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Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances

Page 62

by Anthology

  "Parker," I smile, turning on the necessary flirt mode to get things moving. I turn the cup upside down to show it’s empty. "Another?"

  He grins, happy to fill me with more liquor, and walks away just in time. "I’ll be right back."

  When Cooper steps in front of me, he’s out of breath and his grey T-shirt is dotted with sweat. His green eyes are intense as he stares me down. I know he’s going for serious, but what he’s giving is a sexy vibe that makes me uncomfortable in his presence. He really is gorgeous. I can see why the girls are crazy for him.

  "What’re you doing here?" His words grate out through clenched teeth.

  "I was invited," I bite back. My fists ball up and rest on my hips at the same time one leg juts out in defense. Your douchestache needs a razor-sharp trim. I want to say it aloud but don’t.

  "By Parker-shithead-Travis?" He’s so close to my face, I have to step back, which is a weakness, and it pisses me off.

  "Don’t get mad at him," I spit out, my index finger planted firmly on his chest. "You should’ve invited me."

  He gives a curt nod. "You’re right, it’s just that tonight—"

  "I get it," I interrupt. Although I don’t get it. At all. But I know all too well Cooper’s temper, and I don’t want Parker to get his ass kicked tonight. I also don’t want to ruin Cooper’s performance. I might be hurt by his rejection, but I’d never hurt him back, not like that. I’m proud of him and want him and his band mates to do well. "He’s been a perfect gentleman, Coop. No need to worry about me tonight." It’s a good idea to change the subject, ease the mood before Parker gets back and all hell breaks loose. I’m still angry with him for pushing me away. True, I drank too much, and I remember I was the one that threw myself at him. But I also remember his easy ability to say no thank you and shove me out of his window. Then, to add fuel to the fire, he doesn’t invite me to watch him play. What the hell is going on with him and why isn’t he honest with me anymore?

  "I’m sure he is." Cooper rolls his eyes.

  I sigh and decide to put my feelings on hold, make sure this night is about him. "You’re playing great tonight. Enjoy yourself and don’t worry about me." My fists relax and I rub Cooper’s arm, immediately wishing I hadn’t as my hand glides across the slippery sweat. Ten percent eww and ninety percent hot as hell. "Everyone loves you. Especially the girls." The last bit slips out in a puddle of woe-is-me, and to make it worse, I nod my head in the direction of Barbie and her sidekick.

  Cooper glances at the girls and shakes his head like he’s just viewed something grotesque. Nice try, slick.

  "Tonight feels good, you know. Like a taste of what could be." He smiles and I can see in his eyes that’s he’s daydreaming of a future as a rock star. It suits him but saddens me because I know I’d hardly see him.

  I give him a small smirk, though I sense the sorrow underneath it. "Don’t forget your best friend when you’re famous." A look passes between us, heavy with uncertainty, laced with distress. The moment is getting depressing and that’s not how I wanted to end the year or start the new one, so I puff out a laugh and bump him with my hip. "Or I’ll tell the tabloids all the goods."

  Coop socks me lightly on the arm, then quickly rubs it out as if it won’t count. "One, I’ll never be famous. Two, Briley Sheffield forgettable? Nah, never." Cooper shakes his head and lowers his eyes before I can process the look he just blasted me with.

  Not forgettable, but not fuckable either. I suck my bottom lip in and give it a bite so I won’t say what I’m thinking.

  When Parker returns with two drinks, my body tenses, wondering what Cooper will do or say. I can tell Parker is nervous when he doesn’t hand me the drink. He’s no match for Cooper, in any department. "Hey, Cooper." His voice shakes, and I immediately feel secondhand embarrassment for him. "Nice job tonight."

  Cooper doesn’t respond. It’s an uncomfortable and awkward stare down. When Cooper finally opens his mouth, I hold my breath, readying myself to intervene.

  "Thanks, it’s nice to be able to see the whole crowd from up there."

  It’s a warning, we all feel it, and my mind battles on whether to say something smartass about him not having any right to watch over me or to keep my mouth shut so the night isn’t ruined. I choose the latter and promise myself a brawl tomorrow.

  With a smug grin, Cooper takes one of the red solo cups from Parker, tips his head back, and gulps the contents. "Did you drive?" The question is for me, but his eyes are still on Parker.

  I shake my head no, although Coop can’t see me. Parker is a stone.

  "She’s not twenty-one. You know that, right?"

  Parker nods and the little respect I had for him is lost for not at least trying to stand up for himself or his date. Without asking, Cooper grabs the second cup from Parker and takes it with him, setting it down on the amp next to his guitar. One day, I’m sure I’ll be thankful for Cooper watching my back, making sure my date isn’t drunk when he drives me home. But the medley of emotions swerving recklessly through me right now are numbing my common sense and jacking up my stupidity.

  "Damn him," I quietly grumble. I’m in full-on pout mode and can’t pull it together.

  Parker shoves his hands deep into his jean pockets and glances at me. "There’s another party down the street. Wanna check it out?"

  I’m completely turned off by my so-called date. The way he’s standing, the plaid shirt that he must’ve gotten when he joined the hipster club along with at least thirty other plaid shirt laden dudes here tonight, and even the way he smells—like he marinated in a bottle of cologne from the same store he bought the shirt from. I’m not normally this picky, but my inner bitch is clawing her way out and Parker doesn’t deserve it.

  I decide to give him an easy out. "Nah, I’m going to stay and watch Cooper’s band. You should go if you want."

  "You sure?" He doesn’t even seem disappointed that I’m not leaving with him. Quick glances around the room give away his eagerness to leave, and I’m recalling Cooper’s statement about him. Parker shit-head Travis? I no longer feel sorry for him. Maybe he is a douche.

  "Sure, Coop’ll take me home. No worries. Go have fun." I flash a bright smile, relieving him of the guilt he should be feeling for leaving his date behind. Guess he’s not the sweet guy he used to be. Somewhere along the road he must’ve drank the typical dude Kool-Aid. He’s checked out and moved on already, I can see it in the way his eyes are on me but looking past me, through me, for the next game. I’m a magnet for assholes. Ugh.

  Parker chuckles and knocks my arm with his elbow. "I was kidding, Briley. I’m not leaving you here." He’s stiff, but his attention returns to the band. Being the fickle pickle that I am, I’m more pissed that he’s decided to stay.

  After a while, I loosen up and start singing along to some of the songs. I’m stone cold sober but managing to have a great time. Cooper’s killing it on stage, his fingers hitting each chord while his right hand strums the pick along the strings. I’m in awe as I watch him. Even during Ryan’s drum solo I can’t take my eyes off Cooper. The way he smiles when he’s up there, in his element, all of my anger and embarrassment vanishes and I know we’ll be okay.

  As long as we never cross that line again.

  At six minutes until midnight, the band is playing "New Year’s Day" by U2. I love this song and Parker and I both sing every lyric.

  Three minutes until midnight, servers are handing out plastic champagne flutes to everyone in the bar, me included. No one is looking for hand stamps as everyone gets to bring in the new year with a toast. The band is covering "Learn to Fly" by Foo Fighters.

  Two minutes until midnight and I look over at Parker. It’s tradition to kiss someone at midnight, especially if you’re on a date. Though I’ve never participated in this tradition because I’ve been at the annual party since I was a kid and my options were limited to family and friends.

  Sixty seconds until midnight and I'm starting to freak out. The lyrics are pushing me to
start new, find my wings and learn to fly, and I know for a fact Parker will not be part of that. I don’t want to give him the wrong idea by kissing him. Besides, I have no desire to kiss him. His lips aren’t appealing at all to me, and I’m suspicious of the way he probably tastes, like mint gum trying to mask the taste of cigarette smoke. I know he smokes, even though he tries to hide it by sneaking off to the bathroom several times throughout the night.

  Thirty seconds until the New Year and my foot taps nervously to the same anxious rhythm as my heartbeat. The crowd is stirred up, electric with the promise of toasts, resolutions, and lips locked with their significant other. It’s inevitable, I’m going to have to kiss Parker and do my best not to make a face.

  There’s only twenty seconds left in this year when the band ends their last song and they announce to the crowd that it’s almost time to ring in the New Year.

  Ryan, on the drums, starts the countdown when there’s only ten seconds left.

  "Ten," he shouts and taps his drumstick on the cymbal. My shoulders are tense.

  "Nine." Shit.

  "Eight." It’s one kiss. It doesn’t mean anything.

  "Seven." This isn’t how I wanted to start the New Year. Disappointment fills me as I think of all the things that have gone wrong for me this year.

  "Six." It’s odd, but I’m thinking about my mother and wondering if she’s having a good time at the Sterlings.

  "Five." The crowd is going wild, excited to start a fresh year.

  "Four." I can’t see Cooper, or the stage at all, and I wonder if he’s going to kiss Bubblegum-Lips or Denim-Painted-Legs.

  "Three." I see the look on Parker’s face. He licks his lips, ready for the kiss. I hope he’s used to disappointment, because a peck is the most he’s getting from me.

  "Two." My resolution is to do better in school. And be nicer to my mom, maybe call and come home more often. I really do like spending time with her, and the drive isn’t bad at all. I’ll also try to be more truthful. It’s so much easier than lying.

  "One." I feel a tug on my arm. The place is so packed with intoxicated celebrators, we’re all bumping into each other.

  "Mine," a voice demands, and I see one hand holding Parker at a distance while the other grips my arm and twirls me around to face him. "Happy New Year, B." I’m surprised I can hear him over the crowd, but somehow he’s the only voice I hear. He’s the only person in the room as our eyes lock, mine filled with question and hope.

  He doesn’t wait for permission or question whether it’s a good idea to cross the line again. I know it’s a bad idea, but I don’t move to stop him. Instead I welcome his perfect, full lips as they crash into mine. My hands reach up, clasping behind his sweat-soaked head as we ring in the New Year, confetti floating in the air around us, lips locked and inhibitions disregarded. Nothing matters in this perfect moment except us. The way he makes me feel, the warmth that spreads through my limbs, and the faultless trust I have for this man is all I need, all I’ll ever want.

  When Cooper pulls back, he flashes a cocky smile before getting serious on me. "I want to be your first, B, I do. But only when the time is right." He kisses my lips softly and presses his forehead to mine. "More importantly, I want to be your last."

  We stay in this position for a while as I let his words sink in. They are important words, ones that will take me a lifetime to truly understand and fully appreciate. I have nothing to say that can compare with the promises he’s just made to me, so I press my lips to his again and bring in the New Year the way it was intended all along, with my best friend, the man I will love for the rest of my days, Cooper Sterling.

  The End

  If you enjoyed Cooper and Briley’s story, you can read more about them in the LoveStruck Series. Wait for Me and Stay with Me are available in eBook and paperback.

  About Eleanor Green

  Eleanor Green writes New Adult and Contemporary Romance swirled with mystery.

  She currently lives just outside of Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and two children.






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  Other Books by Eleanor Green


  LoveStruck Series:

  Wait for Me

  Stay with Me

  Promise You Forever

  By Celeste Grande

  Brayden has loved Casey his whole life and going to separate colleges has only solidified his devotion to her. When she comes home for Christmas, he knows he wants to promise her forever. But, in a nervous panic to make it the perfect evening, Brayden succeeds in doing only one thing: Making a mess of everything.

  Can he pull it together long enough to officially ask her?

  And will she say yes?

  Chapter One

  "It’s perfect."

  I spun the sparkling gold ring between my fingers, watching the rainbow streaks splay across the holly and tinsel decorated walls. The small store was abuzz with Christmas shoppers and I was now on a first name basis with Ed, the owner of Lover’s Lane Jewelers. Nervous as hell, I’d asked to examine every ring as I tried to picture it on my girlfriend’s dainty finger, and all but ripped out the sandy-brown hair on my head during the process.

  The bell chimed behind me, bringing with it an icy blast, and my best friend’s voice broke through the sound of Bing Crosby’s White Christmas. "What’s up, bro? What’re we doin’ here?" Blake stepped beside me and put his fist to his mouth, blowing warm air on his reddened fingers. His jet black hair was slicked back and looked as though it was styled with streaks of icicles.

  A slow smile crept up my lips. "This." I turned fully, displaying the delicate ring.

  Blake put his palms up and took a step back, his stance sharpening as his blue eyes nearly fell out of his head. "Whoa, Bray. What the hell is that? We’re way too young for shit that deep, man. I don’t care how long you’ve been with Casey."

  "Relax, dude." I clapped him on the shoulder and laughed. "That look on your face was well worth it. This time I wish I could’ve gotten the picture of you." This kid thought he was a photographer or something, always with his damn camera. He was pretty good at it but hid it like the plague from his tight-ass, old man who didn’t believe in hobbies or some shit.

  "It’s just a promise ring. I want her to know how serious I am about her even if we are young. I’ve loved her since I was eight years old, man, my whole damn life. She deserves this. Besides, I got a year on you. I’m not so young." I winked.

  "Okay, but still. It just feels so binding." He shivered and swallowed hard.

  "Well, it is," I dragged out. "That’s the point of it, right?"

  "I guess." He shook his head. "I still think you’re nuts."

  I shrugged shamelessly. "I am nuts. About her. The thought of her a thousand miles away with a bunch of horny college guys eyeing her and shit makes my skin crawl. I want them all to know she’s taken so they back the fuck off. Trying to make it work long distance at our age is hard enough. Besides, chicks dig this stuff, right?"

  "You got me." He sighed, stroking his jaw. "I’ve never had a steady girlfriend in my life." He still hadn’t taken his wide eyes off the ring as if he thought it might jump out of my hand and bite him.

  A knowing smirk spread across my face. "Oh, you will, my friend. And she’s gonna knock the wind right outta your sails. Just you wait and see."

  "If you say so." Blake chuckled, shoving his hands in his pockets. "So when are you hanging your balls out to dry?"

  "The day before Christmas Eve. She’ll be home for break. She’ll never see it coming." I turned back to Ed, a huge grin plastered across
my lips.

  "I’ll take it."

  Chapter Two

  Casey: I’ll be there in a few, babe. Can’t wait to see you! XO

  I squeezed my phone, my fingers trembling over the buttons trying to figure out how to get them to type back a reply.

  Me: Great! Can’t wait to see you either. I miss you.

  Woosah. I knew this was what I wanted. That ring had been burning a hole in my dresser drawer for a month now. I said goodnight to it every evening for Christ’s sake. I could totally do this.

  I stared at my reflection in the mirror. A sheen lined my brow and my cheeks were all flushed, so I cupped a handful of cool water and tossed it onto my face and the back of my neck. Man the fuck up, pussy. What’s wrong with you? It’s just a promise ring. You’re not asking her to walk down the aisle.

  Straightening my spine, I steadied my gaze on the hazel green eyes looking back at me. The worry had been erased and was replaced with determination. A hard set to my jaw told me that I meant business. I was doing this. That girl was mine and there was nothing to be nervous about. I was just making it more official.

  I expelled five quick bursts of air through my mouth the same way I did following a great strategy play in a football huddle—air-boxing my fists in a flutter to psyche myself out, then slapped my cheeks a few times. I smiled a toothy grin into the mirror.

  I got this.


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