Fleeting Glimpse
Page 15
“What paint?” Julian shifts his glance from Luke to Chandra.
“Luke called the builder last night to get a gallon of paint to cover the green writing.” Chandra stands in front of her garage, tilting her head to the side. The green paint is still visible. A lot less than if it hadn’t been washed off.
“Who is going to paint the garage?” Julian asks.
“I am.” Luke smiles at the Lieutenant. “I wanted to help Chandra.”
Julian raised an eyebrow at him. “How long have you lived here?”
“About four years.” Luke’s head bobs from side to side. “Yeah, four years.”
“Why did you wait until now to speak with Chandra?”
Luke’s back stiffens. “Why is when I started speaking to her important, or any of your business?”
“Just getting all the details. Seems someone is harassing her.”
“It isn’t me.” Luke stares at Julian. He smiles at Chandra. “I like her. I wouldn’t want to harass her.”
“You still didn’t answer my question. Why now, years later, did you start talking to Chandra?”
He shrugs. “I found out who she was.”
Chandra crosses her arms. “What do you mean by that?”
“I didn’t know you were a famous author. When I found out you were one of my niece’s favorite writers, I wanted to meet you.” Luke winks at her. “I’ll still paint your door. I want to help you.”
Chandra squints at him. Her pulse races. Her jaw opens slightly as a gasp escapes. “You were at the Book Nook. That’s where I saw you.” Chandra’s pulse beats so fast, her breath hitches in her chest.
Luke lifts his hands. “You got me. I didn’t have the nerve to actually talk to you. Let alone get you to sign your book.”
Chandra steps back, moving away from Luke. “You made it out like I had only seen you in the neighborhood. Why?”
He shrugs. “I was embarrassed. I didn’t have the nerve to talk to you or get your book signed.” His mouth twitches at the corners.
Julian steps closer to Chandra. “If I have any more questions, I’ll contact you. I appreciate you getting the paint. I’m going to have to ask you to leave the painting until the investigation is over. You can either hold on to it, or drop it off here.”
Luke salutes the Lieutenant. “Yes, Sir. I wouldn’t want to hinder the investigation. I’ll drop it off when I get it.” He starts to leave, then turns back. “Is that your car?” he asks the lieutenant.
“It is. Why?”
“Just curious. I thought I saw it here last weekend. At least I think I did.”
Julian shakes his head. “Wasn’t my car.”
Chandra looks from Luke to Julian, then back to Luke. “I wasn’t here all last weekend. Didn’t get home until late Monday.”
Luke shrugs. “Maybe I’m confusing your car with someone else’s.” He nods at Chandra. “See you later.”
Chandra watches him leave. She turns to Julian. “That’s really creepy.”
Julian shakes his head. “He may be telling the truth. He may have just not had the nerve to speak with you.”
“What do you make of him asking you about your car?” Chandra watches Luke as he walks down the street.
“I think he was deflecting. Keeping me from questioning him anymore.”
Chandra rubs her arms. She frowns. “Do I really have to wait to paint?” Her mouth turns downward as she stares at the garage.
“No. I just didn’t want him around you. I think he’s hiding something.” Julian takes her by the hand.
“Something made me uncomfortable when I first met him the other night. Now I think it’s because I knew I had seen him, I just couldn’t place where.” Chandra looks down her lane at Luke’s house.
“Let’s go inside. You need to eat and then shower.”
She smacks his arm. “Are you saying I stink?”
He laughs as he shuts the front door. “Arm it.”
She does, then places her hands on her hips. “Well?”
He pinches his nose closed as he walks past. “No. Not at all.”
“Very funny,” she says.
He spins around facing her. “I’m on call today. I’m hoping I won’t have to leave. Go shower. I’ll rummage for something to fix for,” he checks his watch, “brunch.”
“Okay. I’ll go shower.”
He watches her go up the stairs. He tilts his head, listening for the shower. He picks up her phone from the table and swipes the screen. “Chandra, you should have a password on your phone.”
Chandra pats her hair dry. The heat from the water still warms her skin. Wiping the mirror with the palm of her hand, she ogles her reflection. Dark circles under her eyes and her pallid skin are a constant reminder of the sleepless nights she’s had. The anxiety is crushing and taking a toll on her.
A quick blow dry of her hair, and a little makeup to make her not look like the living dead, she heads to her closet to get dressed. Opting for a nice pair of jeans, knee-high riding boots, and a soft angora sweater. This time she dresses for the cooler weather.
Putting on a pair of simple gold hoop earrings, she sprays herself with some cologne and walks to the bed to put on her boots. She cocks her head to the side. She can hear Julian’s muffled voice. Her brow wrinkles. “I wonder who he’s speaking with.” Chandra fastens her boots, rushing down the stairs.
Julian turns around. “Wow. You clean up nicely.”
“Ha, ha.” Searching the kitchen, she turns to him. “Who were you talking to? I didn’t hear a phone ring.”
Julian’s eyebrow arches. “Nosy much?”
“It’s my house. I can be nosy.” She sticks her tongue out.
He steps close to her.
She stiffens at the flash of anger on his face.
He grabs her by her upper arms and pulls her into him. “It’s rude to stick your tongue out at someone.” He pulls her closer, placing his mouth next to her ear. “It might get you into more trouble than you bargain for.” Releasing her, he watches as she stumbles back. He bites his bottom lip to hide his smile.
Chandra’s mouth hangs open.
No longer able to keep the laughter in, he snorts. “I got you, again.”
Her nostrils flare. “How do you do that? You look angry and—and scary.” She trembles, slightly, shaking off the fear.
He gives her a one-armed hug. “You’re such an easy mark. I can’t help myself.”
“What do I need to do to help?” Chandra asks stepping away.
“Grab the orange juice from the fridge, a couple of glasses, and coffee mugs.”
“I’m on it.” She scoots around the kitchen, fulfilling the list he rattled off. Watching him out of the corner of her eye, she isn’t sure if she likes his form of joking.
Julian finishes off the omelets. Getting the toast and bacon, along with a few sausage links, he begins setting everything on the table. “I would’ve made potatoes, if you had some.”
Her voice stammers. “Uh, this is plenty. Let me get the butter for the toast.” Opening the fridge, she grabs the cream as well. “Do you want any jam?”
Julian sits. “No. Butter is fine.”
Theo jumps into an empty chair, creeping onto the table.
“I see it didn’t take you long, Theo.” Chandra scratches his head.
Julian breaks up a piece of bacon and half a sausage for the cat, while Chandra gives him a few bites of egg.
Theo purrs as he scarfs down the food.
Taking a sip of her coffee, Chandra adds a touch more cream. “This smells wonderful. And if Theo is any indication, it’s going to taste wonderful.”
Drinking his orange juice, Julian puts a little hot sauce on his eggs. “You look like you feel better.”
“I do. I’m trying to figure out how and when the drugs were put into my wine. It’s bothering me. And scaring the hell out of me. But I can’t prove it. I only know
how I felt this morning.”
“You’ve had that bottle since the charm incident, right?”
Chandra nods. “Yes.” She swallows her bite. Her fork drops to the table. “Oh my gosh. Luke.”
“Luke, what?” Julian asks.
“She bangs her palm against her forehead. “I’m so stupid.”
“I’m not following.”
“Luke drugged me.”
Julian sets his coffee mug down. “Five seconds ago, you were positive Thomas drugged you or at least had something to do with it. What makes you think Luke did it?”
“He was in my house.”
Julian straightens. “When? Why?”
“Yesterday. After everyone left, I had to move my car into the garage. I went out to start it, only it didn’t start right away.” She points at him. “And now that I’m clear headed, my car doesn’t have any problems. It should’ve started. I bet he caused that, too.”
“Stop.” Julian holds up his hands. “Slow down. How did Luke get into your house? And fill me in on the car.”
“When I went out to start my car, it wouldn’t start. Took about five, maybe eight minutes. After I parked in the garage, I walked into my house to find Luke standing in my kitchen.” She took a long gulp of her coffee. “I didn’t think of it until now. He had to be the one to do it. It’s the only time it could’ve been drugged.
Julian drinks his coffee and finishes his eggs. “I’m going to call one of my detectives. Have him look into your neighbor.”
Chandra picks up the plates. Her hands are shaking.
Julian grabs her wrist. “We now have a good idea what’s going on. My educated guess, Luke is your fan, and Thomas is trying to keep you from doing anything with the lawsuit, and enjoys harassing you.”
She sets the plates down. “I feel like I’m losing control. I don’t know when something is going to happen or what it will be.”
“I know this is a lot. Thinking someone is capable of drugging you is scary. Why he would want to makes me wonder what his end game is. I sure as hell don’t blame you for feeling vulnerable. But we now have a plan of approach. Don’t let Luke in your house at all. If he comes to the door, just don’t answer it.”
She nods. “I can do that.”
“You have the tools in place to protect you. Keep your security system armed. At all times.” He touches her hand. “Don’t let the fear over take you. Okay?”
“Okay.” She picks the plates back up. “You cooked a great meal. Thank you.” She places them in the dishwasher. She pushes the fear down as far as it will go, concentrating on her task. She stops loading. “You never did tell me who you were talking to earlier.”
Julian frowns. “I didn’t?”
“Really?” Her eyes narrow. “Who?”
“I called the front gate, to make sure they don’t let anyone in that isn’t on your list of visitors and to call before they let any deliveries in. Just in case. But I really wanted to ask George about last night. Get his take on things.”
“They probably all think I’m a nut case.”
“Do you care what they think?” Julian leans against the counter, crossing his arms.
She sighs. “I’d like to say no, but I do.”
“Don’t worry about them. You know the truth. I know the truth. Those who love and care for you know the truth. Don’t let the others occupy your brain.” He looks at his watch.
“Do you have to go?” she asks, wiping down the counter.
“No. I do need to make a few phone calls, though.”
“Feel free to use my office.”
“Thanks.” He looks around the kitchen. “Do you need my help with anything?”
“You cooked. I got the cleanup. Go make your calls.”
Chandra snuggles under the cover. Theo is next to her. It’s warm and cozy. Her brow wrinkles as something tickles her nose. The smell of woods and pine brings her slowly awake. The bright afternoon sun blinds her. Blinking, she adjusts to the light.
Her head swivels from side to side, her eyes raking over the room. “What’s going on?”
Julian sits in a chair, catty-corner to the sofa. “Nothing to worry about.”
She checks her watch, then her phone. “I don’t understand. What happened?”
“I came out of your office and you were fast asleep. I threw the cover over you and decided to take a small nap myself. For the last forty-five minutes, I’ve been watching TV.” He takes the remote and switches off the flat screen. “Did you sleep well?”
She rubs her arms, stretches, then yawns. “Pretty good.”
“You snore.”
“I do not.”
“Yes. You do.” He shrugs. “I can live with a snorer.”
Chandra giggles. “Good to know.”
“Do you feel better? I mean mentally? Is your anxiety still making you crazy?”
She fiddles with the blanket. “I’m really trying to keep it and my fear in check.”
“That’s a start. Right?”
She nods. “Yeah. It is.” She stretches again. “Did your phone calls go okay?”
“They did. I called the officer from last night. I’m going to have Detective Jones question Thomas.”
“Do you have something new?”
“With what I saw last night at the bookstore, and the vandalism, I spoke to my Captain. He gave me the go ahead to interview him.”
“When is he going to do it?” Chandra asks.
“My detective is on his way to his house now. I should hear something soon.”
“I hope they find something.”
“If anyone can get a suspect to come clean, it’s Detective Jones. He’s one of my best interrogators.” Julian reaches out for her hand. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
“I won’t. I’m glad you’re at least going to question him.” Chandra stands. “My signing starts in,” glancing at her watch, “two and half hours.” She walks to the kitchen. “Are you still going to drive me?”
“Yes. Would you like to get something to eat first?”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Tell me again where it is,” Julian asks.
“Tonight’s event is at the Bomber’s Bookstore, in Auburn.”
“You in the mood for the best ribs and hamburgers in the state of New Hampshire?”
“I could always go for a great burger. Where are we going?” Chandra grabs her purse. She snaps her fingers. Let’s go out the garage. I want to make sure I lock the front door this time.” She starts to head that way.
“I’ll take care of the front door. Make sure your side door is locked.”
Julian locks all the dead bolts, then heads to the garage.
As they walk out to his car, Luke is walking past.
He waves, keeping his distance.
“Does he always walk around the neighborhood?” Julian asks.
She shakes her head. “I’ve never seen him in the years I’ve lived here. Until these last couple of weeks, I never knew he existed.” She taps in the code for the garage door to close.
Julian pulls out of her driveway.
Chandra uses the security app on her phone to make sure she turned on her alarm. “This time it’s armed.”
Julian is about to speak when her phone pings.
Glancing at the screen, she replies to the text. “Looks like Adam is going to meet me there. He has a tentative itinerary and wants me to look over it before our meeting next week.”
“That’s probably a good idea. If I get called away, you’re going to need someone to bring you home.”
“I didn’t even think about you being called to work.” She groans. “I should’ve driven.”
“No harm, no foul. Especially since Adam is going to meet you there.”
She glances out her window. The beautiful scenery rushes past. The bright fall colors pop against the burnt orange sunset. Chandra turns
back to Julian. “How’s your case going?”
He shrugs. “Like most of my cases. It’s still ongoing. My unit has a few homicides still open.”
“Do you like being a homicide detective?”
“I do. I like solving puzzles.”
She glances around. “What’s the name of the restaurant?”
“Auburn Pitts.”
“Are we almost there? I’m hungry.”
He pulls off the main highway. Stopping at a light, he points through the windshield. “It’s up on the right.”
Chandra’s stomach growls.
“Sounds like I timed it perfectly.” Julian pulls into the parking lot. Glancing at the crowd, he frowns. “We should get in and out in time for the signing.”
Exiting the vehicle, Chandra walks next to him. “I’m sure we will.”
As they enter, the door chimes. Everyone looks up, then goes back to whatever they were doing before.
A waitress walks over to them. “Just you two?”
Julian nods. “Yes.”
“Follow me.” She escorts them to a booth.
Julian sits facing the door.
Handing them both a menu, she pulls a pad from her apron. “What can I get you to drink?”
“I’ll take an ice tea,” Chandra says looking over the menu.
“I’ll have the same.” Julian hands her back the menu. “I know what I want. She may need a few minutes.”
“I’ll be right back with your drinks.” The waitress shuffles to the bar, helping a few customers along the way.
Julian watches as Chandra searches the menu. “Have an idea of what you’re getting?”
She nods. “I’m going to get the All-American burger with fries.”
“Good choice.”
After they place their orders, Chandra watches what seems like regulars interact with the staff. She wishes she had some place like this near her home.
“Why the smile?”
She squints at Julian. “Huh?”
“The smile. What’s making you smile?”
She sits back. “This place. The people. It has a good vibe. It’d be nice to have some place like this near me.”
He barks out a laugh.
She folds her arms across her chest. “Why are you laughing?”
“I doubt you would go there.”