Book Read Free

Fleeting Glimpse

Page 6

by Victoria M. Patton

  “I’ll try not to.”

  “See you in a few hours. Tell the gate to expect me.”

  “You’re on my list of approved visitors. All you need to do is give them my name.”

  “Okay. See you soon.”

  Chandra sets the phone on the table. She wants to believe Adam that the flowers are harmless tokens. They are beautiful. Scary and creepy, too. But something is unnerving about them. Maybe she can learn to enjoy things like this. Theo jumps onto the table; her hand clutches her shirt. “I’ve got to get a hold of myself, Theo.”

  The cat head butts her, rubbing his cheek along hers. His purring fills the quiet room.

  The clicking of the mantle clock echoes in the otherwise silent house. She lays her head on her left arm and wraps the cat up with the other one, burying her face in his fur as she rubs his belly. Closing her eyes, she wishes for her mom. Growing up, it had been just the two of them, after her father died. Her mother had been a much stronger woman than herself. Chandra knows her mother would have words of wisdom on how to deal with this situation.

  “I’m a coward, Theo. Scared of everything. Anxious over things I can’t control. I see the worst and not the best.”

  Theo snuggles against her, rolling more onto his back. When she quits rubbing his belly, he gently uses his paw to get her attention.

  “You’re my one saving grace. I don’t think I would even be functional without you.”

  A few hours later she sits on her sofa, waiting for Adam. Her knees bounce with the rapid rise and fall of her heels. Theo is laying at the other end of the sofa. He cracks one eye open, as he curls into a tighter ball.

  “Don’t judge me,” Chandra says. She continues to scan her backyard. The glass wall, once an invitation to nature and relaxation, is now a barrier. Standing, she wraps her arms around her waist and moves towards it.

  She reaches out for the remote to unlock and open the doors, drawing her hand back. Stepping closer to the door, the hair on the back of her neck bristles. Squinting, her eyes roam over the tree line. She sees no one. Shifting to the left, she leans into the glass with her brow resting against it.

  She doesn’t see anything at the edge of the deck. Shifting her gaze towards the right, she tries to see the other end. Rubbing her arms, Chandra steps back. “I’m positive I saw movement in the trees.” Her voice breaks. She uses the remote to frost the glass, making it solid frost instead of opaque.

  The flowers taunt her. She walks to her mudroom and makes sure the door is locked. Satisfied everything is secure, she returns to her living room.

  Her purse is on the coffee table. She checks it to make sure she has enough business cards to hand out. Something she does with every book she signs. Her cards have limited information on them. No phone number, only her email and the website her publisher set up for her.

  Again, her stare is drawn towards the backyard. She can’t see through the frosted glass, but something isn’t right; she feels off kilter. Like something is going to go wrong any minute. A slight shiver runs down her spine. “I should’ve called a security company.” She jumps, clutching her chest at the sound of a car horn.

  Hurrying to her front window, she peaks under the edge of the drapes. Adam is in her driveway. Making sure she leaves several lights on, she picks up her purse and rushes out the front door. She takes a few steps towards the car, turns around, and double checks the locks.


  “Hi. I’m glad you picked me up,” Chandra says, smiling.

  “No problem at all. I’m glad to do it. Have you received any more calls today from Thomas?”

  “No. Why? Have you heard something?”

  Adam chuckles. “No silly. Calm down. I had to give my deposition to one of the in-house lawyers today, a preliminary one. They’re trying to find out to what extent they need to deal with him.”

  Chandra shakes her head. “I don’t understand.”

  “Jane thinks he’s doing this to make noise. She and the lawyers don’t think he has any standing. Last I heard they’re deciding if they should sue him or simply let it go. They want this whole thing to blow over.”

  Chandra’s knee starts bouncing. “This isn’t good. If they sue him, he’ll blame me for sure.”

  Adam gives her a sideways glance. “How is that even logical?”

  “He’s harassing me because he blames me for his firing. Just think what he will blame me for if he is sued. Let alone if he has to pay for damages. That will cost him money. He will blame me, and then what else will he do to me?”

  Adam turned off the freeway, heading towards Main St. “Wow. Your brain really thinks the worst.”

  She sighs.

  “Okay. Let’s think this through. He has to be aware all eyes are on him. He’s pretty much under the microscope when it comes to interacting with anyone from Baker and Son. If he starts doing anything more than phone calls, he’ll be in some serious shit.”

  “I guess, Adam.”

  “I thought about something this afternoon. What about that neighbor you had the property problem with?”

  She frowned at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “The neighbor who had a problem with the trees. I can’t remember his name. You told me once he complained they encroached onto his property. I remember the situation turned pretty heated between you two. The neighbor on the other side of you.”

  She waves him off. “Mr. Gardner. We settled. They had marked his line incorrectly.” She snickers. “I actually gained three feet into his yard. I waved my standing to the property and had new plot lines made. In the end, I gave him two feet.”

  “Maybe he’s been stewing about it.”

  Chandra shrugs, leaning her head back. “I guess, but that issue was settled and he came out ahead. I can see if I screwed him and took my three feet back. I don’t think Mr. Gardner is so diabolical that he’d mess with my head. He got what he wanted. I don’t think he would have any reason to harass me.”

  Adam parks in front of the book store. He turns towards her. “You never know with some people. He and Mr. Franks has the money to harass you.” He takes her hand in his. “Either way, change how you speak to both of them. Be nice. And I bet things change.” He winks at her. “Now, let’s go in, enjoy the private party. There’s food and drinks. The other customers will be here in about two hours. Enjoy tonight and let this take your mind off everything.”

  “Okay. I could use a distraction.” She follows him to the back of the vehicle. As the rear door to the SUV opens, Chandra glances around the street. “I didn’t realize the radio station and book store were in the same part of town.”

  “Oh, yeah. One street over.” Adam pulls the foldable dolly out from the back and places several boxes of books on it. “Grab that bag. It has the table top stuff for the signing. We’ll get set up before the private party. Then when the doors open to the public, you’ll be ready to go.”

  Chandra grabs the bag, following Adam into the shop. The smell of cinnamon and cloves greet her. Inhaling the odor fills her with memories of her mother’s home at this time of year. She closes her eyes and drifts back to a place of calmness and joy.

  “Hello? Chandra?” Adam is snapping his fingers in front of her face.

  “Uh? What?”

  “Where the hell did you go?” He asks, nodding to the table at the back of the store. “I’ve been calling your name for like an eternity.”

  “Stop. We just walked through the door.”

  “Long enough for me to wonder if I needed to call the police. Now quit daydreaming and help me.”

  Chandra chuckles. “This place reminds me of my childhood home. I want to escape back to that time in my life.”

  “No escaping. Get to work.”

  “Damn, you’re a slave driver.” Chandra unloads the props for the table. A bookstand holds her last five published books, while the newest release is stacked at the end of the table. “Why are we s
tacking these here? They have to buy their book before they get into line for my autograph.”

  Adam squints at her. “If we did it your way, there would be one pen and you at the table.” He lifts up the banner, securing it to the stand, setting it at the end of the table.

  “That’s all I need. The readers know what books I have, all this other stuff,” she points at the table decorations and stand, “this is all fodder.”

  “No wonder so many authors make horrible marketers.”

  Chandra opens her mouth to say something, when a robust man walks up to her. Standing up straight, she brushes off her hands.

  “I’m thrilled to have you here.” The man extends his hand.

  Chandra took it, only to have him wrap her up in a hug. “Uh, oh, okay. Hi. I’m thrilled to be here too. Thank you for having me,” she says smiling at him. A quick glance towards Adam brings no relief from her discomfort. Expecting him to save her, he stands there with an ear to ear grin, amused at her expense. She looks back to her new best friend. “This is Adam. He’s my editor, my agent’s right-hand man, and plans all my events.”

  “Adam, it’s nice to put a face to the voice.” He shakes his hand. “I’m glad this didn’t have to be rescheduled.”

  “I’m sorry for the mix-up. But we’re here now and Chandra,” he says motioning to her, “is very excited to be here. She loves these intimate gatherings. Isn’t that right, Chandra?”

  Nodding, she looks at the shop owner. “I’m very excited. I don’t think Adam has told me your name.”

  “Forgive me. I’m Caleb Jones. I’ve owned this place for the last fifteen years.” He glances over his shoulder. “My wife helps me with the bookkeeping and runs the register when our helper can’t be here.” His face frowns. “She’s dying to meet you in person. I don’t know where she is. I expected her to be right over. Do you need any help here?”

  Adam shakes his head. “Nope. We’re almost done.”

  Caleb takes Chandra’s hand as he checks his watch. “Everyone should be showing up very soon. In the back room, we have food and drinks.” He points to the restroom sign above the front desk. “The bathroom is down the hallway behind the counter. Take a few minutes and then come to the back room.”

  Chandra smiles. “Sounds perfect. I’ll go to the restroom and then I’ll be right there.”

  Adam watches Caleb head towards the back. He turns to Chandra. “You ready?”

  She nods. “Yeah. I think this party and signing will go a long way to take my mind off things. I’ll meet you in a few minutes.” She hugs him. “Thanks again for driving me.”

  “No problem. I’ll meet you in there.”

  Chandra heads to the hallway, admiring several paintings on the wall as she finds her way to the restroom. It’s a single. No stalls. She locks the door behind her, grateful for the few minutes of privacy. Washing her hands, she stares at herself in the mirror. Her curls hang loose on her shoulders. Her pale blue eyes stare back at her. Opening them wide and smiling, she hopes the worry they carry won’t be noticeable. Trying several facial expressions, she gives up when she hears the doorknob rattle. “Almost done,” she yells out. “I’m going to have to smile all night,” she whispers.

  Exiting, she glances up and down, expecting to see someone waiting to use the restroom. Her brow wrinkles at the empty hallway. A quick glance to her left, she turns right and smacks into a man.

  “Excuse me,” Chandra says. The greenest eyes are staring back at her. Her heart races, thumping against her chest. Her body trembles and her legs feel like noodles. Chandra takes a step back, glancing around the man’s shoulder towards the front of the book store.

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve paid better attention.” He smiles, stepping off to the side.

  The dim lights are still bright enough to highlight the gold specks in his eyes, causing a sparkle effect. His dark wavy hair is mussed up. He’s a good three inches taller and his shoulders look as if he has to turn sideways to get through a doorway. Chandra takes a deep breath to steady herself. “Have I seen you anywhere before?”

  His nostrils flare as he walks past her. “I don’t know. Have you?” He winks as he enters the restroom.

  Chandra rushes to the other room. She wrings her hands as she searches the small crowd of people for Adam. Her hurried gait weaves her through the guests. As she approaches Adam, she reaches out to grab his arm when she’s pulled away.

  “Ms. Willis…”

  Chandra yelps before turning to see Caleb. She exhales as relief washes over her. She raises her hand, lowering it before he notices the shaking. “Please, call me Chandra.”

  “Chandra, this is my wife, Christine.”

  Christine is rail thin. Her shiny gray hair is pulled back in a bun at the base of her head. Her eyes are as yellow as a cat’s. “Nice to meet you.”

  Christine grabs her around the neck. “I can’t tell you how long I have been waiting for tonight. To get to meet you in the flesh.” She steps back. “I enjoy reading your books. You make being scared way too much fun.”

  Chandra smiles, looking up. The man from the hallway watches her as he moves to the buffet table. “I see more people have shown up.”

  Caleb nods. “I’m going to introduce you in about…” he looks at his watch, “say about five minutes.”

  Chandra gives him a thumbs up. “I need to speak with Adam, then I’ll be ready to go.” She excuses herself and makes a beeline for him. “Hey,” she says tapping him on the shoulder.

  “Hey, yourself. It looks like it’s getting ready to start.” He studies her face. “What happened?”

  She tugs him into the corner. “I just saw him.”

  “Saw who?” Adam says as he looks around the room.

  “The guy from a few of my signings.” The pitch in her voice rises. “He’s here.” Her voice trembles along with her entire body.


  Adam’s eyes widen. “No shit?” He spins around. “Where? Point him out to me.”

  Chandra stays tucked into the corner of the room, shielding herself behind Adam. “He’s there.” She points to the table.

  Adam’s back is to her. “Where?” He asks, as he turns around and follows her finger with his gaze. “Who?”

  “The guy at the buffet table.”

  “There are like three guys at the table. Which one?”

  Chandra leans around him and points to the man in the jeans and sweatshirt. “Him.”

  Adam ogles the man. “He doesn’t look like a stalker.”

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake. Do they ever look like a stalker?”

  Adam turns around. “Calm down. You can’t be sure he’s a bad guy or not. Maybe he likes your books.”

  “No. I’m sure it’s him I’ve seen around.” She pinches the bridge of her nose. “At least I think I have.” She’s about to say something when Caleb taps a glass. “Oh great.” She fixes her shirt and runs her fingers through her hair.

  “Everyone, I want to thank you for coming to this private signing. For several years now, my wife has crooned about this writer. ‘You have to read her books’ she would say. So finally, I did. And she’s now one of my favorite authors. To have her here for some of my closest friends, brings me more joy than you know. Please let me introduce you to Ms. Chandra Willis.”

  Applause erupts. Chandra walks through a cleared path of patrons. Moving through the crowd, she keeps her would be stalker in her peripheral vision. “I’m thrilled to be here, and I’m honored you have made time in your day for me,” Chandra says, facing the crowd.

  Caleb takes her hand. “This is our time with her before the doors open for the remainder of the signing.” He points in the direction of a table. “Let’s take a few minutes to eat and talk. Feel free to ask Ms. Willis questions, and then she can sign books.”

  “I don’t mind signing books now, either. I’m here for you guys,” Chandra says, glancing at Caleb and then the crowd.
r />   “Get a snack, Chandra. The canapés are delicious. Get a drink. Answer questions, then sign.” Caleb watches as his wife hands her a small plate of food and a cup of punch.

  Chandra smiles, taking them from Christine. “Thank you.” She sets her drink down on a table next to her. The man with the green eyes is mingling. He seems comfortable and at ease. Her brow furrows as he periodically looks up and smiles at her, occasionally nodding in her direction.

  Adam is standing next to her, watching the man she’s convinced is her stalker. “He looks harmless,” he says leaning into her ear.

  “Chandra, Ms. Willis?”

  Chandra’s attention is brought back to the woman in front of her. “Pardon me.”

  The woman smiles. “Julian has that effect on most women.”

  Chandra swallows a lump of food. “Excuse me?”

  “Julian.” The woman points to the man across the room. “I’m assuming he’s the reason for your distraction.”

  Chandra can feel the heat rush to her cheeks. “Um, no. I mean, that’s not….”

  The lady leans back and laughs. “Honey, everyone looks at Julian like that. Why he’s not a model, no one will ever know.”

  “You know him?” Chandra asks.

  “Of course, I do. Don’t you? Hang on a moment.” The woman walks away.

  Chandra leans into Adam. “I’m confused,” she says, taking a sip of her drink and placing her plate on the table at the same time.

  They both watch as the older woman comes back to them.

  “She’s bringing him over,” Chandra says. Her jaw begins to ache. She forces herself to relax, rolling her shoulders to lessen the tension.

  “Ms. Willis, this is Julian. Julian Drake.”

  “Martha, have you introduced yourself to Ms. Willis?” He says without taking his eyes off the author.

  “Oh, gosh, I’m sorry. I’m Martha Vantrese. I’m the Mayor of Londonberry.” She squints at Chandra. “I know from your bio you grew up in Manchester, what part?”

  Chandra’s head pounds. Julian’s masculine scent fills her nose. She inhales, hoping it lingers. Her stomach flutters as if she swallowed a thousand butterflies. “I’m sorry, what did you ask me?”


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