“I don’t know if you had any break-ins, but the office window looked as if it had been pried open at one point. I put in new bolts on each door, and two new ones on the side door leading from the yard into the garage, and two new ones on the mudroom door.”
“I can’t believe I slept through you working.” Her eyes shift between Mark and Julian.
“No worries.” He hands her several keys. “There are two sets of keys for each lock. I have them labeled.” Mark opens up the front door, then turns back. “Leave the key marked #1 in this lock. You can’t open it from the outside. Don’t lose the keys or you have to get new ones. Lock it when you go to bed or leave the house through the garage. It can’t be picked and it will give you a little more protection from someone busting down the door. I put the same lock on the side door. Put the key marked #2 in it. If you need me, you call me.”
“Wait, don’t I need to pay for all this?”
Mark nods. “I’ll mail out a bill. I have all your information. No need to worry about it now. It’s late. Goodnight.” He waves as he leaves.
“Thanks, Mark. I owe you.” Julian locks the front door. “I need the key for the new lock.”
Chandra stares at him.
“Huh? Oh, sorry.” She hands him the key marked #1. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
He points to the keypad. “Arm your system.”
She obeys, punching in the code. “I’ll put the other key in the side door tomorrow.”
“You go on up to bed. I’ll be down here in the spare room.”
Chandra nods. “Okay.” As she walks away, she stops, turning back towards him. “I feel much safer with you here. I know the locks are in place, and the door is fixed. But I’m glad you’re staying.” She’s about to head to the stairs when her phone rings. Lifting it from the back pocket of her jeans, her hands tremble.
Julian takes a few steps in her direction. “What is it, Chandra?”
“It’s a photo.”
“Of what?”
“Of me. In front of the library. With a text.”
Julian takes her phone from her outstretched hand. He reads the text.
Sorry I missed you.
“I told you about the card at the library. Then that bouquet at my front door.”
“What day was that, again?”
“Wednesday. Yesterday.”
He scrolls through her call log. “It’s from an unknown number.”
“Do you think it’s Thomas?”
Julian hands her back the phone. “Thomas, or the guy who tried to break in tonight, if they aren’t the same person. I’m going to assume it’s Thomas. He’s trying to terrorize you. This is the same stuff he did to the other girl.” He pulls her into him, hugging her. He feels her body tremble against his. “I promise you I won’t let him hurt you.”
Chandra inhales his masculine smell, soaking up his essence. Something about the aroma brings her comfort. A familiarity. The warmth of his body engulfs her, calming her. Her grip tightens around his waist. “But I took him off the list. How can he get back in?”
“You don’t live in Fort Knox, Chandra.” He leans back, lifting her chin. “I won’t let him hurt you. I’ll find a way to stop him.”
She steps back, wanting to run to the stairs. “What time do you need to leave in the morning?”
“I’ll be out of here by eight or eight thirty.”
“Okay. I’ll be up before then. Please don’t leave without saying anything.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
“Goodnight.” She scoops up Theo from the sofa, leaving the kitchen light on. At the top of the stairs she hears the bathroom door close. She contemplates sleeping down here in the living room. Or maybe even with him. But she can’t bring herself to ask. Gathering her strength, she heads to her room.
Dressing for bed, she snuggles in her sweats and t-shirt. Theo crawls up next to her. Her bedroom door is cracked, allowing Theo to get out. The glow from the hallway night light casts long shadows into her room.
Her mind races as her breathing comes in short pants. The shadows creep around her room as if they’re spying on her, waiting for the right moment to attack. Scenarios run through her mind. How long would it take him to get up here? Would he make it in time? Clenching and unclenching the blankets in her hands, her breathing slows. No longer able to keep her eyes open, they drift shut.
4:30 am Friday morning
A whisper tickles Chandra’s ear. She swats at whatever is trying to wake her.
“Chandra.” The voice whispers again.
Her eyes pop open. She holds her breath. Squeezing her eyes shut, her body stiffens under the covers.
She bolts upright. A dark figure stands in her doorway. She can’t see his face, yet she senses something familiar about him. She relaxes. “Julian, is that you?”
No response.
The man takes a step towards her.
The hair on her arms bristle. Sweat beads around her hairline. “Julian?”
In a flash, the man leaps to her. Jumping on the bed, he straddles her.
Chandra struggles against his weight. She sees the knife in his hand. The man is wearing a plastic mask, distorting his features. She frees one of her pinned arms and reaches up to pull the mask off. A swoosh of air escapes her lungs as she screams before the knife plunges into her stomach. The last face she sees is Julian’s.
“Chandra! Chandra! Wake up!” Julian is holding her arms against the bed. “Chandra! It’s okay. It’s me.”
Chandra wiggles free of his hold.
Julian sits next to her on the bed. He reaches out to push her hair out of her face. “Chandra, it’s me, Julian.”
She scurries to the other side of the bed, leaping onto the floor. Her eyes are wide, tears stream down her cheeks. “It was you.” Her hand grabs her stomach. She checks herself for blood.
“It was me what?” Julian asks as he turns on the overhead light. “Chandra, you were screaming in your sleep.”
“It was you.” She points at him.
He takes a few steps towards her. “Chandra. You were having a bad dream.”
“Stay away. Just stay there.” Her legs tremble, barely able to support her. She stumbles.
Julian grabs her; moving her to the end of the bed. “Sit.”
She shrinks at the tone in his voice. Wrapping her arms around her waist, she rocks back and forth.
Julian stands in front of her. “Tell me about your dream.”
She breathes in through her nose and out through her mouth. It takes several slow breaths to calm herself. She places the thumb of her right hand against each fingertip. Repeating the process until the mental fog leaves.
Julian can hear her counting, one, two, three, four; under her breath. The sequence slowing with each repetition. “Talk to me, Chandra.” He sits next to her, placing his arm around her shoulders.
“Someone called my name. I looked up, and a man stood in my doorway. Before I knew it, he jumped on top of me, pinning me down. He wore a mask. I ripped it off as he stabbed me.” She lifts her head to look at him. “It was you.”
“I don’t understand.”
“When I removed his mask. It was you. You killed me.”
Julian tightens his grip around her, pulling her into the crook of his shoulder. “It was a bad dream.” Excess saliva coats his throat. The hair at the nape of his neck stiffens. His grip around her tightens. “It was a bad dream.” Sneaking a peak at his watch, he sighs. “It’s almost five. I’m going to go take a shower,” he says, standing.
Chandra’s posture slumps. “I’m sorry. You must think I’m a nut case.”
He places a little distance between them. “No. I don’t.”
“You seem—angry.”
His head hangs low. “I’m not angry. I don’t know what to do to help you. I know you
don’t really think I could kill you. I hate seeing you hurting and scared.”
She looks up at him. Her bottom lip trembles. She takes one step towards him, stopping. Chandra fidgets with the hem of her shirt. “I know you would never hurt me.” She lifts her gaze upward, making eye contact before looking down at her feet. “My subconscious put you in Thomas’ place.” Stepping next to him, she wraps her arms around his waist. “Thank you for being here.”
He kisses the top of her head as he hugs her. “Of course. Where else would I be?” He lifts her chin. “I like being with you. I wish I could make you realize I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
Chandra lays her head against his chest, inhaling. The soft beating of his heart soothes her. “I know.” She steps back. “I know you will protect me.”
“I hope you do.” His fingers graze her cheek.
She clears her throat. “While you’re showering, I’ll make you breakfast.”
He lifts one eyebrow at her. “What kind of breakfast?”
“A full Irish,” she says walking to the door.
He follows behind her. “I could get used to this.”
At the bottom of the stairs they part ways. Julian heads to the guest bathroom and Chandra to the kitchen.
Theo is hot on her heels. His meowing echoes around her.
“Yes, I’ll feed you first.” After filling his bowl with a can of cat food, she washes her hands and begins to prepare breakfast. Something nags her. A niggling deep in her subconscious. It’s trying to tell her something. She pushes the uncertainty away. Focusing on the day ahead. A day she hopes she gets to spend with Julian.
Pushing his plate to the center of the table, Julian washes down his last bite of food. “Best breakfast I’ve had in a long time.”
Chandra beams him a huge smile. “It’s the least I can do for you babysitting me.”
“And accusing me of murdering you.”
“Yes, that too.”
“I’m not babysitting you.” He stands, stretching. “I like being around you. Plus, you feed me. What man doesn’t like to be fed?”
Clearing the plates, Chandra laughs. “I guess the old saying, ‘a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’, is true.”
Standing behind her, he places both hands on the edge of the sink, blocking her in. His lips rest against her left ear. “Are you trying to weave your way into my heart?” He can feel her body shiver, as his lips graze her neck. “Hmm? You haven’t answered me?”
Chandra blows out a hot breath of air. Her fingers grip the sides of the counter. Blood rushes to her cheeks, flooding her face with heat. Her chest tightens.
Julian moves his hands to her shoulders, as he presses closer to her. Her lightweight t-shirt hangs loose at the waist. Fighting the urge to run his hands along her stomach, he steps back. When she turns around, her eyes are hooded. Her lips are plump and pink. “I better get going,” he says taking two steps back. He looks down, hiding his smirk.
“Okay. Yeah, I have to get ready for my book signing this afternoon. Actually, dinner time is when the event will be happening.” She brushes her hair back from her face. Not sure what to do with her hands, she wraps her arms around herself.
“Where is it?”
Chandra feels a pang of sadness as she watches him gather his belongings. She wants him to stay. “It’s in Bedford. Frilly’s Book Haven. Starts at five.”
He chuckles at the name. “That’s a funny name for a book store.”
She shrugs. “I go where they tell me.” She follows him to the front door. “Thank you again for staying.”
He turns to her. Inches from her, he can feel her warm breath against his skin. “I didn’t mind at all. I’ll text you later. Make sure to arm everything when you leave. Tomorrow I’m on call, but I can hang around and drive you to the signing.”
“That would be nice.” She taps in the code before opening the front door, watching as he heads to his car. He waves as he leaves the driveway. She closes the door and is about to lock it, when someone knocks on it. Opening it she’s smiling. “Did you miss me already?” She asks expecting to see Julian. “Oh.” The word comes out as a gasp.
She takes a step back, placing herself behind her front door. “Yes?”
He smiles at her. “I’m Luke Reynolds.” He points to his left. “I live two houses over. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Hi, Luke. What can I do for you?”
“I saw the security company and the locksmith over here. I was about to leave for work and wanted to make sure you’re okay. I heard an alarm last night. It didn’t stay on for very long. Did you have a break in?” he asks, walking towards her.
She nods. “I’m fine. Making some needed upgrades. Not sure if someone tried to break in or if it was a false alarm.” Chandra’s mind races. Where do I know him from? The silence hangs heavy between them.
“I’m sure having your boyfriend stay over will help.”
Chandra shakes her head. “Boyfriend?”
“The car that just left. I saw he stayed the night. I just assumed he was your boyfriend.”
“No. A very good friend.” She squints. “Have we met before?”
He grins at her. “A couple of times over the last few years. Passing by. I travel a lot, so I’m not home much.”
He steps closer to the door. “Did you like the flowers?”
Chandra’s body goes rigid. She can barely take in a breath. “How did you know about the flowers?”
He chuckles. “I saw them. They were at your front door. Quite beautiful.” He flashes a sly grin. “I bet pink must be your favorite color.”
Chandra tries to slow her breathing. “Did you see who put them at my door?”
He shrugs. “Nope. Anyway, if you ever need anything, I’m right next door. Well, two doors over.” He nods towards his house. “Don’t hesitate to call me.” He reaches into the front pocket of his jeans.
Chandra withdraws further into her home.
“Here. This is my number. Call me if you need anything.” He hands the piece of paper to her.
“Thank you.” She’s about to close the door when he puts his arm out to stop it.
“I love your books. I’ve read every one. The way you capture the terror of your characters makes me feel like I’m right in the thick of it.” He tilts his head, making a half salute to her. “I have to leave for work. Remember, I’m always just a phone call away.” He glances back at her as he walks to his house.
Chandra closes her door, engaging all the locks and then arming the alarm system. Shivering, she grabs a sweater hanging on the back of one of her chairs. She’s positive she has seen Luke before today. Setting her alarm on her phone, she lays down on the sofa. Barely nine a.m. and she can’t keep her eyes open. Snuggling in for a short nap, Theo joins her. As she breathes, Theo’s scent fills her nose. She places her head next to his and inhales. Drifting off, she can’t help but smile. She knows that smell, if only she could place it.
Chandra finds a spot a few doors down from the bookstore. Several shoppers make their way through the small boutiques lining the street. Checking the time, she has fifteen minutes to set things up. This time Adam wouldn’t be here.
Her thoughts drift back to this morning. She can smell Julian’s freshly washed body. She can feel his hot breath on her neck. Her fingers graze her phone. She resists the urge to call him. “No. I’ll not be desperate. I may be a lot of things. But I’m not desperate.” Lifting her purse from the passenger seat and her phone from its cradle, she exits her vehicle.
Shivering slightly against the crisp air, she frowns. She searches the backseat. “Crap. I forgot it again.” She sighs, gathering a box of table décor and a second bag. Walking to the bookstore, she freezes mid-stride.
The hair on the back of her neck stands on end. She turns, scanning both sides
of the street. Shrugging, she continues. A few steps from the entrance, a tingling sensation spreads throughout her chest. The overwhelming urge to turn around washes over her. She glances over both shoulders. Besides the shoppers, no one stands out to her. Closing her eyes, she stands up straight, squaring her shoulders. “Not today,” she says under her breath as she pulls open the door.
The chime sounds and an older woman lifts her head.
Chandra smiles as she maneuvers the box through the doorway. “Hi.”
The woman’s eyes light up when she recognizes her guest. “Tom! Tom! She’s here.” Wiping her hands on the sides of her skirt, she rushes over. “Ms. Willis.” She places a hand on her chest. “This is exciting. Thank you for coming.”
“It’s my pleasure.” Chandra lifts the box. “Where are you going to have me situated?”
“Where are my manners?” The lady takes the box from her hands. “Let me help you. Follow me.” Dodging nooks and crannies in between book shelves, she leads Chandra to the center of the store. Setting the box on a table. “I’m Betty. My husband, Tom, will be here in a second.” She stretches her neck, looking for him. “At least I thought he would be.”
“Did Adam speak with you?” Chandra asks, placing her bags on the table.
“He did. He sent over all the books needed and some give away promotional items. We’re doing a raffle. No cost to anyone, other than signing up for our monthly email.”
“That’s great.” Chandra scans over everything. “It looks like you did all my work.”
“I wanted to make sure the set up went smooth. I know you have a few things you need to do, and I wanted to get the bulk….”
“Hey, honey.” Tom kisses his wife’s cheek. “Sorry. I had to store some things downstairs.” He brushes his hands off on his shirt. “I’m Tom. It’s a real pleasure to meet you.”
Chandra takes his hand. “I’m thrilled to be here.”
“Betty, I think people are showing up.” Tom smiles at Chandra. “Are you ready?”
Nodding, she places the last of the items from her bag on the table. “Absolutely.”
Fleeting Glimpse Page 12