore."

  He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "I always want you. Always. I’ve been a jackass. I can’t apologize enough. I should have sent a quick text, but I wanted to see you in person. I wanted to hold you and kiss you and make sure you knew that I love you." I gasped. "Because I do, Court. I should have said it already, but I love you."

  That crumbled my walls and I broke down into tears. He held me, his hands rubbing over my back. He soothed me with his presence. I’d been tied in so many knots over the last few days, and with a handful of words he made it all better. "I love you," I said between hiccups.

  "I’ve never been so happy to hear those words. Does that mean you’ll forgive me?"

  "Yes, but never let it happen again."

  "Never. I’ll make it up to you, I promise." I nodded. "Which house are we moving into? Yours or mine?"

  I smiled through another sniffle. "Yours. You have a bigger bathroom."

  "Hmm. I guess I do. I’m sure the jacuzzi tub has nothing to do with your decision."

  "Not even a little bit."

  He chuckled and held me close. "I’ve missed you so much. I never want to be away from you like that."

  "Me neither."

  He tilted my face up to his and kissed me gently, worshiping me with his lips pressed against mine.

  Of course, I wanted more from him.

  I slid my tongue along his lips and when he opened, I tangled my tongue with his. He groaned. "It’s been too long," I said. I moved my hands under his shirt, felt his chest, then reached around and grabbed his ass. I pulled his hips flush with mine.

  He laughed softly. "Excited?"

  "Always for you."

  After that, we shed clothes and I ended up pressed against the wall. "How do you want it, baby? Hard and fast? Or slow and gentle?"

  His words amped me up even more. "Hard and fast, Chase."

  Without any other word, he buried himself in me and set a punishing pace. I cried out and matched him move for move. I couldn’t get enough of him.

  "Yeah, baby. You feel so good. You’ve been waiting for me, huh?" He caught my lip between his teeth and bit down gently. That ignited a fire within my veins.

  "Chase!" I called out as my climax gripped me in its clutches and refused to let go. I rode wave after wave as he continued to punish me with his rhythm. He never relented and I loved him for it.

  I never wanted him to stop.

  He pulled me away from the wall and carried me down the hall. He was still buried deep inside me, which sent a thrill down my spine. He brought us into my bedroom and I caught a sight of him as he walked past my mirror. I was wrapped around him, completely naked. He was naked as well, his firm ass flexing. His muscles bunched and moved as he held me.

  That was enough to get me fired up all over again.

  I fell back on the bed and he followed right after me, pounding into me again. He leaned back and lifted my hips up by grabbing my ass. I couldn’t help but scream out in pleasure.

  This man just did it for me.

  He took his thumb and moved it over me, finding the spot that had me igniting all over again. As soon as I came down from my own release, he found his.

  Afterward, he curled around me and traced circles over my back with his fingertips.

  "Can I stay with you tonight?"

  I kissed him again. "I wouldn’t have it any other way."

  Chapter Nine


  I felt as though my life revolved around fights with my ex-wife. She threatened to flee across the country again with the boys, so I had to get an emergency court order to keep her here. Some days, she was nice and was more like the woman I married. She’d bring the boys over and let me hang out with them for a while. I’d take them to the park and maybe stop for ice cream. Other days, she’d call or text me all day, saying awful things.

  It was exhausting.

  Luckily, things were going in my favor. I didn’t want to take primary custody away from Terry. The boys had been with her their entire lives and I didn’t want to be the reason they weren’t with her anymore. I just wanted to see them. I wanted to go to their baseball games and make them dinner. I wanted to be in their lives. As of right now, I had them every other weekend. I was fighting for more time, but I figured it was a start. With Courtney by my side, I knew everything would work out.

  They at least knew who I was. They were too young to understand what had been happening the last few years. They hadn’t started asking question, but I thought a lot about what I’d say. As much as their mother drove me nuts and broke my heart when she fled, I never wanted to hurt the boys by dragging her name through the dirt. I had to come up with an explanation that didn’t paint her as a bitch.

  It didn’t matter how I felt about Terry. She was their mother.

  Courtney moved in a little over a month ago and things were good. Really good. She helped keep me positive as we went through everything. She stepped into the boys’ lives and was so amazing about it. She truly was my rock.

  We had the boys today and she was helping them make sugar cookies. I wondered how much of the kitchen was covered in flour.

  "Timmy, stop!" Courtney laughed. I felt as though everything was perfect. I had my sons, I had the woman I loved, and we were all together. What more could I ask for?

  "I want more!" Timmy squealed. I turned the corner into the kitchen and saw Courtney tickling Timmy and Jason pouring more sugar into the batter. I leaned against the doorframe to watch them. I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. Timmy giggled loudly. Jason took hunks of dough and plopped them onto the cookie sheet, even though the sugar wasn’t all mixed in. Flour coated every surface and there was a nice dusting of sugar on the floor. It didn’t even bother me because it meant they were all here. With me.

  "Oh, Jason!" Courtney exclaimed. She threw her hands up in the air and laughed, then caught my eye. She was so amazing with the boys, patient and kind. Somehow, she always came up with things for them to do. Today, she thought they’d enjoy making cookies. She didn’t even mind that the cookies would be inedible or that the kitchen was trashed.

  She was the other half of my soul.

  The doorbell rang and I checked the time. We still had the boys for another three hours, so it shouldn’t be their mother. But sure enough, when I swung the door open, Terry stood there. Her arms were crossed over her chest and one eyebrow was raised in annoyance.

  "I’m here for the boys," she said, and shoved past me into the house.

  "I have another three hours."

  "We have plans."

  "You should have mentioned them before now."

  "I’m not accountable to you, Chase," she bit out. She went toward the kitchen and sighed loudly, then shot me an angry look. Clearly, she wasn’t amused with amount of flour that covered the boys. "For real, Chase? Can’t you even act like a father for a few hours? How is this acceptable? They’re a mess!"

  "I would have had them cleaned up in time if you’d been here when you were supposed to be."

  She huffed, then turned toward the boys. "Let’s go."

  "Our cookies!" Jason exclaimed.

  "I’m sure you can make cookies again." Terry ushered them toward the front door. I knelt down and took them in my arms to kiss each of their faces. I didn’t mind the gritty sugar or the flour that covered them. My heart broke that they had to leave.

  "You be good for your mom, okay? I’ll see you Thursday. I’m so excited to see you play!" The boys each had a baseball game on Thursday night. Terry had told me about it, though I could tell she really hated that she had to. Thank God for court systems. She had to keep open communication with me.

  "I’ll let you know about Thursday. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea for you to come," Terry sai

  My eyes rose to hers in disbelief. "We aren’t having this fight again. I’ll be there." I mussed the boys’ hair.

  "Whatever. Say goodbye, boys." She paraded them out the door. The boys hugged me one last time and I watched them leave. Courtney snuggled into my side and I wrapped my arm around them.

  "They’re good boys," Courtney murmured.

  "They are. Really good."

  "And you’re great with them." She turned so her chest was pressed against mine.

  "Thank you."

  "And I love you." A smile curled her lips.

  "I love you." I kissed her. "Are you sure this isn’t too much? You thought you were getting into a relationship with me. Now you have two young boys around and my attention is focused on them."

  "That’s the way it should be, Chase. You should have the boys’ best interest in mind." She hugged me. "It doesn’t matter what you have in your life, all I want is you. Whether you have ten kids or not. I’ll even deal with the crazy ex-wife."

  I laughed. "She is crazy."

  "I’m surprised you married her."

  I looked over her shoulder, thinking about Terry when I married her. It seemed such a long time ago. "I know. She wasn’t always this way. I’m sure how fucked up I became played a large part in who she is now."

  She gripped my face in her hands. "We all have choices in this life, Chase. You made yours. She didn’t have to choose to become a raging bitch."

  I smiled at her and kissed her nose. "What would I do without you?"

  "You’d be miserable and alone."

  "Damn straight." I lifted her so her legs wrapped around my hips. I kissed her gently, taking the time to cherish her. She deserved the very best of me. I hoped I was up to the task.

  We celebrated each other in a tangle of limbs, thrown clothing, and moans of pleasure.

  I wouldn’t have it any other way.


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