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Free Trader Box Set - Books 4-6: Battle for the Amazon, Free the North!, Free Trader on the High Seas

Page 21

by Craig Martelle

  Braden’s group rushed forward into the front lines, catching the enemy as they prepared to attack. Braden’s blaster mowed down the bunched Lizard Men. Akhmiyar and his two warriors drifted aside to protect Braden as his single blaster cut through the enemy without mercy. When it ran out of power, he calmly holstered it and pulled his second blaster, firing anew.

  Thrown spears came at them from the shadows. They dodged, continuing to fire but slowing their pace so they wouldn’t expose Bronwyn and the Rabbits. Enemy Lizard Men started to regroup and came at them in small waves.

  Like We Belong Here

  Micah and her companions followed at a distance, waiting for Pik to wave them forward. Pik and Dal walked with purpose, comfortable in the rainforest and seemingly unafraid. They inspired the others who fingered their weapons nervously. Blasters and spears were charged and ready to fire.

  Micah bobbed anxiously as she waited. Her partner and their friends were somewhere ahead, preparing to fight the enemy, distract them so Micah could sweep in from the hopefully unprotected south. They intended to catch the Overlords between them, preventing them from escaping. Braden believed that the Lizard Men were overconfident and wouldn’t run. Micah assumed she would have to shoot them in the back as they watched their forces fight Braden.

  She was angry after having traveled for so long in the rainforest. She was wet and fed up and most importantly, the Overlords forced this war. If they hadn’t attacked Braden and Micah using the cold-water crocs or their Lizard Men warriors, none of this would have happened. It wasn’t her usual way to shoot an enemy in the back, but these were unusual times and these were not her usual enemies.

  The Overlords commanded an army that they unleashed on her family. It was time to make them pay. She talked herself into being okay with shooting them however she could.

  She knew that Braden wouldn’t approve, but she couldn’t shake her anger. A dark smile transformed her face. She was delivering justice for those who only wanted peace. For them, she fought the life and death struggle. Now they Overlords would understand how they’d gone wrong.

  A Lizard Man joined Pik and Dal in a clearing ahead. They all looked as the newcomer pointed. When Pik looked back, he nodded, then in a flash, had the other by the throat, driving him backwards until he fell. She heard the splashing as he fought, but it was already too late. Pik’s iron grip held him tightly until he was no more. Pik waved while Dal watched something to the side.

  The others walked forward, careful not to trip while their eyes scanned the dark of the dripping rainforest. The perpetual rains seemed lighter here. Maybe that was why the ancients had picked this place to put their buildings and why the Overlords made it their home.

  Micah carried a blaster in each hand. Her heart raced as her eyes jumped from one movement to the next, water dripping from a leaf, a bird on a swinging vine, ripples in a puddle.

  Pik waved at them to get down. They’d bunched up as they moved forward. The Wolfoids were touching her and she was nearly in arm’s reach of Dal. She was helpless to move and only able to crouch lower. The Wolves laid down, becoming one with the swamp. Their eyes scanned the trees while their spears pointed toward the rainforest. Aadi floated over them, protecting them from above with the armor of his shell.

  The sloshing of a creature moving quickly through the swamp came to her first. She saw two Lizard Men half running as they headed north. They didn’t notice the companions as they raced past. She waited until Pik nodded and motioned them forward a second time.

  Attack the Weakest

  “Bronwyn! Tell Zalastar’s men to move left into that opening. Now!” Braden yelled as he fired his blaster at a shadow that darted between the large trees surrounding the Overlords’ stronghold. He missed, but the Wolfoids had cleared the resistance in one area and the enemy was trying to fill in the gap.

  Bronwyn screamed so intensely he thought she was going to explode. She covered her ears and continued to scream with all the strength her small body could muster. Braden fired rapidly into the trees before him as he moved toward her. She’d fallen from behind a tree and was exposed to the spears the Lizard Men threw.

  Braden was vulnerable as he moved into the open. The enemy appeared from the face of tree trunks and leaned back to unleash a killing barrage toward him. ‘DOWN!’ G-War ordered and Braden dove into a puddle behind a small root. Most spears sailed over his head, one embedded in the root and the other bounced off the armor covering his back. It still hurt, but he wasn’t cut and bleeding.

  He popped up and fired short bursts at the spots where he’d see the Lizard Men appear from the trees. He was rewarded on three of his five shots as enemy warriors toppled from where they’d been hiding.

  Braden ran through the remaining short distance to Bronwyn and scooped her up as he passed, ending with a jump behind the trunk of a great rainforest tree. She panted until she had a full breath and then screamed until nothing was left in her lungs. Again and again, she screamed. Braden held her, rocking as the scream of an attacking Hillcat penetrated the sounds of fighting all around him.

  “It’ll be okay,” he said over and over, hoping that he was right. He had no idea what was wrong, but the Overlords were near. Braden expected they were behind her pain, using her capabilities against her, against all of them. Without her, Braden couldn’t coordinate the attacks of the friendly Amazonians. She whimpered and shivered in his arms. Tears flowed from her closed eyes. Then she started screaming again. ‘G-War, I need you to help her,’ Braden passed over their mindlink. Another scream from the ‘cat as he slashed into a Lizard Man.

  Rage built within Braden. He wanted to stop Bronwyn’s pain, and the only way to do that was to stop the Overlords.

  The ‘cat ran down the tree, his orange body covered in Amazonian blood. He hovered over the young girl, then walked onto her chest and wrapped his ‘cat arms around her. His ears flattened against his head and he spasmed when he finally touched her mind. He pinched his eyes closed and shook with fear and anger. Braden saw one of Akhmiyar’s warriors nearby and waved him over. The Amazonian dodged as he ran. When he made it unscathed, Braden grabbed him and pointed to G-War and Bronwyn. Then he pulled on the Lizard Man’s spear and pointed back to the two huddled against the tree trunk. The Amazonian nodded and stood behind the two, spear ready to protect them.

  Braden readied his remaining blaster, changing its setting from a narrow beam to flame. It used more power, but he wouldn’t need it for long. With a mighty yell, he burst from behind the tree and headed straight for the Overlord’s lines. Ferrer and Brigitte jumped from their hiding spots near Bronwyn and bounded after Braden. As Lizard Men materialized from their hiding spots, Braden sprayed them with short bursts of flame. He waved his arms like a wild man and continued high-stepping through the swamp of the rainforest.

  Akhmiyar saw the human run past. He’d been preparing his last two men to storm the quickly closing gap, but Braden was creating a new and bigger hole. With a hiss and a wave, the remaining Amazonians bolted after Braden as he ran toward the ancients’ building half-buried in the trees, brush, and wetness of the rainforest. The Wolfoids were caught unaware by the ferocity of Braden’s charge. They followed the rest, lightning jumping as they covered the final attack.

  The Overlords

  Pik led the group toward the rear of the enemy’s lines. He could see the buildings and the fighting ahead of them. The flame from Braden’s blaster was lighting up the rainforest. Lightning spouted into the trees. Barely visible laser beams licked behind it. But Pik wasn’t focused on the fight. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the buildings, wondering which one contained the ancient Lizard Men known as the Overlords.

  Micah was the first to see one of them. He stood, looking out the window, watching as the carnage advanced toward him. Micah pointed and together with the Wolfoids, they fired at the window. The lightning from their spears blasted the glass while Micah’s narrow beam brushed the sill. She caught a glimpse of the Lizard Man bei
ng thrown backward.

  They started to run. There were at least three more of the ancient creatures. As they approached the building with the black scars around the window, an Overlord head appeared. In his hand was a blaster. Micah dove to the side, and the Wolfoids followed suit, scrambling for cover.

  Aadi swam near Pik, knowing that he couldn’t get out of the way quickly enough.

  The Overlord hesitated when he saw Pik standing there. Their eyes met. Pik shook his head briefly before triggering his own lightning spear, blasting the face that looked like hundreds of others from the ship. Holly’s suggestion that Pik and Dal get lightning spears instead of blasters had been a good one. They blended in better and Pik had just put his to good use.

  Two down, two to go.

  A commotion started to the east and one to the west as well. Micah looked ahead and saw Braden running toward the buildings with two Rabbits, two Lizard Men, and two Wolfoids close behind. Zyena screamed as she dove through the trees and into the face of an enemy warrior who sought to block Braden’s path. Braden jumped over the writhing body and Akhmiyar put the enemy out of his misery.

  The group pushed forward. Micah waved them toward the second building as her group descended on the one that Pik had chosen. Skirill flew past, wings beating hard as he joined his mate to help clear Braden’s path.

  Laser beams reached out in brief wisps of deadly light, knocking enemy Lizard Men from their hiding spots in the trees. The Rabbits jumped high into the air to help them get a better view. Another shot, another dying Lizard Man.

  Flames erupted to the east and west, but they couldn’t see the cause. Bounder fired his lightning spear at a shadow in the trees. Gray Strider looked for a target, but couldn’t find one. Pik made it to the window and crouched below it for a heartbeat before popping up and looking in. He raised his spear and fired twice, then walked around the corner to the door.

  The remaining enemy warriors broke, throwing their spears down and racing into the rainforest. Braden stopped running and took a knee to get his breath back. The Rabbits’ fur was dirty and wet, and their noses twitched as they watched the enemy run away. Their ears were up as they listened carefully.

  Braden asked them to check on Bronwyn. They were away in a flash and hopping back into the trees. Braden stood. With Akmiyar and his lone surviving warrior on one side and the Wolfoids on the other, they walked toward the second building.

  Akhmiyar twisted and prepared to throw his spear, but Braden caught his arm as he saw Pik Ha’ar walk around the corner. Braden waved to the Lizard Man and he waved back. Akhmiyar was confused. It took Braden a series of hand and arm motions to convince Akhmiyar that these were the two they brought from the ship and that they were friends.

  A blaster appeared in the doorway and fired. The beam hit Akhmiyar’s woven armor and knocked him backwards. Braden snap fired, throwing flame across the doorway. He held the trigger down, burning the door while running toward it. The Wolfoids chased after him.

  Braden jumped and hit the flaming door with both feet. This was an ancients’ door and even though it was old and had been in the rainforest weather for hundreds of turns, it held. Braden bounced off and fell to the ground. His Old Tech clothing protected him from the flames as he rolled into a nearby puddle just to make sure nothing was on fire. Loper and Sunny stopped, aiming their spears at the intransigent door. It cracked open again and the blaster’s barrel was pushed through the slight space. Two lightning beams flashed at it, blowing the door wide open.

  Braden scrambled to his feet and ran into the building, blasting the stunned Overlord rolling on the floor. Without a second look at the smoking remnants of the creature, he squinted into the darkness of the single room, looking for any other threats. A Lizard Man with a spear cowered behind what looked like a desk with Old Tech panels arrayed on the wall behind it. Braden raised his blaster, but couldn’t fire. The Lizard Man covered its head with its three-clawed hands and whimpered. Sunny Day prodded him with her spear tip and he dropped to the floor, curling himself into a ball.

  Loper retrieved the Lizard Man’s spear while Braden picked up the Overlord’s blaster. Sunny nudged the Lizard Man on the floor and prodded him until he ran out the door, disappearing into the rainforest beyond. Carrying two blasters and an extra spear, they left the room on their way to the last building.

  Pik had cleared the other building by himself. Two Overlords and two Lizard Men were dead inside. Dal remained behind to guard the building while the others headed toward the third. Micah caught sight of Braden and smiled. He returned the smile, feeling warmth radiate throughout his body. He nodded back to her and turned toward the last building as the door popped open and two Lizard Men jumped out with their spears leveled at the humans.

  Braden pressed the trigger but his blaster was out of energy. Micah fired hers and waved flame across both of the enemy. As the dying creatures fell, an Overlord appeared and raced west into the rainforest. Micah fired again, but the beam was too wide, splashing fire against the wet tree trunk and leaving their enemy free to run. Braden fumbled for the second blaster and started after the Overlord.

  In front of him, he saw flames and beams light up the trees. The Overlord ran back toward them, pulling himself up short when he saw what was in front of him. He dropped to his knees and put his hands on his head.

  A Security Bot burst from the trees and hovered nearby. They all looked at it oddly. From the other side of the stronghold compound, a second Security Bot appeared.

  “Holly, leaving nothing to chance, I suspect,” Braden said as he took Micah’s hand. “So what do we do with that?” Micah shook her head.

  ‘I will secure him,’ Pik offered. The Overlord looked strangely at his fellow Lizard Man.

  ‘Where have you come from?’ the Overlord finally asked.

  ‘I was born on the space ship called the Traveler. I came here to stop you and restore the human’s faith in our species, taking our rightful place at their side as an equal.’

  ‘But that’s all we were trying to do,’ the Overlord pleaded.

  ‘No, it was not. Your time has come to an end,’ Pik said.

  It seemed like it happened in slow motion as they watched. Pik took half a step backward, leveled his spear, and thrust forward into the Overlord’s throat, twisting it upward until the spear tip stopped when it hit the inside of his skull. Pik lifted upward and then drove the butt of the spear into the ground. The Overlord was held upright, his body leaning against the shaft while his lifeless eyes peered from a head transfixed by the spear’s point.

  “Bronwyn,” Braden said and with Micah in hand, they retraced his steps into the rainforest. He sighed in relief when he saw her walking toward him, Ferrer and Brigitte each holding one of her hands while G-War leaned against her legs. She smiled weakly at Micah and the others. Two Hawkoids circled through the trees around the little girl to make sure no enemies threatened her.

  A Reunion Long Overdue

  Braden and Micah took stock of the survivors huddled with them in the largest building. Pik and Dal had removed the bodies and dumped them unceremoniously in the rainforest. The rest thought it was nice to finally be out of the rain. Braden was able to start a small fire using some of the wet wood. It smoked while burning, but with the door open and the window blasted out, the smoke readily found its way outside.

  Two swordsmen from Village McCullough, both wounded but not critically, were lying next to the fire. Akhmiyar was alive, but his arm was damaged from the blaster shot. There was no processed numbweed remaining, and it wasn’t a wound that could be sewn up. Akhmiyar’s warrior was uninjured and vowed to take care of his leader, seeing that he returned to his people with the honor that he deserved.

  Brigitte and Ferrer were uninjured, as were Zyena and Skirill. Braden was bruised, but his Old Tech armor and clothing had protected him. G-War huddled next to the fire, leaning against Bronwyn. He wondered what it would be like to be dry, claiming that he couldn’t remember the feeling.<
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  Aadi apologized for not contributing as they confronted the Overlords. The humans and the others moved far too quickly, leaving the Tortoid struggling to catch up. Braden was happy to see him and told him to stop apologizing.

  The Wolfoids all limped in one way or another. The pads of their paws weren’t made to be wet as long as they had been. Everyone needed time to recover. Braden pulled the radio from his pack and turned it on.

  “Holly, are you there?” Braden asked.

  “Yes, I am, Master Braden! How good to hear your voice. I’m told that you have dispatched the Overlords,” Holly said cheerfully over the radio. They heard cheering in the background. Micah leaned in close to hear.

  “We’re in one of the buildings trying to dry out before we go get wet again. How’d you know, Holly?”

  “The Security Bots informed me, of course. I hope that my sending them didn’t violate your instructions. I didn’t want to see anything happen to any of you and figured that although we couldn’t use our infrared sensors to track the Amazonians, we could use them to track you,” Holly stated matter-of-factly.

  “Got it and thanks, Holly. It was nice to have their help at the end. I doubt we will have any more problems with those led astray by the Overlords. I think the other Amazonians will humbly beg to be allowed to live. We have a lot to do to put our world back together. We have fields to plant and nurture under the wise guidance of our Rabbit friends. We have Aurochs to rescue from Toromont’s Run. We need trade!” Braden exclaimed with a broad grin.

  “What he means, Holly, is that he wants Coldstream to get back into the sweetened, smoked pork business,” Micah added.


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