A few hours later, Chandra is clearing the table. It’s always easier to pack up than unpack. She says to herself.
Jumping back, she knocks over a chair.
“Oh my gosh,” Betty says, scrambling to catch her before she falls. Grabbing her by the arm, and almost dropping the flowers she held in her other hand. “Are you okay?”
“Whoa,” Chandra says with a partial giggle. “Good catch.” She nods at the flowers. “Good save, too.”
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” Betty wipes her brow.
Fanning her hand, Chandra waves her off. “It’s okay. My fault. Lost in my thoughts I guess.” Placing the last of her items in her bag, she arches her back; stretching.
“Your books sold out, every one we had in stock. What a success!” Lifting a bouquet of six different colored shades of roses, she holds them out to her. “And these are for you.”
“You shouldn’t have bought these for me.” She takes the flowers. “They’re beautiful.”
“I would love to take credit for these, but I can’t. They were delivered tonight,” Betty says.
Chandra swallows, licking her lips. “Do you know who sent them?”
“No. They were delivered to the back. That is where all deliveries are dropped off.”
“By a florist?” Chandra sets the roses on the table.
“I don’t really know. A man in a delivery jacket and baseball hat dropped them off. I only knew they were for you because of the card.” Betty points to the card nestled between the stems.
“Oh. I wonder who did this?” Chandra fidgets with her hands. “What about what Adam sent over? Did he say he would be picking up those items?”
Betty nods, smiling over her shoulder at her husband. He carries three coffee mugs, each topped with mounds of whip cream. “Yummy,” she says, taking a cup.
Tom hands one to Chandra. “I took the liberty of making you one.”
“Thank you.” She savors the rich warm flavors of cocoa and cinnamon. “Mmm. This hits the spot.”
“Who gave you the flowers?” Tom asks.
“Quit being nosy.” Betty taps her husband on the forearm.
“It’s okay. I bet my agent or editor did it.” Chandra sips the hot cocoa.
“Back to Adam,” Betty says. “Yes. He made arrangements to pick up anything leftover on his way to work tomorrow morning.”
“I hoped you would say that.” Chandra sets the cup on the table. “Is there anything I need to help you two with before I go?”
Betty gives Chandra a one-armed hug around her neck. “Nope. We’re good. How about you? Do we need to help you carry anything out?”
Chandra shakes her head. “No. I only have these two bags. And these,” she says picking up the roses. She places both bags on one shoulder. “I’m going to head out. Stop and get something for dinner on my way home.”
“Thank you again.” Betty calls out as she waves.
Chandra bristles in the sharp wind. “I have to start remembering to bring my coat.” She squeezes the flowers against her with her left arm, as she hurries to her vehicle. Using her right hand, she digs through her purse searching for her keys. Trying to keep it and the other bag from slipping off her shoulder, a noise startles her. She quickens her pace. Glancing over her left shoulder, she doesn’t see anyone. She unlocks the car. Placing everything in the backseat except her purse, she then opens the driver’s door.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Thomas asks as he slams her car door shut.
Chandra screams, leaping back towards the rear of the vehicle. Catching herself against the fender of the car, she drops her keys on the ground. It takes her a moment to recognize Thomas. His dark hoodie covered the top portion of his face. “Thomas, I didn’t do anything to you.”
“You have caused this whole thing with Baker and Son. I wouldn’t be in this mess if you didn’t turn me in.” Thomas’ nostrils flare. He takes a step towards Chandra.
A quick glance over her shoulder shows a deserted street. “You did this to yourself. I’m sorry you got in trouble. It wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t tried to ruin my contract.” Her eyes widen as Thomas’ neck veins pop out.
“Are you fucking crazy? Had you left with me, we’d be rolling in dough.” He grabs the sides of his hair, tugging on the ends. “You have cost me everything.” He takes two steps towards her, reaching his arms out to grab her.
“I don’t think that’s a wise decision.” Julian steps out from the rear of Chandra’s car.
“Who the fuck are you?” Thomas screams at him.
Julian holds up his badge. “I’m Lieutenant Drake.”
Thomas glares at Chandra. “You’re having the police follow me?” Sweat beads on his forehead.
She shakes her head. “No. I’m not.” She looks to Julian for reassurance. “I didn’t know he would be here.”
“Thomas Rheingold.” Julian takes two steps towards him, placing himself between Thomas and Chandra.
“How the hell does he know my name, if you didn’t tell them?” Thomas stares down Chandra, ignoring the detective.
“The publishing house notified us. It seems you’ve been making threatening calls to her. And making calls to others as well,” Julian says.
“I have not. I made one call to you, you fucking bitch.” Thomas takes a step to his right.
“You’ve called me several times, using an unknown number. You’ve sent me texts, and you tried to break into my home.” Chandra picks up her keys, taking a step back. Putting more space between her and Thomas.
Thomas shakes his head. His brow wrinkles. “What the hell are you talking about?” he asks flailing his arms.
“You’ve called threatening me and harassing me. I know it’s you.” Chandra huffs at him.
“You’re fucking delusional.” Thomas glares at her.
Julian raises his hands. “That’s enough. Thomas, I suggest you leave.”
“You’ve gone too far, Chandra. I’m coming after you with all I have. I’m calling my lawyer and coming after you personally.” Thomas turns to leave. “You won’t be able to hide behind Baker and Son now.” Storming off, Thomas disappears around the corner.
Julian turns to Chandra. “Are you okay?”
Her mouth hangs open. Her eyes dart between the corner and Julian. She points towards the corner. “Why didn’t you arrest him?”
“For what? Cursing you out?”
“For attacking me on the street.”
Julian pinches the bridge of his nose. “He didn’t attack you.”
Crossing her arms, she glares at him. “Only because you showed up.” Her eyes narrow. “Why were you here, anyway?” She takes a tiny step back.
Julian’s head droops. “I came to check on you. I tried to get here before the signing ended.”
Chandra takes another step back. “How long were you standing there, spying on me?”
“What? Spying? I wasn’t spying on you.”
“How long?” Chandra can feel moisture coating her eyes.
“I walked up to the front of the store, realized they were closed, and heard some guy yelling. When I looked around, I saw you. I figured the guy yelling was Thomas. I hid between the cars to listen. I wanted to hear him say something I could use to get a warrant or arrest him. At the minimum I wanted something allowing me to bring him in for questioning.”
Chandra takes a wide path around Julian to the driver’s door. She spins to face him. “Did you send me flowers tonight?”
“What are you talking about? What flowers?”
“Someone who knew I’d be here, had flowers delivered tonight.” She takes a half step back.
“Chandra.” Julian’s nostrils flare. “I know you’re spooked because of Thomas. But, I’m not the bad guy here. I didn’t send you any damn flowers.”
Standing at her car door, her head falls forward.
Julian rest
s his hands on his hips. “I care about you. I care what happens to you. How many fucking ways do I have to prove that to you? What can I do to prove it to you?” Julian takes a couple of steps towards her.
Turning around, Chandra stares into his eyes. Their intensity causes a tingling sensation in her stomach. As if a kaleidoscope of butterflies has taken flight. Her rigid stance softens. “You don’t have anything to prove. I’m sorry,” she says, dipping her head to avoid eye contact.
Julian places his hands on her upper arms. “I would never let him hurt you. I guess if I had let him hit you, I could’ve arrested him. However, I couldn’t do that.” He takes her in his arms. “I’m sorry this is happening.”
She wraps her arms around him.
He can feel her shudder against him. He gives her a moment to calm herself. Squeezing her, he steps back. “How did the signing go?”
A faint smile pushes her mouth upward. “It went well.” She pokes his chest. “You’re trying to distract me again.”
He raises one eyebrow. “Is it working?”
She giggles. “Yes. Thank you.”
His phone beeps. Glancing at the screen, his face tightens.
“Is everything okay?”
“No. The case I’m on needs my attention.”
Chandra squeezes her lips together to keep from laughing, snorting instead.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Your expression. You look like you lost your puppy.”
“Hmm. I wanted to follow you home. Visit for a few hours.”
“I wanted you to come over, too. Tomorrow?”
A broad smile fills his face. “Yes. How about I pick you up at your home and drive you to your book signing?”
“That’s a plan.” She reaches out to open her door.
Julian is faster, opening it for her. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
Buckling her seat belt, she nods. “Great.” She fidgets with her keys. “I’m sorry I reacted the way I did. Thomas caught me off guard. Then when he denied calling me more than once, I—I didn’t know what to believe.”
Julian rests his hands on the edge of the vehicle’s doorway. “It’s okay. I would’ve reacted the same given the circumstances. Remember, he isn’t going to admit to doing something that can get him into a lot of trouble.”
Her head bobs up and down. “I get that, but I shouldn’t have treated you that way. You’ve been supportive, protective, and kind. And thank you for telling him the publishing house called you. I know you did that to take his attention off me.”
He leans in. His mouth hovers close to hers. Winking, he kisses her cheek. “Apology accepted, and you’re welcome.” He closes her door. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Are you going straight home?”
“I need to get something to eat. I don’t want to cook anything. I ate the muffins throughout the day. And the leftovers for lunch.”
“Okay. Be safe.” He waves, heading to his car.
She watches him walk away. A cascade of nausea engulfs her. The butterflies take full flight from her stomach to her chest as the bile hovers at the back of her throat.
Pulling to the end of the block, Thomas watches the cop and Chandra. He squeezes the steering wheel, making the veins in his forearms bulge. “That bitch. I can’t believe her.” Staring at the couple, his breathing comes in pants.
“She involved the police. Who the fuck does she think she is? I can’t believe she’s having me followed.” He slaps the steering wheel with the palms of his hands, while rocking back and forth. “She’s such a bitch. I’m going to show you, Chandra. You will regret the day you went against me.” He isn’t going to let her get away with this.
Chandra can’t shake the feeling she ruined her relationship with Julian. Waiting for her food at the counter of a sandwich shop, she berates herself under her breath. Why Chandra? Why are you scaring off the only man to pay attention to you in a long time? “Thank you,” she says picking up her order.
Back in her car, she leans against her seat. “You’re stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” Her shoulders roll forward. She presses the palms of her hands into her eyes. “No crying. I’m such a crybaby.”
Driving home, her right thumb taps the tips of all her fingers. The anxiety dissipates with every touch. The rhythmic counting in her head eases the tension in her neck and shoulders, rolling them releases even more.
She has to do what Adam and Julian have said. Look at the events separately. Famous people always get stuff from fans. “Just enjoy the gifts.” She says it out loud, but she doesn’t believe it. She begins to tap her thumb against her finger tips again. No. this doesn’t feel like fans and gifts. It’s not my crazy kicking in either.
As she nears the gate, George waves her down. “Hey, George.”
“Ms. Willis. I’ve been trying to reach you.”
Her brow wrinkles. “I never got a call.” She can feel the rush of heat to her face. “Crap.” She reaches into her purse. “Damn it. I turned off my cell, and I forgot to turn it on.” She frowns at George. “I’m sorry.” She turns on her phone.
“Listen. Someone vandalized your home.” George watches as the color rushes out of her face.
Her phone pings with missed phone calls, but her security app shows nothing. Chandra’s hands shake. “My alarm app never went off.” She looks at him with tears welling up. “What did they do?”
“Someone spray painted your garage door.” George reaches through the window taking her hand in his. “They didn’t do any other damage. We called the police. They’re at your home now. I bet your security system caught something, and the app just didn’t notify you. The police will look at it with you. I’ll be over in a few minutes.”
She nods. The jerky movements of her head intensify the sharp pain behind her eyes. “Okay.” Clasping the phone in one hand, she drives to her home, her heart beats faster. Unable to slow it down, her breathing saws in and out.
Turning the corner, her home comes into view. Neighbors watch from their yards. Two police cars light up the darkened street with their flashing red and blue lights. She pulls halfway into her drive, parking.
A cop walks towards her. “Are you Chandra Willis?” he asks opening her car door.
Staring forward, tears stream down her cheeks as she reads the message.
You’re a bitch and it’s time to pay.
Her headlights illuminate the dripping fluorescent green paint.
“Ms. Willis?” the officer asks again.
Turning slowly towards him, she nods. “Yes. I’m Ms. Willis.”
“Let me help you out.” He extends his hand, waiting for her to unhook her seatbelt. The officer smiles at Chandra. “We took video and pictures of the damage. One of your neighbors has a pressure washer. The paint is still wet. He thinks he can remove it.” He leads her over to one of the patrol cars. Opening the front passenger door, he motions to her. “Have a seat. I’ll ask you some questions in a few.”
Nodding, the lump in her throat makes it impossible for her to speak. She watches as Luke hooks up the sprayer, preparing to clean her garage door. A flash of relief washes over her as the nasty note runs down onto the concrete. With every pass of the sprayer, the letters become less and less visible.
A few moments later and the door is clean. Only a faint outline of the writing remains.
Luke moves towards her, wiping his hands on his sweatshirt. “Hey. Listen, what’s left on the door can be covered with paint. I can go out tomorrow and get some from the builder. I can cover up the rest.” He touches her hand.
She pulls back. “Thank you for your help. You don’t have to get my paint. You have done enough already.” Chandra stares at his sweatshirt.
“I don’t mind. Let me help you.”
“Okay.” She nods. “Thank you, Luke.”
Luke motions to George. “Can I get the builder’s information from you?�
“Sure. Swing by the shack anytime.”
The officer kneels down in front of Chandra. “George says you have a security system?”
“I do.” She fumbles for her phone.
The officer picks it up off the ground. “Take a moment, Ms. Willis,” he says handing it back to her.
Hissing out a breath, she opens her security app to the recordings. “Here.” She hands it to him.
Officer DeLeon scrolls through the video. “There doesn’t seem to be anything on here.”
Chandra’s brow furrows. She shakes her head. “I don’t understand. How can there be nothing there?
Officer DeLeon shrugs. “I’m not sure. Maybe there was a glitch. Maybe it didn’t turn on and record.” He gets the attention of another officer. “Check with the shack at the construction area. See if they had any unknown vehicles parked near or at the entrance.”
The other officer nods, leaving in his car.
Officer DeLeon holds the phone where Chandra can see the footage. “There’s nothing there.”
Bile creeps up her throat. Swallowing the caustic fluid, she shakes her head. “I don’t understand any of this.” Chandra grabs her stomach as if she has been punched in the gut. “I don’t think…” her voice trails off.
“What is it, Ms. Willis?” Officer DeLeon’s asks.
“I’m not sure. I had a run in with a former co-worker. It could be him who did this. I’m not sure.” Chandra’s hand goes limp in her lap.
“When did you have the run in with the co-worker?”
She looks at the officer, frowning. She shrugs, glancing at her watch. “I guess around eight-ish. Lieutenant Drake can give you a better time.”
The officer flinches back. “Why Lieutenant Drake?”
“He happened to be there when Thomas, that’s my former co-worker, cornered me on the street.”
“Ms. Willis; can you start from the beginning?” Officer DeLeon asks.
“I had a book signing tonight. It ended around seven thirty, eight p.m. Thomas, that’s Thomas Rheingold showed up and threatened me. Lieutenant Drake arrived about the same time. He witnessed Thomas yelling at me.”
Fleeting Glimpse Page 13