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Her Two Dads

Page 11

by Ariel Tachna

  Pulling on a pair of flannel sleep pants and his robe, Srikkanth walked into the bedroom to find the most tempting sight he’d seen in a long time. Jaime lay in his bed, bare-chested, a welcoming smile on his face. “Why aren’t you freezing?” Srikkanth asked, shivering despite his robe.

  “Because I’m thinking of you,” Jaime replied with an impish grin. “Get in bed and I’ll help warm you up.”

  Srikkanth shed his robe, his skin tingling in the cool room, and climbed into bed next to Jaime, gasping at the heat radiating off the other man’s body. “You’re a regular furnace!”

  Jaime smiled. “I told you I’d warm you up.”

  Srikkanth snuggled closer, enjoying the heat of a body next to his and the sensation of skin against skin. Jaime’s arms enclosed him in a welcoming embrace, eliciting a deep sigh from Srikkanth’s chest.

  “Tired?” Jaime asked.

  “A little,” Srikkanth replied, “but mostly happy to be here with you.”

  Jaime smiled against Srikkanth’s hair. “I’m happy to be here too.” His hands smoothed down the long muscles of Srikkanth’s back in gentle imitation of the massage earlier in the evening.

  Srikkanth hummed his pleasure, the sound too much of a temptation for Jaime. He tipped Srikkanth’s head up so their mouths could meet as he repeated the caress, hoping for more of the encouraging noises. Srikkanth obliged, his lips parting with eager abandon, ceding control of the kiss to Jaime’s skillful mastery. When his hands met fabric, Jaime debated for a moment slipping them beneath, but he decided not to, letting them coast lower on top of the cloth instead.

  Srikkanth shifted closer still, aligning their bodies completely as he began his own explorations. Jaime was warm—hot—all over, his back beneath Srikkanth’s hands as well as his chest pressed firmly against Srikkanth’s front. Sri let his hands wander, imitating Jaime’s caresses, reveling in the way Jaime moved against him, more intimate than all the eager kisses that had gone before. There was something about lying in bed with someone, kissing and caressing, that added depth to the movements, far more than standing in the kitchen or snuggling on the couch. Not that Srikkanth had been this bold before now. He’d realized at the park today how much of a family they were becoming, and that gave him the courage—the freedom—to act as he was now.

  He rolled to his back, drawing Jaime with him so the other man lay directly on top of him, his weight pushing Srikkanth into the mattress. He twined his fingers in Jaime’s dark hair, drawing their lips together for a kiss, wondering where his fatigue had gone and how far they dared go tonight, when a cry in the other room had them jumping apart like guilty schoolboys.

  Srikkanth glanced at the clock. “She’s hungry,” he apologized, getting up and reaching for his robe.

  “I’ll get the bottle and meet you in the nursery,” Jaime offered. “I don’t want you out of my sight for as long as it would take you to feed her by yourself.”

  Srikkanth grinned, his face glowing at the thought that Jaime desired his company to that extent. “Okay. Hurry.”

  Jaime nodded, taking the steps two at a time on his way down to get the bottle. Srikkanth pulled his robe on, not up to walking around bare-chested in the cool house, and went into the nursery, picking Sophie up and sitting on the daybed. Usually, he fed her in the rocking chair, but there wasn’t room for both him and Jaime in the rocking chair. It would be snug even on the daybed. Two minutes later, Jaime came in with the bottle, handing it to Srikkanth and urging him to scoot toward the foot of the bed so Jaime could prop the pillows up. When they were arranged to his satisfaction, he reclined against them, pulled Srikkanth and Sophie into his arms, and drew the covers up over all three of them. “Warm enough?”

  “Between you and Sophie, I’m nice and toasty,” Srikkanth promised, watching Sophie as she gobbled down the formula. Her eyes closed quickly as the familiar routine lulled her back to sleep. Closing his eyes as well, Srikkanth let his head settle against Jaime’s shoulder, reveling in the inner warmth evoked by their pose. He was pretty sure he’d be content to never move, although it would be hard to do much more than kiss Jaime sitting this way. Jaime wasn’t so constrained, though, his hands free to wander other than where Srikkanth was holding Sophie.

  She finished her bottle and Srikkanth tucked her back in bed, both of them bending to kiss her forehead before they left the room again, shutting the door quietly behind them.

  “Shall we go back to bed?” Jaime asked.

  Srikkanth shivered, not only from the cold.

  “I think that’s the best idea I’ve heard all night.”

  Chapter 11

  Back in bed, they snuggled together again, Srikkanth’s robe falling to the floor beneath Jaime’s hands as he crowded Srikkanth from behind. “Eager?” Srikkanth teased.

  “If you only knew,” Jaime replied, nudging Srikkanth with his hips. He didn’t make any move beyond that, however, much to Srikkanth’s disappointment.

  Srikkanth rolled into Jaime’s arms, bringing as much of their bodies into contact as he could, his hands roving over his boyfriend’s back. “Now where were we?”

  “I don’t know,” Jaime teased in return. “You’ll have to refresh my memory.”

  Srikkanth grinned and rolled onto his back again, pulling Jaime on top of him as they’d been before Sophie woke up. “Now let’s hope the rest doesn’t repeat itself.”

  “I hope she sleeps,” Jaime agreed, “but you know it doesn’t bother me that she needs you.”

  “Needs us,” Srikkanth insisted. “I couldn’t do this by myself, but more than that, I see her reacting to you the same way she reacts to me.”

  Jaime shrugged, a little worried Sri would feel like Jaime was trying to take his place as Sophie’s father. “Close maybe, but she knows who her father is.”

  “I don’t mind, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Srikkanth said quickly. “Most babies have two parents to love and to love them. I’m not losing anything by having her care for you too. I’m just glad you want to be a part of her life as well as of mine.”

  Jaime chuckled. “At this point, I don’t see one being possible without the other. Besides, I’m the one who’s the winner in this situation. I get a gorgeous boyfriend and an adorable child all in one swoop.”

  Srikkanth blushed, though he doubted it would show with his dark skin. It didn’t stop the heat from rising in his face at Jaime’s declaration. He slipped his arms around Jaime’s neck and pulled his face down for a kiss. Their lips met gently, brushing back and forth, tender contact that reinforced Jaime’s words. Srikkanth’s impatience grew at the slow pace. His body clamored for more. He flicked his tongue over Jaime’s lips, asking for more. Jaime’s lips parted, welcoming him in, his tongue tangling with Srikkanth’s, sharing one breath as the kiss deepened. Srikkanth ran his hands down Jaime’s back, stopping at the waistband of his pajama bottoms. “May I?”

  Jaime lifted his head, staring down into Srikkanth’s eyes in the dim light of the lamp. “I don’t want to rush this,” he said slowly. “I want to take our time and savor every moment and take every step consciously rather than because we got swept away by our feelings. Just let me hold you tonight. That’s enough for now. There will be time for more later, when everything isn’t so new.”

  Disappointed, Srikkanth rolled from beneath Jaime’s weight, but the other man’s arms wound around him immediately, spooning them together, making it clear without words that his choice was a delay, not a rejection. Srikkanth relaxed into the embrace, sighing softly when Jaime nuzzled the back of his neck before pulling the covers over them so they would stay warm as they slept.

  Two days later, Srikkanth lay in wait for Jaime’s return. Jaime had called to say he’d be late because of a problem at the store and not to try to keep Sophie up or to hold dinner. Srikkanth had put Sophie to bed at her normal time—he’d already figured out the importance of keeping her routine as regular as possible—but he’d stuck dinner back in the fridge and settled for a qu
ick snack for himself to tide him over until Jaime got home. The thought of eating alone was completely unappealing. He’d rather wait for Jaime, even if it meant being hungry, than eat by himself. Instead, he’d dug out a jar of peanuts and munched on them to take the edge off.

  The store was closed now, though, so Jaime would be home soon unless the problem was a whole lot bigger than Jaime’d led Srikkanth to believe.

  The door opened and Jaime trudged in, his shoulders drooping, his head bowed.

  “Hey,” Srikkanth said softly, not wanting to startle Jaime. “You all right?”

  Jaime did his best to summon a smile, but Srikkanth could see the effort it cost him. “Yeah, just tired. I had to fire somebody today because I suspected him of stealing from the store. I hate letting people go under any circumstances, but that was worse than usual.”

  Srikkanth winced. “Did you have to call the police?”

  Jaime nodded. “They took him in for questioning because they didn’t have enough proof to charge him yet, but either way, I had to deal with it.”

  Srikkanth took Jaime’s coat from his hands, hanging it on the coat rack near the door and pulling the other man into his arms. “Are you hungry? The curry and rice are ready. I just have to stick them in the microwave for a few minutes.”

  “I’ll get something in a few minutes,” Jaime said. “What I’d really like is a stiff drink.”

  “We don’t have any hard liquor, but I think there are a few beers left if you want one of those,” Srikkanth offered. “And it’s no problem to heat things up for you. Come in the kitchen and have a seat. You’ve been taking such good care of me. Let me take care of you tonight.”

  Jaime followed Srikkanth into the kitchen, not voicing a protest. Honestly, he needed it, so tired he wasn’t sure he could heat up his own meal. He smiled more genuinely at Srikkanth when his boyfriend brought him a beer. His eyes tracked Srikkanth lazily as he moved around the kitchen, getting out bowls and spooning food into them. “Not that much,” Jaime protested. “I’m hungry, yeah, but I’ll never eat all that.”

  “Good,” Srikkanth laughed, “because that’s supposed to be for both of us. I might be a little put out if you ate my dinner too.”

  “I told you not to wait to eat,” Jaime scolded.

  “And I told you to let me take care of you,” Srikkanth retorted, putting their dinner in the microwave and coming over to kiss Jaime. “If I’d decided I couldn’t wait any longer, I’d have eaten, but I wanted to wait for you. I like eating dinner with you, even if we eat at”—he glanced at the clock—“ten o’clock some nights.”

  Jaime’s smile grew bigger. “Okay, fine. You win. I won’t nag anymore.”

  Srikkanth kissed Jaime again, lingering this time, hoping his attentions would ease some of the tension he could still see on Jaime’s face. The microwave dinged to let them know the food was hot, but Srikkanth didn’t move right away, preferring to take a moment longer with Jaime. When the other man sighed and relaxed, Srikkanth straightened up. “Do you want paratha? It wouldn’t take but another minute to heat it up.”

  Jaime shook his head. “Not with the rice. Too much starch.”

  “Okay,” Srikkanth said, getting a fork out for Jaime as he went to the microwave and carried the bowls to the table. “Enjoy.”

  Jaime filled his plate, passing the bowls to Srikkanth when he was done. He had learned to use the various Indian breads as an eating utensil, but he hadn’t quite mastered the art of eating rice and curry with his fingers. More ended up back on his plate or in his lap than in his mouth. Srikkanth made it look easy, though, scooping the rice and vegetables into a little ball and into his mouth with practiced ease. It made Jaime want to lean over and lick the long fingers clean. He pushed the thought aside with the first bite, but it came back with a vengeance when Srikkanth smiled just as he pushed a second bite between his even white teeth.

  Scooting his chair closer, Jaime reached out and captured Srikkanth’s wrist, pulling the sauce-covered fingers to his mouth and sucking them clean.

  “Not enough curry on your plate?” Srikkanth husked.

  Jaime shook his head. “It just tastes better off your fingers than off my fork.”

  Srikkanth moaned softly, withdrawing his hand so he could gather another bite, offering it to Jaime along with his fingers. Jaime’s lips parted, evoking all sorts of salacious thoughts in Srikkanth’s mind as the rice disappeared and Jaime’s tongue swiped over his hand.

  “More?” Srikkanth asked, voice cracking.

  Jaime smiled. “What do you think?”

  Not needing more encouragement, Srikkanth offered another mouthful, eyes closing as his cock twitched at the lascivious way Jaime licked his fingers each time. He shifted in his chair, trying to find a more comfortable position, but it didn’t do any good with Jaime apparently determined to drive him out of his mind.

  “You eat some too,” Jaime reminded him when Srikkanth presented every bite to him.

  “I like feeding you more.”

  Jaime’s grin widened. “Yeah, but you’ll need your strength for later.”

  “That sounds promising,” Srikkanth grinned, popping the next bite in his mouth before offering more to Jaime. If two bites went in Jaime’s mouth for every one that Srikkanth ate, Jaime figured it was a better percentage than before.

  When they finished eating, Srikkanth started toward the sink, but Jaime caught his hand. “I’ll get them in the morning. I don’t have to be in until one since I stayed late tonight. Come to bed, Sri.”

  Srikkanth set the plates on the counter and turned back to Jaime. His eyes glittered with desire, hot and potent, promising all manner of carnal delights if Srikkanth would simply reach out and take them. Turning back to the sink momentarily, he washed his hands, taking extra care to make sure all trace of spices were gone from his hands. He most definitely did not want the oils from the chilies to burn Jaime in sensitive places, and he hoped the look on Jaime’s face meant he’d be getting his hands on such places tonight. Assured he wouldn’t hurt his boyfriend inadvertently, Srikkanth walked to Jaime’s side. “So what’s this about bed?”

  Jaime laughed and pulled Srikkanth into his arms. “When did Sophie last eat? I’d rather not be interrupted if we can help it.”

  “About ten minutes before you got home,” Srikkanth assured him. “We should have at least an hour until she wakes up. Probably longer.”

  “Perfect,” Jaime purred, taking Srikkanth’s hand and leading him toward the downstairs bedroom. “This way we don’t have to worry about making too much noise and waking her up.”

  Srikkanth grinned. “Are we going to be making noise?”

  “I certainly hope so! After your display at dinner, I want to know what else your hands are good at besides feeding me.”

  Srikkanth’s stomach tightened with desire. “I think I can oblige.”

  They tumbled into Jaime’s room, crowding each other in their hurry to get inside and undressed. Srikkanth’s sweats landed on the floor in a heap. He took a little more care with Jaime’s shirt and tie, not wanting to ruin them, but his patience was wearing thin by the time he reached his boyfriend’s belt. “Help me here?” he said tartly. “The sooner you get rid of these, the sooner I can show you what else I can do with my hands.”

  Jaime took a step back and dropped his pants and underwear in one smooth motion, leaving him completely bare standing in the dim room. Srikkanth pounced, needing to touch. They’d slept together the last few nights, but this was the first time he’d had permission, much less an invitation, to touch beyond kissing and a few simple caresses. One hand tangled in Jaime’s hair as the other slid around his hip to grab one firm butt cheek, squeezing experimentally. Jaime moaned into the kiss Srikkanth bestowed on him as Srikkanth stroked over the tensile strength of his boyfriend’s body, learning the feel of smooth skin beneath his hand. He could imagine getting very addicted to the feeling very quickly.

  Deciding he wanted to see more than the light
from the other room allowed, Srikkanth flipped on the overhead light, revealing Jaime fully to his gaze. He had the golden skin and dark hair so typical of his Hispanic origin, but Srikkanth knew that already. He was far more interested in the features that made Jaime unique: the curve of his lips as he smiled, the arch of his eyebrows as he stood patiently beneath Srikkanth’s examination.

  The way his cock jumped beneath Srikkanth’s gaze as if he’d touched it.

  Jaime was gorgeous, his body lean and hard with muscle, not overly bulky but definitely ripped. Srikkanth could practically feel the heat radiating from Jaime’s body, tempting him to step closer and touch the bounty before his eyes.

  “About time,” Jaime teased when Srikkanth finally moved. “I was beginning to think you’d changed your mind.”


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