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Mile High: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  Well he was about to get to the prize. It took a little bit of doing for them to get situated, but the chairs were big enough and spacious enough that there was no problem getting the two of them in one. Particularly when Craig was on the bottom and my wife was on top of him in a position that was quite similar to how I’d been positioned with her just moments ago.

  Craig looked over at me and there was a mixture of disbelief and surprise plainly evident on his face. I just smiled, my best attempt at reassuring him without words, and there was an unspoken communication that passed between us. I wanted him to have no doubt that I was cool with this.

  There was also no doubt that Nicole was cool with it. She started grinding against him in much the same way she’d been grinding against me, and it was hypnotic watching her. It was like she was the star in the world’s naughtiest porno, only the feeling of watching her was amplified to far greater levels of arousal than any porn I’d ever watched precisely because this was my gorgeous wife pressing against him.

  I found myself particularly fascinated by the curve of her ass, something I’d enjoyed running my hands over on countless occasions, and watching those curves pressing against another man’s body. Seeing her writhing in pleasure and knowing that she’d reached that point after only a few minutes of pressing against him was driving me crazy as much as it seemed to be driving Craig wild.

  Yeah, she was fucking turned on. It seemed I was right. Their little flirtation earlier in the day wasn’t my imagination, and fuck was this so incredibly fucking hot watching their bodies coming together. I licked my lips, praying that they would do a whole lot more than grinding against one another before the night was over. It was going to be one hell of a long night anyways considering how much of our flight we had ahead of us.

  Craig locked eyes with Nicole and they stared into one another’s eyes as though they were the only two people in the world. It was as though I was forgotten in that moment, but that was fine with me. I was just an observer. All I wanted was to watch. If they wanted to forget about me in the moment then that was perfectly fucking fine with me!

  His hands moved up and then he was exploring her body. He seemed to really be enjoying the opportunity to finally get up close and personal, and I found myself wondering exactly how long he’d been fantasizing about this moment. Exactly how long he’d been waiting for an opportunity to explore Nicole.

  She was fucking hot and it would take a dead man to not be interested in her. I’d always noticed the comments he made and I always wondered how far he’d go given the opportunity, and I guess I was getting my answer right now. I stared in fascination as one of his hands moved down to the curve of her ass and then he was giving it a squeeze that elicited a quiet gasp from Nicole.

  A quiet gasp that she immediately tried to clamp down on. Her eyes went wide and then she was biting her lip in a desperate bid to keep quiet. I couldn’t blame her. The last thing she needed to be doing was moaning or doing anything to give away exactly what was going on here. The last thing we needed was to wake up anybody who could come investigating and see what was happening.

  And it was so fucking hot watching her trying to keep quiet. Knowing that she must be so fucking turned on as his hand explored her. As the hand on her ass moved up and then he was moving down inside her shorts. His hand was running along her bare ass giving it a squeeze even as his other hand danced up her slim stomach and then he was cupping one of her breasts.

  Through her tank top, to be sure, but it was still incredible. Another man was feeling up my wife. He was running his hands all over her and from the way her breathing was picking up, from the way she was letting out long gasps that somehow didn’t actually involve vocalizing her moans, I could tell that she was quickly going from simply being turned on to being pushed over the edge. To being pushed to a place where she almost completely lost control.

  Which could be a little awkward considering where we were. I found myself hoping that she could at least keep some measure of control, even if I did want to see her losing herself in the moment. The idea of getting caught, the risk of doing this in such a public place, was fucking hot. Something told me that the reality of getting caught wasn’t going to be nearly as fun though.

  It didn’t look like anyone was aware that anything was going on, though. Hell, everyone else on the plane was still passed out and snoring. I really hoped the pilots weren’t as tired as everyone else on this flight seemed to be.

  I turned my attention back to Nicole and Craig. Back to the hypnotic sight of his thumbs tracing circles around her nipples while the rest of his hand was gently squeezing her tit. Molding it with his fingers and getting used to the soft yet firm contours of her body. I took in a deep shuddering breath at that sight and had to pinch myself to make absolutely sure this was reality and not just an incredibly lucid fantasy scenario.

  Craig continued exploring her body like that for another couple of minutes. He didn’t seem to be in any hurry to rush, and I wasn’t going to push him along either. He could take all the time in the world to explore every inch of Nicole if he wanted to. It was frustrating and arousing at the same time the way he was dancing around the goal without actually going for it, and every time his hands moved up and danced along the edge of her tank top, every time he threatened to finish what I’d started by teasing him with pulling down her tank top.

  Fuck, I was surprised he’d managed to last this long. If I found myself getting with a girl I’d been lusting after for as long as he’d probably been lusting over Nicole, if I got a chance with a chick who I’d thought was absolutely off limits, I probably wouldn’t be able to resist. I wouldn’t be able to hold back. His restraint was as admirable as it was impressive.

  I was also impressed that her top hadn’t just pulled down while they were getting down and dirty. I figured it would’ve gotten knocked loose by now, but it was stubbornly staying in place and refusing to budge. I suppose that was a testament to just how fucking tight most of the clothes Nicole wore actually were.

  Finally he seemed to get tired of the tease, though. Nicole was panting over him and her gorgeous tight ass was churning in a regular circle as she bore down on his cock. Her eyes were filled with lust and she was licking her lips every couple of minutes and biting her lips at every other moment to keep from crying out from the pleasure.

  Then I got a really pleasant surprise. I guess Nicole was having the same problem I’d had when she was grinding against me, because suddenly her eyes squeezed shut. Her breathing started to come in quick panting gasps and her teeth were held together like she was trying to keep from letting out any noise. Meanwhile her hands went to Craig’s shoulders and her knuckles seemed to be white as she dug in and held on for dear life.

  I leaned in closer, transfixed as her body seemed to vibrate. As she started to shudder and shake. As the smallest hint of a gentle cry escaped her mouth, but then Craig was moving his hand up against her mouth to keep any other sound from escaping. Not that he needed to worry. Somehow she managed to keep it under control. She managed to keep any other noise from escaping as her ass stayed locked in place against his cock and one hell of an orgasm crashed over her.

  I didn’t even bother looking around to make sure the coast was clear this time. No, I was too preoccupied with the sight of my beautiful wife coming on another man’s cock. Even if this was as far as the fantasy went tonight it was a moment that was going to be locked in my permanent spank bank for all of eternity. We’re talking the kind of memory I’d be jerking off to at the nursing home someday in the far future, assuming I could still get it up enough to flog the dolphin when I was that age.

  Nicole looked more beautiful than I’d ever seen her before. The way her face was screwed up in that delicious agonized look that paradoxically meant a woman was feeling the ultimate pleasure. The way her nostrils were flaring as she breathed in deeply while Craig’s hand covered her mouth. The small squeaks that were escaping that would’ve made it pretty fucking obviou
s what was going on here if Craig’s hand wasn’t there. The way her body seemed frozen in time, the only movement coming from the involuntary shuddering of her muscles as she was hit with that incredible pleasure.

  Nicole came down slowly from that feeling. First her arms relaxed just a little. Then the quiet gasps subsided and Craig risked puling his hand away from her mouth. I braced myself for her to make some sort of noise, but thankfully she seemed to have it under control and the only sound was a deep gasping breathing as though she’d just run a couple of miles or something. The rest of her body relaxed and then she leaned down and was peppering Craig’s face with kisses.

  Damn that had been intense. He’d managed to make her come with nothing but a little dry humping and running his hands over her body. Talk about an intense feeling. I never thought that a good old fashioned grinding session could be so intense, but the added perverse pleasure of knowing it was my wife grinding against another guy certainly added the spice that was necessary to make that the most intense sexual thing I’d witnessed my wife doing.

  It looked like they weren’t going to waste much time in topping that, though. As soon as Nicole was back to earth Craig started his exploration again, only this time he wasn’t playing around. No, this time his hand went directly up to her tank top. More specifically to the part that rested just above her cleavage. His finger came to rest between the swell of her tits and she looked down and then back up. Smiled.

  I grinned right along with them, but it was obvious that I was completely forgotten. It was obvious they were off in their own little world as they embarked on this naughty exploration, and again I was perfectly fine with that as long as I got to watch.

  He pressed down. More and more of those perfect globes was revealed. Down to the tan line she got because there weren’t any good places for her to take her top off. I made a note that next time we went on vacation I was definitely going to have to look into whether or not there were any nude beaches in the area since she’d expressed an interest in getting an all around tan. He continued pulling down, their breath the only sound other than the steady whine of the plane’s engines off in the distance, and stopped as the first hint of pink came into view right above two prominent bumps where her nipples were so fucking hard.

  The three of us stayed paused in that moment that stretched on, and then he was pulling down and her tits finally popped out while doing that intoxicating bounce that I always loved to see. There it was. My wife was half naked in front of another man. She’d revealed a part of her in an up close and intimate way that blew away all the fun we’d had before. This definitely wasn’t the same as “accidentally” flashing someone. This wasn’t the same as her wearing a deliberately revealing outfit. No, I realized that up until this charged moment we’d been playing in the kiddie pool, and with that one motion we’d just jumped straight to the bottom of the deep end with nothing to keep us afloat.

  And good goddamn was it so fucking hot! What happened next was even hotter, though.

  Craig pulled her down and his tongue flicked out. It swirled around one of her rock hard nipples and she was gasping and sighing as she started to move first one, then the other into his mouth. It was like she craved the touch of his tongue, of his mouth, almost as much as he was craving the taste of her body. I also noticed that they started the grinding again, only this time his hands were moving down along her waist, pulling her tank top along with so that it was booked just under her stomach leaving her completely exposed.

  His hands kept going though. He wasn’t satisfied just with exposing her stomach. No, I heard the telltale sound of a zipper moving down as her ass moved up so she could give him better access. Then one of her hands was moving down and running up and down his cock. Fuck! My wife was feeling up another man’s cock! I felt like I was going to pass out if this kept up for much longer. It was so fucking charged. It was so fucking intense. My chest was tightening and I was having trouble breathing. I had to hold onto my armrest because it was an anchor to reality as my mind threatened to go completely overboard into the fantasy world playing out in front of me.

  Another zipper moving down. Nicole’s hand disappearing inside his pants. A bulge starting to move up and down as her fingers no doubt were dancing up and down the length of his shaft, exploring its contours. I projected myself into his head. Wondered what he was thinking as my wife felt him up. As he felt her hand running up and down his cock. I’m sure he was already primed and ready to go because he’d struck out while we were on vacation, not to mention the way he’d been drooling over Nicole in her barely-there swimsuits the entire weekend. All I could do was watch as every jerk off fantasy I’d ever had about my wife with another man was finally coming true right in front of me with her hand wrapped around his cock.

  He was busy with his own hands. Moving her up and pulling her shorts down. I blinked as her glistening pussy came into view and I thought about putting a sheet over them so it wouldn’t be obvious what they were doing if someone happened to walk by, but at the same time I didn’t want to do anything of the sort because throwing a sheet to block the view of someone passing by would also block my view.

  Besides, it was still so fucking hot thinking about the potential for getting caught. Thinking about how someone could walk by at any moment was adding another layer of forbidden naughtiness to this whole experience that had my skin tingling and goose bumps rising all over my body as my wife was almost completely exposed.

  I looked down between their legs as Craig lifted up a little and did a scooting motion and then his cock was out. Nicole’s hands were still wrapped around it and my breath caught as I realized what was happening. She was holding his cock so that she could maneuver it, and of course the only reason she’d maneuver it was so that he could get in position to commit the ultimate fantasy sin. He was within inches of fucking my wife.

  Was this really going to happen? When we invited him over here I figured it might just be a little bit of playing around. Maybe showing off Nicole’s tits. I figured when her hand went into his pants that maybe she’d jerk him off and provide a little relief, but things were spiraling out of control far faster than I could keep up with it. I knew in the back of my head that letting her fuck him was going to be crossing one hell of a line that was so far beyond any that we’d crossed so far, and yet at the same time as I stared at that spot where their bodies were about to come together, where another man was about to enjoy the ultimate forbidden pleasure my wife had to offer, the obsession was taking over. The roaring voice that always asserted its dominance in these moments. That had to see what naughty adventures my wife would get up to.

  She glanced over to me and there was an obvious question in her eyes. Craig seemed beyond caring what I thought, and with my nearly completely naked wife hovering over him in low darkness of a passenger jet hurtling towards home at hundreds of miles per hour I can’t say I blamed him. If we were in the reverse I’d be more concerned with what was about to happen than I was with whether or not it was a good idea to let it happen.

  Was I going to let it happen? That question was there and it was pretty damn obvious. I could shake my head and I knew deep down that would be it. I knew that I had veto power over whether or not this was actually going to happen. And in a fucked up way that actually made me feel better about what I was going to do. Knowing that I had the power to stop this from happening before it started, knowing that on some level Nicole hadn’t lost herself to the point that she was going to throw out concern for our relationship, reassured me that this was something we could do and everything would be okay.

  Well, maybe not okay. If we did this things were never going to be the same again, but at least we could do it and our relationship would still be intact.

  I grinned and nodded. Gave her the go ahead. It was time to finally bring this fantasy into the real world.

  5: Cleared for Takeoff

  It was a confusing maelstrom of emotions running through me as it happened. Arousal was the
first and foremost thing I was feeling. This fantasy had always made me so fucking hot. I never had figured out what it was about me that made the idea of my wife getting with another man a fucking turn on instead of my worst nightmare, but we always had our best sex, for me at least, when we were talking about this.

  And now it was happening. We were still in tight quarters, to be sure. The plane didn’t magically become larger even if we did have more leg room, but there was plenty of space for them to get up to the naughty antics that I so desperately needed to see. And sitting next to them I had a front row seat as his cockhead moved up between her legs. As it pressed against those perfect lips and split her down the middle in a slow seductive dance.

  Nicole looked over at me and her eyes were lidded with lust. Her mouth was hanging open in a permanent gasp. I could smell the arousal coming off of her. I could see how fucking slick she was, and I even thought I saw a trickle of her arousal moving down the length of his cock as he started pulling her down onto his cock.

  The reaction was immediate. Nicole squeezed her eyes shut and she started hyperventilating. Unfortunately, and arousingly at the same time I might add, that hyperventilating also came with quiet little moans of pleasure that were loud enough that they were running up and down the length of the cabin. I didn’t think anyone was awake to hear what was going on, but if anyone was awake then there’d be no fucking mistaking what was going on here.

  I hated to pull myself away from that intoxicating sight of their two bodies coming together, but at the same time I had to know that there was no one getting suspicious. I stuck my head out into the aisle once more but I didn’t see anyone also sticking their heads out into the aisle trying to figure out where the obvious sounds of fucking were coming from. I didn’t see any of the flight attendants looking back at us with the sort of smile that would indicate they were hearing the familiar sound of someone else being initiated into the mile high club.


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