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The River God s-8

Page 12

by John Maddox Roberts

  “All the gods protect me!” I said. “What if this whole, rickety, wooden basket comes crashing down with eighty thousand Roman citizens in the stands? During my Games! The name of Decius Caecilius Metellus the Younger will stink worse than a week-old mackerel as long as Rome stands! I’ll be right up there with Tarpeia and Brennus and Hannibal when the people chant execrations upon Rome’s greatest enemies and traitors! If I don’t manage to open my veins quickly enough, I’ll be impaled on a hook and dragged through the streets and be crucified outside the Capena Gate!”

  “Senators don’t get crucified,” Hermes protested. “Slaves and foreigners get crucified.”

  “They’ll pass a new law just for me! The tribunes of the plebs will demand it!”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Hermes said uneasily. “It’s stood like this for at least five years. It’ll last another. I wish I hadn’t said anything.”

  I wished he hadn’t, too.

  Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, I recalled, had been an aedile in the mold of Caesar, squandering immense sums on public works, of which the lavish theater was only one, to buy favor with the public. He had also donated a luxurious bathhouse to the City. It was the first of Rome’s really large balnea, and he provided free admission to all citizens for a year, together with bathing oil and towels. He gave numerous public banquets and paid for regular doles of bread and oil for the poorest citizens, although he never went to Caesar’s extreme of paying everyone’s home rent for a year.

  It was, needless to say, a wildly popular tenure of office, and he had been given the urban praetorship practically without having to stand for it. After stepping down from his curule chair, he was given Sardinia to govern. Sardinia was a proconsular province, so he held the title of proconsul without having to be consul first.

  It was the custom for politicians, having ruined themselves and descended far into debt, in order to pay for their public offices, to squeeze their provinces; and Scaurus duly squeezed Sardinia, so much so that he was prosecuted for corruption and extortion immediately upon his return to Rome. Flush with plundered wealth, he had no difficulty in getting a jury to see things in a sympathetic light, and he had recently been acquitted. It was a fairly typical career of the times. It took a prosecutor like Cicero to get a Roman jury to return a verdict of guilty against a Roman magistrate on behalf of provincials.

  We tended to wink at these little escapades on the part of our promagistrates. You had to lose a foreign war to get Roman citizens to take an interest in what you did while away from the City. Unfortunately, this attitude rested upon a wholly erroneous assumption: that a man could go to a foreign land and behave like a rapacious, unregenerate criminal, then come home and act like an honest citizen. It never seemed to work that way.

  Luckily for me, the house of Aemilius Scaurus was not far from his theater, next to the old city wall near the Flumentana Gate. It was a fairly imposing building, but built back in the days before there was any such thing as a fashionable neighborhood in Rome. Like most such older mansions, it had shops and slum housing crowded right against it, and behind it was a tiny market specializing in fresh and preserved garlic.

  The janitor admitted me, and a few minutes later a portly individual appeared, his eyes widening slightly at sight of me. He was bald with a bland, doughy face and rings on every finger. The tip of his nose was decorated with a large, purple wart.

  “Welcome, Aedile! This is most unexpected. I am Juventius, steward of my patron’s City property. I trust all is well at the theater?”

  “Well enough so far,” I said. I had never met the man, but one of my clients had made arrangements to rent the theater for my Games, so this must have been the man he dealt with. “The workmen are reinforcing the structure right now, but the rest is up to the river.”

  “I have already sacrificed to Father Tiber,” he said. “Let us hope that he finds it acceptable.”

  “You performed the sacrifice?” I asked. Ordinarily, all religious observances are overseen by the head of the household, not a subordinate.

  “Yes, the proconsul left the City yesterday to spend some time at one of his country estates.”

  “He did, eh? Wanted to be on higher ground, or is he hiding out from Sardinian assassins?”

  The man’s obsequious smile faltered. “Sir?”

  “I need to speak with your master, and I find him fied from the City. Most of us go to our country estates in the hottest days of summer. Why such haste to be away?” Of course I had no authority to demand explanations for the actions of a man of such rank, but if you hold office you can accomplish a lot just by being pushy and obnoxious. Flunkies like this one have an ingrained habit of groveling to authority.

  “Why, Aedile, I–I-.” He gathered himself and said, “Actually, I believe he went to oversee the planting of a new vineyard. Yes, that was it, a vineyard. Couldn’t wait until summer for that.” The man had probably never set foot outside the city walls in his life, and I doubted he’d know a vineyard from a fish pond.

  “Did Aemilius leave orders to contract with the firm of Manius Florus to shore up the theater against the coming fiood?”

  “Oh, yes sir. The family of Florus is among my patron’s clientele. He has given them a great deal of business in the course of his many public works.”

  “Then it seems that I need to speak with Manius Florus in your master’s absence.” I turned to go.

  “But, sir, is something wrong?” I had the poor fool badly rattled.

  “Nothing you need concern yourself with.” Then I thought of something and turned around. “Which estate has he gone to?”

  “Why, the one near Bovillae, sir. Shall I dispatch word that you need to speak with him, Aedile?”

  “Don’t bother.”

  I walked from the house. Bovillae again. Lucius Folius and his wife had come from Bovillae. A supposed heir had made off with their bodies for interment at Bovillae. I don’t believe in coincidence.

  We passed through the city wall at the Flumentana Gate and into the sprawling Circus Flaminius district. Like the Trans-Tiber, the Flaminius was far less congested than the City proper. Unconfined by walls, houses and businesses could be located on extensive lots; and in this district, many businesses that required plenty of room had been established, such as the salvage yard we were looking for, as well as those that employed a hazardous level of fire. The kiln yards of several pottery and brick factories were located in the district.

  By asking at a few lumberyards, we came to the salvage business run by the freedman named Justus. The premises consisted of nothing more than a small, one-roomed building in a corner of a sprawling yard, where heaps of rough timber, finished beams, and planks rose to twice a man’s height, given some protection from the elements by crude roofs set atop high poles. Teams of slaves in dingy brown tunics, their hair pale with sawdust, loaded wood onto the carts of builders or unloaded wood from the carts of wreckers.

  I found Justus sweating along with his workmen, loading a wagon with what appeared to be wood so deteriorated that it was useless for any purpose save burning. He was distinguishable from the slaves solely by his citizen’s ring, made of plain iron. When he caught sight of me, I crooked a finger and he walked over, brushing debris from his hands.

  “You’re the Aedile Metellus, aren’t you?” he asked.

  Unlike the curule aedile, the plebeian aedile rated no insignia of office: no lictor bearing the fasces, no curule chair, no purple border on one’s toga. “You’ve seen me before?”

  “At the elections. Someone said that crowd around you was the largest assemblage of ex-praetors, ex-consuls, and ex-censors in Rome.”

  “There is nothing like a distinguished family for that helpful boost at the polls,” I said.

  “How may I be of service, Aedile?” The man’s eyes were bright and direct; he did not seem in the least nervous or guilty, although he was speaking to a man who could have him severely punished for infractions of the civic codes.

sp; “I am tracking several cartloads of condemned timber. They were salvaged yesterday and the day before from an insula that collapsed in the night. The contractor who hauled away the wreckage was one Marcus Caninus.”

  “Oh, yes sir. That was all delivered here.” He looked around. “In fact, it looks as if most of it is still here.”

  “That lumber was condemned,” I told him. “It was my impression that all such rubble was to be carried out to the landfills.”

  “That’s true for brick and mortar and tile, but decent wood is always salvaged for other purposes. So is good cut stone, if the building it was part of didn’t burn.”

  “Is that how the building codes read?” I asked him.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I never read them. But the custom has always been that as long as a building wasn’t destroyed by fire, and didn’t fall because it was built of inferior materials, we can salvage the stone for reuse. A good earthquake will keep us stocked with cut stone for years. When a really big project comes along, like Pompey’s Theater, you can bet that salvaged stone was used everywhere the builder could get away with it. Just the outer facing was cut especially for the project.”

  For a man like this, ancient custom carried far more weight than any law written down in a book he’d never seen.

  “But this building collapsed because it was not built to code,” I said, “and I condemned its materials myself, so how does it come to pass that some of that very material is in use this morning, by the contractor Manius Florus, shoring up the river side of the theater of Aemilius Scaurus?”

  “Oh, that. Well, you see, that wood’s not being used in a permanent structure. For temporary structures, bracing and so forth, it’s all right to use such wood. It was perfectly good timber anyway, if a bit green.”

  I rubbed my forehead, which was beginning to ache. Here was yet another free interpretation of the law. I decided that I was going to have to drag all those laws and building codes out of the Tabularium, have them carved in stone, and set them up in a public place. Another expense I could ill afford.

  Justus scratched his own curly head, causing a minor snowfall of sawdust. “How did you know that it was timber from that insula, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “I take my duties as aedile seriously,” I told him. “I put secret markings on the wood to thwart those who would fiout the laws of the Republic.”

  He nodded admiringly. “Smart move.”

  “Here’s more of it!” Hermes shouted. He had been wandering among the piles of timber, and now he was kicking at some heavy beams. I walked over to join him, and Justus hurried along beside me.

  “These are those joists we saw in the basement,” Hermes said. “See, here’s one of those woodpecker holes.” He nudged at the heavy beam with a toe.

  “Yes, this was taken from the insula,“ Justus said, frowning. “Caninus brought it by and dumped it here, then said he needed some weak, rotten old timbers, the same size. Usually, those are sold off for funeral pyres. Why pay for good wood if you’re just going to burn it? Anyway, nobody important had died recently, so I had what he needed. I asked him what he wanted it for, and he said that men who don’t ask stupid questions don’t get their tongues cut out. I can take a hint as well as the next man.”

  “I know where that wood ended up,” I said, thinking of the courtyard of the Temple of Ceres.

  Justus squatted and looked at the hole Hermes had kicked. He stuck a finger into it, then withdrew the finger and studied its tip. “This isn’t any woodpecker hole,” he announced.

  “Squirrel, then?” Hermes asked.

  Justus laughed. “Don’t know much about wood, do you?”

  “Enlighten us,” I said.

  “Well, sir, somebody bored this hole with an auger, the way you do when you’re going to fasten two timbers together with a heavy spike.”

  Hermes and I looked at each other. “Remember those tools we saw in the basement?” the boy asked.

  “Justus, I want a close look at all these timbers,” I ordered.

  He stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled. The slaves came running, and he barked orders. Within minutes, all the timbers were laid out in good light in an orderly fashion, so we could walk around them. The slaves stood by to turn them over at my instruction.

  “More holes,” Hermes said, pointing at two no more than an inch apart.

  “Here, look at this,” Justus said. He was squatting by the end of one of the shattered timbers. The ragged end still displayed three parallel furrows. “It was bored through here. That’s why it snapped at this point. That insula didn’t just collapse, Aedile, it was brought down on purpose.”

  Hermes had his knife out in one hand, brushing with his other hand at the surface of a timber where he had spotted a circular depression. He stuck the tip of his knife into the edge of the depression and, slowly, carefully, pried upward. A long, whitish cylinder appeared and a moment later Hermes had a six-inch candle impaled triumphantly on his blade. Its base had been rubbed with soot or some other dark substance to blend with the wood.

  “Remember all those candles we found fioating in the water down in that basement?” Hermes said.

  “Justus,” I said, “you are the expert on wood. What does this tell you about the man who did it?”

  “Aside from that he was a cold-blooded murderer, you mean? Well, he didn’t know much about timber or about building. This was done pretty haphazardly, drilling holes here and there. If he’d known anything about construction, where the main stress points are and so forth, he could have brought the place down with no more than a dozen holes drilled close together at the right points on the right timbers, three or four holes per timber.”

  “Could he have escaped in time?” I asked.

  “Most likely. Heavy timbers like this make a good deal of noise just before they go. If he’d known what to listen for, and had a good way out prepared, he might have had a few seconds to get clear. The way this looks,” he waved a hand over the ruined wood, “it gave way all at once, in six or seven places, just dumped the whole insula into the basement.”

  “Justus,” I said, “I want you to hide these timbers. Cover them with trash or something. I am going to want to use them as evidence in court.”

  A look of alarm crossed his face.

  “Don’t worry, you have nothing to fear. It is clear to me that you are guilty of no wrongdoing.”

  “To be honest, sir, it’s not you or the courts that worry me.”

  “I intend to arrest Marcus Caninus immediately,” I assured him, “for tampering with my evidence if nothing else.”

  “I’ll do as you order, Aedile.”

  Something occurred to me. “Was Justus your slave name?”

  “Yes, sir. I was manumitted along with fifty others to celebrate the birth of my master’s first grandson.”

  “And you didn’t take your former master’s name?” I asked, that being the usual custom.

  “Well, sir, I did, but I never use it. I suppose it’s the name that’ll go on my tombstone; but Justus isn’t a foreign name, and I’ve been used to using it all my life. Besides,” he lowered his head sheepishly, “I’m just a working man, doing the same work I did when I was a slave. I’d feel foolish going around calling myself Marcus Valerius Messala Niger.”

  I left the salvage yard with much to think about.


  Near the gate we stopped at a little tavern. The sun was well up, and I needed a pause to think. Also, it was time for a drink and something to eat. Who knew when I’d get a chance again? We found a table against a wall of white stucco beneath an arbor that was all but bare so early in the year. Light fell through the arbor in lozenge-shaped patches, making the table, the fioor, and ourselves look like pictures in mosaic. I ordered the wine to be very lightly watered, and we used it to wash down oil-dipped bread and olives for a while.

  Hermes spoke first. “It was the big slave, wasn’t it?”

  “Had to be,” I concurr
ed. “That’s why he was dressed, and it’s why he was trapped there standing. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. It was pretty far-fetched to think he dropped there, landed on his feet, and got pinned there that way. He drilled one hole too many, and the building came down too fast.”

  “Why did he do it?” Hermes wondered. “Just to kill the master and mistress? I can understand why he’d want to. You saw how they treated their slaves. But why kill more than two hundred people just to get rid of them?”

  “I suspect he did kill them, personally,” I said. “He could have broken their necks easily, then gone down to the basement to bore those last few holes, figuring to disguise the murder as an accident. But he didn’t step lively enough.”

  Hermes shook his head. “It still doesn’t make sense.”

  “No, it doesn’t. Revenge was a good enough motivation for the slave, but it doesn’t explain how everyone else has been acting since the disaster. He may have had a personal justification for ridding the world of those two, but someone must have put him up to the final deed.”

  In a bit of spilled wine my fingertip traced a circle, then drew a slash across it. It took me a moment to realize what I had unconsciously drawn: the Greek letter “theta.” In the shorthand of the Games, it stands for Thanatos: killed. After the munera, this symbol is scratched on the walls, following the names of the gladiators who have been slain.

  “Two names keep cropping up,” I said. “Marcus Valerius Messala Niger and Marcus Aemilius Scaurus.”

  “Those are two important names,” Hermes pointed out.


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