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Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances

Page 43

by Anthology

  She let out a defeated sigh. "Yes, I know that, Mom. We’ll be fine and bring him back tomorrow afternoon."

  "Are you all packed for Aunt Jessica’s tonight?" Mom pulled Joey onto her lap on the couch as he vehemently shook his head. I should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy.

  "I stay with Mommy."

  "What if I told you that Santa came to my house early with some of your presents, and you can open them when we get to Aunt Jessica’s? I think he left some big ones." My mother pulled out the heavy artillery tonight, and I’d never loved her more.

  Joey’s eyes lit up, and her plan worked like a charm. Sam handed her his Batman backpack and a huge bag of his favorite toys. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jessica cringe and I fought a laugh. I was grateful to my sister, but damn if it wasn’t funny as hell to think of her trying to keep a level head while my Tasmanian devil son tore through her pristine apartment.

  We kissed them all goodnight and my mother ran to the car with her grandson. After I turned the lock, I leaned back against the door and shut my eyes.

  "Hear that, Sam?"

  Sam giggled. "I don’t hear anything."

  I opened my eyes and nodded. "That’s exactly it. Silence. It’s a beautiful thing." I sauntered over to Sam and snaked my arm around her waist. "A whole house to ourselves. You are the best wife in the world." I traced my thumb along her full bottom lip and hissed when she opened her mouth to suck on it. My wife meant business tonight. My heart leapt in my chest as my cock twitched in my pants.

  "Why don’t you. . . " Sam whispered as she ran her hand along my jaw. "Pour a little wine and I’ll be right back. We can pretend this is your old apartment on Thirtieth Street. I miss that couch, and the kitchen wall, and the shower."

  I growled and pulled her closer. "Did you just issue a challenge, Mrs. Hunter? Because I wholeheartedly accept. Go do what you have to do, and make sure you come back downstairs with a lot less clothes on." Sam grinned against my lips as she gave me a soft kiss. I slapped her on the ass as she turned to go upstairs.

  I strolled into the kitchen and chuckled as I poured the wine. Sam was full of surprises that was for sure. My phone chirped on the counter with a text from Bella saying she got to the dance okay. I breathed a sigh of relief and gulped a mouthful of wine. We were raising a good kid. I needed to take solace in that and let her grow up.

  "I probably should have tried this on before I bought it; doesn’t really fit." I turned at the sound of Sam’s voice, and almost dropped both wine glasses.

  Sam wore short see-through nightgown in red that absolutely didn’t fit over her huge breasts. It was so tight she was spilling right out of it. One little tug and those pale pink nipples would pop right out, and into my mouth. My eyes drank in the rest of her, the long toned legs and amazing ass. This woman was all mine, and I intended to claim her all fucking night long.

  "Lucas? Are you okay, ba–"

  I set the glasses on the counter and grabbed Sam by the nape of her neck. My lips crushed to hers even as I picked her up by the waist and carried her to the kitchen island to set her down on the top. I tugged on the front of her nightgown and, as I suspected, her amazing breasts sprang free. I cupped them and she arched her back, pushing them further into my impatient hands.

  "It may be a little tight. Good thing it’s for my eyes only." I greedily sucked a nipple into my mouth as Sam squirmed and grabbed the back of my head. I dragged my hands down her body while my head stayed buried in her chest. I could suffocate in my wife’s gorgeous tits and die a happy man.

  I reached into her lacy panties and groaned as she dripped onto my fingers. I traced wide and slow circles around her clit, picking up the pace as she got more and more soaked. I was rewarded with the sexiest mewl as her hips bucked off the counter.

  "Like that?" My heart raced and my voice grew husky. No one ever turned me on as much as Sam. Her writhing and whimpering as she lost control made my dick throb. I was already so hard, it was painful. "You’re so wet, baby. Want me to keep touching you? Or do you want me to lick it all up until you come in my mouth?" Sam’s chest heaved as she moaned. She loved it when I talked dirty.

  Sam grabbed my head and pushed it down. I smirked as I shook my head.

  "C’mon, Sam. I need you to say it. What do you want me to do to you? How do you want to come? Say the words or I won’t do it."

  Sam sat up on her elbows, her eyes hooded and her face beet red. "I want you to lick my pussy, Lucas. I want you to suck on my clit while you fuck me with your fingers. Now stop talking and do it already!"

  Holy shit. My mouth fell open as my eyes grew wide. Sam was never so vocal, or so dirty, about what she wanted—and that upped the ante big time. Now, I worried about blowing in my jeans before I even got inside her.

  "You have a filthy mouth, Samantha. And I fucking love it." I dragged her panties down her legs and threw them behind me. "Your wish is my command, dirty girl." My head dove between her legs and I did exactly as she asked. I wrapped my lips around her clit and slid two fingers inside. The faster I pumped, the louder she screamed. I wasn’t the only one hoarding months of frustration from all our stops and starts.

  "Lucas, I’m gonna…oh, my God, Lucas!" Sam dug her heels into my back as she rode out her release.

  I leaned over her and cocked an eyebrow. "Stand up, put both hands on the counter and spread your legs."

  A slow smile spread across her face as she sat up and felt for the hem of my T-shirt before she pulled it over my head. She raked her nails down my chest and goosebumps broke out across my skin.

  "Now, Samantha," I whispered against her lips and she grinned even wider.

  "Alpha Lucas is so hot." She jumped off the counter and did as she was told.

  I unbuckled my jeans and let them drop to the floor. I yanked my boxers down and slid inside her. She grabbed at the counter as I picked up the pace. I buried my head in her neck and let my hand drop between her legs and over her still sensitive clit.

  "Harder, babe. I want to feel it tomorrow."

  I laughed as I bit her earlobe. "I’m nowhere near done with you yet. You’ll feel it tomorrow and the next day." I pressed a hot open mouthed kiss to the back of her neck as I continued to plow into her. "And probably the day after that."

  Sam pulsed around me as she came again and I followed right after. I dropped my head onto her back and trailed light kisses up toward her neck and across her shoulder blade.

  "I love you, Lucas." Sam was still out of breath as she craned her head to gaze at me. "I’m so sorry if I let too many things get in the way. . ." I cut her off with a kiss and turned her around to look at me.

  "I married an amazing woman who takes care of all of us. And I will spend the rest of my life showing how grateful I am she gave me a second look." I threaded my fingers into her hair and leaned my forehead against hers. "I love you more every day. You’re my life. And so is the family we made. I’m learning to wait my turn." I smirked at Sam and she giggled.

  "So that’s the kitchen. We still have the couch," I whispered in her ear as I trailed kisses down her neck. "And the shower." Sam moaned as I nibbled across her collarbone. "And every other fucking hard surface I can find in this house. I never back down from a challenge."

  "I love that I married a dirty romantic." She wrapped her arms around my waist.

  "I don’t know any other way to be with you." I shrugged innocently.

  Sam ran her fingers through my hair and covered her mouth with mine. "I would never want you any other way."

  Chapter Six


  December 25

  "I don’t think I’ve ever seen our son this quiet," Lucas whispered as he pulled me on to his lap. I wrapped my arm around Lucas’s neck and watched from the couch as Joey played with the one toy he’d been talking about since September, the entire Gotham City Imaginext set. Since he tore open the packages at the butt crack of dawn, he’d had a huge grin on his sweet little face and hadn’t looked u
p since.

  Bella sauntered in from the kitchen with another cinnamon roll. Christmas Day always started out with a huge breakfast and not changing out of pajamas until late afternoon. We’d told our parents that we didn’t want to take Joey away from his toys on Christmas morning for the past couple of years, but that was just an excuse. I loved having a full day of just us and no bridges to drive over or traffic to sit in. It was the one day of the year we didn’t have anything else to do but be together.

  Bella gazed at us and shook her head as she strolled past the couch. Lucas yanked Bella back by her T-shirt and plopped her on his lap with me. We both giggled as he wrapped his arms around both of us and wouldn’t let us move.

  "While Joey is distracted, I get my girls all to myself." Bella squirmed away but it only made Lucas hold on tighter.

  "Dad, we’re going to hurt you," Bella chuckled as she shimmied out of his grasp.

  "Hold on! Are you saying I’m old and weak?" Lucas lifted me off his lap and made his way over to Bella. He picked her up by her waist and she yelped as he held her upside down. She dropped her cinnamon roll on Joey’s Bat Cave and he regarded them both with puzzled eyes. A slow grin spread across his face before he got in on the action and grabbed Lucas’s ankle. Lucas let Bella down and the sound of laughter filled the living room as they both tackled their father onto the floor.

  "Hey, Mommy. How about a little help here?"

  I crossed my arms and shook my head. "You’re a big strong man, remember? Surely, you can take on a little boy and a teenage girl?" I cocked an eyebrow and held in a laugh.

  Lucas raised his eyebrows in response, probably meaning I was going to get tackled later—only lower. I shivered at the prospect.

  Lucas and I spent most of last Friday night and Saturday naked, only putting on clothes an hour before Jenn and Jessica brought Joey home. We cashed in on a ton of pent up sexual frustration, but more than that we needed time to reconnect and just be us. Our children came home to relaxed and sated parents.

  "Can I have juice, Mommy?" Joey ran over to me and put his head in my lap.

  I ruffled the hair on his head. "Sure, baby. In the fridge in the front." He scurried away and Lucas took a seat next to me on the couch.

  "Wait until next year." Lucas scowled at Bella as she was texting Christian. Since the night of the dance, she strolled around the house with a goofy smile on her face, much to his dismay. "I’ll be even bigger and can lift all three of you at once."

  I sat back and furrowed my brow at my husband. "Why will you be bigger?"

  "I’m going to start adding more weights at the gym. I see lots of boys to scare off in the coming years. Right, Butterfly?"

  Bella rolled her eyes at me from where she was sitting on the floor and I shook my head.

  "Poor Christian can’t even look you in the eye." I turned to Lucas and cupped his cheek. "You are plenty scary, babe. I promise." I gave him a light peck on the lips.

  "Mommy! Santa left a sing-sot!" Joey ran in with his superman juice cup and something red in his hands.

  "C’mere, buddy. Let Daddy see." To my horror, my son was holding my underwear in his hands. I didn’t give much thought to where my panties went before Lucas took me on top of my kitchen island. I’d been cooking in the kitchen all week and hadn’t noticed anything, but leave it to Joey to find them.

  Lucas gently took them out of Joey’s hands and put them in his pocket. "That’s not really a sling-shot, Joe. That belongs to Mommy, but we can make a sling-shot if you want. Let’s find something and we can attack the Joker’s lair."

  Joey nodded and pulled Lucas off the couch by the hand. Lucas gazed back at me and regarded my mortified expression with a chuckle. Thank God Bella was too busy texting to notice the evidence of her oversexed parents in her baby brother’s hands.

  * * *

  I scrubbed the dishes from breakfast after I put the ham in the oven. It took me longer than usual as I kept looking around to figure out how I missed a bright red silk thong on the floor of my black and white kitchen. I was about to call Bella in to dry when Lucas snaked his arms around my waist from behind.

  I didn’t turn around. "I can’t believe you think this is funny," I huffed. "We’re setting our son up for years of therapy."

  "Baby Girl, I took them away before he realized what he was holding." Lucas smoothed my hair off my neck and pressed a kiss behind my ear. "Besides," he whispered, his breath tickling the shell of my ear. "It’s hot." His lips trailed kisses down my neck and across my shoulder.

  I closed my eyes and leaned in to him in spite of myself. "Do I get my panties back?"

  "Nope. All mine now." Lucas’s hands drifted up my torso and cupped both my breasts. I tensed as I craned my head to see where the kids were.

  "You have your wife’s panties in the pocket of your pajama pants on Christmas Day. Don’t you think that’s . . ."

  "The biggest turn-on in the fucking world? You bet. My souvenir from one of the hottest nights I’ve ever spent with my dirty talking wife. Merry Christmas to me." His husky voice sent chills up and down my spine.

  I dropped the fork I was washing into the sink and put my face in my hands. I turned around and gazed at my husband’s devious smile.

  "You are out of control." A wide grin spread across my face as I gave my husband a soft kiss on the lips. "What am I going to do with you?"

  Lucas’s mouth turned up in a smirk as he whispered against my lips. "After the kids are in bed, anything you want, Mrs. Hunter."

  I burst out laughing as I buried my head in his neck. My insatiable, sweet and sarcastic husband was the best gift I ever could have received.

  "So, you want your gift?" Lucas grabbed a box off the counter and held it behind his back.

  I squinted my eyes at Lucas. "You already got me a gift. The spa certificate was more than enough."

  Lucas shrugged. "What good is Christmas if you can’t spoil the ones you love? Plus, now that I’m a VP, spoiling comes a lot easier . . ." Lucas winked at me and my mouth dropped open.

  "You got it?" I flung myself at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  "Yes. I’ll tell Mom and Jess when we see them on New Year’s. You, my beautiful wife, are the first person I’ve told." Lucas kissed my forehead. "Now, open your present."

  I tore the wrapping paper off and flipped the box open. I gasped as a beautiful rose gold watch with a diamond framed face shone back at me.

  "Lucas, this is too much . . ."

  "Flip it over," Lucas whispered as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

  To my wife, My time with you is my favorite part of every day.

  My eyes filled with tears as I gazed up at Lucas.

  "After all these years," Lucas cradled my face in his hands. "You own my heart, my thoughts, my everything. I love you."

  "I love you too, babe. Always you."

  Lucas chuckled and threaded his fingers in my hair. "That’s why, we’ll always be us. Always us."

  The End

  If you enjoyed Lucas and Samantha’s story, see where it all began in Always You, the first standalone in the Second Chances Series.

  About Stephanie Rose

  Stephanie is the author of the Second Chances series, stories based in New York City about second chances at love. She lives in the Bronx, New York with her superhero-obsessed husband and son.

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  Other Books by Stephanie Rose

  Always You

  Only You

  Sleepless Night

  by Kimberly Rose

  High School may have been in the best, but Rosalyn has never forgotten the boy who bo
th stole and broke her heart. Now, on Christmas Eve she comes face to face with him again, but he’s not the boy she remembers. Now a Navy SEAL, Malik has grown up into an irresistibly sexy man.

  With his imminent deployment in twenty-four hours, Rosalyn sets out to spend one last merry, enchanting, and fiery night with Malik.

  Chapter One

  I should really go ahead and head home now, but I was determined to stay out and prove to myself that I could, in fact, be single again for Christmas and still have fun. I mean, look at me. I was a riveting ball of a good time over here.

  "You sure you don’t want a ride home?" My brother, Milo stopped by my table one last time before heading out. His set was over two hours ago, but I knew he’d hung around to keep me company.

  "Positive. It’s nice to be out. I’ll head home after this next artist," I nodded at the empty stage.

  "Sal’s gonna keep an eye on you. Make sure you have Mike walk you out," Milo lowered his eyes at me, and I rolled mine turning to see the owner of the bar and the security guard that have both worked here since my brother started playing in high school.

  I saluted them and turned back to Milo. "Get out of here. I’m fine," I offered him a small reassuring smile. He kissed me on the head, and I scrunched my nose. "Take a shower when you get home too, will ya? You smell like bar sweat," He flicked me on the head where he had just kissed me and walked away.

  "Ro?" I turned at the sound of my nickname and scanned the dwindling crowd. I was about to turn back around when my eyes caught sight of a broad, white smile heading my way. Attached to that smile was a man I thought I’d never see again.


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