Fleeting Glimpse

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Fleeting Glimpse Page 11

by Victoria M. Patton

  “I know who you are.” He points at Chandra.

  She steps a little closer to Julian. “That’s great.”

  “You’re that horror writer.”

  Chandra’s brow wrinkles. She looks at Julian then back at the stranger. “Yes I am.”

  “I’m an author, too.”

  Chandra wants to run from the store. Her heart is racing. “That’s fantastic.”

  Julian steps in between Chandra and the so-called fan. “We have to go.”

  “I think your books are great.”

  “Thank you,” Chandra says as Julian pulls her along. She turns to Julian. “I don’t want to be here.”

  “Let’s get what we need. And then we’ll go. Don’t worry. I’m here.”


  Driving back to Chandra’s house, Julian gets a call from one of his detectives.

  Chandra listens to the one-sided conversation as she checks her email on her phone. “What’s up?” she asks when he hangs up.


  “Your call. Is everything okay?”

  Julian looks out his side window.

  “Julian? Can you tell me about the call?”

  “One of my detectives found something out about Thomas.”

  Chandra wiggles in her seat, shifting her weight. She clasps her hands in her lap. “Is it bad?”

  As Julian pulls up to the gate, an alarm sounds at the same time the security app on Chandra’s phone chirps. She clicks on the app.

  “What is it?” Julian asks.

  “I’m not sure.” She lets out a soft gasp. “It says the side door has been opened.”

  George comes out from the gate. “Hey, Lieutenant Drake.” An alarm sounds in the shack. He glances over his shoulder then back at Chandra. “That alarm is from your house,” George says nodding towards the shack.

  “Let us in,” Julian says.

  “You got it. Call me if I need to do anything for you,” George says.

  Chandra uses the app to shut off the alarm.

  Julian speeds through the gate. He glances over at Chandra. Her eyes are glossy from the tears welling up. “Don’t worry.” He reaches over and takes her hand.

  She looks at him. She can’t keep the salty tears from cresting over the edge. She grips his hand tight, saying nothing as he drives to her house.

  Entering the driveway, nothing looks out of place. Julian scans the front yard and garage area. He looks over at Chandra. “Stay here. I mean it.”

  Chandra nods. “Okay.” She grips her phone in her hand.

  “I’ll be back to get you.” Julian grabs his weapon from the glove box, and jumps out of the car.

  Chandra watches as he walks around the garage to the side door. Her knee bounces as she wrings her hands. “C’mon,” she whispers as she looks over her shoulder. She checks the locks on the car door, making sure they’re secure. The still of the night echoes in her ears. Her teeth chatter as she waits for Julian to return.

  Shifting in her seat, she searches the darkness for signs of a would-be assailant. Her thoughts race as she thinks of Theo. She squeezes her eyes shut, rocking in her seat. “Please, please let Theo be okay.” She repeats the mantra over and over again.

  She hears the click of the door lock. She sinks into the seat, hiding. She sees Julian walking towards her. Opening the door, she leaps from the car. “Is anyone there?”

  Julian shakes his head. “No.”

  “Does it look like they went into the house?”

  He takes her by her elbow, walking towards the garage. “Not from what I could see. I think they jimmied it open ran off when the alarm sounded. Did you disarm the home using the app?”

  “Yes.” Using the keypad to raise the door, she unlocks the mudroom. Her brow furrows as she glances at the side door. “Can it be locked?”

  “Sort of.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel safe.” Before entering the house, she closes the garage door. Scanning her living room, nothing looks out of place. “Where’s Theo?” she asks, frantically searching the living room and the rest of the downstairs. She walks out of the spare bedroom. “Theo? Here kitty, kitty?” Chandra runs to the glass door. Spinning around, she finds Julian right behind her. “Did you see him?”

  “No. I wanted to make sure whoever tried to get in didn’t actually succeed. The mudroom was still locked so I couldn’t get into the house.” His gaze lands on her. Tears stream down her face. “We’ll find him, I promise. Only the side door was opened. He has to still be in the house.”

  Chandra races through the house again. Checking upstairs, then a second pass of the downstairs. “Theo? C’mon kitty. It’s Mama. Sweetie? Here kitty, kitty.” She’s about to search the downstairs again, when a soft meow catches her attention.

  Following the noise, she finds Theo under the bed in the guest bedroom. “I found him.” She calls out to Julian. “I must have missed him the first time I looked under here.” Dragging him out, she hugs him against her chest. “Oh, Theo. Are you okay?”

  Julian reaches out and scratches his head. “I bet the alarm spooked him.”

  “I don’t doubt it.”

  “Well, it also looks like it did its job.”

  “I still don’t feel safe. I thought the alarm would make me feel safe.” She buries her face in Theo’s fur.


  Chandra moves around in a daze as she helps put up her groceries. Her eyes dart to the mudroom, then back to her task.

  “Don’t worry. I’m calling a friend of mine to come over this evening and fix the side door and check all the other locks.” Julian grabs a bottle of wine from the fridge and one glass. “Sit.” He motions towards a chair at the table.

  Theo is oblivious. He eats his food as if nothing has happened.

  “Take a cue from the cat and relax. I know this is scary. I promise we’ll get the side door fixed.” He pulls out his phone and texts someone. A few minutes later it pings. “My friend is on his way. He said he should be here in about thirty minutes.”

  A faint smile pulls her mouth upward. “Thank you.”

  “Let’s check the video.”

  She looks at him. Closing her eyes, she rubs her temples. “What video?”

  Julian taps her knee. “The video from the alarm system.”

  Her eyes widen. “I forgot.” She pulls her phone from her back pocket and opens the app, handing it to him.

  Julian watches as a man in dark clothing comes into view. He sneaks up to the door. Even when the flood light comes on, the man makes no attempt to flee the scene. He holds the phone out. “Does this guy look familiar? I know he is covered up, but does anything stand out to you?”

  Chandra takes the phone. She stares at it. She watches him creep around her home then use some kind of tool to break in. She shakes her head. “I don’t think so. I haven’t seen Thomas in a while, but he doesn’t have his build. This guy seems a little thinner. Thomas is beefier.”

  “Okay.” He reaches out squeezing her shoulder. “We will figure it out.”

  She nods, sipping her wine.

  “Do you have any book signings this week or next?” Julian asks sticking his right hand into his front pocket, quickly removing it. He adds a little more wine to her glass. He holds the bottle up. “I bet you have one big glass left.” He opens the refrigerator door, peeking over his shoulder at her, before pushing the cork into the bottle and setting in on the shelf.

  “I know what you’re trying to do.”

  “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  “Distract me.”

  Julian sits back at the table. “You think you’re so smart, huh?” He winks at her. “Do you have any?”

  “Do I have any what?”

  “Any book signings?”

  She nods. “Yes. One tomorrow, late afternoon, and one Saturday evening. The one Saturday should be the last one before my trip.”

  Julian til
ts his head to the side. “Where is the one tomorrow?”

  “It’s at a little boutique book store in Bedford.”

  “I can’t be there. I can pick you up and take you to the one on Saturday evening.”

  Her head swivels back and forth. “No. You’re not my babysitter.” She sits up a little straighter in her chair. “You were about to tell me something earlier, about Thomas.”

  “It can wait.”

  “No. Tell me.” Her eyes squint at him. “Please.”

  He sighs. “It seems Thomas did this to another author many years ago.”

  “I don’t get it. How come it never showed on his record? I know my publishing house would have done a background check.”

  “It never went to court. We found the records only because we were looking at places he lived. This information wasn’t public. I mean, someone would have to know where to look.”

  “How can he get away with this?”

  Julian shrugs. “It’s how our justice system is set up. He never did anything overt. Not enough to warrant a TRO or any kind of harassment charges. From what my detective gathered, the young author made several complaints, but never had any proof. The police couldn’t do anything without any proof.”

  “Do you know what happened to the lady? Maybe I could talk to her now.” Chandra shifts in her seat.

  “I’m sorry. It looks like she died in a car wreck. About a year and a half ago.” Julian walks to the fridge to get a bottle of water. “You don’t mind, do you?” he holds it up.

  “No. Not at all. Please, help yourself.” She stares out the glass door. Turning to face him, tears threaten to overflow again. “Do you think he had anything to do with her death?”

  Julian sits back down, reaching out for her hand. “I have my guy looking at it more thoroughly. It’s looking like a random car accident.”

  Theo rubs against Julian’s leg. He bends over, picking him up. “Hey you.” Giving his head a scratch, he places him in his lap.

  “He seems to really like you.”

  Julian grins at her. “I have a way with cats.”

  The doorbell chimes, making Chandra jump. She stiffens in her seat.

  Julian hands her the cat. “It’s okay. That’s my buddy.” As he walks to the front door, he looks back to see Chandra wiping her cheeks. “Hey, Mark.”

  “Don’t forget the alarm…” she trails off. Chandra’s brow wrinkles. “I must not have armed it.”

  Julian smiles at her. “Yeah. Good thing too. I don’t’ want to lose my hearing.” He turns back to Mark. “Thanks for coming over this time of night. I owe you one.”

  “Don’t mention it. You’ve done a ton of stuff for me.” Mark shakes his hand, squeezing his shoulder at the same time. “Explain it to me.”

  He shows him the side door, while he explains the alarm system. Julian leads him back into the house. “I would like for you to look at the sliding door too and let’s make sure the front door is secure, as well,” Julian says leading him to the glass doors. “What do you think?”

  Mark examines the doors. “These are top notch. Most glass doors ride on a rail system. These have posts in each of the corners of the frames of glass. He turns to Chandra. “This has a remote, correct?”

  She lifts it off the little round table, next to a reading chair. “Yes,” she says, handing it to him.

  Using the remote, he tests the door, opening it and closing it several times. He whistles, watching as the frames of glass fold open like an accordion, then close flat with no visible seams. “These are nice. The metal posts ride on a track that is buried.” He opens the door. “See that groove there?” he asks looking at Julian while pointing to the floor. “It gives the illusion the doors are free standing. When the door is shut, the frames inter lock with each other forming a very tight seal. There are two edges that keep a slim tool from being used to pry the glass open.”

  He takes a few steps to his right, pointing at the floor. “This is the locking mechanism, correct?”

  Chandra nods.

  He glances at Julian. “When she taps it, it engages the post within the track, essentially locking the underground poles in place.” He turns to Chandra. “Do you know what’s cool about this door?”

  Her eyes get wide. “No. What should I know?”

  Mark laughs. “I bet they told you and you’ve forgotten. The doors will still operate with a power loss.”

  “Yes!” Chandra exclaims. “I remember that. Something about an independent motor.”

  “Yeah. It won’t last long. But if there is a power outage, you have enough charge to open or close these doors. That way you don’t get stuck with them open during a storm.” He inspects it. “Everything with this looks great. You got the top of the line with this one. I don’t think you have to worry about anyone breaking in through here, unless they break the glass. Did this come with two remotes?”

  She nods. “Yes. I have another one in the drawer there.” She points to the reading table.

  “Good. Don’t lose it. They’re super expensive to replace.” He looks back at the entryway. “Now the side door needs some work.”

  “Can you make it more secure?” Chandra asks.

  “I sure can. I’m going to install a few new dead bolts and a metal panel that will help keep the door from being kicked in. I’ll put the same on the front door.”

  Julian smiles at Chandra. “Mark will make sure no one can get in through any of the doors or windows.” He turns to his buddy. “I want you to check everything. Put whatever hardware you need to make it harder for someone to gain entry.”

  “Not everything is fool proof,” Mark says.

  “Let’s at least make it as hard as possible.” Julian takes her hand in his. “I’m going to run my stuff home and grab a change of clothes. I’ll sleep in your spare room tonight, to give you a little peace of mind.”

  “You don’t have to.” Chandra bites her bottom lip. She takes her glass to the sink. Her hands are sweaty, and the glass nearly slips from her grasp.

  “I don’t have to do anything. I want to.” He spins around to Mark. “How long will you be here?”

  He looks at his watch. “I should be done in about an hour, maybe two.”

  “Good. That puts it at about ten or eleven.” Julian places his hands on her shoulders. “Mark will be here, and I’ll be back in about an hour.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind? I feel stupid having you stay.”

  “I don’t mind at all.” He spins around to face Mark. “I really appreciate this.”

  “No problem, Julian. I’m going to go out to my truck and get the things I need. After I do the side door, I’ll check everything else.”

  “Thank you. Go in and out as you need. The alarm is off.” She follows Julian to the door. “Thank you.”

  He caresses her cheek. “You’re welcome.” Leaning in, he abruptly stops, straightening. “I’ll be back soon.”


  Luke enters his home. From his front window he can see Chandra’s house. He probably shouldn’t have gone over there, but he couldn’t help himself. And although he doesn’t think she will put two and two together, he still shouldn’t have done it. “I’m so stupid he says,” as he smacks the side of his head. “That damn alarm. How could I have forgotten she put that in?” He hisses out a breath as he grinds his teeth.

  He watches through his blinds as a locksmith pulls into the driveway. A few moments later the car that drove Chandra home, leaves. “I should’ve taken a photo of the license plate.” He paces his living room. A low rumble fills his chest. “I need to find out if that is a boyfriend or just a friend.”

  Seeing her around town or at the library just isn’t enough anymore. He needs to get her alone. If she would give him a chance, he’s positive she would like him. What a trophy she would be, too. He laughs. “The family and my buddies would have to respect me if I showed up with her on my arm.”
/>   He still has a few weeks. That should be enough time to weasel himself into her life. He walks to his kitchen and grabs a soda from his fridge. He closes the door and looks at the array of photos he has of her. Some were taken at book signings and some taken while she sat on her back deck. One in particular had her hair blowing across her face. Her pale blue eyes peaked out from behind the strands. Her soft pink lips are parted, as if she waited for a kiss. He closes his eyes and imagines what it would feel like to kiss her.

  After reading her books, and following her career, he feels as if he knows her. He knows her favorite color is pink. And he recently found out roses were her favorite flower. He has some ideas he thinks will help him get into her good graces.

  He fiddles with his phone. Looking at the most recent photo he took of her. She really is a beautiful woman. He should’ve gone into the library, but he didn’t want to risk the chance of her seeing him. The desire to be near her sometimes gets the best of him.

  Finishing his soda, he checks his watch. He needs to be at a meeting in the morning, but he has to make one stop on his way out. Then his afternoon will be free, and he hopes he can see her. He knows where her next book signing is. Maybe he should swing by. He wouldn’t mind having a signed copy of her book.


  10:30 p.m. Thursday night

  Mark walks into the living room. He stops and watches as Chandra dozes on the sofa. Her TV is on, and the news is getting ready to start. “Ms. Willis?” He calls out to her. Moving closer, he places his hand on her shoulder. “Ms..…”

  Chandra screams.

  “I’m sorry,” Mark’s hands are raised. “I called your name several times.”

  The doorbell rings. “It’s okay,” she says catching her breath. Jumping up from the sofa, she heads to the front door. Relief washes over her when she opens it to find Julian standing there.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I scared the crap out of her.” Mark is holding his tool box as he walks towards them. “Everything is secure. I placed new locks on the windows. Most could be open by sliding any kind of tool between the frames.


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