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Raz (Clan Legacy Series)

Page 8

by J. S. Striker

  It only stopped when the boy was finally exhausted. When he fell asleep in Eva’s arms, Raz took over and carried him back in the cage, telling Eva to wait upstairs. It would have been better to carry him to the bedroom, but the boy still had a long way to go towards fully coming back to terms with his humanity.

  And Raz was going to have to make sure that it was done properly.

  When the boy was tucked in, Raz went back upstairs and looked for Eva, finally finding her standing in his open front door and staring at the front lawn. He watched her back for a long time, her slender neck tempting him and her presence making him ache. He took a deep, inward breath.

  Then he finally spoke the words that he knew he should have done so sooner.

  “Your brother killed himself. And it’s all because of this.”


  The words were like a punch to the stomach, one that Eva didn’t expect and didn’t need at the moment. She was beaten up enough already as it was, and she didn’t think she could take more. But Raz’s serious expression told her there was more to the story, and Eva found herself wording just one question as she tightly folded her arms in front of her.


  Raz was silent for a while, standing in his foyer which was much, much grander than hers. But he didn’t seem to care—in fact, he looked exhausted, reminding Eva that he had even less sleep than her and had handled the bigger part of the fight. His blue eyes were steady on hers, a force of emotion swirling in them that she couldn’t quite figure out yet.

  Finally, he spoke.

  Eva listened as Raz told the story in careful, modulated tones: about how their society head, Lucinda, had discovered that Michael was keeping a secret that could potentially harm their kind. Then he spoke of how Michael had tried to kill a couple of them on a mission, along with himself, in the hopes of keeping the secret further. The words blurred all over each other as shock reverberated inside her, but the point of what he was saying came through loud and clear.

  It had all been a scheme for Michael to keep the children safe.

  The birth of two vampire children who hadn’t died or gone mad yet was a miracle that shouldn’t have happened.

  The demon-vampire spawn that was Peter was the most dangerous creature of them all.

  …and Raz had known all of this and lied to her.

  She tried to take a deep, calming breath. She tried to stop her hands from shaking, switching from folding her arms to wrapping them around her body in the effort to make herself still. But none of that worked as the hurt built up and grabbed her by the throat, threatening to consume her if she wasn’t careful.

  So Eva let it out.

  In a few measured steps, she was approaching him. Then, before she knew it, her hand was coming up, quick and hard as it connected with Raz’s cheek. He could have evaded the slap, but he didn’t, instead looking at her with the same unreadable emotion that she could feel deep inside him. The sting of the sound rang in the air, echoing in its silence as they stared at each other.

  Unable to take it anymore, afraid of what she would do if she did stay here with him, Eva took a step back.

  Then she disappeared up the stairs as the tears she’d been trying to hold off since Peter woke up finally fell.


  She wasn’t an irrational person, so it didn’t take Eva long to figure out that despite Raz’s lies, there had been one glaring omission he hadn’t pointed out: that he saved their lives when it obviously hadn’t been part of the plan.

  Another thing she admitted was that she wouldn’t exactly solve any problems by hiding in the guest bedroom of the man she was mad at. With a sigh, Eva finally got herself to stop brooding enough to get out of bed. Then she was slipping out of the room and searching for Raz.

  The house wasn’t a house, but a mansion—one that was unbelievably grand and just a bit too cold for her liking. The food in the fridge was one of the few vestiges left of Raz’s human life, and every other room was filled with antique vases and gold collections that indicated just how staggeringly wealthy he was. It was a lonely life, and she had to wonder how long he’d been living like this.

  She found him in the kitchen, the one place they always seemed to bump into each other. His side profile was to her, and he seemed so preoccupied that at first, she thought he didn’t feel her presence.

  Then he spoke.

  “Do you know what happened after I turned into a vampire?”

  Eva stood where she was, watching him. “What?”

  “I tried to fight the bloodlust. I really did. In the end, I couldn’t. I ended up killing more people than Peter did before I could truly control myself.”

  “And your family?” Eva found herself asking.

  Raz shrugged. “When they found out, they were so afraid of me that they had me locked up and beaten. When that didn’t work, they tried to kill me. So I cut myself off from them and dropped my last name. It was for the best. The Zitami family name is doing better now.”

  Her eyes widened, recognizing the family name right away. It was one of the most successful pastry and restaurant chains in the world, and suddenly Raz’s love for her creations clicked into place. Then her heart constricted at how he was treated for being different. Before she knew it, she was walking towards him.

  “Peter…he’s lucky to have you,” he said softly. “Someone who would accept him and teach him to be better. I’m so sorry I couldn’t save Ana for you.”

  He looked up, and her breath stopped as she finally saw what he’d been hiding earlier—despair, strong and fresh.

  She sat beside him on the kitchen’s long bench. Then Eva took his hand in hers and intertwined their fingers, watching the surprise flash on his face.

  “We’ve made mistakes and choices we’re not proud of, but we did our best—and that’s what matters in the end,” she whispered.

  He kept looking at her, the emotions changing from despair to shock to something else—something that was steadily rising to the surface and taking its firm root. It was desire—but again, it was also something else, and he squeezed his hand as he no longer hid it.

  “We can’t,” he murmured.

  Eva nodded, her skin tingling. “We can’t,” she murmured back in agreement.

  But she didn’t stop him from leaning forward and pressing his mouth to hers. In fact, she encouraged him, opening her mouth instantly and feeling the kiss that she’d been missing out on for so long. It felt like heat being poured into her, felt like it was seeping into her bones.

  It felt like home.

  She didn’t fight it, nor did Eva protest when Raz stood up and started carrying her. She lost her breath when he moved with his vampire stealth towards his bedroom, then regained it back when he lowered her on the bed and kissed her some more. The hunger and desperation sank into her, and pleasure rose as she pulled him on the bed, too. They knelt in front of each other, their mouths moving to taste more and their hands cruising as they started to undress each other.

  The sight of Raz’s bare, pale chest had her heart beating even faster, and she touched it without hesitation and felt the same heat she felt from his hands. His body was hard all over, muscles sleek and making her mouth water. She let her fingers run all over him, marveling at his beautiful chest, even while her busy tongue tangled with his.

  It started out slow but sped up in no time as the desperation rose to the surface and took over whatever control they had left. She removed his last item of clothing and watched his bottom half for a while before wrapping her hand around his cock. It hardened and grew bigger, and the groan that came out of him was so addictive that Eva had to stroke him again—and again and again, until his engorged tip was leaking cum.

  The growl was the only warning Eva got before she was flat on her back and her clothes were torn from her body. She whooshed out a breath. Then she gasped in shock when he plunged in with one swift movement, his pulsing cock sliding in smoothly.

  “You’re so
wet,” he rasped through gritted teeth.

  His rough, strained voice almost did her in.

  Eva nodded and pulled him down, kissing his neck. Her gasp turned into a moan when he started moving—slow at first before her hips adjusted to the rhythm and urged him to go faster. His mouth cruised down and latched onto her nipple, and the ache that was already pulsing there spread even further down her body and had her crying out his name.

  Raz urged her to wrap her legs around him. She did so and clung on as he pounded into her, the slapping sound echoing in the air. Her muscles clenched around his hardness as she went to that peak—then Raz sucked on her nipple, at the same time his thumb found and pressed on her wet clit.

  She erupted gloriously, her orgasm blurring her senses as she arched her body and flew. She felt his pounding continue until his body tightened, too. Then he cursed, spurted his seed inside her.

  And he soared beside her.


  Eva woke up at dawn to the feeling of sore muscles and the memory of just how good making love with Raz had felt. Even if they both tried to deny it, there was no mistaking that that wasn’t just sex.

  She then froze when she felt something else.

  Beside her, Raz was still, indicating that he already knew what she suspected as the darkness spread outside.

  “We’re surrounded,” he murmured.

  Eva took a steady breath to calm herself, realizing he meant vampires. He took her hand and squeezed it. Then he looked at her, fierce and steady, and she thought he was going to ask her to run—something she wasn’t going to do.

  But then he threw her for a loop.

  “Will you marry me?”


  The question made Eva’s eyes widen, and Raz wanted to tell her more than anything that he had already decided who he wanted to marry the moment he shared his past with her. It threw all his plans out the window as he realized she was the one person he wanted to protect more than anything.

  And he didn’t care one bit about the plans anymore.

  Marrying her now was all about that protection, and Raz did his best to explain why in a rational manner—one that didn’t involve feelings.

  “My house is under my name and protected by a similar spell to yours. Only those that I’ve invited in have access inside, and some of the vampires lurking outside the house are among them.”

  “What does that have to do…?”

  “It will transfer my house under your name,” he responded. “It will protect us from them.”

  “But they haven’t attacked us,” Eva pointed out.

  Raz looked her in the eye, no longer wanting to lie. “Not yet.”

  She took that in. Eva bit her lip, distracting him for a second before he told himself to focus. Then he went back to the situation. Yes, they hadn’t attacked yet. But that was only because Vladimir wasn’t here yet, and it was only a matter of time before he was.

  The fact that they were outside observing him now spoke volumes about how the tables had turned and he was already being suspected of acting out. This was true, considering he hadn’t communicated with them after his last email to Vladimir asking about that vampire’s identity. It was even truer now with what he was planning to do next.

  Again, he no longer cared.

  “We don’t even have anyone who could marry us…” Eva trailed off when he raised a hand. She stared at him. “You?”

  “I’ve been officiated. It will count. Are you in?”

  Raz watched as Eva took a deep, unsteady breath.

  Then she was nodding her head. “I’m in.”


  They were married in less than ten minutes, with the simple exchange of vows and Raz declaring that she was now his wife. He then declared transfer of the house spell to her name, something that he never thought would happen in his years staying there.

  Outside, the air stirred, indicating that the vampires knew something was wrong but couldn’t quite place it. Eva quietly started packing the essentials—food, weapons—as a last-minute resort, while Raz let Peter out of his cage once he woke up.

  He knelt in front of the boy, meeting his gaze. The boy looked back, his expression indicating that he was prepared to handle whatever insult was thrown his way.

  “Peter, there might be a little danger in this place later, and your aunt might need to run away with you. Can I make a request for you to protect her and to stay safe while doing so?”

  The wariness was replaced by shock, visible in his widened eyes. His bottom lip trembled. Then he was nodding his head furiously.

  “I’ll protect her. I’ll do my best not to harm anyone,” the boy promised. It was the best Raz could hope for, and he sent the boy off to help Eva pack.

  A few minutes later, Raz’s body went on alert as a strong presence made itself known at his front door. He knew that signature, one that had been with him for who knew how long. He took an inward breath.

  Then Raz opened the door and faced Vladimir.

  The vampire looked the same as ever—broody, with dark looks and a broad build that spoke of his warrior side. They’d never really been the best of buddies, but they’d never been on opposing sides, either.

  Until now.

  Still, he greeted the man with ease.

  “Good evening, Vlad.”

  The other didn’t return the greeting, instead looking at him steadily as if trying to search his face for answers. Raz wanted to tell him there was no point, but he didn’t. Instead, he simply voiced everything that had happened, keeping it brief and watching as no change of expression flickered on the other’s face. Vladimir stood like stone, almost like he wasn’t listening—except he was listening, especially at the last part when he visibly stilled.

  “You married a human,” Vladimir said.

  Raz shook his head. “A shifter.”

  Surprise filled the other’s normally calm eyes before it disappeared. “Raz, you know we have to kill Peter. If others find out about his existence, the consequences will be damning.”

  “I know,” Raz replied softly. Hell knew how much he agonized over that, especially knowing there were greedy, cruel people out there who would use a creature like Peter for their gain in power. But his response wasn’t a confirmation of what Vladimir wanted to happen, something Vladimir caught on to right away.

  “Where do you stand?”

  Silence filled the air. Then Raz finally voiced the words out loud.

  “With Eva.”

  Something in Vladimir’s expression hardened. Though Raz couldn’t feel any hate coming from the other vampire, he knew the ax had been thrown, and fate had been decided for them.

  And they stood on opposite ends of the upcoming fight.

  It wasn’t what Raz wanted. But it was what needed to be done in order to save Peter and give him a chance at a normal life, if that was even possible. He was risking it, and he knew it was bound to blow up in his face in the long run.

  But that little boy was family now.

  He took a step back, watching as Vladimir’s eyes followed the movements.

  “You’re going to regret this,” the first-in-line said. Again, no inflection in the tone, and no threat. It was simply a fact for him. “Our witch allies are coming, and your protection spell won’t hold for long.”

  Raz shook his head. “I’m sorry, Vladimir.”

  “Lucinda might still forgive you if you come back now.”

  Raz repeated his apology.

  Then he shut the door on Vladimir’s face.

  Inside, he waited for the other’s footsteps to recede. His presence still lurked, along with the other vampires, and Raz knew what usually happened when it came with this man: a strategy was formed first, one so brilliant that the mission was bound to be a success. Vladimir never, ever failed: not once.

  But Raz wasn’t giving in that easily, either. But the chances of survival were slim. If witch allies were coming…then Eva didn’t stand a chance.

; And Peter would be dead.

  An idea formed in mind. With a deep breath, Raz turned it over in his head. Then he opened the door again.


  The blur came to his porch.


  “I have a bargain.”

  Let’s just hope it works.


  The gradual disappearance of the darkness lurking all around them was so surprising that Eva thought it was her imagination playing tricks on her at first. But reality set in when she saw the determined expression on Raz when he approached them.

  Then reality came crashing down.

  “You need to go.”

  Eva blinked. Then she shot up from the bed to her feet, staring at him as she did so.

  “You?” she echoed.

  “You and Peter,” he clarified. He glanced at Peter, who was sleeping beside the packed bag in bed. The boy had been endlessly tired. Raz turned to look at her again, not quite meeting her eyes. “I’ll hold the fort for a while. I need to talk to Lucinda first. Then I’m going after you.”

  There was something off with his words, and Eva waited for him to meet her gaze. When he finally did, it felt like he was looking into her soul, and the way he stared at her was uncanny. He seemed to be trying to find the right words to say to make her listen.

  “Eva, I know you don’t agree.”

  “You bet I don’t,” she cut in. It made a small smile appear on his lips. “Raz, what on earth are you planning?”

  “Do you trust me?”


  She said it with no hesitation, and she could see the way her confidence in him almost made him stagger. Realizing that their nature probably never allowed him to trust anyone a hundred percent, Eva took his hand. Then she leaned her head on his shoulder, inhaling the manly scent of the man that she’d come to love.

  After a while, he squeezed her hand. “Then trust me on this one, Eva. Please. I’ll explain everything after.”

  Reluctantly, she nodded.


  They left at night, with Raz giving them a map of how to get to some secret place he’d prepared years ago to hide out—except now he was giving it to her and Peter, so they could use it in his place. Ever since they stepped foot outside and never looked back, a niggling feeling had settled on Eva’s shoulders, one that persistently throbbed and bothered her.


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